SR 58 (2) (Contents)

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Science Vol. 58 No. 2 February 2021 ISSN: 2582-6492 (Online) ISSN: 0036-8512 (Print)
CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources (NISCAIR)
REPORTER Council of Scientific & Industrial Research


A Game of Illusion and
Delusion.....................................................................................................9 Reading Minds No Longer Pg 14
Hasan Jawaid Khan
Science Fiction
Govind Bhattacharjee
Techno Insects
Shriza Rai and Geetanjali Mishra

Mars Ahoy!
Three probes to study Mars extensively..........................24
Susheela Srinivas

Enjoying Food in Space – It’s a Matter of Taste!

India International Science
Festival 2020......................................................................................38
Manish Mohan Gore

Enigma of the Deep

Ocean Solved.......................................................................................30 Vigyanika-International
Biswajit Panda Science Literature Festival.......................................................42
Biju Dharmapalan & Ankita Rathore
Hyperloop or Hyper Hype?......................................................32
Karthik Ramakrishnan Sustainable & Substantial Goals.........................................44
Manoj Varghese and Manish Mohan Gore
Anacondas Thriving at Kolkata Zoo..................................34
Shakunt Pandey Overseas S&T Ministers
& Diplomats Conclave...............................................................46
Artificial Intelligence – Intelligent Inputs N.K. Prasanna & S.K. Varshney
Revolutionising Agriculture......................................................36
Naman Agrawal & Himanshu Agrawal

Casein – The Case in Cancer..................................................49

Poulomi Das and Dipanjan Ghosh

Book Review 52

SPECTRUM…......................................10 COVID Q&A..........................................56 CROSSWORD…..................................60
WHAT’S NEW.......................................54 TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE.................58 SCIENCE CARTOONS.........................63

Fe b ru ar y 2021 | Science Reporter | 7

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