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Homework 3 Operating system software

Unit 3 Systems software and security

Homework 3 Operating system software

1. (a) The operating system of a PC carries out many different functions, including
multi-tasking and memory management.

Explain what is meant by each of these terms. [4]

There are many background processes running on the computer as well. They are taking it in
turns to get processor time to execute instructions. The OS must manage how the processes
share the processor.

Memory management:

To run a program, the computer must copy the program from storage into main memory. The
operating system keeps a record of where each program and its data are located.

(b) Describe briefly two other functions of an operating system. [4]

Without a user interface we would have to communicate in binary. The user interface for a
device has to suit how it is used.

If a computer is used by more than one person, each user should be able to see only their own
files. Users and system administrators have different levels of access rights. Some users may
be allowed to read files but not edit them.

2. What is a peripheral device? Give three examples. [4]

Printer, CD-ROM, VDU

Homework 3 Operating system software
Unit 3 Systems software and security

3. Describe two methods which the operating system may use to maintain the security
of data stored on disk. [4]

Method 1 makes sure no file overwrites another file.

Method 2 manages where on the disk files are written.

[Total 16 marks]

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