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Integrated Innovation in

Construction Management

Hari Om Gupta
Dept of BEM, SPA, New Delhi
Thesis Project 2
Integrated Innovation in Construction Management


Innovation is a continuous process in any field; same is the case with Construction
Management. Use of high-tech equipment, composite material, and state of the art
technology is always confused with innovation. Where as they are just constituents
of innovation. Integration of all such components will result in ‘Total Innovation’ or
‘Integrated Innovation’. In construction activities small things add up to bring about
the Time, Cost & Resource optimisation and most of such things are not derived in
offices or research laboratories but at the site, where actual work is happening.
Therefore role of Construction Manager and Contractor becomes very important.

Integrated Innovation means ‘innovative planning and management of the prime

factors of time, cost, quality and resources integrated with the new technology and
solutions and proper communication.’ For a better understanding of Integrated
Innovation let’s consider following example:

During design stage of a project ‘X’, Decision was taken for the use of a new building
material, AAC blocks instead of traditional Bricks on the external face of the building.
As AAC blocks are lightweight and have better insulation properties than brick work.
This was being seen as innovation. The AAC block work was done at site as per
specifications laid down and everything was perfectly in line till time came for fixing
of the doors and windows on to the openings left for that purpose in masonry. As
done with brick masonry traditionally. It was then realised that the Edges of AAC
block work was brittle & weak, incapable of holding the doors and windows being
installed. As a solution it was decided to demolish AAC Block work along the
periphery of the opening and replace it with brickwork resulting in wastage of
resources, time and money. This could have been avoided through the Integration of
the new material into construction methodology.

Integrated innovation will comprise of such planning tools techniques that will result
in minimizing the costs (Especially through elimination of the reworks) and optimizing
the allocation of resources. That in turn will result in fulfilling the schedules and
gaining high quality. This could be achieved by identifying certain elements of
construction that can be produced in the factories and used in construction using the

Hari Om Gupta, Dept of BEM, SPA, New Delhi

Thesis Project 3
Integrated Innovation in Construction Management

JIT (just in time concept). The elements have to be identified by the managers in
every project based on the project characteristics thus finding the element to be
replaced is a customized innovative process.

Another important area of utilization of integrated innovation will be the on site

management of the managers. Innovative steps have to be taken by the managers
so that facility under construction can be used side by side during the construction
process. This will reduce the payback period of capital investment. Also if the facility
is being used simultaneously its utility may be further enhanced. All this will require
innovation with lots of integration between the end users, the designer, contractors
and managers to achieve the goal.

Many points in the above discussion may look pretty normal but on ground these will
be a tough task to achieve and will require innovation and integration and this
‘Integrated innovation’ may be the future of construction management.

Few parameters critical for the success of Integrated Innovation is:

1. Early involvement of all key players in the project, enabling optimum solutions
to be identified to specific issues. Second tier contractors are an important
source of innovation and need to be fully integrated.

2. Enabling solutions to be selected on the basis of whole life value, and not on
the lowest cost basis.

3. Use of common processes, e.g. common ICT, project wide information

accessible through a portal which all players can access.
4. Performance measurement.
5. Use of Project Insurance.
6. Knowledge transfer from one project to another.


The Aim of the thesis work is to study and document Current Innovations and
Practices in the field of Construction Management.

Hari Om Gupta, Dept of BEM, SPA, New Delhi

Thesis Project 4
Integrated Innovation in Construction Management


The objective of the Thesis work is to learn about latest developments in

Construction Industry; especially in terms of new technology, materials, processes
etc. and its integration with the existing.

To learn about ‘Just in Time’ concept and its application to Construction Industry to
minimise waste and achieve Time, Cost and Resource optimisation.

Also to evaluate scope for standardisation of construction elements/items for their

factory production for a better Quality Assurance and Control.

The scope of this thesis work shall be limited to civil works of a building project.

Hari Om Gupta, Dept of BEM, SPA, New Delhi


Hari Om Gupta, Dept of BEM, SPA, New Delhi

Thesis Project 5
Integrated Innovation in Construction Management
Thesis Project 6
Integrated Innovation in Construction Management

1. Introduction:
1.1. Context / Need.
1.2. Aim.
1.3. Objective.
1.4. Scope.
1.5. Methodology.
2. Literature Review:
2.1. Construction Process knowledge for integration and innovation by C B
2.2. Evaluation of Construction Technology, Shasidharan CSP, Seminar, May 03.
2.3. Identification of management Strategies for Construction and its
Implementation with CERP, Preetha G Raman, Seminar, Dec 04.
2.4. The prevalent theory of Construction is hindrance for Innovation, Lauri
Koskela & Reben Vrijhoef.

2.5. Just in time construction method: case study: innovation in the Malaysian
housing industry.

2.6. How industry structure retards diffusion of innovations in construction:

challenges and opportunities, Dana a. Sheffer & Raymond e. Levitt.

2.7. Innovation in construction, J L Sturges & M B Bates.

3. Innovations in Construction Industry:
4. Case Studies:
4.1. .
5. Integration of Innovations in Construction Management:
5.1. .
6. Summary, Conclusion and Future Scope of Work:

Hari Om Gupta, Dept of BEM, SPA, New Delhi

Thesis Project 7
Integrated Innovation in Construction Management


1. The future of innovation in construction management, Mr Farrukh Arif.

2. The prevalent theory of construction is a hindrance for innovation, Lauri

Koskela and Ruben Vrijhoef

3. Just in time construction method: case study: innovation in the Malaysian

housing industry.

4. How industry structure retards diffusion of innovations in construction:

challenges and opportunities, Dana a. Sheffer & Raymond e. Levitt.

Hari Om Gupta, Dept of BEM, SPA, New Delhi

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