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Paper : Health Needs Assessment Examination: SPRING - 2020

Time Allowed: 2 & Half hours Total Marks: 50
NOTE: Q1 is compulsory, Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets are not allowed in the examination hall.

Q. 1: Fill in the Blanks

a. Three main approaches to health need assessment are: _______________
b. Demand is _____________ for ___________ resources.
c. Needs deemed by a clinician are _________________.
Encircle the right choice among the given set of choices
1. _________is the Combination of methods used to assess success of interventions quantitatively
and qualitatively:
a. Evaluation b. Assessment c. Effectiveness d. none of them
2. Demand is the _________ needs.
a. Expressed b. Felt
c. Safety d. none of them
3. An asthma patient suffers from episodic cough and urges to treat his illness; this type of patient’s urge
is ________________.
a. felt needs b. Expressed needs
c. both a & b d. Safety needs
Q.2: Write short notes:
a) Components of the epidemiological approach
b) Bradshaw (1972) four specific types of need
c) Community health initiatives Sustainability
d) Draw The Audit Cycle
e) The SEVEN PILLARS of Clinical governance
f) Participatory Needs Assessment

Q. 3: What is meant by epidemiological approach in health needs assessment?

Q. 4: Bradshaw (1972) described four specific types of needs, please enlist and explain then in your own
Q.5: Write a brief note on Maslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs
Q.6: Please discuss World Health Organization’s 5 steps of Health needs assessment i.e. Profiling,
Prioritizing, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (with reference to a disease of your own expertise).

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