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Chapter 16

Indicators and pH
16.1 Introducing pH scale

16.2 Common acid-base indicators

16.3 Measuring pH of a solution

Learning goal
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

16.1 • define pH and pH scale

• relate the pH scale to the acidity and alkalinity of substances

• perform calculations related to the concentration of H (aq) and the pH value of a strong acid

16.2 • state the colours produced by litmus, methyl orange and phenolphthalein in acidic solutions and
alkaline solutions

• describe how to test for acidity and alkalinity using suitable indicators

16.3 • suggest and demonstrate appropriate ways to determine pH values of substances

Chapter 16 Indicators and pH

The photo shows a bottle of body wash.

The manufacturer claims that the pH value of this body wash is 5.5. Healthy skin is slightly
acidic and has a pH value between 4 and 6. A body wash which has a pH similar to that of the skin
would be more moisturizing and less irritating to the skin.

Think about...
What is ‘pH’?
pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in an aqueous solution.
Are there any methods to measure the pH of some common substances?
The pH of some common substances can be measured by using universal indicator, pH paper, pH meter or data-logger with pH sensor.

After studying this chapter, you should be able to answer the above questions.

pH value pH值
16 Indicators and pH

0.2 pt
16.1 Introducing pH scale
Defining pH
+ –
All aqueous solutions contain H (aq) and OH (aq) ions. An aqueous
solution can be acidic, neutral or alkaline. This depends on the difference
+ –
in H (aq) and OH (aq) concentrations in the solution. See Table 16.1.

+ –
Solution Difference in H (aq) and OH (aq) concentrations
Think about + –
1. Yes. When [H (aq)] > 1 M, pH has a
acidic H (aq) concentration > OH (aq) concentration
+ –
negative value. For example, when neutral H (aq) concentration = OH (aq) concentration
+ –
alkaline H (aq) concentration < OH (aq) concentration
[H (aq)] = 1.5 M, pH = –log 1.5 =
2. No. pH values may not necessarily + –
Table 16.1 Difference in H (aq) and OH (aq) concentrations for acidic, neutral and
be whole number as seen in (1).
One more example, when [H (aq)] alkaline solutions.
= 0.5 M, pH = –log 0.5 = 0.301.

Learning tip We can express H (aq) concentration by a number called pH value.
• The square brackets pH is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion
[ ] represent ‘the
molar concentration
of’ a species.
• pH value has no Key point
unit. +
pH = –log[H (aq)]

Think about +
where log is a base-10 logarithm and [H (aq)] is the molar concentration
1. Is it possible that pH
has a negative value?
of hydrogen ions in a solution.
2. Are pH values
necessarily whole The hydrogen ion concentration in a solution can be calculated by the
following equation.

Note 1
It can be deduced from the
Key point
definition of pH that a change of + –pH
[H (aq)] = 10 N1
one pH unit corresponds to a ten-
fold change in the H (aq) ion

H20 Example 16.1 DSE2013(IA)10 DSE2014(IA)13

Calculating the pH value of an aqueous solution of acid from its H (aq) concentration
Calculate the pH values of the following aqueous solutions of acids:
(a) 1.0 × 10 M HCl(aq)
(b) 2.0 × 10 M H2SO4(aq)

acidic 酸性的
alkaline 鹼性的
neutral 中性的
pH value pH值
logarithm 對數
3 16
IV Acids and bases

(a) HCl ionizes completely in water according to the following equation:
+ –
HCl(aq) H (aq) + Cl (aq)
1.0 × 10 M ?M
From the equation, 1 mole of HCl ionizes to give 1 mole of H .
+ –4
 concentration of H (aq) = 1.0 × 10 M
pH = –log[H (aq)]
= –log (1.0 × 10 )
= 4.0
 pH of the 1.0 × 10–4 M HCl is 4.0.

