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INDEX ................................................................................. 1

PROBLEM DEFINITION ......................................................... 2

SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ........................................................ 3

ACCESS LEVELS LIST OF FIGURES ....................................... 4

SYSTEM DESCRIPTION TREE ................................................ 5

MODEL ............................................................................... 8


FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 9

NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 11

STAKEHOLDERS .................................................................. 13

SHORT DESCRIPTION .......................................................... 14

GROUP ROLES ................................................................... 16

TEAM COMMUNICATION PLAN.............................................. 17

SCENARIOS ........................................................................ 19

UML USE CASE DIAGRAM ................................................... 28

UML CLASS DIAGRAM ........................................................ 32

DFD CONTEXT DIAGRAM .................................................... 36

DFD LEVEL-0 DIAGRAM ...................................................... 40

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Problem Definition

We choose a Mobile Shop Management System

to provide a system to manage the mobile shop
and make it easier and faster for the staff and
the manager, that have 4 main components
which help the system to be more maintainable
and it will be more manageable to contain the

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System Description

The objective is to define a small mobile shop system for Sales and
purchase of mobiles, where the detail of purchasing of mobiles of
different models at which price is stored and in which price the mobiles
are sold to the customers, both details are stored for the query for any
mobile handsets.

In start we introduce a form to request for the menu which holds

several options for available sales and offers. This is the start for all
other forms which are connected to it by a simple connection.

During purchase, We request for the model-id or name of the product.

This form accepts Mobile mode-id or name to either store or use this
form to help you find that same model-id. If it exists then you can
modify or complaint about it if not you can add it.

After adding the Mobile model-id, you have to add the all features that
are available in that Mobile. This form helps to add features of Mobile
through the available list of features. This form also helps to change or
remove the features of the Mobile.

If there is a time were it is needed to store and retrieve the information

about the supplier, we created a solution that helps you to store
supplier id and its basic information.

When purchasing the Mobile handsets, customer information is

required and we will save it to customer detail form. This information
will be later used in statistic research.

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Access levels

Not anyone can access the add mobile form or the manager supplier
information. There are certain levels on the system, these levels decide
what information or features you can access in the system. There are 3
levels in our system and will be displayed in a chevron list.

• Can access all features

Manager • Able to manage the whole system

• Can access almost all features

Employee • Able to add/delete some information

• Has access on some features(Customer features)

Customer • Can only manage his info and cart.

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System description tree

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❖ Details:
1) Customer & Employee (Staff) Details:
• Personal information about both customer and employees will be
saved here, Like:
➢ Full Name
➢ Age
➢ Gender
➢ Address
➢ ……………Etc.

❖ Reports:
1) Customer & Employee (Staff) Reports(feedback):
• Anything that a customer or an employee want to talk about with
the Manager (Owner) of the shop, Like:
➢ Positive or negative feedback about products
➢ Any complains
➢ Ideas to improve the shops workspace
➢ ……………Etc.
2) Product Report (Info.):
• All available products that are ready to be sold with additional
information, Like:
➢ Product name
➢ Brand name
➢ Available quantity
➢ Device specs like: Ram, Size , Display resolution,…..
➢ ……………Etc.
3) Purchased Report:
• Every time a product is bought its name and price will be saved in a
table with the total items sold and price ready to be displayed when

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4) Dealer Report:
• All products bought from the dealer will be saved in a report with
there prices and will be sent to the “Product Report” section to be
displayed with a change of prices for profit.

❖ Transactions:
1) Purchase Details(Cart):
• Any items that a costumer tries to buy will go directly to his cart
were he can complete his purchase and manage his cart with
features like:
➢ Being able to add or delete products
➢ Can use discount codes If available
➢ Can choose to either get the product from the store or get it
➢ ……………Etc.
2) Attendance Details:
• This is the attendance information for employees where they will
prove that they came to work :
➢ The employee will be marked as on-time ,late or absent and his
salary will be affected differently by each
➢ The employee will be marked as on-time if he had a sick-leave
➢ If the employee worked over time he will be payed for it
➢ ……………Etc.
3) Bill Details:
• All the store bills(fees) will be saved here and removed if payed,
bills like:
➢ Electricity bills
➢ Water bills
➢ Store rent
➢ ……………Etc.
4) Salary Details:
• All Staff(Employees) members salaries will be here with changes if
occurred with reason :
➢ Every staff member can only view his salary
➢ Will get a bonus if the employee was the employee of the week
➢ ……………Etc.

