Clinical Practice Guidelines For Colon Volvulus

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Clinical Practice Guidelines for Colon Volvulus

and Acute Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction
Jon D. Vogel, M.D. • Daniel L. Feingold, M.D. • David B. Stewart, M.D.
Jacquelyn S. Turner, M.D. • Marylise Boutros, M.D. • Jonathan Chun, M.D.
Scott R. Steele, M.D.

KEY WORDS:  Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction; Colon States, Australia, New Zealand, and Western European
volvulus. countries.5,7–11 ­Volvulus occurs in the sigmoid colon or
cecum in >95% of cases, with the remainder involving

he American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons either the transverse colon or the splenic flexure of the
is dedicated to ensuring high-quality patient care colon.7,9,12,13 In the United States and other Westernized
by advancing the science, prevention, and man- countries, patients with volvulus typically present in
agement of disorders and diseases of the colon, rectum, their 6th to 8th decade of life and frequently experience
and anus. This Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee chronic medical conditions, neuropsychological impair-
is charged with leading international efforts in defining ment, or constipation.4,5,7,10,12,14 In general, sigmoid vol-
quality care for conditions related to the colon, rectum, vulus affects patients who are older, with more comorbid
and anus by developing Clinical Practice Guidelines medical and neuropsychological conditions, compared
based on the best available evidence. These guidelines are with those with cecal volvulus.4,5,9–12,14–19 Earlier reports,
inclusive, not prescriptive, and are intended for the use along with recent evidence from 2 large studies from the
of all practitioners, healthcare workers, and patients who United States, 1 from France, and 1 from New Zealand,
desire information about the management of the condi- indicate an ≈2:1 predominance of sigmoid volvulus in
tions addressed by the topics covered in these guidelines. men and 3:1 predominance of cecal volvulus in wom-
Their purpose is to provide information on which deci- en.4,10,11,14,15,17,20,21 The evaluation and management of
sions can be made rather than to dictate a specific form colon volvulus include endoscopic and/or operative as-
of treatment. sessment of the viability of the volvulized colon segment,
It should be recognized that these guidelines should relief of the colon obstruction, and measures aimed at
not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of care or preventing recurrence of the problem. Without defini-
exclusive of methods of care reasonably directed toward tive operative treatment, colonic volvulus tends to re-
obtaining the same results. The ultimate judgment regard- cur, with each episode presenting a risk of ischemia and
ing the propriety of any specific procedure must be made perforation.7,10,18,22,23
by the physician in light of all of the circumstances pre- Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (ACPO), or Ogil-
sented by the individual patient. vie syndrome, is hypothesized to result from dysregula-
tion of autonomic impulses in the enteric nervous system
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM of the colon, creating a clinical picture consistent with
large-bowel obstruction, although no mechanical block-
Large-bowel obstruction in adults is most often caused age is present.24–29 ACPO typically occurs in patients of
by colon or rectal cancer, diverticular disease, or volvu- advanced age who are hospitalized for medical conditions,
lus of the colon.2,3 Obstruction from colonic volvulus traumatic injury, or a surgical procedure.28,30–34 Untreated
results from twisting of a redundant segment of colon ACPO may progress to ischemic perforation of the colon,
on its mesentery.4–6 The worldwide incidence of colonic and, thus, timely recognition and therapeutic intervention
volvulus is variable, with historical evidence indicating are essential.30,35,36 Therapeutic interventions in ACPO
higher rates in parts of India, Africa, and Middle Eastern are focused on decompression of the colon and include
countries, and a relatively lower incidence in the United supportive measures, pharmacologic therapy with neo-
stigmine, colonoscopic decompression, and, occasionally,
Dis Colon Rectum 2016; 59: 589–600
operative intervention. This parameter will focus on the
DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000000602 evaluation and treatment of cecal and sigmoid volvulus
© The ASCRS 2016 and ACPO.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 7 (2016) 589

