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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Schools Division of Butuan City
Senior High School Department
School ID 304771
Taligaman, Butuan City

1st Quarter Assessment in


Name: Grade and Section:

Subject Teacher: Date:

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.

1. The challenge of experiencing intimate/romantic relationships affects which aspect of

A. Physical C. Emotional
B. Social D. Mental
2. Physical development : Boys gaining strength, muscle mass, height
Social development : _____________________________________
A. Befriending people with similar beliefs, C. Stressing over school and test scores
and values
B. Being better at setting goals and thinking D. Seeking privacy and time alone
for the future
3. Encouragement is a useful tool in improving relationship with others. Half of the work in
encouraging other is avoiding discouraging behaviors. Which of the following is NOT a
discouraging behavior?
A. Pointing out mistakes C. Tearing down someone
B. Isolating and labeling D. Recognizing efforts
4. Which of the following is a statement of encouragement?
A. Congrats for getting a perfect score! C. That was a nice try. Try again!
B. You did a great job! D. You did nothing wrong!
5. Congratulating someone for their contributions and work is an example of _______.
A. Encouragement C. Criticism
B. Gratitude D. Discouragement
6. Pointing out mistakes as a way to motivate change or improved behavior is an example of _
A. Encouragement C. Criticism
B. Gratitude D. Discouragement
7. Negative declarations such as “You will never amount to anything!” or “You can never be
happy!” are statements that can take a stronghold in our lives. Hence replacing them with
personal declarations can be a tool to counteract such negativity. All are examples of helpful
personal declarations EXCEPT ____
A. “I am free to set my goals and reach C. “This, too, shall pass.”
B. “I can be sad and angry and still be okay D. None of the above; All are helpful personal
eventually.” declarations.
8. “Being happy is to recognize that it is worthwhile to live, despite all the challenges,
misunderstandings and times of crises.”
A. True C. Mostly true
B. False D. Mostly false
9. _____ interest is the tendency for the people to unite themselves with other human beings to
accomplish their tasks in cooperation with others.
A. Physical C. Social
B. Mental D. Spiritual
10 When we make constant comparisons of ourselves to others, we highlight the parts of
ourselves that we wish we had/ things that we lack. This a common example of _____
A. Encouragement C. Discouragement
B. Emotional Development D. Emotional Challenge

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Schools Division of Butuan City
Senior High School Department
School ID 304771
Taligaman, Butuan City

1st Quarter Assessment in

Answer Key – Assessment 4:
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. C

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