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Effects of Gender Discrimination

Zainab Alsaleh
Civil Engineering
COMM 1312: Writing and Research
Section 206
Dr. Runna Alghazo
Assignment 2: Annotated Bibliography
1. [Online report]Effects of gender inequality in employment and pay in Jordan,
Lebanon and the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Three Questions Answered
Retrieved 23 September 2020, from

This online report shows the trends of working women in Arab countries. The report
demonstrates that there is still a low number of working women in the Arab world as
compared to western countries. This report shows that the Arab world would have to change
its approach to provide more opportunities for women in society for work. The gender
difference in an economy can have adverse influences on the economy and its growth and
development. Women have the potential to grow the economy of Arab countries, but they do
not have enough opportunities to work in society. The report illustrates the conventional Arab
world approach towards women since they assume women to stay at home, and men tend to
work and earn for their families.

This source is helpful for the research since it describes the contemporary trends of women's
involvement in the business. The source satisfies some of the research questions and provides
the quantifiable measures for estimating women's role in the Arab world regarding business
2. [Journal]Cann, A., & Vann, E. (1995). Implications of sex and gender differences for
self: Perceived advantages and disadvantages of being the other gender. Sex
Roles, 33(7-8), 531-541. doi: 10.1007/bf01544678

This article measures the opinions of research participants for gender differences. This article
illustrates the reactions of respondents if they ever find an opportunity to change their gender.
The research aims to find out the implications of genders on individuals in society. In a
society, if women are not getting their acceptable rights, they would definitely decide to
change their gender if they get a chance to do that. There has been numerous social
advantages and disadvantage related to gender in society. This research aimed to observe the
advantages and limitations of a specific gender in society. The liberty to choose gender shows
that a woman wants to transform her gender to get more rights and opportunities in society.
Undergraduate students were focused on this research, and they were asked about their
responses if they had an opportunity to change their sex. The study includes a diverse range
of respondents relating to different regions to add to its reliability and authenticity.

This source explains the individual perception of being male or female in a society. This
source is highly relevant to the proposed research topic and may contribute to the research
literature. The article contains interesting information and data about gender differences. The
opinions of different individuals may provide sufficient qualitative data for the research. On
the other hand, it would be convenient to identify social and cultural factors contributing to
gender differences through this resource.
3. [Ebook]Chapter 3: Gender and its effect on working life. (, 2020). Retrieved 23
September 2020, from

This source is an Ebook readily available on the mentioned website. The source analyzes the
factors that affect the lives of women in the workplace. The study asks research participants
at Cambridge about their feelings at their workplaces. The study asks the respondents about
how do they feel their gender has affected their work life. When the answers of women were
analyzed, the study found that there are significant differences between the workplace
atmosphere a woman has to handle than men. Men are generally treated well in the
workplace; on the other hand, a woman may have to face gender discrimination at a particular
workplace. Due to gender, women have to be limited during their office hours. On the other
hand, women do not enjoy liberty as men at workplaces. Consequently, it is essential for
developing workplace environments that suit women in order to encourage women to partake
in business and organizational activities.

To accomplish the proposed research topic's goals and targets, it is essential to acknowledge
working women's perceptions. The study is highly relevant to the topic of the proposed study
since it illustrates working women's perception. The study helps to answer the most critical
question of the proposed research. It is essential to determine the perception of working
women in determining how gender can influence women's activities at a particular
4. [Ebook]Crosby, F., Stockdale, M., & Ropp, S. (2008). Sex discrimination in the
workplace. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Pub.

A multidisciplinary resource discussing the diverse approaches to the study of sex inequality
and exploring strategies and measures is Sex Discrimination in the Workplace. It is an
indispensable platform for those looking to obtain a deeper understanding of both sexual
harassment and what can be done to overcome it, with captivating first-hand reports by
claimants, attorneys, and professional observers who have waged lawsuits against oppressive
employers. This study aimed to determine the frequencies of sexual harassment at
workplaces, directly influencing women's involvement in business and offices. Women have
to face sexual harassment at workplaces due to their gender restricting or limiting their
workplaces' activities. Most of the women would not be involved in business and financial
activities because of the employers' fear of sexual harassment by employers. Employers tend
to exploit women for their sexual pleasure that has a significant impact on women's
involvement and engagement at the workplace.

This source provides useful information about how employers prove to be a significant
obstacle in women's involvement in the workplace. The source provides authentic
information and data from the lawyers and policymakers about the employers who have been
involved in sexual harassment of women during their working hours. The source would prove
to be helpful in identifying how gender differences play their exponential roles at different
5. [Ebook]Gregory, R. (2003). Women and workplace discrimination. New Brunswick,
N.J.: Rutgers University Press.

This source tells the unethical practices of employers in discriminating against employees
based on their genders. A specialist lawyer in gender discrimination writes this source,
Gregory, who argues that gender discrimination persists in the USA. In this Ebook, the author
of the book argues that organizations and law enforcement agencies should change their
approaches to foster more women's work involvement. The source illustrates that the issue of
gender discrimination can only be addressed by the law and legal policies developed to
eradicate gender discrimination from society.

