P Mid-August 2008

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Pastor Jan Marcussen - P O Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712

This is your 463rd letter - My web-sites are Reg6.com and WBNS.US

Mid August Y2K+8 The AT Radio Network is on the air at Atradio.net

“For thou
hast been
a strength to
the poor, a
strength to the
needy in his
distress, a refuge from
the storm, a shadow from
the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm
against the wall. . . LORD, in trouble
have they visited thee, they poured out a
prayer when thy chastening was upon them.
. . . Come, my people, enter thou into thy
chambers, and shut thy doors about thee:
hide thyself as it were for a little moment,
Exhibit #1 - A brand new 1930
Pontiac cost about $600. You can
until the indignation be overpast. For,
get gas for 10¢ per gallon.

behold, the LORD cometh out of his

place to punish the inhabitants
of the earth for their iniquity:
the earth also shall disclose
her blood, and shall no more
Exhibit #2 - The brand new

cover her slain. . . . Awake

1938 Oldsmobile now has
automatic transmission. It cost

and sing, ye that dwell in

$860. There has been 8 years of Exhibit #3 - The brand new
growing demand, but the price 1948 Oldsmobile cost $1230,

dust: for thy dew is as the

of gas is still 10¢ per gallon. and after 18 years of growing
demand, you can still get gas

dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast

for 16¢ per gallon.

out the dead. ”

Dear SDA friends around the world. Read all the boxes in this letter,
then come back here and we’ll talk about what’s happening.
Faith: In a former letter we saw that Satan is fighting against dear
Jesus through his girlfriend the Vatican, and how the harlot used the Exhibit #4 - The new 1958 Chevy. “See the
Mafia to put certain people to death in Rome’s work of controlling oil to USA in your Chevrolet” with gas at 24¢ per
try to “regain control of the world” {GC 565}, and hinder God’s work. gallon. After 28 years of growing demand, it
In a recent Senate hearing, many learned that “speculation” in the stock has risen only 14¢. How then could it rise
this very year by that amount in just days,
market is what’s affecting oil so rapidly. But what helped to lay the and on July 16, a barrel of oil drop in price
foundation for the many things that are now controlling it? And what $6.38 in ten minutes? You’re about to get
does it have to do with the soon appearing of Jesus in the sky? an amazing hint that will show you that the
coming of Jesus in the clouds of heaven is
Pastor Jan: Are you ready? Here we go - getting closer and closer.

