Parking Ordinance

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ORDINANCE 2021-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOROUGH OF POINT PLEASANT BEACH, COUNTY OF OCEAN AND STATE OF NEW JERSEY AMENDING CHAPTER X “PARKING METERS AND PAY MACHINES” WHEREAS the Mayor and Council ofthe Borough of Point Pleasant Beach ae avare of the continuing need to regulate parking, in aceas designated ws pay packing areas; and WHEREAS the Borough Council desires to amend the maximum amount of fees charged for parking inthe Borough by $.25 per hour, and WHEREAS the Mayor and Council ofthe Borough of Point Pleasant Beach have determined that revisions to Chapter X ofthe Revised General Ordinances ofthe Borough of Pint Plessant Beach are necessary to address the concer as afore NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor & Council ofthe Borough of Poin Pleasant Beach, County of Ocean and State of New Jersey as follows: ‘Sestion 1, Chapter X of the Code of the Borough of Point Plessant Beach entitled “Parking Meters aid Pay Machines" Section 10-2.1 Schedule A js deleted and replaced with the tached new Schedule "A." Section 2. All sections of Chapter X not amended hereunder shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. Inthe event any section, part or provision ofthis Ordinance shall be held unconstitutional ‘or invalid by any Court, such holding shall not affect the validity ofthis Ordinance or any remaining part of this Ordinance other than the part held unconstitutional or invalid, Section 4 All ordinances, or parts thereof, which are inconsistent withthe provisions ofthis (Ordinance, are hereby repealed tothe extent of ther inconsistencies ‘This Ordinance shal take effect immediately upon adoption and publication inthe manner required by law. Approved this ay of. 2020: ‘Borough of Point Pleasant Beach Paul Kanitra, Mayor NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatthe foregoing Ordinance was introduced ‘and passed upon first reading at a meeting of the Governing Body of the Borough of Point Pleasant Beach, in the County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, on March 2, 2021 It will be further considered for final passage after public hearing thereon at regular mecting of the Governing Body to be held via the Zoom online meeting platform on ‘March 16, 2021, which begins at 7:30 PM (or at aay time end placelpltform to which ssuch meeting may be adjourned), at which time and place any person desiring to be hheard will be given an opportunity tobe so heard. To attend the meeting online go to: ‘Mecting ID: 928 8529 0645 / Passcade: 436997 ATWiNdeMWS teLtaOT09 To attend via telephone dial 1 (929) 205-6099, follow prompts and press # (if ‘prompted for participant ID, press # to bypass). Any changes to the meeting location, ‘online meeting platform, meeting ID, password, online URL ot telephone dial ‘number will be posted fo the Borough's web site, wwsw pointpleasantbeach ore. During the week prior to an up to and including the date of such meeting, copies of the full ‘ordinance will be available at no cost for members ofthe general public inthe Police lobby of the Municipal Building, 416 New Jersey Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ (08742 and on the Borough's website: (hupsd/pointpleasant jinances)) or can be obtained by calling the Borough Clerk (732/892-1118, ext. 210) during the hours of AM to 4 PM. ‘EILEEN FARRELL, RMC Municipal Clerk PARKING METERS AND PAY MACHINES SCHEDULEA IL accu wih be poisons of Subsection 1021, te loving eons ae eins bing mee leeatice fie tn _ [Slow amie! Hoses! bee sea fever doy [zsgnmissez [eadeod bers a Seeeer ern esce Fis (Sirs ee a ee lemeretsme framers? 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