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Case Report

Eisenmenger Syndrome with Pregnancy – Double Trouble

Juvva Kishan Srikanth, Nitesh Gupta, Shibdas Chakrabarti, Pranav Ish
Department of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India

Eisenmenger syndrome is an absolute contraindication for pregnancy. However, those patients with a diagnosis in late 2nd or 3rd trimester need
to be carefully evaluated with a multidisciplinary team and strictly monitored by a critical care intensivist. We present a case of Eisenmenger
syndrome diagnosed late in pregnancy, managed conservatively in intensive care unit with positive airway pressure therapy.

Keywords: Eisenmenger syndrome, intensive care, pregnancy

Introduction auscultation. Bedside ultrasonography (USG) showed bilateral

B‑lines. Screening echocardiogram (ECHO) was suggestive of
Pregnancy should ideally be avoided in a woman with
the right atrium being grossly dilated [Figure 1a] with severe
Eisenmenger syndrome because of a high maternal mortality
tricuspid regurgitation  [Figure  1b]. Deep vein thrombosis
rate and poor prognosis of the baby. The patients diagnosed late
screen was negative.
should be assessed and closely monitored by an experienced
multidisciplinary team, including obstetric, critical care A clinical diagnosis of right heart failure with pulmonary
and neonatal intensivists. We present a similar case with a hypertension was made. Electrocardiogram  (ECG) showed
successful outcome. right axis deviation. Review ECHO from cardiology was
suggestive of a large ostium secundum type of atrial septal
defect (ASD) with Eisenmenger syndrome [Figure 1c] with
Case Report severe pulmonary artery hypertension.
A 23‑year‑old primigravida, married for 3 years, with 30 weeks’
gestation presented with complaints of worsened dyspnea for A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy of 8 cm
1 month associated with anasarca and cyanosis. She had dyspnea of water [Figure 1d] along with oxygen was given in view of
on exertion since childhood for which she had taken oral drugs heart failure and cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Cardiology
with which she used to get partial relief. There was no history consultation was taken, and loop diuretics were given.
of any hospital admissions in the past. Fetal ultrasound was performed which showed a single live
On examination, the patient was conscious, oriented, with intrauterine fetus of cephalic presentation with estimated
tachycardia and tachypnea. Her vital signs revealed a blood gestational age of 29  weeks and 6  days. Fetal growth
pressure of 130/80 mmHg, a pulse of 120 beats/min, regular monitoring was performed using serial ultrasound. The patient
and good volume, a respiratory rate of 40/min, and a room
air saturation of 80%. She had distended jugular veins with
Address for correspondence: Dr. Pranav Ish,
elevated jugular venous pressure, pitting pedal edema, Department of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Vardhman
cyanosis, and clubbing. Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India.
Respiratory system examination revealed vesicular breath
sounds with bilateral fine end‑inspiratory crepitations. She
Received : 25‑10‑2019 Revised : 04-12-2019
had a right ventricular impulse and a palpable pulmonary
Accepted : 23-12-2019 Published Online : 12-02-2020
closure sound (P2) on precordial palpation with a loud P2 on
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DOI: How to cite this article: Srikanth JK, Gupta N, Chakrabarti S, Ish P.
10.4103/INJMS.INJMS_138_19 Eisenmenger syndrome with pregnancy – Double trouble. Indian J Med
Spec 2020;11:44-6.

44 © 2020 Indian Journal of Medical Specialities | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow

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Srikanth, et al.: Eisenmenger syndrome with pregnancy

vascular resistance  (SVR) may increase the right‑to‑left

shunting and possibly induce circulatory collapse. Decreased
SVR during pregnancy increases the right‑to‑left shunting,
subsequently leading to a reduced pulmonary perfusion
and hypoxia and further deterioration of mother and baby.[3]
Moreover, straining during delivery may result in an increased
right ventricular pressure, which may cause fatal arrhythmia
and even sudden death.[4] Regardless of etiology, pregnancy in
the Eisenmenger syndrome is associated with major morbidity
and mortality. Because of the high risk of maternal mortality,
pregnancy is contraindicated in women with Eisenmenger

a b The management of patients with Eisenmenger syndrome

includes oxygen therapy, diuretics, vasodilators, and
anticoagulants.[6] Oxygen is a pulmonary vasodilator, which
decreases the blood flow across the right‑to‑left shunt and
thereby improving oxygen saturation.[4] Diuretics will be
useful to relieve hepatic congestion and increased intravascular
volume. Pulmonary vasodilators, phosphodiesterase
inhibitors  (sildenafil and tadalafil), and endothelin receptor
antagonists (bosentan, etc.,) are not recommended in pregnancy
because of possible teratogenicity and adverse effects on
uterine circulation.[6]
The greatest risk lies in the periods of delivery and early
postpartum due to large hemodynamic changes. The major
causes of death could be hypovolemia, thromboembolism,
c d
and preeclampsia.[3]
Figure 1: (a) Screening two‑dimensional echocardiography done by Despite risk, vaginal delivery is a preferred delivery mode.
intensivist; subcostal view showing dilated right atrium marked with a Cesarean section is reserved for conditions such as severe
white dot. (b) Screening two‑dimensional echocardiography done by intrauterine growth retardation.[7] Maternal mortality in
intensivist; apical 4 chamber view showing severe tricuspid regurgitation Eisenmenger syndrome is reported to be 30%–50% and up
jet with Doppler flow showing the regurgitant jet. (c) Two‑dimensional
to 65% in those with cesarean section.[8] It is higher when
echocardiography done by cardiologist; apical 4 chamber view showing
atrial septal defect with right to left atrial jet in color Doppler. (d) The
associated with VSD  (60%) than with ASD  (44%) or with
patient on positive airway pressure therapy PDA (41.7%).[9] For decreasing future morbidity and mortality,
women with Eisenmenger syndrome ideally should avoid
was continued on conservative management in intensive care pregnancy or an early pregnancy interruption should be
unit with oxygen, CPAP, and diuretics for 8  days. Antenatal considered within 10th gestational week.
corticosteroids were administered at 31  weeks for fetal lung
maturity since termination of pregnancy was planned in view Conclusion
of impending cardiac failure. Normal vaginal delivery was done Thus, to conclude, pregnancy should be avoided in a woman
at 31 weeks, a healthy baby weighing 2.1 kg and Apgar score with Eisenmenger syndrome because of a high maternal
of 9, 9, 9 was delivered while the mother was on CPAP therapy. mortality rate. Those patients with continuing pregnancy
The patient improved gradually and was discharged on day 7 should be assessed by an experienced multidisciplinary
postpartum on the advice of oxygen therapy at home. team, including obstetric critical care specialist, intensivist,
cardiologist, and a neonatal physician. Training of the
Discussion intensivist for advances in obstetric critical care, including
Eisenmenger syndrome is rare in pregnant women with an critical care USG, ECHO, CPAP, continuous monitoring, and
incidence of about 3%.[1] The underlying etiology is usually a controlled vaginal delivery under epidural analgesia can help
ventricular septal defect  (VSD), followed by ASD and to achieve a successful pregnancy outcome.
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).[2] Our patient had ASD with
Declaration of patient consent
Eisenmenger syndrome.
The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate
Eisenmenger syndrome patients are particularly vulnerable to patient consent forms. In the form, the patient has given
hemodynamic changes and even minor decrease in systemic her consent for her images and other clinical information

Indian Journal of Medical Specialities ¦ Volume 11 ¦ Issue 1 ¦ January-March 2020 45

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