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

METHODOLOGY colon ischemia or perforation, have been noted to occur

in <25% and 35% of patients with sigmoid and cecal vol-
An organized search of relevant literature was performed
vulus.9,15,37,38 In general, the history and physical examina-
using the following databases from inception: Ovid MED-
tion, laboratory blood work, and radiological evaluation
LINE (1946 to current), EMBASE (1980 to May 2015), the
are occurring in parallel to avoid delays.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Wiley inter-
face), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
2. Diagnostic imaging for colonic volvulus is initially
(Wiley interface), and the National Guidelines Clearing-
based on plain abdominal radiographs and often in-
house ( Retrieved literature was limit-
cludes confirmatory imaging with a contrast enema or CT
ed to the English language, but no year limits were applied.
The searches are complete through May 2015. The search imaging. Grade of recommendation: Strong recommen-
strategies were based on the concepts of volvulus, pseudo- dation, based on low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C.
obstruction, and various surgical and diagnostic procedures Plain abdominal radiographs are often useful in the ini-
using multiple subject headings and text word terms to de- tial diagnostic evaluation of patients with suspected co-
scribe each concept. For example, the concept of volvulus lon volvulus. As above, imaging should occur early in the
is described by terms such as malrotation, torsion, bascule, course of suspected volvulus because they may rapidly
and intestinal volvulus, whereas surgical and diagnostic lead to a diagnosis. Radiographic images typically reveal
concepts are described by terms like decompression, col- a distended loop of colon that may resemble a coffee bean
ectomy, resection, imaging, and radiography, among many or bent inner tube projecting toward the upper abdomen,
others. Directed searches of the embedded references from sometimes above the transverse colon, which has been
the primary articles were also performed in selected cir- described as the “northern exposure sign.”5,16,39–43 Plain
cumstances. Although not exclusionary, primary authors abdominal radiographs may also show distention of the
focused on all English language articles and studies of small bowel with air-fluid levels and decompressed co-
adults. Prospective, randomized controlled trials and meta- lon distal to the point of volvulus. In a recently published
analyses were given preference in developing these guide- study, abdominal radiographs were considered suggestive
lines. Recommendations were formulated by the primary of diagnosis or diagnostic of cecal volvulus in 27% and
authors and reviewed by the entire Clinical Practice Guide- 15% of patients and in 31% and 51% of those with sig-
lines Committee. The final grade of recommendation was moid volvulus.10 In another recent review, Lau et al16 re-
performed using the Grades of Recommendation, Assess- ported that plain abdominal radiographs were diagnostic
ment, Development, and Evaluation system.1 (Table 1)
of sigmoid and cecal and sigmoid volvulus in 26% and
66% patients. Plain abdominal radiographs may also re-
Colon Volvulus veal other conditions that are included in the differential
1. Initial evaluation should include a focused history and diagnosis of colon volvulus, as well as complicating fac-
physical examination, complete blood cell count, serum tors, such as pneumoperitoneum or pneumatosis.
electrolytes, and renal function assessment. Grade of In cases in which clinical assessment and plain ad-
Recommendation: Strong recommendation, based on nominal radiographs are insufficient to confirm the di-
low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C. agnosis of colon volvulus, contrast enema or CT imaging
Common presentation of symptoms of both sigmoid and may be helpful. A water-soluble contrast enema may help
cecal volvulus includes abdominal cramping, pain, nausea, confirm the diagnosis of cecal or sigmoid volvulus by dem-
vomiting, and obstipation.5,7–9,17,37,38 On physical examina- onstrating a smooth, tapered point of obstruction known
tion, there is typically abdominal distension, varying de- as a “bird’s beak” at the point of colon torsion.5,17,23,39,43,44
grees of tenderness, diminished or increased bowel sounds, In the recent report by Swenson et al,10 contrast enema was
and often an empty rectum on digital examination.7,9,16,17,38 suggestive of diagnosis or diagnostic for cecal volvulus in
The duration of symptoms before presentation ranges 44% and 33% of patients and for sigmoid volvulus in 13%
from a few hours to several days, with acute presentations and 78% of patients. In the review by Lau et al,16 the com-
more common with cecal volvulus and indolent presen- bination of plain abdominal radiographs and contrast en-
tations more common with sigmoid volvulus.5,9,10,14,15,17,20 ema images was diagnostic for sigmoid and cecal volvulus
The frequent presence of comorbid conditions in patients in 90% and 42% of patients. Older studies also supported
with colon volvulus, along with the possibility of electro- the use of a contrast enema in cases of suspected cecal or
lyte derangement and acute renal insufficiency secondary sigmoid volvulus and have shown that the point of co-
to vomiting and dehydration, warrants the inclusion of lonic torsion could be identified in ≈70% of cases.17,43,44
routine blood testing during the initial evaluation of pa- In general, water-soluble contrast medium is preferable to
tients with suspected colonic volvulus. Emergency presen- barium contrast, because the latter could cause a chemical
tations, with clinical signs of peritonitis or shock related to peritonitis in the setting of a perforated colon.

