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Mountain Guard

A Warhammer 40.000 Space Marine Chapter

By Oracle of Pain

Who are the Mountain Guard?

The mountain Guard is the chapter that was formed by the remaining loyalist Iron Warriors after the
Horus Heresy. Their fortress monastery is set on the mountainous world Rock Hold.

Due to the nature of their home world the Mountain Guard, hold little regard for tanks as transport,
preferring to use a high number of drop pods when assault is necessary, which is not to say that it is. The
chapter boasts a significant amount of razorbacks compared to their low number of rhinos. Being the
leftover loyalist of the Iron Hands means, they prefer defensive style combat and making the enemy
come to them. This is done using numerous whirlwinds, Earthshaker cannons and long-range weaponry
in the normal combat squads such as las-cannons and missile launchers.
Chapter Tactics:

Chapter Colours:
Titans of Mountain Hold:
1x Emperor Class Battle Titan: The Mountain
1x Warlord Class Battle Titan: Wrath of Mountain Hold
2x Reaver Class Battle Titans: Mountain Rage and Mountain Fury
3x Warhound Class Scout Titans: Fire´s Redemption, Heavens Anger and
Sniper Dog

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