Name: Jerameel P. Hermosura Year and Section: BSBA 2A Date: - Due: October 12, 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna

Level I Institutionally AccreditedArt

Week One Discussion- Art Experience
Assignment #1

Name: Jerameel P. Hermosura

Year and Section: BSBA 2A
Date: _____________________
Due: October 12, 2020

Answer the following questions:

1. Have you visited an art museum or gallery recently? Did you use a blue ceramic
cereal bowl for breakfast? Were you able to use Crayola in your drawings in
your childhood? These questions are related to art. Art can be seen everywhere,
and it is not challenging to experience it. As such, kindly provide three best art
experiences you have experienced.

-I haven’t visited an art museum or gallery because I don’t have enough money to
go there. I haven’t use ceramic bowl and I’m not usually eat cereal for breakfast
because I and my family usually eat rice and dish every day. When I was young I
use Crayola to my drawings to make it beautiful.

2. Since the COVID 19 pandemic is not over yet, kindly use the internet (provide
the link) to provide places where you would want to visit and experience art.
Example, National Museum of the Philippines.

-Ayala Museum

-Pinto Art Museum -museum-in-


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