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 Different types of data
 Ways to declare data
 Basically there are 3 types of data:
 Char
 Int
 Float

 Character has length of 8 bits

 Int and float can have different length to
accommodate precisions and size
Some data type

Types Explanation Length (bits)

char Character type 8 bits
int Integer 32 bits
short Short integer 16 bits
long Long integer 64 bits
float Floating point 32 bits
double Double precision 64 bit
Range of data types
 Length of data varies from computer to computer
 The exact length can be discovered using C function
 Unsigned integer, unsigned long, and unsigned short
are integers with only positive number starting from
0 (zero)
 Try the following codes using sizeof yourself
Try this program
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
printf ("char type = %d bytes\n", sizeof (char));
printf ("short integer = %d bytes\n", sizeof (short));
printf ("integer = %d bytes\n", sizeof (int));
printf ("long integer = %d bytes\n", sizeof (long));
printf ("floating point = %d bytes\n", sizeof (float));
printf ("double precision float = %d bytes\n", sizeof (double));
Structure (1/3)
 Purpose of structure:
to have one single name variable to handle
different types of variables for better management
of program
 Example of structure is information about one
 For a customer data may include:
•Full name •Age
•Title •Salary
•Citizenship number
•Gender (M/F)
Structure (2/3)
 Struct can be nested, so there can be struct inside a
 Format for struct:
struct structure_name
data_type member1;
data_type member2;
. .
data_type membern;
Structure (3/3)
 Example of the above struct:
struct person
char name[50];
char title[10];
char citizenship_no[16];
char gender;
int age;
float salary;
Structure assignment
 Create structure distance
 Distance consists of kilometer, meter, milimeter
 Create program to calculate distance by adding:
 Distance1 + distance2
 distance1 & distance2 are entered from stdin
 Check for the maximum of meter is 999 meter
 Length > 1000 meter must be converted into kilometer
 Check for the maximum of milimeter is 999 milimeter
 Length > 1000 milimeter must be converted into meter
Union (1/2)
 Union is a value that may have any of several
representations or formats; or it is a data structure
that consists of a variable which may hold such a
 Union can be of the same type of value but with
different datatype
 For example a value of floating point can be
duplicated into integer, but of course the value will
not be the same
Union (2/2)
 Format for union:
union union_var
float value;
char value_char[4];
int value_int;
 Illustration of a union with name value:
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 1 byte

Example of a union
 Look at the program below:
 Program big-small-endian.c
Assignment for structure
 create a variable structure consisting of real and
imaginary number (type of floating point)
 Go back to your
 Structure of an array of 5 elements
 Program should ask for real and imaginary number
 Program should find magnitude and phase which is:
 Find the average magnitude and standard deviation
Assignment for structure (ABC formula)

 Go back to your ABC formula

 Create a variable structure consisting of real and
imaginary number (type of floating point)
 Initialize rootx1.real, rootx1.imaginary, rootx2.real,
rootx2.imaginary as zero
 Calculate the real number (the square root > 0)
 Display the result and say the are real
 Calculate the real number (the square root =0)
 Display the result and say they are the same
 Calculate the complex number (the square root <0)
 Display the result and say they are complex
Assignment for union
 Learn about big endian and little endian from the
 Create a union of long and byte
 Create a union of int and byte
 From the union determine if Linux is little endian or
big endian machine

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