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Quiz 11 unit .3 Patricia E.

Introduction of Nursing Theory & Model
Name: ________________ Dated: ____________
Encircle the Best Answer Marks. 30
Q . 1. The novice nurse:
a. Discerns recurring, meaningful patterns in situations.
b. Creates guidelines to determine actions.
c. Performs at a minimal level in real situations.
d. Rigidly applies rules in all situations.
Q . 2.: The nurse who is able to detect the most important events and subtle nuances in a
situation but who must make conscious decisions is at what level of skill acquisition?
a. Proficient
b. Novice
c. Expert
d. Advanced beginner
Q . 3.: Illness is the:
a. Same as disease.
b. Experience of loss or dysfunction.
c. Manifestation of aberration at the cellular, tissue, or organ level.
d. body’s response to stress
Q . 4 Who described about 5 levels of nursing experience from novice to expert?:
a. Patricia E. Benner
b. Ernestine Wiedenbach
c. Myra Estrine Levine
d. Faye Glenn Abdellah
Q . 5.: staff nurse has first day of clinic Beginner with no experience examples of?
a. Proficient
b. Novice
c. Expert
d. Advanced beginner
Q . 6.: staff nurse has learned skill in clinic side through Principles, based on experiences,
begin to be formulated to guide actions is called
a. Proficient
b. Novice
c. Expert
d. Advanced beginner
Q . 7.: a staff nurse day by day control their skills in clinic side and similar day-to-day
situations handle is Called level of domin?
a. Proficient
b. Novice
c. Expert
d. Competent
Q . 8. a clinic nurse update the their patient by Performance is now fluid, flexible,
and highly-proficient which level called,
a. Proficient
b. Novice
c. Expert
d. Expert
Q . 9. Empathy, support, and compassion are behaviors related to:
a. Caring.
b. Coping.
c. Proficiency
d. Competence
Q . 10. The Patricia Benner models related to
a. Behavioral Systems Model
b. Adaptation Model
c. Self-Care Model
d. From Novice to Expert

Q.1. Enlist Levels/ Stage / Demin Patricia E. Benner Of Nursing Experience?

Q.2. Enlist Different levels of skills reflect changes in 3 aspects of skilled performance by
Patricia E. Benner.

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