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University Of Dhaka

Department Of International Business

Course code: IB-205
Term Paper on: Recruitment and Selection process of Janata Bank

Prepared by:

Roll: JN-030-137
Batch: 10th
Section: A

Prepared to:
Dr. Khondoker Bazlul Hoque
Department Of International Business
University of Dhaka

Date of submission: April 24, 2018


24th September 2014

Dr. Khondker Bazlul Haque

Department Of International Business
University Of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of term paper on “Recruitment and selection process of Janata Bank”.

Dear Sir,

I like to inform you that I have submitted my Report on “Recruitment and Selection process of
Janata Bank Limited” with due gratitude and appreciation and as per your instruction. I hope this
report will be informative as well as comprehensive.

The term paper has given me the opportunity to learn about different aspects of this well reputed
organization. Before facing the corporate world, I have gathered general idea about the
organization culture and activities.

I also want to thank you for your support and patience for me and I appreciate the opportunity
provided by you through assigning me to work in this thoughtful project.



Milon Murmu

Roll: JN-030-137
Department Of International Business
University Of Dhaka
Table of Contents
Executive Summary....................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1: Statement of the Research problem...................................................................................................... 3
1.2: Rationale for its study ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.3: Objectives of the study .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.4: Scope of the study ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.5: Methodology of the study ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.1 Primary Sources ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.2 Secondary Sources: .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.5: Limitation of the study ........................................................................................................................... 6
Literature Review ...................................................................................................................................... 7
An overview of the organizations ............................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Corporate information .......................................................................................................................... 16
Core value of Janata Bank Limited .......................................................................................................... 17
Recruitment and Selection process ........................................................................................................ 18
5.1 Recruitment Process of Janata Bank Limited........................................................................................ 19
5.2 Recruitment Procedure and Recruitment Category ............................................................................. 19
5.2.1 Core Banking Service Cadre (CBSC):............................................................................................... 19
5.3 Senior Officer Recruitment ................................................................................................................... 20
5.3.1 Written Test and Interview Model for SO: .................................................................................... 20
5.3.2 Interview Committee and Rating Sheet: ........................................................................................ 21
5.3.3 Probationary Period and confirmation of services as AE: ............................................................. 21
5.4 Assistant Executive Recruitment .......................................................................................................... 21
5.4.1 AE Category, Requisite Qualifications and Placement Status: ....................................................... 21 Period of Probation: ................................................................................................................ 22 AE Exposure on the Job and Performance Evaluation: ........................................................ 22 Confirmation in Service:....................................................................................................... 22 Flowchart of Recruitment of Management Trainee: ........................................................... 23
5.5 Selection Process of Janata Bank Limited ............................................................................................. 24
5.5.1 Selection Process of JBL: ................................................................................................................ 24
5.5.2 Model of Selection Process in Janata Bank Limited:...................................................................... 27
Major Findings ............................................................................................................................................ 28
Conclusion and Recommendation .......................................................................................................... 30
7.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 31
7.2Recommendation: ................................................................................................................................. 32
7.3 Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 33

