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NAME …………………………………………………………….……. DATE: ……………

MARK______,138 points


1. Read and complete the sentences with the words below.

• flight • reporter • tails • capital city • board games • Internet • cupboard • windsurfing
• ride • jogging • greengrocer’s • raincoat • saucepan • loaf • moustache • freezing

0 How long did the flight to New York last?

1 Do you know the ................................ of Egypt? Is it Cairo or Alexandria?

2 My grandfather has got a beard and a
................................ .
3 My son David spends all his day surfing the
................................ . I don’t know what to
do with him.
4 Can you ................................ a horse?
5 I go ................................ every morning.
It helps me keep fit.
6 Monopoly and Snakes and Ladders are two popular ................................ .
7 She works as a(n) ................................ for
Channel 4.
8 The cereals are in the kitchen ...................... above the sink.
9 You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables at the ................................ .
10 Can you buy a(n) ................................ of bread for me, please?
11 Where’s the ................................? I want to boil the pasta.
12 It’s very windy today and it’s ......................... cold.
13 I like water sports, especially ...................... .
14 It’s raining outside. Put your ......................... on.
15 Crocodiles have got long ............................ .
Marks ____
151 15

2. Read and underline the correct word.

0 In his free time, Harry does/plays karate.

1 You can go trekking/snorkelling in the mountains of Wales.

2 Wear your goggles/helmet before you go cycling. It’s for your own protection.
3 We sat on the lake/beach and looked at the blue sea for hours.
4 I’ve changed/moved jobs. I work at a baker’s now.
5 I’m travelling/catching the first train to Bristol tomorrow morning.
6 OK, children. Put your flippers/lifejackets on. We are ready to sail!
7 Birds can fly because they have got legs/wings.
8 John always wears a tie/blouse to work.
9 Chop/Grate the cheese and add it to the eggs.
10 I’m thirsty. Can I have a glass of olive oil/water, please?

Marks ____
101 10

3.Write the missing word.

1 I don’t wear a u __ __ __ __ __ __ at my new school.

2 Bad weather makes me feel d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
3 The r __ __ __ __ __ control requires two AA batteries.
4 Can you help me to put up the d __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ for the party, Jim?
5 Are you okay, Dave? You look like you’ve seen a g __ __ __ __ !
6 Can you get me some cough sweets, please? I’ve got a s __ __ __ t __ __ __ __ __ .
7 Take your umbrella! There’s going to be h __ __ __ __ rain.
8 I don’t have a c __ __ __ __ __ c __ __ __ . I prefer to pay cash in.
9 Where is the f __ __ __ __ __ __ room, please? I’d like to try this on.
10 It was very f __ __ __ __ last night. I couldn’t see the road.
11 What a p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ! The plot was really exiting and the dancers were
12 We should all r __ __ __ __ __ __ our rubbish to help protect the Earth.
13 Let’s h __ __ __ a car and drive there ourselves.
14 Cornflakes were i __ __ __ __ __ __ __ by William Kellogg.
15 It rained all week and f __ __ __ __ __ __ the town.
Marks  ____
151 15

4.Circle the correct item.

1 Greg’s new house has lovely bay fences/windows.

2 Eating a fatty/balanced diet is the best way to lose weight.
3 The volcano erupted/spread and sent ash flying into the air.
4 Put your coat and hat on. It’s boiling/freezing today!
5 Can you please go to the butcher’s/baker’s and get me some bread?
6 Cats have got four paws, wings/whiskers and a tail.
7 At my house, everyone makes/does their own bed.
8 Can you lend/borrow me a pound please, Jenny? I haven’t got any change.
9 I’m going to switch the computer off now. Did you save/lose your work?
10 Tom tripped over the cat and grazed/twisted his ankle.
Marks  ____
101 10


5. Read and choose the correct item.

0 My sister ........ short brown hair.

A has got B is C can

1 ........ are you from?

A Where B What C Whose

2 Give the ball to Harry and Roy. It’s ........ .

A them B their C theirs

3 I like ....... to the cinema at least once a week.

A go B going C goes

4 They left school ........ three o’clock.

A on B in C at

5 ........ armchairs in the living room.