Lindsey Williams: I hope that you are at least partially knowledgeable of the
fact that [according to prophecy] there is a plot for the destruction of your freedom.
Jonathan May is a citizen of England. He has traveled the world and is
knowledgeable from his dealings with people in the Council on Foreign Relations,
and the Trilateral Commission, as to what the internationalists intend to do world-
wide. It so disturbed him that he decided that he would attempt to counteract the
game plan of these people with the help of certain Arab sources that he knew.
The internationalists [controlled by the Vatican through secret societies,]
indirectly control the governments of the world [as much as God allows.] He
decided that he would try to counteract what they were doing by establishing a
world-wide Federal Reserve. [The Federal Reserve in the U.S. is a private
corporation that is no more part of the federal government than is Federal Express.]
Lindsey Williams He knew that this private corporation had fooled the masses until it has been given
power to control the lifestyle of
every person in America. He decided to establish a world-wide
Federal Reserve in order to help save certain nations. He met with
Arab leaders and persuaded them to give a large amount of money to
help create it.
At the point that the Arabs were to give this money, the
internationalists in England found out about it. They threatened the
life of Jonathan May, and would not allow the Arabs to transfer the
money into England to start it. So Jonathan May came to America to
save his life from these people in England. He didn’t know that the
same powers that control England likewise control America. So in
August of 1986, Jonathan May was arrested and put in the federal
prison in Minneapolis, MN on false charges. [You need not worry
about these things one bit because nothing can touch you, or any one
of God’s faithful people without God’s personal permission. In the Jonathan May with the Arabs
face of the horrors surrounding us, as long as you are walking and
working with Christ to help save souls, you may “Be careful for nothing,” Phil. 4:6; “Rejoice in the Lord alway,” Phil.
4:4; and be as happy as a lark. Only if you are living for “self” do you need to fear the devil’s power. How many are
working with Jesus for souls? How many live for self?]
I was not allowed to go to the federal prison to see Jonathan May, but I was able to get an interview with him by
telephone. In this conversation, he tells the game plan and the inner manipulations of the power elite of the world as he
learned it. Before this interview, I thought that I knew most of the things
that these people were doing. But after this interview with Jonathan May,
where he told me things that only top executives in the oil companies had
Oil told me, I knew that what he said was true. For the first time, Jonathan
By ADAM SCHRECK May put together some pieces of the puzzle that allowed me to see the
The Associated Press complete picture that I had never been able to put together since 1973
July 23, 2008 when I first sat in the board meetings with the oil company officials and
NEW YORK - Oil prices shed nearly found out that there absolutely was a plot for the control of America and
$4 Wednesday, tumbling below $125 the world by a group of power elite, and heard the top oil company
a barrel for the first time since early officials saying it, and telling about it in their own words.
June on growing fears that high I have in my hand a tape recorder from which I’m going to play
prices and the weak economy are for you now my interview with Jonathan May. The world’s top echelon
destroying demand. In other Nymex would be very startled if they knew that these things were known.
trading, heating oil futures lost 12.8 Jonathan May: The final stage of the global system’s plan was put
cents to settle at $3.5501 a gallon, into effect when a tactical official, and three U.S. government officials
while gasoline futures shed 11.26 went to the Prime Minister of Nigeria and paid him fifty million dollars to
cents to settle at $3.0344 a gallon. more than double the price of light crude oil.
Lindsey Williams: Light crude is the most valuable oil in the world.
As an SDA minister, I have nothing to do All other oil in the world is priced in accordance with the price of light
with the stock market, but I show you a few crude. Now the Arabs come into the picture.
lines from this Associated Press article to
reveal that the second part of what you’ve Jonathan May: At the same time, George Bush Senior, and others of the
seen happening with oil is because of Trilateral Commission were in the middle east, persuading the middle eastern
gamblers on the stock market whom the nations and England to consolidate OPEC. The deal made with the middle
devil and his Vatican new world order eastern oil producers was that the oil buyers were prepared to pay higher
people are using to help do what the nation
has been seeing recently concerning oil. prices for the oil, provided that the middle eastern nations supported America
How could the price of oil “tumble” by investing their money from oil in the big banks in America.
because of “fears?” Notice that they are not Pastor Jan: It’s revealed on the video “9/11 - Road to Tyranny,” that the
buying oil, but buying “futures.” What does Bush family is into oil; became friends with the Bin Laden family; had
the article mean by “futures?” It’s just a
kind of legal “gambling” on the “future” of picnics and outings with them; the Bush children, including George W.,
what the “speculators” think it will be. The innocently played together with Osama bin Laden and his brothers at these
higher it goes, the more they bet on the outings; the half-brother of Osama bin Laden {Salem bin Laden} came to the
“futures” of it - which makes it go even U.S. and helped George W. Bush start his oil company by the name of
higher. I could see that unless God did
something, it would keep getting bigger and Arbusto = meaning “bush” in Spanish; Some of the Bin Laden family were in
bigger like a great snowball rolling down a the U.S. the day of 9/11/01, and were flown out of the country on that day
mountain. In a Senate hearing the other even though all other planes in the U.S. had been grounded.
day, a number of senators said that if there Wikopedia, the online encyclopedia says, “Arbusto Energy (sometimes
was a law to limit this “speculation” in the
stock market, the oil problem would be referred to as Arbusto Oil) was a petroleum and energy company formed in
corrected. Some questions are, 1) I Midland, Texas, in 1977, by future U.S. President George W. Bush and a
mentioned that this is the second part of group of investors which included James R. Bath. Bath made an investment of
the situation, but what was the first part? 2) $50,000 while representing Salem bin Laden of the Saudi Binladin Group.
Since our kind Father is over all, why is He
allowing it? 3) Is this one of the This fact became controversial after the September 11, 2001 attacks due to
“abominations” of Rev. 17-18 that Rome is Salem bin Laden being an older, half-brother of Osama bin Laden. Upon
the mother of? 4) Is it part of Rome’s plot Salem bin Laden’s death in a 1988 airplane crash, in Texas, his interest in
to “regain control of the world?” GC Arbusto (along with other Binladin Group assets), passed to Khalid bin
565,566? 5) How will it all turn out? In this
letter you’ll get a hint. Mahfouz.”