Executive Summary

Janata Bank Limited is not an exception to the dynamic world of business where they stand with
a mission of “Excellence in Banking”. One of the premier financial institutes of the country
targets to show the excellence by motivated and well trained workforce with a comprehensive
career. HR activities are one of the major activities in an organization. Janata Bank Limited HR
division is an ideal place for learning HR related activities thoroughly. An excellent team of
management of HR division conducts all the HR related issues. Their dedicated work makes
them possible to get suitable people for suitable positions. They maintain an actual flow of each
and every steps of Recruitment and selection process. Reducing turnover rate proves the
recruitment and selection process of Janata Bank Limited is an ideal example and they recruit
right person for right position. The report concentrated mainly on the Human Resource Division.
As government commercial bank work pressure is very high in Janata Bank Limited, so they
need highly professional people who are very dedicated to their work, otherwise the whole
operation will mess up. This is a great challenge for any organization to find out such talented
people. To know the future demand of human resources in Janata Bank Limited (JBL), the
Human Resources Division of JBL gives all the other branches and divisions of the head office a
general form at the beginning of the year. From the information gathered from these forms, the
HR division gets an estimate of the manpower requirements for the year. The HR division then
sets out to recruit and select necessary number of competent and efficient people in the bank.
JBL practices both the recruitment and selection process, but as it is a huge organization, the
process differs for different job positions. Quality of service depends on the competence and the
quality of the employees of the organization. Therefore, the authority of JBL has to be careful in
recruiting the right person for each job. As the recruitment and selection process of JBL is
improving. Though the overall recruitment and selection process of JBL is a well-organized
process but still there is scope for improvement. The policy and process should be revised. So
although the process they have been adopting so far has been somewhat effective, to adapt to the
changing times, the process should be revised and streamlined. By developing strategies to
overcome the limitations, JBL can make the recruitment and selection process more effective.


In today‟s world only academic does not make a student perfect to become competitive with the
corporate & global business world. By doing an internship program, a student can get
opportunity to learn facing about real business world. Internship is highly needed to gain idea,
knowledge and experience. As an internee student I have joined at Janata Bank Limited and
trying to maintain the pace with the competitive business environment on official activities,
culture, philosophy, norms & styles. It will reflect the best at any field of my personal life. The
manager is my overall guide & superior. He has assigned me to work under the supervision of
the senior executive officer Mr. Mostafizar Rahman. He tells me to meet his/her employees of
Janata Bank Ltd. who are responsible for different activities of the bank. Receiving his all sort of
cordial support, I have availed the opportunity to work with office where I am on the process of
acquiring idea about real business and corporate world. The primary purpose of this report is to
get an idea about the “Effects of Promotion system on Employee job satisfaction of Janata Bank
Ltd.”, a second generation bank of the country and make an industry analysis on the banking
sector of Bangladesh. This report is an attempt to reflect the position of Janata Bank Limited, in
the banking industry of Bangladesh, procedures, policies and activities with emphasis Promotion
of employees and Level of Employee job satisfaction of Janata Bank Limited.

1.1: Statement of the Research problem

Human Resource Management is part of the organization that is concerned with the “people”
dimension. HRM can be viewed in one of two ways. First, HRM is a staff, or support in the
organization. Its role is to provide assistance in HRM matters to line employees, or those directly
involved in producing organization’s goods and services. HRM is a function of every manager’s
job. Whether or not one work in a “formal” HRM department, the facts remain that to effectively
manage employees requires all managers to handle the activities. Human Resource Planning
helps determine the number and type of people an organization needs. Recruitment follows
Human Resources Planning and goes hand in hand with the selection process by which
organizations evaluate the suitability of the prospective Candidates for the job. Job analysis and
job design specify the tasks and duties of jobs and the qualifications expected from prospective

job holders. The next logical step is to select the right number of people the right type to fill the
jobs. Selection involves two broad groups of activities:

• Recruitment
• Selection

Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment.
Selection is the process of picking individuals (out of the pool of job applicants) with requisite
qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization. An organization large or small,
profit or service oriented, whether it is, the ultimate aim is to achieve organizational goal. This
achievement can only be possible through skillful and effective management of manpower.

Selection is a key component in the acquisition of human resources. Without a reliable and
erective selection mechanism, a business can never flourish, especially in the present world of
market economy, which is fiercely competitive. Usually after successful completion of
recruitment, selection and introduction process the new employee must be developed to better fit
the job and the organization. Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management is a small organization
under society’s act 1986. Every year recruiting goes on in its different concerns. Janata Bank
Limited Group has an enriched and skilled Administrative department. Human Resource
Management is under Administrative control. Through definite and systematic recruitment and
selection procedure selects & trains up its manpower for achieving its ultimate goal. This study is
important because we may find out what are the methods Janata Bank Limited can adopt for
recruitment and selection and some recommendations for their better effect in future.