(b) H2SO4 ionizes completely in water according to the following equation:

+ 2–
H2SO4(aq) 2H (aq) + SO4 (aq)
2.0 × 10 M ?M
From the equation, 1 mole of H2SO4 ionizes to give 2 moles of H .
 concentration of H+(aq) = 2.0 × 10–4 M × 2 = 4.0 × 10–4 M
pH = –log[H (aq)]
= –log (4.0 × 10 )
= 3.4
 pH of the 2.0 × 10 M H2SO4 is 3.4.
Try Chapter Exercise Q7

H20 Example 16.2

Calculating the H (aq) concentration in a solution from its pH value
Calculate the concentration of H (aq) in a solution with a pH value of
(a) 2.0; and
(b) 5.5.

(a) pH = –log [H (aq)]
2.0 = –log[H (aq)]
[H (aq)] = 0.01 M
(b) pH = –log [H (aq)]
5.5 = –log[H (aq)]
+ –6
[H (aq)] = 3.16 × 10 M
Try Chapter Exercise Q8

16 4
A16.1 (Cont’d) 16 Indicators and pH
(c) HCl ionizes completely in water (d) HNO3 ionizes completely in water
according to the following equation: according to the following equation:
+ – + –
Class practice 16.1 HCl(aq) H (aq) + Cl (aq)
HNO3(aq) H (aq) + NO3 (aq)
 concentration of H (aq) = 1.00 M  concentration of H (aq) = 0.50 M
+ +
pH = –log[H (aq)] pH = –log[H (aq)]
Calculate the pH values of the following acids. = –log 1.00 = 0 = –log 0.50 = 0.30
(a) 0.01 M hydrochloric acid (b) 0.10 M hydrochloric acid (c) 1.00 M hydrochloric acid
(d) 0.50 M nitric acid (e) 0.10 M sulphuric acid (e) H2SO4 ionizes completely in water according to
the following equation:
+ 2–
H2SO4(aq) 2H (aq) + SO4 (aq)
A16.1 +
 concentration of H (aq) = 0.10 × 2 M = 0.20 M
(a) HCl ionizes completely in
water according to the following
pH scale +
pH = –log[H (aq)]
= –log 0.20 = 0.70
+ –
H (aq) + Cl (aq)
pH is often used to compare acidities or alkalinities of different
solutions. For example, a solution of pH 1 is said to be 10 times as
 concentration of H (aq)
= 0.01 M +
pH = –log[H (aq)] acidic as a solution of pH 2. This is because the H (aq) concentration
= –log 0.01 = 2 at pH 1 is 10 times the H (aq) concentration at pH 2.
(b) HCl ionizes completely in
water according to the following +
Generally, the higher the H (aq) concentration, the lower is the
+ –
H (aq) + Cl (aq) pH value and vice versa. The pH value usually ranges from 0 to 14. This
 concentration of H (aq)
= 0.10 M
scale of numbers (0 to 14), as a measure of acidity and alkalinity, is called
the pH scale. On the pH scale:
pH = –log[H (aq)]
= –log 0.10 = 1
• An acidic solution has a pH value less than 7 and a falling pH value N2
Note 2
Some students always think that indicates increasing acidity.
the higher the pH value, the more • A neutral solution has a pH value of exactly 7.
acidic is the solution. This is wrong.
A more acidic solution should be of • An alkaline solution has a pH value greater than 7 and a rising
lower pH value. pH value indicates increasing alkalinity.
Figure 16.1 The pH scale
Figure 16.1 shows the pH scale and the pH values of some common
and the pH values of some
common substances. substances. CE2002(II)5 CE2011(II)12 DSE2013(IA)10
glass oven
0.1 M distilled water cleaner
hydrochloric acid cola

