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Khani Khola -1 HPP

Design Calculation of Bifurcation Block



Design Data:
D = Inside Diameter of Steel Pipe 1.2 m
d = Increased diameter 1.2
D2 = Outside Diameter of Steel Pipe 1.252 m
t = Thiciness of steel pipe shell 0.026 m
H = Design head at the I.P. of Anchor Block 606.353 m 964.24
Q = Maximum Discharge for power generation 5.1 m3/s
l4u = Pipe length between I.P. of Anchor Block and upper expansion joint 37.20 m
L4d = Pipe length between I.P. of Anchor Block and lower expansion joint 4.00 m
l1u = Pipe length between I.P. of Anchor Block and U/S saddle pier 8 m
l1d = Pipe length between I.P. of Anchor Block and D/S saddle pier 8 m
l2u = Pipe length between U/S two adjacent saddle pier 6 m
h1 = burried depth of block at U/S 2
h2 = burried depth of block at D/S 1.3
h3 = Vertical distance from IP to GL 2.1
n n = number of saddle support present 6
a = Vertical angle of upper pipe axis 0.9964 57.087
b = Vertical angle of lower pipe axis 0.7789 44.628
f = Horizontal intersection angle between upper and lower pipe axis 0 0
gs = Unit Wt. of Steel 77 KN/m3 7.8491335
gw = Unit Wt. of Water 9.81 KN/m3
gc = Unit Wt. of concrete 22.00 KN/m3
gsoil = Unit Wt. of soil 20 KN/m4
f = Friction Coeficient between pipe and saddle pier 0.25
y = Cos-1(Cosa1xCosa2xCosf + Sina1xSina2) 0.2175 12.461832
(Combined angle of horizontal and vertical angle, which calculated from above equ.)
l = Friction coefficient of concrete and foundation 0.50
S = Weight of pipe shell per 1 m 7.71 KN/m
w = Weight of contained water in pipe shell per 1 m 11.09 KN/m
DA = Difference of Upper and Lower Inside Sectional Area of reducer 0.000 m2
Ho = Design Head at the axis of reducer 0.00 m
v = Water Velocity in the Pipe 4.51 m/s
m = Coefficient of horizontal earthquake, 0.12
c = cohesion between rock and concrete 60.00 KN/m
g = Gravity force 9.81 m/s-1
A = Inside Sectional Area of steel pipe 1.13 m2
qa = Bearing Capacity of Soil 100.00 KN/M2
qr = Bearing Capacity of rock 1000.00 KN/M32
V = Concrete volume of the anchor block m3
ø = for a given kind of soil 0.5411 31

Acting Forces on the anchor block

Weight of pipe shell per 1 m
= p*(D+t)*t*gs = PI()*D1*t*gs
= 7.711 KN/m
W_p of contained water in pipe shell per 1 m
= ((*p* D /4)*gw
W_w = 11.09 KN/m
[1] Thrust due Wt of pipe & water
a) For Upper Pipe:
F1u =a
= 81.74148 KN
b) For Lower pipe

F1d (W_p+W_w)*L_1d*cos
= 107.070 KN

[2] Frictional force per support pier

f2u =
15.327 KN
F2u = n*f2u
= 91.959 KN
f2d =
= ±f(W_p+W_p)*L_2d*cosb
0 for expansion joint at D/S of pipe

[3] Hydrostatic Force on Bend

F3 = 2*gw*h_total*(pi
= -1460.326 KN

[4] Force due to component of pipe wt. acting Parellel to pipe

512319886.xls 1 Design Data & Forces

F4u = a les than 20 we can ignore

F4d =
= 0 since D/s have expansion joint

5. thermally induced force

F5 = 100*E*a*T*π*(D+t)*t a=coefficient of linear expanion
= 0.000 KN

6. Friction force in expansion joint

F6 = 100*D
= 120.000 KN
7. Hydrostatic force on exposed end of pipe within expansion joint
F7 = gw*h_total*π(D+t)*t
F7u = 564.9933

F7d = 595.6734
8. dynamic force in bend due to change in dirn of moving water

F8 =
= -0.087302
((πD^2)/4)*sin(( -4.9912
9. force due to change in size of pipe

F9 = gw*h_total*πD^2/4*(〖D^2〗_l-〖D^2〗
= _s)
= 595.6734
10. force due to soil pressure on U/S of Block