1.2: Rationale for its study

This report is a requirement of the term paper which is an important part of the courses
requirement. As the supervisor has advised me to develop a thorough understanding of the
recruitment and selection processes of Janata Bank Limited (JBL), this report will be prepared on
those aspects of the recruitment and selection process of JBL.

1.3: Objectives of the study

• To evaluate the current recruitment and selection policy of JBL.

• To explore the recruitment and selection criteria of JBL.

• To identify the recruitment and selection steps and action of JBL.
• To analyze the different methods of recruitment and selection.
• To make a good recommendation to salve the problem of recruitment and selection.

1.4: Scope of the study

The scope of this study is only the recruitment and selection policy and processes of Janata Bank
Limited. The scope of the study is only limited due to some restrictions. The report does not
cover all the functions of Human Resource Management of Janata bank. Rather it discusses only
the recruitment and selection procedure of the company. The present study deals with the said
policy of the Head office of the company.

1.5: Methodology of the study

The report has been prepared mainly based on secondary data, furnishing by the Janata Bank
officials have also been incorporated in the report wherever it was considered necessary to
maintain the singleness and lucidity of the report. This report has been prepared on the basis of
experience gathered during the period of three months internship. Personal experience gained by
visiting different desks during internship period. The collected data are taken from various
sources which are mentioned in the below:

1.5.1 Primary Sources

• Practical experience of banking.
• Conversation, exchange of ideas and views with senior officials of bank.
• Informal conversion with the employees

1.5.2 Secondary Sources:

• The major parts of information are collected from the secondary such as:
• Annual report and Audit report of Janata Bank Ltd.
• Office files and Documents Study related book and journals.
• Web site.
• Documents supplied by the executives and officers of JBL.

1.5: Limitation of the study

The present study suffered from certain limitations noted below:

• Lack of website information to reach on any nicest ending.

• Facing hassle also to make communication eighth employees of the organization.
• Within this limited period it is a bit thought to trackball the facts accurately.
• However, omitting the limitations, the report will help to understand the foreign exchange
operation of the Bank.
• Lake of time.
• Lack of records: Insufficient books, publications, Facts and figures narrowed the scope of
accurate analyses.

Chapter 2
Literature Review

Schuler (patterns of strategy change in the development of human resources management British
journal of Management -1992) suggests that Human Resources Management (HRM) has many
different components, including policies, culture, values and practices. Strategic business needs
of an organization are influence by its internal (which mainly consist of factors sushi as the
organizational culture and business) and external characteristics (consisting of the nature and
state of economy in which the organization is existing and critical success factors, opportunity
and threats provided by the industry), which are influenced by HR activities. Thorn hill, laws,
Mill more, and asunder (A Human Resources strategy approach: managing change, Harlow:
Pearson education, 2000) found a potential role for HR- centered strategies to be used to change
or realign the culture of an organization. An organization can change its culture through its
recruitment strategy of replacing managers with those from outside, restructuring the
organization, downsizing the workforce, training programs, new reward strategy and
performance management to alter employee behaviors of reinforces one. The potential value of
the employee is to be increased by collectively enhancing and linking their skill and capabilities
in tune with the contemporary requirement of the market, and to be faster than the competitors.
The success of the HRM ell is determined by its ability to harness the intelligence and sprite of
people by creating a learning climate. Bangladesh organizations normally direct their HRM
effort toward the development of competencies, culture and effectiveness amongst employee’s
individuals of in group. Organization ma use many mechanisms to achieve their HRM goals as
without competent and committed employees, an organization can achieve very little even it has
excellent technology and other resources at its command. Such an assertion gain better
credibility in the context of development countries like Bangladesh that is , typically in early
growth stage in term of economics development and growing more rapidly than the traditional
developed economics of Japan , North America and Europe. This also includes most South East
Asian, South Asian and some Latin America countries. Selection in organization is based on
non-job related criteria like attractiveness, goal orientation and interpersonal skills; a general
lack of concern for value congruence. The dominant emphasize has been on the universal
practice of identifying and improving on existing performance strategy. This practice would
require a complete reverser where congruencies of value should find a place in selection and
training. In order to make an organization effective, the values of the society and the culture
milieu should be synthesized with those of the organization and it’s functioning. Fibrin Thigh