pH value




liquid soap limewater

orange juice

acidity increases alkalinity increases

pH scale pH標度
acidity 酸度
alkalinity 鹼度
5 16
IV Acids and bases

A16.2 Class practice 16.2

1. Solution A is slightly acidic.
Solution B is highly acidic.
Solution C is slightly alkaline.
1. Given the pH values of four solutions:
Solution D is neutral. A: 5.5 B: 1.7 C: 8.0 D: 7.0
2. (a) Magnesium ribbon reacts with
the hydrogen ions in dilute
Describe each of the above solutions, using terms such as ‘highly acidic’,
hydrochloric acid to give ‘slightly alkaline’ and so on.
hydrogen gas.
Mg(s) + 2H (aq)
Mg (aq) + H2(g)
2. Explain whether the pH value increases or decreases in each of the
H (aq) ions are following cases:
consumed, [H (aq)] decreases.
(a) Add a magnesium ribbon to dilute hydrochloric acid.
Thus, the pH of the solution
increases. (b) Dissolve hydrogen chloride gas in water.
(b) Hydrogen chloride gas
dissolves in water and ionizes
completely to give hydrogen XTRA
E Historical note

ions. When H (aq) ions form,
[H (aq)] increases. Thus, the Theconcept of pH
pH of the solution decreases.
Dr. Søren Peter Lauritz Sørensen, a Danish
biochemist, was the man who proposed the
concept of pH. He defined it as pH = –log [H ].
The letters ‘pH’ are an abbreviation for the Latin
words ‘pondus hydrogenii’, meaning ‘potential of
hydrogen ions’.
Dr. Sørensen also developed the pH scale. This
scale helps people handle the negative power for
hydrogen ion concentration (usually ranges from, Søren Peter Lauritz Sørensen
–14 –3 (1868–1939)
for example, 0.1 to 10 mol dm ) more easily. As
negative logarithm is taken for [H (aq)], pH value is
usually positive.

16.2 Common acid-base indicators

An acid-base indicator is a special dye whose colour depends on the pH
of a solution. In the school laboratory, the most commonly used acid-base
indicators are methyl orange, litmus and phenolphthalein (Figure 16.2).

Figure 16.2 Three common acid-base indicator solutions

16 6 acid-base indicator 酸鹼指示劑

litmus 石蕊
methyl orange 甲基橙
phenolphthalein 酚酞
dye 染料
16 Indicators and pH
Note 3
It would be very useful for us to
Different acid-base indicators show different colours in different pH
remember the colours of methyl
orange and phenolphthalein in ranges (Figure 16.3). For example, litmus has a red colour in a solution
different pH ranges. This helps us
identify the end point of an acid-
with pH below 5; for pH 5–8, litmus has a purple colour; for pH above 8,
alkali titration. The concept of end litmus has a blue colour. The colours of methyl orange and phenolphthalein
point of titration will be discussed
in more detail in Chapter 19. in different pH ranges are also shown in Figure 16.3.


pH scale
Indicator 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Methyl orange red 3.1 orange 4.4 yellow

Litmus DSE2013(IA)20 red 5 purple 8 blue N3

very pale
Phenolphthalein colourless 8.3 10 pink

Figure 16.3 Different colours of acid-base indicators in different pH ranges.

CE1999(I)7(b)(ii) CE2001(II)34

Think about Figures 16.4 and 16.5 show the colours of the three common acid-
Can we use methyl base indicators in hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solution
orange to distinguish respectively.
between water and
aqueous ammonia?

Think about
No. The pH values of water and
aqueous ammonia (0.1 M) are 7 and
11 respectively. Methyl orange has a
yellow colour when the pH value of a
solution is above 4.4.

Figure 16.4 Colours of methyl Figure 16.5 Colours of methyl

orange, litmus and phenolphthalein orange, litmus and phenolphthalein
in hydrochloric acid (from left to in sodium hydroxide solution (from
right). left to right).

Activity 16.1
PowerPoint Nature of common acid-base indicators
Acid-base indicators are useful for determining the acidity and alkalinity of
different substances. In fact, many of these indicators are made from pigments
extracted from brightly coloured flowers and vegetables. However, some of the
indicators are artificially made. Search the Internet (or other sources) for the
nature of some common acid-base indicators. After the search, present your
findings by designing a set of PowerPoint slides.

pH range pH範圍
7 16
IV Acids and bases

Class practice 16.3

B: Incorrect conclusion. When the colour A few drops of different acid-base indicators were added to aqueous solutions
of litmus is blue, the pH of the solution A to E. The colours of the resultant solutions were listed below. A student drew
must be greater than 8 which is alkaline.
conclusions about the acidity and alkalinity of the solutions.
C: Incorrect conclusion. Phenolphthalein
is colourless when the pH of the solution
is below 8.3. The solution can be acidic,
Solution Indicator added Colour Conclusion
neutral or slightly alkaline.
solution A must be
A methyl orange red

solution B must be
B litmus blue

solution C must be
C phenolphthalein colourless

solution D must be
D methyl orange orange

solution E must be
E phenolphthalein pink

In which of the above case(s) did the student draw an INCORRECT conclusion?
Explain briefly.