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Software Process Model

The Concurrent Development Model is called as Concurrent Model.

We have chosen this model because it contains some features that
make it distinct from other models:
• This model is applicable to all types of software development
• It gives immediate feedback from testing.
• It is easy for understanding and use.
• It provides an accurate picture of the current state of a project.

Description of Software
Process Model
A large portion of the fruitful programming out there includes a
progression of periods of improvement, for example, necessities
gathering and prototyping, that are assembled to build up the
product. These stages are discrete and regularly performed
simultaneously. Frequently there is an entwining between the
stages, which makes it unavoidable to re-visitation of the prior
stages to roll out certain improvements as indicated by the
outcomes got in the later stages. This sort of a model, wherein
various stages are performed simultaneously, can be instituted
as a simultaneous model.

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Functional Requirements

• Login
o Simple two step login system
▪ Admin Login
▪ Sales person Login
• Administrator Dashboard
o Admin can control whole system easily
o Admin can add/delete sales person, Edit, update, delete,
generate barcode etc.
o Admin show payment option.
• Sales person Role
o Sell Products
o Stock Products
o Delivery Receipt
o Payment Process
o Accept Refunds Products
• Payment process
o Only Cash Payments
o Paid Vat
o Get Discounts

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• Barcode
o Generate Barcode
o Print Barcode Level
o Barcode Scanner
• Refunds Process
o Accept Refund Products
o Cash back
• Reports Module
o View Sales Reports
o View Transaction Reports
o View Refunds Reports
o Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Reports
• Database

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Non-Functional Requirements


• The following requirements describe the expected reliability of

the Operational Interface
o The Operational Interface shall have a Mean Time Between
Failures of no less than 17 days

• The following requirements indicate the expected availability of

the Operational Interface.
o The system shall be available 99.5% of the time

• All users of the system shall login using some form of unique
identification (e.g., username and password)
• All login attempts shall be done so in a secure manner (e.g.,
encrypted passwords)
• Each user shall either be trusted or not trusted.

• The following requirements increase the maintainability of the

Operational Interface software.
o All source code and development related documents shall
be controlled under a version control system

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o All source code shall adhere to an agreed upon and well-
defined set of coding standards for each development
language used.
o A standard naming convention for classes, variables and
packages shall be agreed upon and adhered to.

• Hardware
• Operating Systems
➢ Since the software must run on several popular hardware
platforms and the goal is to achieve a Reasonable level of platform
➢ The system shall be compatible with the Microsoft Windows
Operating System (Vista, Windows 7/8/10, XP or greater).

• The system’s user interface intuitive, easy to use and provide an

overall positive user experience.

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Stake holder is a party that can affect or be affected by the actions of
the business as a whole.

❖ Types of Stakeholders:
1) Internal Stakeholders
➢ Internal stakeholders are entities within a business positive or
negative feedback about products.
2) External Stakeholders
➢ External stakeholders are entities not within a business itself but
who care about or are affected by its performance.

❖ Stakeholders in this system as follows:

▪ Employees
➢ He actually works 24/7 to grow business. Honest, open
communication with them will Impress the remainder of stake
holders and lead to sales and profit. Shop are going to be affected if
employees aren't honest, loyal. Employees are affected if wrong data
is inserted.
▪ Customers
➢ Customer are going to be affected if he doesn't get delivery of Mobiles
on time. He may cancel next order or don't give order in any respect.
this may adversely affect the company. Company should satisfy
clients demand on time.
▪ Administrator
➢ The owner of the admission system must keep a check on everything
which is visiting admission system about each and each registration
and viewing and making changes i.e. update, delete etc. this is often
one in all the important issue to be handled. Industry should be kept
on changing in line with the staffs and liking of the Customer / Owner.