Lindsey Williams: After they got the price of light crude more than doubled,
they then went to the Arabs and told them that they would take the price of oil as
high as they wanted it to go if they would invest some of that money in their
banks in New York in 30 year time certificates. This is why the price of oil in
the 1970s started to go up. When you learn what they intended to do with
those 30 year time certificates, you begin to get a picture of what’s
Jonathan May: The Arab oil ministers did not know until late in the
1970s that the controlling people in the prime banks in New York were also
the same people who had gotten control of the major oil companies.
Lindsey Williams: The Arabian sheiks did not know that they were George H.W. Bush meets with Arab
being gypped, and neither did they understand that America’s major oil leaders. On Sept. 11, 1991, ten years to
the day before the 9/11 attacks, he spoke
companies were controlled by the money of the international bankers in New to Congress very positively about a New
York. World Order. He said, “What is at stake is
Pastor Jan: Neither did most of them know that Rome was seeking to more than one small country, it is a big
ruin America and take it over through these developments, and help control successfulidea - a new world order. . . . When we are
- and we will be, we have a real
their attack from New York City through the Catholic Cardinal there. I chance at this new world order.” How
praise our kind Father that He has allowed the papacy’s own sex scandals could he be so positive that it was
(which fell at the feet of Cardinal Egon in New York City) to slow them possible? Because he knew from the
result of his meeting with the Arabs, that
down so that God’s work can go forward - as four mighty angels are holding he had helped to lay the groundwork for it.
the winds. Concerning this, the prophet of God cries out - In a minute, you’re going to read what
“Four mighty angels are still holding the four winds of the earth. Terrible Jonathan May said about this meeting,
destruction is forbidden to come in full. The accidents by land and by sea; and what was going on.
the loss of life, steadily increasing, by storm, by tempest, by railroad
disaster, by conflagration; the terrible floods, the earthquakes, and the winds will be the stirring up of the nations to one
deadly combat, while the angels hold the four winds, forbidding the terrible power of Satan to be exercised in its fury
until the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads.
“A terrible conflict is before us. We are nearing the battle of the great day of God Almighty. That which has been
held in control is to be let loose. The angel of mercy is folding her wings, preparing to step down from the throne and
leave the world to the control of Satan. The principalities and powers of earth are in bitter revolt against the God of
heaven. They are filled with hatred against those who serve Him, and soon, very soon, will be fought the last great battle
between good and evil. The earth is to be the battlefield – the scene of the final contest and the final victory.
“While their hands were
Dear July 9, 2008 loosening, and the four winds were
Congress just compromised your rights by passing the FISA Amendments about to blow, the merciful eye of
Act. Yesterday, President Bush signed an unconstitutional domestic Jesus gazed on the remnant that were
wiretapping bill and one hour later, ACLU lawyers filed a landmark lawsuit to not sealed [Praise God!], and He
challenge its constitutionality.
The fight over FISA now moves from Congress to the courts. The lawsuit raised His hands to the Father and
was filed on behalf of an impressive array of professionals -- journalists, pleaded with Him that He had spilled
human rights organizations and lawyers -- whose ability to perform their His blood for them. Then another
work will be greatly compromised by this new law. Our clients include The angel was commissioned to fly
Nation magazine and two of its contributing journalists.
Because of the nature of their calls and e-mails, our clients believe that swiftly to the four angels and bid
their communications are likely to be monitored under the new law. Even the them hold until the servants of God
looming possibility of this surveillance disrupts their ability to talk with were sealed with the seal of the
sources, locate witnesses, conduct scholarship, and engage in advocacy. living God in their foreheads.” My
[Nazi Germany could not do this as well as they can.]
Electronic surveillance is a necessary tool in protecting our nation’s Life Today, p. 308. May our kind
security, but spying on Americans without warrants or judicial approval is an Father help us to reach the dear
invitation to abuse and that’s exactly what President Bush and Congress people with His very message
have authorized. through which He will seal them!
The new wiretapping law -- which legalizes many of the most outrageous
abuses of the Bush administration’s once-secret NSA warrantless spying Lindsey Williams continues -
program -- fails to provide fundamental safeguards that the Constitution Lindsey Williams: Though the
clearly requires. Arabs got rich, much of the profit
Anthony D. Romero from their oil was coming back to the
Executive Director, ACLU
international bankers in New York
City. These Arabs, not
understanding any of this
international finance, fell for the plot of the international bankers, and little by little, the story becomes more bizarre.
Jonathan May: Because the Arab oil nations were locked into the 30 year time deposits, which was money from the
increase in oil prices paid by the American people, the U.S. bankers were able to make loans to the poor third world
Lindsey Williams: Those third world countries which were loaned that money are going broke today. But the
bankers wanted those countries to go broke.
Jonathan May: The international bankers loaned this money to these third world countries, knowing and relying on
the greed of the leaders of those nations to mishandle the money loaned to
Lindsey Williams: The international bankers wanted the third world Dear A. Jan Marcussen,
countries to misuse those funds. They intended for them to go broke. [It I received your book “National
was similar to what recently happened to millions of Americans in the Sunday Law” in the mail and put it on
the shelf. One day I found your book
housing industry from the hands of these men who knew that they would on the shelf, and started reading it. I
not be able to pay off their loans when they gave it to them, so that the read it several times. It was shocking,
crooks would get both their money and their homes. Who would ever yet, for the first time, it all made sense
guess that Rome had anything to do with it?] These countries had just to me! Since reading “National
recently gotten their independence from some other nation, and the new Sunday Law,” I have re-renewed my
relationship with Christ and I now live
leaders of these countries had never governed any country before. in a way which honors Him. I’m also
The reason they formed the bank holding companies was so that they sharing this book with others in hopes
could not be held responsible for what happened to the money the Arabs that their eyes will be opened. Thank
had invested with them. They would loan out money to the third world you for writing such an incredible
book! It’s just what the people need!
countries - knowing that the third world countries were going to go broke. T.F.S.
Other holding companies were formed by them to buy many thousands of