16.3 Measuring pH of a solution

Acid-base indicators cannot be used to measure the pH of a solution. They
can only give a rough idea on the acidity or alkalinity. To measure the pH
value of a solution, universal indicator, a pH meter and a data-logger
with pH sensor can be used.

Universal indicator
Universal indicator is a mixture of several indicators. It is available in
solution (Figure 16.6(a)) or paper form. Universal indicator paper is often
called pH paper (Figure 16.6(b)). Universal indicator gives different
colours at different pH values.

16 8 data-logger with pH sensor

pH paper pH試紙
universal indicator 通用指示劑
pH meter pH計
16 Indicators and pH

(a) (b)

Figure 16.6 (a) Universal indicator solutions (b) pH paper and pH colour chart

To determine the pH of a given solution, add a few drops of the

solution to a small piece of pH paper (Figure 16.7(a)). Alternatively, add a
few drops of universal indicator solution to the solution under test (Figure
16.7(b)). In both cases, compare the colour produced by the solution with
that of the colour chart. The pH of the solution can then be determined.

spot plate
pH paper spot plate
under test solution
under test

(a) (b)

Figure 16.7 Testing the pH of a given solution by using (a) pH paper and (b) universal indicator solution.

Note 4
Before using the pH meter or
data-logger to measure the pH
of an aqueous solution, it is
necessary to calibrate these
pH meter or data-logger with pH sensor N4

instruments using two buffer

solutions (usually pH 4.0 and Universal indicator only gives an approximate pH value of a solution.
7.0). It may not be necessary to To measure the pH value more accurately, we use a pH meter or a
tell students about this action,
but they should know that some data-logger with pH sensor.
preparation work has to be done
before using these instruments CE2006(I)9(c)
to measure pH.

pH colour chart pH色板

spot plate 滴試板
9 16
IV Acids and bases

Note 5
Tell students that the pH
pH meter N5

electrode (actually an electrode

assembly) should be handled Dip the pH electrode into the solution under test. Then we can read the
with great care. The glass
pH value from the display of the pH meter (Figure 16.8).
electrode inside the probe is
easily broken and contaminated
by grease. The electrode should
not be allowed to dry. pH value displayed
pH electrode

pH meter

Figure 16.8 Using a pH meter to measure the pH of a


Data-logger with pH sensor

Dip the pH sensor into the solution under test. The pH sensor is
connected to a data-logger, which collects the pH reading and sends it to
a computer. We can read the pH value directly from the computer
screen. See Figure 16.9.



connected to data-logger
and computer data-logger
alkali sensor


(a) (b)

Figure 16.9 (a) A set-up of apparatus and instrument for measuring the change in pH value when an
acid is added to an alkali. (b) Data collected by a data-logger is analysed and the graph is displayed.

The data-logger with a pH sensor can collect a set of pH readings and

send them to the computer for analysis. It is particularly useful in
* Book 2, Section 19.2, p.16 measuring the changes in pH of a solution during *an acid-alkali

16 10 pH electrode pH電極
acid-alkali titration 酸鹼滴定
16 Indicators and pH

A16.4 Class practice 16.4

(a) Ethanoic acid
(b) (i) Add a few drops of universal
indicator to a sample of
Vinegar is a mixture containing an acid and water. It is commonly used in
vinegar. Then, compare the kitchens as food flavouring.
colour produced by the
solution with that of the
(a) What is the acid present in vinegar?
colour chart to determine (b) Describe how you would find the pH of vinegar by using
the pH value of the vinegar.
(ii) Dip the pH electrode into a (i) universal indicator; and
sample of vinegar. Then,
(ii) a pH meter.
read the pH value shown on
the display of the pH meter.

