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Discussion Forum Unit 4

Week 4

After viewing the video ‘Dear Teacher: heartfelt advice for teachers from students with autism’
() which aspect of the video impacted you the most? Do you think this video should be used with
teachers of ‘diverse’ classrooms (classrooms that have students from the general population and
students with disabilities) or should it be used only with teachers that work with autistic
students? Support your response with citations from the readings using APA format and
classroom examples where applicable.
 Brighthighways. (2016). Dear teacher: heartfelt advice for teachers from students with autism.
Retrieved from
The video was very impressive and meaningful. After I watch it, I thought about how capable
these students when they are trained in the right way. If they are able to take part in this video
and mean what they say so they just need the right environment and correct approach. It is really
striking for me. They wish to be understood, and it is clear that as a teacher this is our
responsibility to try as hard as we can to understand them. We need to realize that their behavior
is the way of their communication.
Since teacher of autistic students already know what they are dealing with it. They can set their
expectations from students; however, teachers of diverse classrooms may not have enough
expertise to identify and understand students of special needs. In the video, there was a student
who says that he has to move in the classroom (Brighthighways, 2016). There can be students
who do not sit, listen, or look at the teacher. When the teachers understand about these
diagnoses, they can prepare the learning environment more comfortable for those kids. For
example, if there is a student who is very sensitive to light, the teacher can reduce direct light or
help the student with a visor. These kinds of small settings help students with special needs to
feel relax and secure (Kluth,2019).

Brighthighways. (2016). Dear teacher: heartfelt advice for teachers from students with autism.
Retrieved from
 Kluth, P. (2019, December 18). Supporting Students with Autism: 10 Ideas for Inclusive
Classrooms. Retrieved from

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