acres of farmland in the U.S., and to buy out other banks - so that these
globalists could control American.
Jonathan May: In 1985 we were approached by the President of
Indonesia with a severe problem that they had. This was one of the third
world nations which was going broke after borrowing from the bank holding
companies. So they wanted to borrow more money, but the IMF would not
approve unless they 1) eliminated their own currency, 2) went on the
standard of the U.S. dollar, 3) eliminated cash altogether, and went onto a
credit card system - which would be part of their identity system. [Rome and
the devil know that such things will be necessary to help enforce the coming
Sunday law so that no one can buy or sell who is not in the “system.”]
Lindsey Williams: The leaders of both Indonesia and the Philippines
came to Jonathan May and said, “A representative from the international “Justice moved from its exalted throne,
bankers’ banks in New York has just come to us and said, “We will forgive and with all the armies of heaven
all of your loans. You cannot pay them back. You cannot even pay the approached the cross. . . Justice bowed in
interest. But we’d like to make you a bargain. We will forgive your loans reverence at the cross, saying, ‘It is
[which had been loaned to them from the money deposited with them by the enough.’” 7BC 469. Every hope of the
race hangs upon the cross. . . When the
Arabs from the increased prices they made from the American people at the sinner reaches the cross, and looks up to
gas pumps. And Jesus said to us, “You cannot pay your debt. You will die the One who died to save him, he may
in your sins. I will die in your place.” That is the real “bargain” that we see rejoice with fullness of joy; for his sins are
in the picture to the right that pardoned.” OHC 46 Praise God!
the lovely Jesus makes to us!
He died for you!] The international bankers said, “You never have to pay it
back if you will do the following, 1) do away with your national currency,
2) go to a debit card system, and 3) give us perpetual rights to all natural
resources in your countries. [Rome knew that this type of thing would be
part of the controlling mechanism for God’s people to not be able to buy or
sell after the Sunday law. This kind of slavery is the devil’s “bargain.”]
Marcos in the Philippines told the international bankers to get out of his
country. He would not give them sovereignty over his people. And here’s
what happened -
Jonathan May: Marcos was sharp enough to pick up the word
“perpetual,” and realized that in so doing, he would be signing away the
sovereignty of his nation. It was only a matter of weeks after that, that Marcos was deposed by riots that were incited.
Through our connections in London, we were aware of this offer made by the IMF. And we were also aware of the Arab
connections that had happened earlier. When we learned these things, we immediately could see that the international
bankers would end up owning and controlling those nations. [God’s prophet revealed in GC 565,566 that Rome is
seeking to regain control of the world, but
who would suspect that they would use such
complex methods by their banking slaves Dear Pastor Jan,
which almost no one could trace behind the This is your secretary. A man named Ernest from Detroit called.
scenes?] Here’s what he said -
Lindsey Williams: It was announced on “Whoever put this book “National Sunday Law” together is truly
blessed! I got it six months ago and saw it lying here and decided to
the news that Brazil and Argentina said that read it. Wow, this was what I was looking for to put it all together! In
they would not pay their debt. But they didn’t 1983, I was in a big church; I mean a mega-church of 4,000 people. I
tell the people that agreements had been was in all kinds of activities with this church and was sitting up on
made with those countries to forgive their the platform behind the pastor. As I was sitting there, one word
came into my mind, ‘Change.’ It was like the wind blew through my
loans if they would sign away perpetually the spirit. Immediately, in my mind, I said, ‘Yes.’ For two weeks I prayed,
rights to their natural resources. We’ve seen a and then I went to my pastor and told him that I was called out. He
rash of third world countries not paying their wanted to know where to. I told him I did not know, but that I was to
debts. Because of this, the bank holding be like Abraham. I was impressed like in Revelation to ‘Come out.’
All I knew was that I was sitting in a Sunday-keeping church,
companies - made by the international realizing the worship was not effective.