Experiment 16.1 Experiment Workbook 2

PowerPoint Experiment Finding the pH values of some common substances

Video In this experiment, you are going to find the pH values of some common
substances using pH paper and a pH meter.

E Everyday chemistry

pH freshwater test kit

Goldfish grow well in an aquarium if the
pH of the freshwater is between 7.0 and
7.5. Outside this pH range, the water
may harm the scales of the fish and
cause the rapid growth of bacteria in
water. Therefore, the pH of the water
should be checked regularly. This can
be done by using a pH test kit. The kit
usually consists of three components:
• A test tube (for holding the water
sample under test) A pH freshwater test kit
• A bottle of test solution (to be
added to the water sample)
• A comparison chart (for determining the pH of the water sample; this can
be done by comparing the colour produced by the water sample after the
addition of the test solution with that of the chart)

11 16
IV Acids and bases

Key terms

English term Chinese translation Page

1. acid-base indicator 酸鹼指示劑 6

2. acidic 酸性的 3

3. alkaline 鹼性的 3

4. data-logger with pH sensor 與pH傳感器連接的數據記錄器 8

5. litmus 石蕊 6

6. methyl orange 甲基橙 6

7. neutral 中性的 3

8. phenolphthalein 酚酞 6

9. pH meter pH計 8

10. pH paper pH試紙 8

11. pH scale pH標度 5

12. pH value pH值 3

13. universal indicator 通用指示劑 8

16 12
16 Indicators and pH

Progress check

Can you answer the following questions? Put a ‘✓’ in the box if you can. Otherwise, review the relevant
part on the page as shown.

+ –
1. What are the relative concentrations of H (aq) and OH (aq) for acidic, neutral and alkaline
2. What is the mathematical relationship between pH and H (aq) concentration? 3

3. Can you name three common acid-base indicators used in the school laboratory? 6

4. Can you suggest an indicator that can be used to measure the pH of a solution? 8

5. Can you name two instruments that can measure the pH of solutions accurately? 10

13 16
IV Acids and bases


16.1 Introducing pH scale

+ –
1. For an acidic solution, H (aq) concentration > OH (aq) concentration
+ –
For a neutral solution, H (aq) concentration = OH (aq) concentration
+ –
For an alkaline solution, H (aq) concentration < OH (aq) concentration
+ +
2. pH value is a number used to express H (aq) concentration. Mathematically, pH = –log[H (aq)].
3. The higher the H (aq) concentration, the lower is the pH value and the more acidic is the

4. The pH scale is a scale of numbers (0 to 14) as a measure of acidity and alkalinity. An acidic
solution has a pH value less than 7. A neutral solution has a pH value of exactly 7. An alkaline
solution has a pH value greater than 7.

16.2 Common acid-base indicators

5. Litmus, methyl orange and phenolphthalein are three common acid-base indicators used
to find out the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

6. Different acid-base indicators show different colours in different pH ranges.

16.3 Measuring pH of a solution

7. To measure the pH value of a solution, we can use universal indicator, a pH meter or a data-
logger with pH sensor.

16 14
16 Indicators and pH

Concept map

Complete the following concept map.

Universal Data-logger with

pH meter
Methyl orange Litmus Phenolphthalein indicator pH sensor

Rough measurement of
acidity and alkalinity More accurate pH measurement

pH VALUES 0 to 14 from +
H (aq) concentration
pH scale
(known as )

used to measure acidity and alkalinity

pH < 7, acidic pH = 7, neutral pH > 7, alkaline

examples examples

• rainwater • NaOH(aq)

• soft drinks • limewater

• orange juice • detergent
• HCl(aq) • window cleaner

(Hints: acidic, alkaline, data-logger with pH sensor, H (aq) concentration, HCl(aq), methyl orange,
NaOH(aq), neutral, pH meter, pH scale, phenolphthalein)

