The Economic Problems in Globalization, But There Could Be One Source For Most of Them

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Edriel A.




Process Questions

1. Are societies in the world becoming more similar (homogenous) or more different
I think definitely more similar, due in large part to global mobility and the internet, but
also things like unions between countries and pressure on countries to conform to standards
elsewhere like allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia, improving worker safety in Bangladesh,
legalizing abortion in Eire and etc.

2.Globalization economic crisis are also products of homogeneity in economic globalization.

No I do not think there is one single homogeneous cause for the global economic concerns.
Some countries are doing very well in the present economic climate.

Some countries economies are being attacked in a war like fashion with sanctions designed to
destroy their economy. Some countries are being attacked in a cold war and trade war fashion
for the same reason.

Some countries with economic problems are too dependent on one country for most of their
trade, making it easy for the dominating country to control their economy.

I think there is more than one reason for the economic problems in globalization, but there could
be one source for most of them.

3.What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of homogenization of culture?


1. Easier and likely better quality communication (although arguably difference forces
one to examine one’s own culture more carefully , and may actually enhance how
well you communicate its values ).
2. More global cooperation due to shared understanding of the world, shared goals,
shared methodologies of achieving these. Arguably global cooperation requires a
degree of similarity, values are shared in similar cultures.
3. Larger market for content (music, television etc) which is appealing to common
interests and fads. Economies of scale achieved. More choice for consumers.
4. More predictability of other’s actions.

1. Less diversity of ideas. Different cultures are powerful experiments in seeing how
else a society could work and provide examples to challenge existing norms and
status quo. They provide inspiration for changes within any given culture.
2. Less ability to escape one’s own culture if you don't like it.

How about heterogenization?

The advantage of homogenization of culture is that people from around the world are in much
more contact than they used to be. While the disadvantage, people will have no ability to
escape one’s own culture if they don't like it. In heterogenization, its advantages are the
variety, increased of learning opportunities, broad-mindedness and humility of a person. While
the disadvantage is people fighting each other.

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