and Deanna (strategy Human Resource Management New York: Wiley, 1984) expanded these
premises and developed the model of SHRM, which emphasize a ‘tight fit’ between the
organization strategy, organizational structure and HR system, Political, economics, and cultural
forces are responsible for an organization’s mission and strategy. This explains these causal
relations, which from the ‘tight fit’ between strategy, organizational structure and HR policies
and practice. On the basis of mission and strategy, the shape of organization is structured; people
are organized to carry out different task to achieve the organization’s mission. Hendry and
Pettigrew (patterns of strategy change in the development of human resources management,
British Journal of Management- 1992) proposed that a number of internal factories such as the
organizational culture, structure (positioning of HR), leadership, level of technology employed
and business output directly contribute to forming the contents of HRM. Human Resources
Management could be seen as a menu of strategic chaise to be made by human resources
executives in order to promote the most effective ‘role behaviors’ that are consistent with the
organization’s strategy and aligned with each other (sparrow and Hilltop, European Human
Resource Management in Transition-1994).

Chapter -3

An overview of the organizations


Janata Bank Limited, a leading commercial bank with 867 outlets strategically located in almost
all the commercial areas throughout Bangladesh, overseas Exchange Houses and hundreds of
overseas Correspondents, came into being as a Public Limited Company on May 17, 2007 with a
view to take over the business, assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of the Janata Bank which
emerged as a nationalized commercial bank in 1972 immediately after the emergence of
Bangladesh as an independent state. Janata Bank Limited started functioning as a going concern
basis through a Vendors Agreement signed between the ministry of finance, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh on behalf of the former Janata Bank and the Board of Directors
of Janata Bank Limited on November 15, 2007 with retrospective effect from 01 July, 2007.
Janata Bank Limited is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 13(thirteen) members
headed by a chairman. The Bank is headed by the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer;
Managing Director is assisted by Deputy Managing Directors and General Managers. The bank
has 7 Circle offices, 30 Divisions in head office, 52 zonal offices and 867 branches including 10
corporate and 40 AD( authorized dealer) branches. The corporate and AD branches are
authorized to deal in Foreign exchange business. The authorized capital of the Bank is Tk. 800

Nature of business:

The principal activities of the Bank are providing all kinds of commercial banking services to its
customers and the principal activities of its subsidiaries are to carry on the remittance business
and to undertake and participate in any or all transactions, and operations commonly carried or
undertaken by remittance and exchange houses. The Bank also started its Merchant Banking
operations at Head Office level from September 03, 2009 vide registration certificate no. AMB-
34/2009 dated March 23, 2009 under Securities and Exchange Commission Act, 1993 and
Securities and Exchange Commission Rules, 1996. Janata Bank Ltd. with its wide-ranging
branch network and skilled personnel provides prompt services like issuing:

• Demand Draft
• Telegraphic Transfer
• Pay Order
• Bills collection

• Clearing

The Bank provides the following account facilities:

• Current/Savings/STD account
• FDR account
• Advance account
• Loan account

Janata Bank has already established a worldwide network and relationship in international
Banking through its overseas branches and foreign correspondents. The Bank has earned an
excellent business reputation in handling and funding international trade particularly in boosting
export & import of the country. The Bank finances exports within the framework of the export
policy of the country.