15 16
IV Acids and bases

Chapter exercise
Fill in the blanks Section 16.2
4. An acid-base indicator is a special dye whose
Section 16.1 pH
colour depends on the of a
1. (a) When H (aq) concentration is solution. Three common acid-base indicators are
higher –
than OH (aq) concentration, methyl orange , litmus and
the solution is acidic. phenolphthalein
(b) When H (aq) concentration is
equal – Section 16.3
to OH (aq) concentration,
the solution is neutral. 5. indicator is a mixture of several
+ indicators. indicator paper is often
(c) When H (aq) concentration is pH
lower – called paper.
than OH (aq) concentration,
the solution is alkaline. 6. To measure pH value accurately, we can use a
pH meter
+ or a data-logger with
2. To express H (aq) concentration, a number called pH sensor
pH .
is used. Mathematically, pH =
–log [H (aq)]
3. The lower the pH value, the is the
H (aq)

Practice questions
Section 16.1
7. For each of the following solutions, calculate the pH value and state whether it is acidic, neutral or alkaline.
+ –5
(a) [H (aq)] = 1.8 × 10 M
+ +
7. (a) pH = –log [H (aq)] (c) pH = –log [H (aq)]
–5 –7
+ –9 = –log (1.8 × 10 ) = 4.7 = –log (5.5 × 10 ) = 6.3
(b) [H (aq)] = 7.2 × 10 M  the solution is acidic.  the solution is acidic.
+ –7
(c) [H (aq)] = 5.5 × 10 M
+ +
(b) pH = –log [H (aq)] (d) pH = –log [H (aq)]
+ = –log (7.2 × 10 ) = 8.1 = –log 0.04 = 1.4
(d) [H (aq)] = 0.04 M  the solution is alkaline.  the solution is acidic.
8. Calculate the H (aq) concentration of each of the following solutions:
(a) A vinegar solution of pH 4.7 +
8. (a) pH = –log [H (aq)]
(c) pH = –log [H (aq)]
+ +
(b) Limewater of pH 12.5 4.7 = –log [H (aq)] 3.7 = –log [H (aq)]
+ –5 + –4
[H (aq)] = 2.0 × 10 M [H (aq)] = 2.0 × 10 M
(c) Rainwater of pH 3.7 +
(b) pH = –log [H (aq)]
(d) pH = –log [H (aq)]
+ +
(d) Distilled water of pH 7.0 12.5 = –log [H (aq)] 7.0 = –log [H (aq)]
+ –13 + –7
[H (aq)] = 3.2 × 10 M [H (aq)] = 1.0 × 10 M

Multiple-choice questions 10. Which of the following substances has the lowest
pH value?
Section 16.1
A. Lemon juice
9. Which of the following solutions has the lowest B. Household ammonia
concentration of H (aq)? C. 0.1 M hydrochloric acid
A. Soap solution C
D. 0.1 M sodium hydroxide
B. Vinegar 9. Among the four substances, only 10. (A): the pH of lemon juice is about 2.5.
C. Distilled water soap solution is alkaline. (B): the pH of household ammonia is about 10.
D. Soft drink (C): the pH of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid is 1.
(D): the pH of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide is 13.

16 16
16 Indicators and pH

11. Which of the following about an acidic solution at 17. Which of the following actions will NOT increase
room conditions is correct? the pH of a 0.5 M hydrochloric acid?
+ – 17. Copper has no reaction with 0.5 M
A. H (aq) concentration > OH (aq) concentration A. Adding Cu(s) hydrochloric acid. The concentration
+ –
B. H (aq) concentration = OH (aq) concentration B. Adding CuO(s) of hydrogen ions and hence the pH
+ –
C. H (aq) concentration < OH (aq) concentration C. Adding Cu(OH)2(s) of the hydrochloric acid would
remain unchanged. A
D. There are no hydroxide ions in the solution. D. Adding CuCO3(s)
11. Refer to p.3 of chapter 16 for details. A
18. Which of the following actions will NOT change
12. Which of the following statements about an the pH of a 0.5 M sodium hydroxide solution?
aqueous ammonia are correct? A. Adding distilled water
(1) It has a pH value greater than 7. B. Adding magnesium sulphate solution