bankers, are also designed to go broke, and “I have spent a lot of time, a lot of money, doing this study, doing
watch the events from that point on - that study, getting college degrees, you name it - and now I myself
Jonathan May: It became clear that the am a pastor. Well, I have a family of 5, a wife and children. I told my
wife we had to leave and go. She just went right along because we
forgiveness of the third world debts would are spiritually together, even my children. I turned our house over to
eliminate the assets of the holding companies my mother, lightened the load, and we went to another state just
- leaving them only with the liabilities which wanting to serve the Lord. Also, I didn’t like what I was seeing in the
were owed to the middle eastern Arab public schools, so we put our children in private schools and home
schooled them.
nations. Since the third world countries “Anyway, now we are back in Michigan and here comes this book
cannot repay the holding companies, National Sunday Law! I read it, and said, ‘O my Lord, it is over!’ This
therefore, the holding companies cannot book is nothing but total truth. NOW I know what the Holy Spirit
repay the Arabs. meant that day when ‘change’ came into my mind. And I know that
true love is willing obedience, and by His grace, I’m going to be
Lindsey Williams: So far, there have obedient. My children are obedient to me. My family love me and
been 12 of these third world nations that have they are obedient to me. So now I will be obedient to God.”
announced that they cannot, and will not He said, “When did Jan Marcussen write this book?” When I told
repay their debts, and if just a few more of him, it really blew his mind [because that’s the very year that the
Holy Spirit spoke to him to come out of his Sunday keeping church.]
these countries do this, the bank holding He said, “I could not arrange this truth so eloquently and orderly as
companies will say, “We are bankrupt.” Jan did. People are being stirred!” He requested 100 books to give
Then, the international bankers will tell the to others as soon as he gets them. He also wanted Great
Arab nations, “The bank holding companies Controversy and the newsletter. One last thing. He said, “A laborer
is worthy of his hire, and this Jan Marcussen is. If I go to a
that we gave your money to under those 30 restaurant for bread, I pay for that bread, and if someone is giving me
year time deposits just went broke. So sorry the pure bread of life, he needs to be supported. This book and this
Arabs, but as of today, you are bankrupt.” man are teaching TRUTH. I will be calling again soon.”
Can you see a little of the utter degradation of Pastor Jan, I praise God for shorthand writing. I told him I was
writing this all down and giving it to you for your newsletter. He said
the power controllers of the world? They “OK,” and we were praising the Lord. YOU TWO LOVEBIRDS HAVE
built up the Arab nations by financing and A WONDERFUL SABBATH!
constructing their oil rigs for them, and now
they’re breaking them by a designed plan - -
Dear A. Jan Marcussen,
as they are planning for America. This book “National Sunday Law” is so
amazing and shocking that I could not believe
Jonathan May: When this happens, it will cause a chaotic condition what I was reading! I stopped, and went back
in society, and then, the plan is that the international bankers will come and reread the page. It was so shocking that I
to their rescue by proposing to eliminate cash, and to stop drug put the book away, and then went back and
trafficking, tax evasion, [and illegal immigration] with plastic credit ID found it again. I tried to forget what I had
cards. [We have part of this now.] read, but I couldn’t. Now, I believe it, and am
Lindsey Williams: He said that when this happens the international reading it again along with my Bible. I’m
bankers will blame it on the Arabs. Would the average American fall for going to give these books out to people. I use
blaming the Arabs for this [or for 9/11]? to go to church on Sunday. No more! Now I
Jonathan May: At this point they plan to implement a mandatory have to find a Saturday church to go to. Until
government issued credit ID card, which will be satellite linked. then, I’ll keeping praying and reading my
Lindsey Williams: Those of you who know the scriptures, know that Bible. All this truth took a while to sink in,
God has revealed that the control of those who do not receive the mark but it has. I want everyone else to believe it
of the beast will take place. Jonathan May has found out from people in too! God is good, and Jesus is a good Lord