Organizational Overview:

Name of the company Janata Bank Limited. Chairman Khondokar Bazlul Haque, PHD,
Managing director Syed Abu Naser Bukhtear Ahmed, B.Sc, MBA Company secretary MD.
Ekramul Hakim Legal status Public limited company Date of incorporation 17 may 2007
registered office 9 Dilkusha commercial areas, Dhaka- 1000. Bangladesh. Authorized capital Tk.
800 core paid up capital Tk. 497 core Reserve and retained earning Tk. 420 core Number of
employees 11443 Number of branch 867 Number of subsidiary 02 website
email junta@

Company Mission & Vision

Company Mission:

• To become a leading bank of Bangladesh.

• Operating at international level of efficiency, quality and customer service.

Company Vision:

We operate ethically and fairly within the stringent framework set by our regulators. We fuse
ideas and lessons from best practice to explore new avenues to become stronger, more efficient

and competitive. We apply information and communication technology for the benefit of our
customer and employees. We invest to strengthen the future of the bank.

Organizational Hierarchy:

➢ Chairman
➢ Managing Director & CEO (Human Resource Division)
➢ General Manager (Operation)
➢ Deputy Managing Director (Loan Recovery)
➢ Assist. Managing Director (Principal Branch)
➢ Senior Principal Officer Principal Officer
➢ Senior Officer
➢ Officers/Officers Cash

Business Challenge

Janata Bank wanted to streamline their remittance operations and improve customer service. To
achieve these objectives, they had to address four major challenges: Previously, most money
transfers were processed manually across Janata Bank’s remittance centers due to which it would
take up to four days for beneficiaries to receive funds. Janata Bank wanted to offer their
customers popular same day services such as spot cash within minutes. Janata Bank wanted to be
able to communicate and Collaborate information accurately, rapidly and reliably among their
867 branches. They wanted to ensure that the right information is delivered to the right branch at
the right time using advanced auto-routing features. Some Janata Bank branches could expect up
to 2,000 customers on certain days, making it very difficult for their staff to serve them. Janata
Bank wanted to empower their staff to help customers as effectively as possible. Janata Bank
wanted to have a sophisticated money transfer management system that could be easily used by
their staff. They wanted the system to be user-friendly so staff could rapidly learn how to use it,
which in turn could save them time and cost.

Credit Rating:

Credit Rating Information and Services Limited (CRISL) assigns AAA (Triple A) rating to
Janata Bank in the long run and ST-1 in the short term. The above has been done in
consideration of the guarantee of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh while
setting up Janata Bank under the Presidential Order Number 26 of 1972 by assuming all assets
and liabilities of some banks operating in former East Pakistan. CRISL, being a local rating
agency, always considers the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh as the highest
risk free entity. Financial Institutions rated in this category are adjudged to be of best quality,
offer highest safety and have the highest credit quality. Changing economic circumstances are
unlikely to have any serious impact on the category of banks. The short term rating indicates
highest certainty of timely payment. Safety is almost like risk free Government short-term
obligations. Credit rating by CRISL particular Long term Short term Entity Rating as
Government Guaranteed Bank AAA ST-1 Entity Rating as Commercial Bank-2009 A ST-2
Outlook Stable Date of rating declaration 06/09/2010.

Chapter: 4
Profile of the Company / Firm

4.1 Background

Janata Bank Limited, the 2nd largest State Owned Commercial Bank (SCB) in Bangladesh, is
playing pivotal role in overall financial activities of the country. The Bank emerged as ‘Janata
Bank’ by combining the erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union Bank Limited under the
Banks Nationalization Order (President’s Order- 26) of 1972 and was restructured as a limited
company in November, 2007. Since inception in 1972 the Bank has commendably contributed to
the socio-economic development of Bangladesh and helped structuring solid financial ground of
the country as well. Janata Bank runs its business with 912 branches across the country including
4 overseas branches in United Arab Emirates.

