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Teknik dan Management Maintenance

Dr. Muhammad Nur Yuniarto

Waktu: 90 Menit (Open Any BOOKS)

1. Develop a complete FMEA datasheet for P&ID Diagram as follows;

a. Describe the working process of the equipment in the P&ID Drawing

b. Complete the following FMEA datasheet based on your knowlegde about the P&ID Diagram

Project Date
System Prepared
Subsystem Approved
Probability Interval
Identification No
Functional Item


Functional Failure Failure Mode Failure Cause Maintainable Item Failure Effect Risk Assesment Action Required / Remarks

2. The reliability of a turbine blade can be represented by the following:

𝑅(𝑡) = 1 − 0≤𝑡≤𝑡
Where t0 is the maximum blade life.

a) Show that the blades are experiencing wear out

b) Compute MTTF as function of the maximum life
c) If the maximum life is 2000 operating hours, what is the design life for a reliability of 0.9
3. For the following problems, evaluate:
a) Explain the general form of the variation of instantaneous failure rate with time for an
engineering product.
b) The Weibull instantaneous failure rate function is given by:
𝛽 𝑡−𝑡
𝜆(𝑡) =
𝜂 𝜂
(i) Explain the significance of the parameters 𝛽, 𝜂 and 𝑡
(ii) Explain how the above function can be used to describe the general variation in
instantaneous failure rate discussed in a).
4. Sumber Gagal Wardhana is a reliability engineer. He has determined that reliability function for
critical IGBT to be used in an electric vehicle controller is R(t) = 10/(10+t), t > 0, and t measured
in years.
a. How many units must be placed in parallel in order to achieve a reliability of 0.98 for 5 years
of operation
b. If there is an additional common failure mode, constant failure rate of 0.002 as a result of
environmental factors, how many IGBT should be placed in parallel? Compute the achieved
system reliability.

5. RCM set up is based on RCM decision logic tree. Could you please elaborate how the RCM
decision logic tree works? And how it can be proved that RCM Decision Logic Tree is a suitable
tool for implementing RCM.


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