the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, that and Saviour! Thank you so much for the
60% of the work of the satellites in the sky has to do with the transfer of book. Geraldine Davis
funds from all over the world, and that only 40% has to do with defense.
Jonathan May: It is a world design. It is a world order. It is a world
program. We know that our information is true, though we do not know the exact time frame that they plan to carry it all out.
Pastor Jan: Now it’s my turn. What you just learned has only been
partially fulfilled - because everything is under the control of the King of
Dear A. Jan Marcussen, Kings and Lord of Lords - the lovely Jesus. Isn’t that comforting! (
Let me inform you that I was given the What they said about the existence of these globalists and poor
book “National Sunday Law” by a friend who international banking fiends is true. They do exist. And what we
had read it. After I read it, I gave it to another
friend of mine. He is a strong Catholic. After learned about the foundation work to unify the Arabs and OPEC is true.
he read it, he gave it to other members of his In order to control the price of oil they had help unify the oil producing
Catholic family. I have given some of these nations. Rome calls it “solidarity.” That’s where the friendly, unifying
books to other people as well. Surely you are work of George H.W. Bush came in. What Jonathan May revealed
helping to preach to my area here in Kenya, concerning third world nations getting loans from these people, and then
East Africa. I’m in a densely populated area, going broke is also largely true. Now, stock market “speculators” are
and through this book, I can spread the three cooperating with the Vatican work of GC 565,566 whether they know it
angels’ messages to many homes. I’m going or not. What these people do not know is that God is overruling it all to
to be holding evangelistic meetings. May God drive people to dear Jesus, and to inspire His people to reach the masses
be with you. Yours in Christ, Zacchaeus with His last message of love and warning - hastening Christ’s soon
Kinuthia coming.
The main things that our mighty God has not yet allowed the Vatican
controlled globalists to accomplish, are the ultimate goals that he spoke
about. So far, angels of God have thwarted those ultimate goals. What
were they?
1) Their plot to make the Arab nations go broke - causing riots and chaos there. 2) They failed to get possession of all the
farmlands, farms, and homes of America - although recently we have seen them trying again by tricking millions of Americans
to get “sub-prime” loans - which the crooks knew they probably could not pay off - similar to their plot with the third world
nations. 3) Though they failed to get the world on their credit and debit system, and get national ID for identity and monetary
control, now they are trying again by working to use our own drivers’ licenses to accomplish it.
As the weeks go by, our kind Father will allow the poor Vatican new world order fiends to do quite a bit of what they want,
but as of now, mighty angels are holding it back a little longer - until God’s honest people can be enlightened with His love and
His seventh-day Sabbath in His holy law. That’s where you and I come in. If we Seventh-day Adventists don’t reach them, who
will? Have you ever thought of that? Will angels come down from heaven in human form and talk with them? May God help
us quickly to reach them is my prayer!
You might be bashful to talk with people. You might not
know what to say with your tongue. That’s why many use the Dear A. Jan Marcussen,
little NSL preachers. They know just what to say. They never I’m in a California prison. I’m thanking God that I
get tired, hungry, thirsty, scared, or nervous. They’re always of got a chance to read “National Sunday Law.” I want
good cheer. As we read these testimony letters, it makes us of to thank you for making this book possible. I now
good cheer! God gets all the praise. With an average of 3 people know the truth thanks to you. When I get out on
in each home, 1000 of them will reach about 3000 souls. All parole, I’ll be sure to order “Great Controversy.” I
who get 1000 from now until the end of the month will get 100 currently have no money, but I’ll have a job when I
extra ones free, as well as all 15 of the CCA video series which get out. Thank you again for showing me the truth.
Without you I would have been lost. May God bless
exposes the Roman Catholic Attack against God’s SDA church. you. Bernard
Now look at what our mighty God will do -