F10 = gs*〖h^2〗_1*cosi*K_a*(W_p+W h1=burried depth of block at u/s face

= 408.7074 =active earth presure =
K_a (cosi-√(〖cos〗^2 i-〖cos〗
^2 ø))/(cosi+√(〖cos〗^2
= Err:502
=active earth presure = i-〖cos〗^2
1 ø))

512319886.xls 2 Design Data & Forces



512319886.xls 3 Design Data & Forces

Khani Khola -1 HPP
Design Calculation of Bifurcation Block
Forces Calculation of Anchor Block

[1] Thrust due Wt of pipe & water

a) For Upper Pipe a1 = 57.087 o
0.996 radians
F1u = 81.741 KN a2 = 44.628 o
0.779 radians
b) For Lower pipe f= 0 o
0.000 radians
F1d = 107.070 0

[2] Frictional force per support pier

F2u = 91.959 KN

[3] Hydrostatic Force on Bend

F3 = -1460.326

[4] Force due to component of pipe wt. acting Parellel to pipe

F4u = 240.812 0

5. thermally induced force

F5 = 0.000 KN
6. Friction force in expansion joint
F6 = 120.000 ton

7. Hydrostatic force on exposed end of pipe within expansion joint

F7 = 564.993

8. dynamic force in bend due to change in dirn of moving water

F8 = -0.087

9. force due to change in size of pipe

F9 = 595.673

10. force due to soil pressure on U/S of Block

F10 = 408.707

Stability Calculation of External Force for the Anchor block

x - Horizontal axis y - Vertical axis


y = Cos-1(Cosa1xCosa2xCosf + Sina1xSina2) = 0.218 radians 12.462 0

a = 0.9964 b= 0.7789
Classification X Y
F1u = 81.741 -F_1u*sinα -68.6236454407094 44.412443497591
F1d = 107.070 -F_1d*sinβ -75.2165952906547 F_1u*cosα 76.200542442282
F2u = 91.959 ±F_2u*cosα 49.9639989347896 ±F_2u*sinα 77.201601120798 +for expansion
'- for contraction
+F_3 sin -F_3 cos
= -1460.326 (β+α)/2 -315.122566514099 (β+α)/2 1425.9206222473
F4u = 240.812 +F_4u*cosα 130.840078513596 +F_4u*sinα 202.16683546895
F5 = 0.000
F6 = 120.000 -20.2030345679672 -16.442815079973 +for expansion
F7 ±F_6(cosα-cosβ) '- for contraction
F7u = 564.993 +F_7u*cosα 306.976743369807 +F_7u*sinα 474.32344488535
F7d = 595.673 _-F_7d*cosβ -423.93286670169 -F_7d*sinβ -418.45879101531

F8 -0.01883883541221
= -0.087 0.0852451927215
+F_8sin(β+α)/ -F_8 cos
F9 = 595.673 22 0 -595.67343003353
F10 +𝐹_10 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑖 +𝐹_10 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑖
= 408.707 222.062217487954 343.11822720355
WB = 4896.319276982 4896.3192769818

-193.274509044387 @for expansion 6509.1732029116 @for expansion

-252.796437778031 @for contraction 6387.6556308299 @for contraction

512319886.xls 4 Forces Calculation

Sum of Horizontal forces acts at bend

1 expansion case= -415.336727

1 contractioncase= -474.858655

Sum of verticall Forces acts at bend

1 expansion case= 1269.735699

1 contractioncase= 1148.218127
Safe Unsafe
Safety against overturning
1 expansion case

moment= 19921.81822

d= 3.060575837

e= 1.439424163

𝑒_𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒= 1.5 Safe

1 contractioncase

moment= 20161.37489

d= 3.156302727

e= 1.343697273

𝑒_𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒= 1.5 Safe

Safety against Bearing

1 expansion case

allowable bearing pressure is = 100.00 KN/m3 Table 7.3 ITDG book

p at base =

46.07767647 Safe

1 expansion case

allowable bearing pressure is = 100.00 KN/m3 Table 7.3 ITDG book

p at base =

40.31092291 Safe

Safety against Sliding

1 expansion case

∈𝐻<𝜇∈𝑉 μ= 0.5 for concrete on masonary

∈𝐻 -193.274509044 μ∈V 3254.58660145577 Safe

1 contraction case

∈𝐻<𝜇∈𝑉 μ= 0.5 for concrete on masonary

∈𝐻 -252.796437778 μ∈V 3193.82781541495 Safe

512319886.xls 5 Forces Calculation


512319886.xls 6 Forces Calculation

Khani Khola -1 HPP
Design Calculation of Anchor Block
Composit Section for CG or Arm length