4.2 Corporate information

Name: Janata Bank Limited

Registered address: Janata Bhaban, 100, Motizil commercial area

Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

Legal status: Public Limited Company

Date of Incorporate as PLC: May 21, 2007

Authorized capital: TK 30,000 million (as on 31.12.14)

Paid up capital: TK 19,140 million (as on 31.12.14)

No of Branches: Almost 904


Core value of Janata Bank Limited


Growth Diversity

Dignity Accountability


Business prospect of the Bank

❖ Maintaining required capital adequacy

❖ Business expansion in capital market
❖ Gradual expansion of branch network
❖ Progressive automation of the branches
❖ Real online banking software will be in function soon
❖ Expansion ATM and credit card

Chapter- 5:
Recruitment and Selection process

5.1 Recruitment Process of Janata Bank Limited

Recruitment and selection policy are key thing of recruitment appropriate employees.
Progressive companies pay special attention to recruitment, selection, training, orientation,
evaluation, promotion and compensation of Executives, Officers.

5.2 Recruitment Procedure and Recruitment Category

Bank is service oriented organization. The success of a commercial Bank largely depends on the
quality of services offering to the customer s. Quality service are mostly depends on the officers
and executives. JBL believes in paying competitive salary and different facilities to the
employees to get maximum service out of them. Therefore, the authority of the Bank has to be
careful in recruiting the right person for the right job. Recruitment in JBL for required post has to
be approved by the board members at the beginning of each year either through inviting
application from prospective candidate of through talent hunting. As far recruitment policy, JBL
recruit PAEPLE through Banking Cadre Service Model”. This model is divided into three parts.
This are

5.2.1 Core Banking Service Cadre (CBSC):

This program starts from recruiting PAEPLE at AE (Assistant Executive) to mid-level
management posts. Bank seeks fresh and talented PAEPLE for these posts. Core banking service
means core banking works, like in the departments and Head offices. These PAEPLE are directly
commanded by the head of department or managing directors. There are some criteria for
recruiting PAEPLE at these posts. These are likeAssistant Executive (AE) is the high potential
fresh graduates/post graduates to be recruited in the bank management cadre service within
policy. AE is the future leaders to move up to different leadership positions with gaining of
experience & competence. PAEPLE containing high potential and take pressure of managerial
position are mostly recruited as AE in Janata Bank. Employees in Core Banking Cadre with
professional competences and background may move to Banking Support Cadre service. The
following chart will summarize the recruitment pattern in different cadre services Given the
Banking Cadre Services structure as above, for Janata Bank, recruitment should be made in the
following three Categories:

• Senior Officer
• Junior Officer
• Assistant Executive

5.3 Senior Officer Recruitment

Senior Officer (SO) is the entry level position in JBL. Generally Bank does not seek very
talented PAEPLE for this position. PAEPLE having ordinary result and talent are mostly
recruited. SO will be recruited in two categories:

• Senior officer (General)

• Officer Cash (Cash)

Assistant Executive shall be recruited either through:

• Press Advertisement:
• Direct Recruitment:

The candidate should also have minimum Computer knowledge on the following:

• Operational system : Windows

• Word Processing : MS Word
• Spread Sheet : Excel
• Typing speed: 40 words per minute (For Type/Telex/Computer - MS Word) & 25 for
other categories of Computer operation.

5.3.1 Written Test and Interview Model for SO:

Content for the written test (100 marks) should be as follows:

➢ Ability to write both in Bengali & English

➢ General arithmetic
➢ General knowledge
➢ Test organized by bank management or outsourced
➢ 60% marks will qualify a candidate to appear before interview/viva

5.3.2 Interview Committee and Rating Sheet:

An interview committee not less than 4 members consisting of executives SVP & above will
conduct the face to face interview / Viva for final selection of SO. Interview evaluation sheet in
respect of each candidate will be in place considering in all the factors above and will be put on

5.3.3 Probationary Period and confirmation of services as AE:

Newly recruited Assistant Executive (AE) has to complete a probation period for 1 (one) Year.
After completing the probation period successfully, he/she may be recruited to Junior Officer.
AE has to get G+ rating at final assessment or his job will be terminated.