A There are B They are C There is

6 Who’s standing ........ Jeremy? I can’t see.

A in front of B under C behind

7 Wendy, can you bring two more ........, please?

A knives B knife C knifes
8 We need ........ cheese for the omelette.
A a B some C any

9 Have you seen Patrick? Sue is looking for ........ .

A him B he C his

10 How ........ biscuits are in the jar?

A many B much C a lot of

11 Trainers are ........ than boots.

A comfortable B more comfortable
C most comfortable

12 You ........ have a lot of money with you.

A mustn’t B shouldn’t C can’t

13 This is the ........ holiday I’ve ever had.

A best B better C good

14 ........ I invite my friends to dinner, please?

A Can B Should C Must

15 You ........ take photos in the museum. They’ll take your camera away.
A mustn’t B shouldn’t C must

Marks ____
151 15

Use of English

6.Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use
up to three words.

1 This is the first time I’ve eaten Chinese food.

I ................................................................
Chinese food before.
2 I can’t wait to go on holiday with my friends this summer.
I am ..........................................................
going on holiday with my friends this summer.
3 Remember to post that letter on your way to work.
Don’t ........................................................
that letter on your way to work.
4 You won’t be allowed out unless you finish your homework.
If ...............................................................
finish your homework, you won’t be allowed out.
5 A specialist is going to decorate our flat.
We are .....................................................
our flat decorated by a specialist.

Marks ____
52 10

7.Fill in the correct preposition.

1 My car broke down again and I had to go to work ................ foot.

2 I never carry any cash with me so I always pay ................ cheque.
3 The city centre traffic is controlled ................ traffic wardens.

4 This car doesn’t belong ................ me.

5 I was so happy that everything turned out well …… the end.

Marks ____
52 10


8. Complete the exchanges.

a Don’t mention it c It’s excellent e I haven’t got a

b I’d rather have some pasta d I’m afraid I can’t

1 A: Do you fancy some pizza?

B: ............................................................ .

2 A: How about going to the theatre tonight?

B: .............................................................

3 A: Thank you very much indeed!

B: ............................................................ .

4 A: Do you know how to fly a plane?

B: ............................................................ .
5 A: What do you think of the laundry service?
B: ............................................................ .

Marks ____
52 10


9.Read and choose the correct word for each space.

The Greyhound

The greyhound is a majestic looking dog with a long neck and head, and small ears. The coat of
the greyhound is short and smooth and they come in a variety of colours including black, red,
and white. They have long and powerful legs and small and compact feet that help them move
fast. In fact, they are the fastest dogs around. Young healthy greyhounds 1) ........ run up to 72
km per hour. They are also very easy to keep because they are very clean and do not require 2)
........ grooming. They usually live for 3) ........ 15 years or sometimes more.
In the past greyhounds 4) ........ trained to hunt and were very good hunting dogs. They haven’t
given 5) ........ hunting but nowadays they also have another purpose. Greyhounds have 6) ........
trained 7) ........ professionals for many years to run races, and 8) ........ people go to the
racetracks to watch them run. They 9) ........ had a lot of success 10) ........ racing and can make
a lot of money for their owners.

1 A able B can C are able D able to

2 A much B more C enough D lots
3 A near B between C about D close to
4 A was B be C are D were
5 A off B in C up D over
6 A being B be C have D been
7 A with B by C to D after
8 A lots B few C many D more
9 A had B have C has D having
10 A by B in C on D with

Marks ____
102 20

10. Your friend Harry wants to buy a pet for his little brother’s birthday but he
doesn’t know what to get. Use the plan to help you write a letter to
recommend which pet he should buy (80-120 words). Write:

• a greeting • your advice

• why you are writing • reasons for your advice

Dear Harry,
(Para 1) – greeting, reason for writing (e.g. How are you? I think it’s a good idea
to get your brother a pet …)
(Para 2) – your advice and reasons (e.g. shouldn’t get dog, expensive, need
walks every day … Why don’t you get …)
(Para 3) – ending (e.g. Well, I hope I’ve helped. Let me know …)
Best wishes,
...................... (your name)


Marks  ____


11. You are on holiday. Write a letter to a friend telling him/her about it.
• Where you are
• some of the things you have done so far
• your plans for tomorrow.

Write 60-80 words.

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