[1] Mo = [(L*B)*(B/2+9.5)*2.3*7 + (0.5*L*B)*(1/3*B+9.5)*2.3*7]

H1 = 11388.96
1 1.56
Mo1 = W*X' Width of Block = 6 m
= [(B*L*g *7) + (0.5*B*H*g*7)]*X'
2 L = 1100.88 *X'
Length of Block = 9 m
2 X= 10.345 m ok
3 =B X- Arm length on X axis
0 y = [(0.5*B*H*((1/3)*H+L+1.5)+L*B*(L/2+1.5))]/[(B*H*0.5+B*L)]
X 0 y= 1.426 m
Y from the figure,z = 3.783 m

H1 Mo = [(0.5*L*H)*(2/3*B+4)*2.3*7+((L*B)*(B/2+4)*2.3*7]
1 = 11139.48

L Mo1 = W*X'
3.98 = [(B*L*g*4) + (0.5*B*H*g*4)]*X'
2 = 1987.92 *X'
3 =B X= 5.604 m ok
y = [(0.5*B*H1*((1/3)*H1+L))+(L*B*(L/2))]/[(B*H1*0.5+B*L)]
y= 2.546 m
from the figure,z = 4.2 m
[3] 2.6
H1 Mo = [(0.5*L*H)*(2/3*B+3.75)2.3*7+((L*B)*(B/2+3.75)*2.3*7]
1 = 11026.62

L Mo1 = W*X'
3.88 2 = [(B*L*g*7) + (0.5*B*H*g*7)]*X'
= 2051.28 *X'
3 =B X= 5.375 m ok
y = [(0.5*B*H1*((1/3)*H1+L))+(L*B*(L/2+H2))]/[(B*H1*0.5+B*L)]
y= 2.644 m
from the figure,z = 2.33 m

[4] H1 Mo = [(L*B)*(B/2)*2.3*7 + (0.5*L*B)*(1/3*B)*2.3*7]

0 = 0
Mo1 = W*X'
= [(B*L*g*4) + (0.5*B*H*g*4)]*X'
L 2 = 0 *X'
0 X= #DIV/0! m ok

0 =B
y = [(0.5*B*H1*((1/3)*H1+L-1.5))+(L*B*(L/2-1.5))]/[(B*H1*0.5+B*L)]
y= #DIV/0! m
L y = [(0.5*B*H1*((1/3)*H1+L))+(L*B*(L/2))]/[(B*H1*0.5+B*L)]
0 y= #DIV/0!
from the figure,z = 3.500 m

FOR UPPER PIPE: From the centre line of the Penstock Pipe to the taken x & y axis, y= 6.64 m

FOR LOWER PIPE: From the centre line of the Penstock Pipe to the taken x & y axis, y= 3.09 m


Input Data:
Moment of Inertia on y axis; Section -3 Section -2 Section -1 Section -4
Width of the section, b = 3 3 3 0
Height of the section, h = 3.56 6.06 6.48 0
1 1 b * h *(b2 *sin 2   h2 *cos 2  ) Horizontal angle,q = 0 0 12.62
I z  * bh 2  * bh 2 
3 12 12
Iy= 168.6252 m4

Moment of Inertia on x axis;

1 1 b * h *(b 2 *sin 2   h 2 *cos 2  )

I x  * bh 2  * bh 2 
3 12 12
Ix = 113.5459 m4

512319886.xls 7 CG
Khani Khola -1 HPP
Design Calculation of Anchor Block

Joint l1 L2
Anchor 1 Level
Block 2
Saddle Pier

Anchor Expansion POWER

Block Joint HOUSE
Fig.No. 1: General Figure of Anchor Block

FIG 8 03/03/2021
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