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Dear Heidi,

Welcome to St. Mary‘s Secondary school! I‘m your English guide. I can show you around the school and
answer your questions. I hope you enjoy your year there. Dont forget be at school before 8:30. Lessons
start at 9:00 after assembly. There are five lessons in the morning, with a break between 10:15 and
10:35. Lunch is at 1:00 you don‘t have to buy lunch in the canteen. But you don‘t have to – some
students bring sandwiches. There are three lessons in the afternoon. School finishes at 3:40. Most
students to meeting you.

Bye for now.


P.S We have P.E. on Mondays . You have to your kit!

3.Arrive at school: 8:30

Lessons start: 9:00

Number of lessons in the mornig: 2

Break is from 10:15 to 10:35

Lunch is at: 1:00

Number of lessons in the afternoon: 2

Scool finishes: 3:40

P.E. is on: Mondays

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