““In the vision given me in Battle Creek, I was shown this
earth, dark and gloomy. Said the angel, ‘Look carefully!’ Then I
was shown the people upon the earth: some were surrounded with angels of God, others were in total darkness, surrounded by
evil angels. I saw an arm reached down from Heaven, holding a golden scepter. On the top of the scepter was a crown studded
with diamonds. Every diamond emitted light, bright, clear, and beautiful. Inscribed upon the crown were these words, ‘All who
win me are happy, and shall have everlasting life.’
“Below this crown was another scepter upon which was also placed a crown, in the center of which were jewels, gold and
silver, which reflected some light. The inscription on this crown, was, ‘Earthly treasure – Riches is power. All who win me have
honor and fame.’ I saw a vast multitude rushing forward to obtain this crown. They were clamorous. Some in their eagerness
seemed bereft of their reason. They would thrust one another, crowding back those who were weaker than they, and trample
upon those who in their haste fell. Many eagerly seized hold of the treasures within the crown, and held them fast. The heads of
some were as white as silver, and their faces were furrowed with care and anxiety. Their own relatives, bone of their bone and
flesh of their flesh, they regarded not. Their eager eyes would often fasten upon the earthly crown, and count and recount its
“Images of want and wretchedness appeared in that multitude,
and looked wishfully at the treasures there, and turned hopelessly
Dear Pastor Jan, away as the stronger overpowered and drove back the weaker. Yet
Tony and I worked together. When I told him they could not give it up, but with a multitude of deformed, sickly
about Jesus and about His seventh-day Sabbath, and aged, sought to press their way to the earthly crown. Some
he just laughed at me and made fun of God’s died in seeking to reach it. Others fell just in the act of taking hold
Sabbath. Twenty years went by. Many things of it. Dead bodies strewed the ground, yet on rushed the multitude,
happened to us. Then one day Tony received the trampling over the fallen and dead bodies of their companions.
book “National Sunday Law” in his mail box. He Every one who reached the crown possessed a share in it, and were
asked me if I sent it to him. I said, “No.” He read loudly applauded by an interested company standing around it.
the book. He read the whole thing. He learned the “A large company of evil angels were very busy. Satan seemed
truth of God. He learned about the Sabbath of God to throw a peculiar charm upon those who eagerly sought it. Many
and the mark of the beast. He believed and
accepted God’s holy Sabbath. After earnestly who sought this earthly crown were professed Christians. They
studying the Bible, he was baptized as a Seventh- would look wishfully upon the heavenly crown. While one hand
day Adventist, and now Tony is also spreading the was reaching forth languidly for the heavenly the other was
good news of God’s love, and is spreading the reached eagerly for the earthly, determined to possess that, and in
book “National Sunday Law” to many people. We their earnest pursuit for the earthly, they lost sight of the heavenly.
praise God that He is now using Tony to spread the They were left in darkness.
Gospel. Allen CA “Some became disgusted with the company who sought it so
eagerly, and they seemed to have a sense of their danger, and
turned from it, and earnestly sought for the 1) If you give copies of this letter to others, I believe that
heavenly crown. The countenances of such soon someone will be in heaven who would have been lost. And
you’ll have great joy!
changed from dark to light, from gloom to 2) God is blessing in the great 40 Million Man March so that
cheerfulness and holy joy. now we have about 30% of what we need to reach another one
“A company I then saw pressing through the million souls in Disney’s land of magical wizards - Orlando. If
crowds of people with their eyes intently fixed our kind Father impresses you to help us reach this goal, just
upon the heavenly crown. [Praise God!] As they mark it below.
3) I will still give the entire 15 part CCA video or DVD series
earnestly urged their way through the disorderly free, {with the new #16 free also} to all who get 1000 NSL
crowd, angels attended them, and made room preachers to help save people in heaven instead of hell for a
through the dense throng for them to advance. As donation of 39¢ each with free shipping in the U.S. From
they neared the heavenly crown, the light benches, phone booths, door steps, bulk mailings,