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 7 (2016) 591

TABLE 1.   The GRADE system: grading recommendations

Methodologic quality
Grade Description Benefit vs risk and burdens of supporting evidence Implications
1A Strong recommendation; Benefits clearly outweigh risk RCTs without important limitations
Strong recommendation, can
high-quality evidence and burdens or vice versa or overwhelming evidence from apply to most patients in
observational studies most circumstances without
1B Strong recommendation; Benefits clearly outweigh risk RCTs with important limitations Strong recommendation, can
moderate-quality and burdens or vice versa (inconsistent results, methodologic apply to most patients in
evidence flaws, indirect, or imprecise) or most circumstances without
exceptionally strong evidence reservation
from observational studies
1C Strong recommendation; Benefits clearly outweigh risk Observational studies or case series Strong recommendation but may
low- or very-low-quality and burdens or vice versa change when higher-quality
evidence evidence becomes available
2A Weak recommendation; Benefits closely balanced with RCTs without important limitations Weak recommendation, best
high-quality evidence risks and burdens or overwhelming evidence from action may differ depending
observational studies on circumstances or patient or
societal values
2B Weak recommendation; Benefits closely balanced with RCTs with important limitations Weak recommendation, best
moderate-quality risks and burdens (inconsistent results, methodologic action may differ depending
evidence flaws, indirect, or imprecise) or on circumstances or patient or
exceptionally strong evidence societal values
from observational studies
2C Weak recommendation; Uncertainty in the estimates of Observational studies or case series Very weak recommendations;
low- or very-low-quality benefits, risks, and burden; other alternatives may be
evidence benefits, risk and burden equally reasonable
may be closely balanced
Table was adapted and reprinted with permission from Chest. 2006;129:174–181.
GRADE = Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; RCT = randomized controlled trial.