5.4 Assistant Executive Recruitment

Management Trainee is a higher level post for any organization. Management Trainees are
directly related to decision banking posts. Assistant Executive shall be recruited either through:

➢ Recruitment through Press/Online Advertisement

➢ Educational/Other Qualifications for both direct and indirect AE recruitment:

5.4.1 AE Category, Requisite Qualifications and Placement Status:

There will be two categories of AE recruitment and placement profile:

➢ Graduate AE cadre and

➢ Post Graduate AE cadre

The structured profile of Graduate and Post-Graduate AE is as follows:

➢ Graduates:

Qualification Period of Probation:

The probation period for AE is 1 year and on successful completion of probationary period they
will be confirmed in service according to category as shown above AE Exposure on the Job and Performance Evaluation:

Newly recruited AE basically receive 2 – days long orientation program at Training and
Development Center after joining which covers briefing on company overview, background,
service rule as well as functions of different divisions/department/branches. Upon placement, AE
used to go through 12 months traineeship period in the following portfolios in the manner as
follows besides training and monthly counseling in group: General Banking Management: 04
months Credit Management : 04 months Foreign Exchange Management : 04 months Confirmation in Service:

Performance appraisal and interview by the management committee is being conducted at least a
month before completion of 12 months and only VG and E rated trainees will be confirmed in
substantive positions approved by MD within policy framework.
23 Flowchart of Recruitment of Management Trainee:


5.5 Selection Process of Janata Bank Limited

To know the future demand of human resources, the HR division of JBL usually provides all the
other divisions and branches with a general form at the beginning of the year. From the
information collected from these forms, the HR division gets an estimate of the human resource
requirement for the year. No long term human resource forecasting is done in JBL. The
following table illustrates the number of branches of the bank and manpower in different years:

The main objectives of Janata Bank Limited are to attract and retain highly qualified candidate
who will perform m best in their particular positions. The bank not only tries to attract well-
qualified candidates but also tries to identify and recruit candidate who are really interested to
work in the bank for certain period of time.

The recruitment philosophy of JBL is as follows:

JBL usually follow internal recruitment but when the need arises they go for external
recruitment to fill up the vacancies. JBL always likes to hire candidates for long period of time,
bank give more emphasis on them who wants to get promoted to Mid-Level positions. The
corporate culture of JBL is to treat employees with extraordinary employee not general
employee. Together they form a family and they have a close bond which motivates them to
work as a team.

5.5.1 Selection Process of JBL:

Different types of selection process are described in below.


Receipt of Application:

This is the first selection step to join JBL. Candidates either send their application for a specific
vacancy, or they specific job’s position. There is a box in front of the HR division where
interested person drop their application. The HR division collects job applications against each
job vacancy. In case of newspaper advertisements, the applicants are given at least one month to
apply. After a specific period, each and every job is closed for applying.

Sorting out Applications:

The next step is the short listing of applications. Usually the HR division is occupied in the short
listing. But the HR division may hand over this step to the respective divisions to save time. To
recruit experienced banker s, applications may be sorted out from the collection of unsolicited
applications received. Or, another possibility is to find out experienced and competent bankers in
other banks.

Informing Candidates:

After short listing of the application and choosing the suitable candidates, HR division inform
the candidate over phone about written test (Entry level).MCQ Test or written tests, and Voce
Test the bank issues admit cards through courier services seven to ten days prior to the exam.

Written Test:

The employment test is generally aptitude test which measures candidate’s verbal ability,
numerical ability, reasoning ability. Generally JBL take written test for entry level position like
Assistant Executive and for AE level of JBL.

Interview & Voce Test:

JBL has an interview panel consisting of HR professionals and top level management to conduct
biasfree and smooth interview session. For selecting AE s basically MD, DMD and Head of HR
conduct interview session. For recruiting experienced professionals several interviews may be

Final Approval by Competent Authority:

After the interview session the candidate are evaluated by the interview panel. The management
team decides which one will be selected. After that an offer letter is made for the candidate.
Once the candidates accept the offer letter, they are given the Appointment letter. Rejected
candidates are not informed.