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Short Description

Before a customer is able to purchase any product he/she must create/register
an account. We reduced the number of input fields to the minimum because we
support simplicity and minimalistic approaches, and secondly the more fields we
add, the less registrations out system will have. Customers will enter there
personal information which are his/her username, email, gender and phone
number. There are some username and password restrictions that will be used as
scenarios. Additionally, the customer email will be verified by a sent link to the
customer email.

In our system, there is a very important component which is Orders. First, the
customers will give the products to the cashier. Then the cashier will scan the
barcode for all products and If the reader does not read the code, the product can
be added by typing the code and searching for it by selecting the product through
its section (there is a picture of each product for ease and speed of search). Next,
the total will appear on a small screen opposite the customer. Also, cashier can
edit the order if customer want to cancel or add products. After that, it will go to
the payment page.

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A payment is that the voluntary tender of cash or its equivalent
or of things useful by one party (such as an individual or
company) to a different in exchange for goods, or services
provided by them, or to satisfy a legal obligation. The party
making a payment is usually called the payer, while the payee
is that the party receiving the payment.
Payments are often affected during a number of the way, for
• the use of cash, cheque, or debit, credit or bank transfers.
• the transfer of anything useful, like stock, or using barter,
the exchange of one good or service for an additional.

Reports will provide important detail that can be used to help
us, marketing plans, guide budget planning and improve
decision-making. Managers also use business reports to track
progress and growth, and it`s essential to any retailer because
they tell you exactly what`s going on in your business.

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Group Roles

❖ Component-01: “Register”
o Alhassan Ahmed Sharif-20192869

❖ Component-02: “Order”
o Ahmed Ebrahim Ahmed-20197531

❖ Component-03: “Payment”
o Hasan Ebrahim Hasan-20197562

❖ Component-04: “Reports”
o (Leader) Abdulrahman Mohammed -20192231

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Team Communication Plan

❖ Real-time communication:
• Messages and information that do not reach other group
members on time can lead to wasted opportunities and
confusion. Real-time updates and instant two-way
communication via instant messaging, phone calls, and
video conferencing, drives productivity and efficiency,
keeping us up to snuff on project progress. Among the
many advantages of having instant communication is that
we are able to quickly address issues without having to
wait for the next regular meeting. Our team strategy
supports real-time communication that enables us to
respond and decide immediately on the best course of
action when unexpected issues crop up.

❖ Timeline:
• We have decided through a team meeting that our regular
meetings will be on Tuesdays after the ITSE lab lecture
and Saturdays at 3:30 PM
• If something urgent came up and we have to discuss it
through a meeting we contact each other via instant

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❖ Communication tools:
➢ Instant messaging:
• WhatsApp
• Instagram
• Twitter…. etc.

➢ Face-to-face meetings:
• Microsoft teams
• Hangouts Meet
• Skype…. etc.

➢ Material exchange software:

• Email
• Google drive
• iCloud…. etc.

➢ Team leader responsibilities:

• Our team leader instructs us providing directions and
guidance to the team in order to ensure the completion of
tasks. He also motivates and inspire the team, solving
problems and empowering the other team members to do
the same.

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❖ Component Scenarios: (Register)

• Scenario 01:
• Customer Ahmed wants to register on the system.
He entered his username, email, gender and phone number.
System displayed an error message for the username that
says it is not allowed to enter special characters in the
username like “ , & , ? , % , @ , / , |.

• Scenario 02:
• Customer Khalid wants to register on the system.
He entered his username, email, gender and phone number.
System displayed an error message for the username that
says the user name must have at least 5 characters.
• Scenario 03:
• Customer Ali wants to register on the system.
He entered his username, email, gender and phone number.
System displayed an error message for the email that says
this email is invalid your email should look similar to this
• Scenario 04:
• Customer Sara wants to register on the system.
She entered her username, email, gender and phon number.
System send a email confirmation message to the customer
and then the customer confirms her email address.