(2) It has a higher concentration of OH (aq) than C. Adding silver metal
+ C
H (aq). D. Adding hydrochloric acid
(3) It turns blue litmus paper red.
19. Which of the following statements concerning the
A. (1) and (2) only
dilution of an acid are INCORRECT?
B. (1) and (3) only 12. (3): aqueous ammonia
(1) The pH value of the acid decreases.
C. (2) and (3) only turns red litmus paper +
blue. A (2) The number of moles of H (aq) decreases.
D. (1), (2) and (3) +
(3) The concentration of H (aq) decreases.
+ 19. (1): the concentration of hydrogen
13. What is the pH value of a solution with [H (aq)] = A. (1) and (2) only
ions in an acid solution decreases if
0.002 M? B. (1) and (3) only water is added to the acid. Thus, the
A. 2.7 C. (2) and (3) only pH value increases.
B. 2.0 D. (1), (2) and (3) (2): the number of moles of A
13. pH = –log [H (aq)] hydrogen ions in an acid
C. 1.3 = –log 0.002 solution remains unchanged
A Section 16.2
D. 0.3 = 2.7 if water is added to the acid.
20. When a few drops of phenolphthalein and methyl
14. Which of the following acids has the highest pH orange are added separately to two sodium
value? 14. (A): pH = –log 0.05 = 1.3 hydroxide solutions, which of the following
A. 0.05 M HCl(aq) (B): pH = –log (0.05 × 2) = 1 combinations about the colour of the solutions is
(C): pH = –log 0.10 = 1
B. 0.05 M H2SO4(aq) correct? 20. Refer to p.7 of chapter 16 for details.
(D): pH = –log (0.10 × 2) = 0.70
C. 0.10 M HNO3(aq) Phenolphthalein in Methyl orange in
D. 0.10 M H2SO4(aq) NaOH(aq) NaOH(aq)
15. A bottle of sulphuric acid is found to contain A. Pink Yellow
0.03 mol dm of sulphate ions. What is the pH B. Colourless Red
value of the bottle of sulphuric acid? C. Colourless Orange
D. Pink Red
A. 1.0 15. 1 mole of H2SO4 ionizes in water to give 2 moles of
+ 2–
H and 1 mole of SO4 .
B. 1.2 + 21. Which of the following combinations about the
 concentration of H (aq) = 0.03 × 2 M = 0.06 M
C. 1.5 +
pH = –log [H (aq)] conclusions drawn from the colours of indicators
D. 1.8 = –log 0.06 in solutions is correct? (Explanation on p.16-18.)
= 1.2
16. What is the change in pH when an acidic solution Indicator Colour Solution
is diluted 100 times? A. Methyl orange Red Acidic
A. Decreases by 1 unit B. Methyl orange Yellow Alkaline
B. Decreases by 2 units C. Phenolphthalein Colourless Acidic
C. Increases by 1 unit D. Litmus Purple Alkaline
D. Increases by 2 units A
16. Let the [H (aq)] in a solution The new pH value, pH’ 18. Silver has no reaction with 0.5 M sodium hydroxide solution. The
be y mol dm . = –log 0.01y concentration of hydroxide ions and hydrogen ions in sodium
pH = –log y = –(log 0.01 + log y) hydroxide solution would remain unchanged. Hence the pH of the
If the solution is diluted by = –log 0.01 – log y sodium hydroxide solution would also remain unchanged.
100 times, = –(–2) + pH
+ y 17 16
[H (aq)] = = 0.01y = 2 + pH
IV Acids and bases