emanating from it shone upon them, and around laundromats, parking lots, side walks, restrooms, and any
place people walk, sit, wait, or go, our kind Father is using the
them, dispelling their darkness, and growing clearer NSL preachers to reach millions for Him.
and brighter, until they seemed to be transformed, 4) “Come join our happy crew, we’re bound for Canaan’s
and resembled the angels. They cast not one shore. The Captain says there’s room for you - and room for
lingering look upon the earthly crown. Those who millions more!”
were in pursuit of the earthly, mocked them, and
threw black balls after them, which did them no
injury while their eyes were fixed upon the heavenly crown. But those who turned their attention to the black balls were
stained with them. The following scripture was presented before me:
“Matt. 7:19-24: ‘Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth . . But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal; for where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also. . . No man can serve two masters; for he will either hate the one and love the other; or else
he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.’
“Some, I saw, who professed to be the followers of Jesus, are so ambitious to obtain earthly treasures, that they lose
their love for Heaven, act like the world, and are accounted of Heaven as of the world.
“Those who were shown me clamorous for the earthly crown, were those who will resort to any means to acquire
property. Their whole thoughts and energies are directed for earthly riches. Satan and his evil angels are satisfied. They
know that such are surely theirs, and are Satan’s powerful agents.
“Those who became disgusted with the company clamoring for the earthly crown, have seen they were never
satisfied, and they became alarmed, and separated themselves from that unhappy class, and sought the true and durable
“While the eyes of the righteous are fixed upon the heavenly, priceless treasure, they will be more and more like
Christ, and will be transformed, and fitted for translation.
“As the members of the body of Christ approach the period of their last conflict, ‘the time of Jacob's trouble,’ they
will grow up into Christ, and will partake largely of his Spirit. As the third message swells to a loud cry, and as great
power and glory attends the closing work, the faithful people of God will partake of that glory. [Praise God!] Their faces
will shine with the glory of that light which attends the third angel. [Would you like that? Those who give that message
will shine with it.]
“I saw that God would in a wonderful manner preserve his people through the time of trouble. As Jesus poured out
his soul in agony in the garden, they will earnestly cry and agonize with him day and night for deliverance. The decree
will go forth that they must disregard the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, and honor the first day, or lose their
lives; but they will not yield, and trample under their feet the Sabbath of the Lord, and honor an institution of Papacy.
Satan's host, and wicked men, will surround them, and exult over them, because there will seem to be no way of escape
for them. But in the midst of their revelry and triumph, there is peal upon peal of the loudest thunder. The heavens have
gathered blackness, and are only illuminated by the blazing light and terrible glory from Heaven, as God utters his voice
from his holy habitation.
“The foundations of the earth shake, buildings totter and fall with a terrible crash. The sea boils like a pot, and the
whole earth is in terrible commotion. The captivity of the righteous is turned, [Praise God!] and with sweet and solemn
whisperings they say to each other, ‘We are delivered. It is the voice of God.’ With solemn awe they listen to the words
of the voice. The wicked hear, but understand not the words of the voice of God. They fear and tremble, while the saints
rejoice. Satan and his angels, and wicked men witness the glory conferred upon those who have honored the holy law of
God. They behold the faces of the righteous lighted up, and reflecting the image of Jesus. Those who were so eager to
destroy the saints, could not endure the glory resting upon the delivered ones, and they fell like dead men to the earth.
Satan and evil angels fled from the presence of the saints glorified. Their power to annoy them was gone forever.”
4bSG, pp. 106 - 114. Praise God friend! Praise God.

Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan

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