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Covid-19 pandemic has vastly affected the county's ability to attain economic stability and sustainance.

This isn't only the waving dilemma not to mention corruption and human rights injustices. Politicians, as
well as the Presiden Rodrigo Duterte, are concerned with the scenario the Filipino faces today triggering
the idea of aggravating the weak spots of the citizens' malnutrition, education, unemployment and etc. .

From my point of view, the country has responded well and mitigated through the Interagency Task
Force (IATF) on Emerging Infectious Diseases chaired by the Department of Health (DOH), National
Action Plan (NAP) on COVID-19. What we see as of today has been the major uncertanties of the
Philippines ever since, and this uncertanties introduce its entry today. In my opinion, this juncture is
necessary because it restates laws. First, the pandemic fullfils needed healthcare ordinances' issue for a
great number of facilities, practitioneers, and experts and expanded the need of study for complex
pathogen and diseases through joint experiments to the extent of knowing it's cure. Second, I feel that
the virus polishes agricultural movement as it calls for consistency of supply for about 45.8% each
month and re-educates the farmers and agricultural practitioneers for a better study of crops through
pandemic factors. Lastly, I am convinced the pandemic deals for local investors to own 60% of the
business as said in the constitution. The pandemic also reforms the state of education through online
classes and self-taught practices as employment raised it's flag for starters on Modified General
Community Quarantine areas.

For general conclusion, I know that most have been through a lot of frustration, anxiety, devaluation,
fear and etc. And I completely get why and how they feel that way. But, the best we can do is to comply
what the environment is needing. This process will definitely bring change in the young government
we're run through. Thus, th great way to make a change is spotting it's vulnerabilities and altering its
piece compromising the effects.

that falls to a pit of frailties because of corrupted health system that resulted to inadequate healthcare
facility and materials, unutilized agricultural products that was kept on establishment as smuggled and
decreased monetary value as investors withdraw their plan on building business in the country.

As of the past months, Philippines, more than anything, puts a piece of legislation that provides large
funding to fortify the economic recovery efforts to alleviate from the devastation

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