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Calatagan Golf Club, Inc. vs. Sixto Clemente, JR.

G.R. No. 16544; April 16, 2009


Clemente purchased one share of stock from Calatagan for Php 120,000, indicating in his
application for membership his mailingaddress at “Phimco Industries Inc., PO box 240, MCC”.
Calatagan then issued to him his Certificate of Stock.

Calatagan charges monthly dues in the amount of 400 pesos at the time Clemente became a
member. Clemente paid Php 3,000 and Php 5,400 on March 21, 1991 and Dec. 9 1991 for his
monthly dues. Then he ceased paying the amount with a balance of Php 400.

10 months after, Calatagan demanded payment from Clemente for the monthly dues and a
second letter was subsequently sent to Clemente’s mailing address indicated in the app lication.
The letters were sent back to the sender with a postal note that the address had been clised.

Calatagan declared Clemente as delinquent and posted it in the club’s bulletin.

On Dec. 1, 1992, Calatagan’s board of directors adopted a resolution fo r the foreclosure of the
shares of its delinquent members and a public auction of such shares

Calatagan, on Dec. 7, 1992, Sent a final letter to Clemente, signed by the Corp Sec, to settle his
account or else his share would be sold at a public auction, sent to the same mailing address.

On Jan. 5, 1993, a notice of auction was posted in the club’s bulletin and premises and an auction
took place 10 days after. Clemente’s share sold for Php 64k and a certificate of sale was issued
to the winning bidder. At this time, his monthly due was at Php 5,200. The notice of foreclosure
was published in Business World on May 26, 1993

Clemente knew of the sale onl in 1997 and filed for restoration of his shares at the SEC.

SEC, on Nov 15,2000, dismissed Clemente’s compla int citing that the corp code provides that
sale of shares at an auction can only be questioned within 6 months from the date of sale.

CA reversed the SEC decision and ordered the restoration of Clemente’s share (issue new one)
with damages worth Php 400k claiming sec. 69 of the Corp Code refers only to unpaid
subscriptions of capital stock and not any other debt of stockholders. They cite Art 1140 of the
Civil Code which sets the prescription at 8 years. ( the return of the demand letter was also pointed
out by the CA that the by-law requirement that within 10 days of the auction sale, it shall notify
the owner thereof and that a person who is in danger of imminent loss of a property has the right
to be notified and given a chance to prevent the loss)


Has the sale of the delinquent stock prescribed?



“WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED.
Costs against petitioner.

There are fundamental differences that defy equivalence or even analogy between the sale of
delinquent stock under Section 68 and the sale that occurred in this case. At the root of the sale
of delinquent stock is the non-payment of the subscription price for the share of stock itself. The
stockholder or subscriber has yet to fully pay for the value of the share or shares subscribed. In
this case, Clemente had already fully paid for the share in Calatagan and no longer had any
outstanding obligation to deprive him of full title to his share. Perhaps the analogy could have
been made if Clemente had not yet fully paid for his share and the non-stock corporation, pursuant
to an article or by-law provision designed to address that situation, decided to sell such share as
a consequence. But that is not the case here, and there is no purpose for us to apply Section 69
to the case at bar.

Calatagan’s Articles of Incorporation states that the "dues, together with all other obligations of
members to the club, shal l constitute a first lien on the shares, second only to any lien in favor of
the national or local government, and in the event of delinquency such shares may be ordered
sold by the Board of Directors in the manner provided in the By-Laws to satisfy said dues or other
obligations of the stockholders." In turn, there are several provisions in the By-laws that govern
the payment of dues, the lapse into delinquency of the member, and the constitution and
execution on the lien.

It is plain that Calatagan had endeavored to install a clear and comprehensive procedure to
govern the payment of monthly dues, the declaration of a member as delinquent, and the
constitution of a lien on the shares and its eventual public sale to answer for the member’s debts.
Under Section 91 of the Corporation Code, membership in a non-stock corporation "shall be
terminated in the manner and for the causes provided in the articles of incorporation or the by -

The By-law provisions are elaborate in explaining the manner and the causes for the termination
of membership in Calatagan, through the execution on the lien of the share. The Court is satisfied
that the By-Laws, as written, affords due protection to the member by assuring that the member
should be notified by the Secretary of the looming execution sale that would terminate
membership in the club.

In addition, the By-Laws guarantees that after the execution sale, the proceeds of the sale would
be returned to the former member after deducting the outstanding obligations. If followed to the
letter, the termination of membership under this procedure outlined in the By-Laws would accord
with substantial justice. (By laws provided that within 10 days after the Board has ordered the
sale, sec. shall notify the owner thereof. That the membership committee shall notify all applicants
on the waiting list and all registered stockholders of the availability of such share f or sale at least
10 days prior to the auction)
In accordance with this provision, Calatagan sent the third and final demand letter to Clemente
on December 7, 1992. The letter states that if the amount of delinquency is not paid, the share
will be included among the delinquent shares to be sold at public auction. This letter was signed
by Atty. Benjamin Tanedo, Jr., Calatagan Gol f’s Corporate Secretary. It was again sent to
Clemente’s mailing address – Phimco Industries Inc., P.O. Box 240, MCC Makati. As expected,
it was returned because the post office box had been closed.

Under the By-Laws, the Corporate Secretary is tasked to "give or cause to be given, all notices
required by law or by these By-Laws. .. and … keep a record of the addresses of all stockholders.
As quoted above, Sec. 32 (a) of the By -Laws further provides that "within ten (10) days after the
Board has ordered th e sale at auction of a member’s share of stock for indebtedness under
Section 31 (b) hereof, the Secretary shall notify the owner thereof and shall advise the
Membership Committee of such fact.," The records do not disclose what report the Corporate
Secretary transmitted to the Membership Committee to comply with Section 32(a). Obviously, the
reason for this mandatory requirement is to give the Membership Committee the opportunity to
find out, before the share is sold, if proper notice has been made to the shareholder member.

Calatagan had failed to duly observe both the spirit and letter of its own by-laws. The by-law
provisions was clearly conceived to afford due notice to the delinquent member of the impending
sale, and not just to provide an intricate façade that would facilitate Calatagan’s sale of the share.
But then, the bad faith on Cala tagan’s part is palpable. As found by the Court of Appeals,
Calatagan very well knew that Clemente’s postal box to which it sent its previous letters had
already been closed, yet it persisted in sending that final letter to the same postal box. What for?
Just for the exercise, it appears, as it had known very well that the letter would never actually
reach Clemente.

The utter bad faith exhibited by Calatagan brings into operation Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the Civil
Code, under the Chapter on Human Relations. These provisions, which the Court of Appeals did
apply, enunciate a general obligation under law for every person to act fairly and in good faith
towards one another. A non-stock corporation like Calatagan is not exempt from that obligation in
its treatment of its members. The obligation of a corporation to treat every person honestly and in
good faith extends even to its shareholders or members, even if the latter find themselves
contractually bound to perform certain obligations to the corporation. A certificate of stock cannot
be a charter of dehumanization.

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