Physical Examination:

Like other bank JBL also take physical examination of the selected employees whether the
applicant is fit for the job or not. JBL has contract with Popular Diagnostic Center and Chevron
Diagnostic Center, The whole checkup is conducted by these two diagnostic centers.

Joining and Placement:

Once the candidate passed physical examination are given the joining and placement letter. The
newly recruited employees are asked to report their respective joining place within one or two

5.5.2 Model of Selection Process in Janata Bank Limited:


Chapter -6:
Major Findings

The findings of the study are as follows:

1. Lack of standard job analysis policy: The job analysis program is not standard as well as the
key personnel of human resource Department are not capable of applying the various HRM

2. Lack of effective human resource planning policy: Effective human resources planning
policy are those that include having sufficient staff, with the right mixture of talent, who are in
the appropriate locations, performing their jobs when needed. But Janata bank ltd does not have
any human resources planning policy for managing its human resources.

3. Lack of ideal recruitment and selection policy: Though the organization is in lacking of
employees, but I think there is lacking of proper staffing-that means lack of right place. So the
main problem is found, lack of ideal recruitment and selection program.

4. Lack of standard training and development policy: Janata bank ltd staff development
policy is not appropriate. Employees training and orientation is not arranged frequently basis in
the bank. As a result, employees fail to properly communicate with the client.

5. Lack of effective performance appraisal policy: Janata bank lt does not accurately follow
the performance appraisal program. There is some discrimination, nepotism found in the bank.
Consequently, employees with some efficiency are given different score by different supervisors.

Chapter -7:
Conclusion and Recommendation

7.1 Conclusion

As a personnel function recruitment and selection is a major Human Resource function designed
to attract, obtain and retain the qualified workforce to meet the future organizational needs.
Through efficient handling of this practice the company can successfully continue its operation.
This requires a sharp business focus from HR professionals and the delivery of high quality HR
systems that are integrated into the organization strategy and operations. The study “Recruitment
and Selection Procedure of Janata Bank Limited” under HR revealed that employees are the most
valuable resources for the progress of the organization. For the development of these valuable
resources there are many factors involved. The analysis of the report shows some positive
practices and negative practices which are need to improve for conducting the employees
successfully. To increase the productivity of an organization effective & dynamic recruitment
and selection procedure is essential. Janata Bank Limited practices a progressive recruitment and
selection procedures. HR officers of Janata Bank Limited Group are now expected to work
beyond the boundaries of contracts and policies to contribute directly to the operation and
success of the business.


In the light of the findings, the recommendations are as follows:

1. To conduct proper job analysis program: The top management should conduct proper job
analysis for having better output.

2. To formulate standard human resource planning policy: Janata bank ltd should set a
standard human resource planning for its betterment.

3. To formulate an ideal recruitment and selection policy: Recruitment and selection is the
most important part of HR department so they should be more careful about the Recruitment and
Selection policy.

4. To formulate an effective training and development policy: Regular training may be

arranged for officers and HR officers in order to ensure the smooth operations of the bank and to
get the desired momentum in day to day work. An annual budget may be allotted for training

5. To conduct standard performance appraisal program: HR Department should follow

accurate performance appraisal, otherwise, company might fall in problem due to unfair standard
performance appraisal.

Finally it can be said that Janata bank Ltd should properly take the above-mentioned steps for the
overcoming the prevailing problems.

7.3 Bibliography

1. Annual Report, Janata Bank Limited, 2010

2. Annual Report, Janata Bank Limited, 2011
3. Annual Report, Janata Bank Limited, 2012
4. The Recruitment and Selection Policy of Janata Bank Limited
5. Several Officer Orders of Janata Bank Limited
9. Bank Statistics. Bangladesh Bank.

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