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• Scenario 05:
• Customer Fatima wants to register on the system.
She entered her username, email and phone number.
System displayed an error message for the gender it says
that you must pick a gender before proceeding with
• Scenario 06:
• Customer Rashid wants to register on the system.
He entered his username, email, gender and phone number.
System displayed an error message for the phone number
that says the phone number at most will have 8 digits.
• Scenario 07:
• Customer Mohammed wants to register on the system.
He entered his username, email, gender and phone number.
During the registration process internet connection was lost.
System displayed an error message.
• Scenario 08:
• Customer Mona wants to register on the system.
She entered her username, email, gender and phone number.
System displays an error message for the username that
says the username you picked has been used please choose
another username.
• Scenario 09:
• Customer Mariam wants to register on the system.
She entered her username, email, gender and phone number.
System displays an error message for the password that says
your password is easy to guess please use a sophisticated

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• Scenario 09:
• Customer Noor wants to register on the system.
She entered her username, email, gender and phone number.
System displays an error message for the password that says
your password is easy to guess please use a sophisticated
• Scenario 10:
• Customer Hamad wants to register on the system.
He entered his username, email, gender and phone number.
System displayed an error message for both username and
password that says your username and password must not
be the same please change one of them

❖ Component Scenarios: (Order)

• Scenario 01:
• Hasan choose some accessories for his smartphone, but
when he gave it to the cashier, and after add his accessories
to his order, he asked the cashier to cancel his order for
some reason, so the cashier canceled the order.

• Scenario 02:
• Mohammed took a number of charging cables for some
smartphones for his family and when he gave him to the
cashier, he counted the number of cables and then wrote
the number and chose the recurring product.
• Scenario 03:
• The owner of the shop wanted to make some adjustments
in the prices of some products because they became a bit
old so he entered the system and made some adjustments
to some products price.

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• Scenario 04:
• Jaffar came to the shop to buy a portable charger for his
smartphone but when he found the quality he wanted and
gave the mobile charger to the cashier he tried to wipe the
barcode on the product and found trouble in identifying this
product so he wrote the barcode of the mobile charger and
found it and added it to the order.
• Scenario 05:
• Tawfiq came and wanted to buy a new smartphone and took
the blue color and when he went to the cashier gave him the
phone so the cashier read the barcode and then choose the
color chosen by the customer.
• Scenario 06:
• One of the customers bought an iPhone phone from the
shop with a capacity storage of 64 GB, and when he came
out of the shop he saw the invoice and found that he
recorded the phone iPhone same specifications but the
capacity storage of 128 GB so he went back to the shop and
told the cashier of the problem and apologized the cashier
and changed the bill from 128 GB to 64 GB and gave the
customer the difference between the price of the two
• Scenario 07:
• The shop did a marketing offer when you bought 500 BD or
more you get a discount of 15% and when you buy 1000 BD
or more you get a 30% discount, when a customer came and
bought mobile phones worth 600 dinars and printed the
printer printed the total value of 510 BD.

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• Scenario 08:
• Fatima came to the shop to buy a product for her phone and
when she came to the cashier tried to add the product but
it seems that the product was not added to the system, so
the cashier told his manager to add the new product.
• Scenario 09:
• Ahmed wants to buy cover to his smartphone, give the
cashier the cove he has chosen to scan the barcode to be
added to the order and then go to the payment page.
• Scenario 10:
• Sara came to the shop to buy some of her smartphone
supplies from a charger with some other accessories, so she
put her in the basket and gave the cashier the things she
wanted, so the cashier added them one by one by scanning
the barcode.
• Scenario 11:
• After the tax increase, the admin edited the tax in the

❖ Component Scenarios: (Payment)

• Scenario 01:
• A customer Ahmed came wanting to pay with the credit
card, so the payment machine was brought to him, his card
was placed in the machine and he entered his password,
then the bank sent a message to the customer to confirm
the transaction.

