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Chapter VI

Socio-Economic Study
The socio-economic study is defined as the factors between society and economy that may
affect the business. Its importance is that it defines how the business helps in creating a good
relationship with the society, and what are responsibilities of the business to the growth and
development of the economy.
This chapter enumerates the benefits contributed by this business to the employees, the
government, and the community.

A. Employment
The main goal of a business is to have high income especially in the part of the owner. The
business should generate pleasantly relationship to the employees to attain the main goal of the
business which is to have an income. At workers and employees in the business need income
support their own needs and also for their services rendered in the business. Building up business
is a great opportunity for an employed people to have jobs. It will also be their opportunity of
having another source of income.

B. Government
With this business, it will provide employment opportunities for unemployed people within
the area. The government of Molave will also benefit the business from the collection of income,
business and corporate taxes, licenses, and local fees. These can increase the revenue of the
government which can be utilized for local and national government projects. The business can
also participate in different projects of the local government.

C. Community Involvement Programs

The business will contribute to the economy by bringing growth and innovation to the
community in which the business is established. This gives the place have a huge potential for a
profitable market. This will encourage more investors and entrepreneurs to establish more
businesses within the area.

D. Conclusion of the Socio-Economic Study

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