This source clearly shows that gender differences play exponential roles in limiting female
workers at workplaces. This source addresses the issue on which the research is intended to
propose the solutions. The materials and pieces of evidence provided in this source are
reliable since the source has been developed by a lawyer who has vast experience in battling
the gender-related issues at different workplaces.
6. [Journal]Hazel, K., & Kleyman, K. (2019). Gender and sex inequalities: Implications
and resistance. Journal Of Prevention & Intervention In The Community, 1-12. doi:

While the world has made great strides in gender/sex equality, this article shows that a large
disparity still exists and may sadly be expanding. Gender discrimination appears to be a
chronic phenomenon, with the gender gap in economic empowerment/incentive, and rather
than looking stronger, wellbeing or longevity is increasing. Women are more likely to
experience poverty or below subsistence than men. Across the world, many people remain
subordinate to men financially. Women are prohibited from owning property, and there is
little control of household financial capital and expenses. Women are more likely to be
marginalized and are more likely to serve in jobs where they are not paying.

This source helps gain awareness of the research topic. The author of this article explains the
expanding culture of gender differences across the globe. The article illustrates that gender
differences are becoming more prominent across the world rather than eradicating the issue.
The article provides informative pieces and explains the importance of the issue for which the
research is proposed.
7. [Web page]Ortiz-Ospina, E., & Roser, M. Economic inequality by gender. Retrieved
23 September 2020, from

The author provides evidence and analysis in this report on economic inequality between
males and females. The author further explores how these inequalities have been evolving
over time whenever the evidence makes it. Men tend to gain more than women around the
world. In senior positions within businesses, women are also marginalized. Women in low-
paying jobs are also disproportionately represented. Men are more likely to own land and
manage economic properties in many countries than women. Women also have little control
in essential family choices, including how their own personal earned money is spent. The
gender wage disparity has declined in the last couple of decades in most nations. Systems of
gender-equal succession, which were rare until recently, are now widespread in the world.
Composite indexes spanning several dimensions indicate that gender differences have been
greatly diminished during the past century overall.

This source also contributes to observing the role of women globally in financial activities.
This source provides sufficient evidence for identifying the research issue. This article
provides an understanding of how women are exploited over the globe for their gender. The
source would be helpful in determining the factors by which women are suppressed to stop
their career progressions.
8. [Journal]Stamarski, C., & Son Hing, L. (2015). Gender inequalities in the workplace:
the effects of organizational structures, processes, practices, and decision-makers'
sexism. Frontiers In Psychology, 6. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01400

This paper discusses that gender disparity is a dynamic problem that can be found in
hierarchical systems, structures, and activities of organizations. Any of the most detrimental
gender gaps are enforced within human resources (HRs) policies for women. This is how HR
activities influence the recruiting, development, salary, and advancement of women. This
article suggests a gender inequality paradigm in HR that stresses the mutual existence of
organizational gender disparities. The author of this essay argues that gender inequality
derives from gender differences in larger corporate systems, procedures, and activities in HR-
related decision-making and the application of HR practices. This covers administration,
structure, plan, society, environment of an organization, as well as HR policies.

This source further clears the issue of gender differences in organizations. The source
provides the origin of gender differences in business organizations. Human resource practices
of business organizations would also enable us to understand the root causes of gender
differences at a particular workplace. Consequently, the source has the potential to lead us to
a meaningful conclusion in the research.
9. [Webpage], UN Gender Statistics. Retrieved 23 September 2020, from

This source contains an accurate report published by the United Nations to show gender
discrimination statistics worldwide. The report contains facts and figures about gender
inequalities in three tiers. All the categories illustrated in the report suggest that women are
less likely to gain a reputable position in many countries. The report illustrates that the issue
of gender inequality is likely to be enhanced in the future. Most of the women across the
globe have to depend on men for their financial needs. On the other hand, the report shows
the statistics about the increasing cases of women harassment cases across the globe.

This source would prove to be helpful for the research since it contains facts and figures
across the globe. The report addresses the same issue as our research topic. Additionally, the
report has the statistical data that would assist in quantitative analysis of the issue. The report
is authentic and reliable since it is published by the UN and is considered a reliable source for
publishing data and information.
10. [Web page/Article]Vigod, S., & Rochon, P. (2020). The impact of gender
discrimination on a Woman's Mental Health. Retrieved 23 September 2020, from
http://The impact of gender discrimination on a Woman's Mental Health

The article examines gender inequality in society with respect to women's mental health. The
paper explains that women in society experience more mental health problems than men. The
article shows that health conditions are uneven for populations, both across and within
nations, with discrimination that disadvantages women in particular across their lives. These
differences all add to the explicit social and economic inequality more frequently faced by
women, such as lower levels of education and work, lower wages for comparable
occupations, under-representation of leadership roles, and higher psychosocial stressors and
concerns caregiving pressure to intimate partner abuse. These blatant manifestations of
gender discrimination have, appropriately, been the subject of numerous health reform efforts
in recent years.

It is essential to measure health implications for women while examining gender differences.
It is imperative to study the mental influences developed by gender discrimination women
have to handle. The source is significant and useful to observe the mental implications of
gender differences on women. The source would provide relevant implications for the
proposed research that would be critical in supporting research outcomes.

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