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• Scenario 02:
• The customer Yasser bought a headphone, he paid in cash
(20BD) and the price of the headphone is (5BD) and the rest
of the money was returned (15BD).
• Scenario 03:
• Payment was made by credit card by the customer Fatima,
but the transaction was rejected due to the expiration date
of the card and she doesn't have enough cash, so she is going
to be recorded as a debt in the account.
• Scenario 04:
• Mohammed bought a phone and after paying the bill he
discovered that the bill was paid twice by mistake, so he
returned to the shop and explained the problem and was
told to contact the bank.
• Scenario 05:
• Customer Hasan paid the amount due to him and when
printing his receipt there was an error in the printing machine
due to the lack of connection, so the receipt was sent
electronically over the phone.
• Scenario 06:
• Abdullah came wanting to pay by the application Benefit Pay
and when the payment was rejected the process several
times due to a defect in the application, so he paid by credit
• Scenario 07:
• A customer Mustafa wants to pay by credit card, so the
worker told him that the payment machine did not work, so
the customer paid with BenefitPay application.

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• Scenario 08:
• The customer Maryam discovered when paying by credit
card that the amount in his account is not enough, so he paid
half of the amount through the credit card and the other half
in cash.
• Scenario 9:
• Customer Jaffar returned a headphone he had bought
earlier, and when checking the receipt number, an error
appeared, which is that the receipt number was invalid, so
he could not return the product.
• Scenario 10:
• The customer Salman returned a phone charger he bought
recently and upon the refund the seller discovered that he
did not have enough cash so he asked the customer to
choose how to return the money to him either by bank
transfer or the BenefitPay application.

❖ Component Scenarios: (Reports)

• Scenario 01:
• On the end of the day, the casher Khaled send reports of
sales today`s to the sales department.

• Scenario 02:
• Mohammed works in sales, in the summer, Mohammed
send report which product are they lowest seller to the
department of marketing, and then they create an
advertising campaign.

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• Scenario 03:
• Ahmed as customer services representative send a report
to Abdulrahman in marketing department why 18% of
customer returned Headphones, then he know they
returned because the quality is not good, after that they
replaced Headphones to Headphones higher quality.
• Scenario 04:
• On Monday Hassen send report inventory status to the sales
• Scenario 05:
• Department marketing they just got reports which product
are they best-seller, and they evaluate their prices.
• Scenario 06:
• Department marketing they just got reports which product
are they best-seller, but it will soon run out of stock and they
requested a new quantity from the factory.
• Scenario 07:
• The CEO he just got reports for financial situation and he sew
they have sharply decrease last quarter, and then he make
an argent meeting.
• Scenario 08:
• The CEO he just got reports for financial situation and he sew
they have sharply increase last quarter, and then he gave
employees bonus.

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• Scenario 09:
• The manager of marketing Rami he just got reports of the
product that have not sold last half a year from the manager
of sales, and then they make a huge offers for these product
• Scenario 10:
• On the end of the month, manager cashers Abdullah send
report calculating sales commission due to each casher, which
important to increase enthusiasm.

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UML Use Case Diagram
❖ Component-01: “Register”

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❖ Component-02: “Order”

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❖ Component-03: “Payment”

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❖ Component-04: “Report”

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UML Class Diagram
❖ Component-01: “Register”

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❖ Component-02: “Order”

P a g e 33 | 44
❖ Component-03: “Payment”

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❖ Component-04: “Report”

P a g e 35 | 44
DFD Context Diagram

❖ Component-01: “Register”


Customer Response

Mobile Shop Sales and

marketing plans
Management ADMIN
System Customer and shop
condition report

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❖ Component-02: “Order”

Context Diagram

Admin Delete Products

Mobile Shop Customer


Sales Person

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❖ Component-03: “Payment”

P a g e 38 | 44
❖ Component-04: “Report”

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DFD Level-0 Diagram

❖ Component-01: “Register”

Customer P a g e 40 | 44
❖ Component-02: “Order”
1.0 2.0

Add/Update/Edit/Delete Products Receive and Products Data

Sales Person Update
transform sales
Products File

3.0 Formatted Products Data

Receive and
transform Customer Order (Scan Barcode)
D1 Products Data
products order

Inventory Data Products Sold

5.0 4.0

Products Sold
Inventory File

Formatted Inventory Data Formatted Products Sold Data

D3 Inventory File D2 Product Sold File

Send Data to Payment



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❖ Component-03: “Payment”

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❖ Component-04:” Report”

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