Questions 22 to 23 refer to the following chart about Section 16.3

the colour of an indicator X in different pH ranges: 25. Which of the following can be used to measure
the pH of a solution?
pH: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(1) Universal indicator
(2) Methyl orange
Colour: Red Green Blue
(3) pH meter
A. (1) and (2) only
22. What is the colour of the solution when indicator
B. (1) and (3) only
X is added to calcium hydroxide solution?
C. (2) and (3) only
A. Red B
D. (1), (2) and (3)
B. Green
C. Blue 22. The pH value of calcium 21. (A): methyl orange has a red colour when the pH of the solution is
hydroxide solution is about 12. C below 3.1. The solution is acidic.
D. Brown
(B): methyl orange has a yellow colour when the pH of the solution
23. What is the colour of the solution when indicator is above 4.4. The solution can be acidic, neutral or alkaline.
(C): phenolphthalein is colourless when the pH of the solution is
X is added to lemon juice? below 8.3. The solution can be acidic, neutral or alkaline.
A. Red (D): litmus has a purple colour when the pH of the solution is
between 5 and 8. The solution can be acidic, neutral or alkaline.
B. Green
C. Blue 23. The pH value of lemon juice is
D. Brown about 2.5.

24. The pH of four aqueous solutions W, X, Y and Z

of equal molarities are shown on the pH scale


0 7 14

What could the aqueous solutions be?

Sodium Ammonia Potassium Ethanoic
hydroxide chloride acid
A. X Y Z W
B. Z Y X W
C. W X Y Z
D. Y Z W X
26. (a) Measure the pH values of the two acids separately (by using
a pH meter). The pH of sulphuric acid is higher than that of
the hydrochloric acid.
(b) Add equal masses of calcium granules separately to the two
Structured questions excess but equal volumes of acids. Calcium granules dissolve
completely in hydrochloric acid, but do not dissolve
Section 16.1 completely in sulphuric acid.

26. You are given a bottle of sulphuric acid and a bottle of hydrochloric acid of the same concentration. Describe
how you would identify them by
(a) physical method, and
(b) chemical method.

16 18
16 Indicators and pH

Section 16.2
27. The diagram below shows the colours of each of the five acid-base indicators in different pH ranges.

Methyl orange Red Orange Yellow

Methyl red Red Orange Yellow

Bromothymol blue Yellow Green Blue

Litmus Red Purple Blue

Phenolphthalein Colourless Pale pink Pink

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

(a) What is the colour of bromothymol blue in a 0.0005 M hydrochloric acid?

–13 –3
(b) Given that the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution is 3.2 × 10 mol dm . What is the colour of
phenolphthalein if it is added to this solution? 27. (a) pH of 0.0005 M HCl(aq) = –log 0.0005 = 3.3
 the colour of bromothymol blue is yellow.
(c) Both methyl orange and bromothymol blue show a yellow colour in a sample solution. Suggest the pH
range of this solution. (b) pH of the solution = –log (3.2 × 10 ) = 12.5
 the colour of phenolphthalein is pink.
(c) About 4.4 to 6.0.
Section 16.3
28. (a) Suggest TWO methods which can be used to determine the pH of an aqueous solution.
(b) Arrange the following substances in order of decreasing pH. 28. (a) Use pH paper/universal indicator/pH meter/
data-logger with pH sensor (Any TWO)
oven cleaner, orange juice, distilled water
(b) Oven cleaner, distilled water, orange juice
+ –
(c) Which of the substance(s) in (b) contain(s) a higher H (aq) concentration than OH (aq) concentration
in its/their aqueous solution(s)? (c) Orange juice

29. The instrument shown in the photo is used to find out whether the solution is acidic, neutral or alkaline at
room conditions.

29. (a) pH meter

(b) The solution is acidic. This is
because its pH value is below 7
at room temperature and
(c) pH = –log [H (aq)]
2.87 = –log [H (aq)]
+ –3 –3
[H (aq)] =1.35 × 10 mol dm
(d) pH = –log [H (aq)]
1.35 × 10
pH = –log ( )
= 3.17
(e) Easy to use and quick to obtain
accurate readings.

(a) Name the instrument.

(b) Explain whether the solution is acidic, neutral or alkaline.
(c) Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration, in mol dm , of the solution.
(d) If the volume of the solution is doubled by adding distilled water, what will be the value shown on the
display of the apparatus?
(e) Suggest TWO advantages of using this kind of instrument.

19 16
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