Contrast-enhanced CT imaging is currently the pre- flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy in unusual cases in
ferred confirmatory diagnostic study for both cecal and which the transition point is beyond the reach of a short-
sigmoid volvulus because it is noninvasive, easily obtain- er scope.7,18,50–52 After successful detorsion of the sigmoid
able, accurate for both cecal and sigmoid volvulus, and has colon, a decompression tube should, in general, be left in
the advantage of identification of incidental pathology place for a period of 1 to 3 days to maintain the reduction,
that may be missed with plain radiographs or fluoroscopic allow for continued colonic decompression, and facilitate
contrast studies. In addition, abdominal CT has proven mechanical bowel preparation, as needed.7,11,14,18,48–50,53–57
useful to distinguish organoaxial cecal volvulus from cecal In patients with sigmoid volvulus who undergo success-
bascule and may facilitate the diagnosis of colonic isch- ful endoscopic detorsion without subsequent interven-
emia.41,42,45–47 In the study by Swenson et al,10 the positive tion, index admission and long-term recurrent volvulus
diagnostic yield of CT for cecal and sigmoid volvulus was have been observed in 3% to 5% and 43% to 75% of
71% and 89%. Other diagnoses that can mimic the pre- patients.10,11,14,18,50,57,58 With this high risk of recurrent
sentation of colonic volvulus, such as obstruction because volvulus and the attendant risks associated with each epi-
of a neoplasm or pseudo-obstruction, can also be evalu- sode, operative intervention should be strongly consid-
ated with the above modalities. ered in appropriate patients during the index admission
or soon thereafter.10,14,18,50,57,59
Sigmoid Volvulus In a recent study by Yassaie et al,11 31 patients with sig-
moid volvulus who underwent successful endoscopic de-
1. Rigid or flexible endoscopy should be performed to as-
torsion and no further interventions before discharge were
sess sigmoid colon viability and to allow initial detorsion evaluated. Recurrent sigmoid volvulus was diagnosed in 19
and decompression of the colon. Grade of Recommen- (61%) of these patients at a median of 31 days. Of these 19
dation: Strong recommendation, based on low- or very- patients, 7 underwent colectomy and 12 had repeat endo-
low-quality evidence, 1C. scopic detorsion alone, of whom 5 (48%) were diagnosed
In the absence of colonic ischemia or perforation, the with a third episode of volvulus at a median interval of 5
initial treatment of sigmoid volvulus is endoscopic de- months and 3 (25%) required emergent sigmoid colectomy.11
torsion, which is effective in 60% to 95% of patien In the study by Swenson et al,10 10 (48%) of 21 of patients
ts.7,9,14,18,33,48,49 Detorsion may be performed by rigid or with sigmoid volvulus treated nonoperatively returned with

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

recurrent volvulus at a median of 106 days (range, 8–374 nondiverted or diverted (blow-hole colostomy) colorec-
days) after discharge. Similarly, Tan et al54 observed recurrent tal anastomosis was n ­ otable for 12% and 0% anastomotic
sigmoid volvulus in 28 (61%) of 46 patients who were dis- leaks and mortality in 8% and 10%.63 Although there are
charged after endoscopic reduction alone. insufficient data to support one technique over anoth-
Care should be taken in the selection of patients for en- er in emergent cases for sigmoid volvulus, more robust
doscopic detorsion, and those with signs and symptoms of studies performed in patients with sigmoid diverticular
bowel ischemia or perforation should not be considered for disease have compared urgent Hartmann procedure with
endoscopic intervention. In cases in which advanced muco- colorectal anastomosis, both with and without proximal
sal ischemia, peroration, or impending perforation of the diversion. These studies demonstrated no difference in
colon is discovered during endoscopy, the procedure should mortality or overall surgical postoperative complications
be aborted in favor of emergent operative intervention. among the various approaches.60,62,63,69,70 Notwithstand-
ing this limited evidence, end colostomy creation is of-
2. Urgent sigmoid resection is generally indicated when ten the most appropriate choice for hemodynamically
endoscopic detorsion of the sigmoid colon is not possible unstable patients or when concomitant factors, such as
and in cases of nonviable or perforated colon. Strong increased ASA or Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
recommendation, based on low- or very-low-quality Evaluation II score, hemodynamic instability, coagulopa-
­evidence, 1C. thy, acidosis, or hypothermia, add prohibitive risk to the
Urgent operative intervention for sigmoid volvulus is integrity of a colorectal anastomosis.18,62,64,71–73
required in the 5% to 22% of patients in whom endo- The role of laparoscopic surgery for emergent colorec-
scopic detorsion is not possible and in the 5% to 25% tal operations is still being defined, and there is a paucity of
of patients in whom colonic ischemia, perforation, peri- data specific to emergent laparoscopic sigmoid volvulus sur-
tonitis, or septic shock complicate the initial presenta- gery. One recent comparison of open and laparoscopic cases
tion.7,9,10,14,18,33,50,54,60–65 In general, resection of infarcted demonstrated a 2-fold increase in anastomotic leak in the
bowel should be performed without detorsion and with latter group and similar overall postoperative morbidity.74
minimal manipulation to prevent release of endotoxin, Additional published results indicate that the laparoscopic
potassium, and bacteria into the general circulation and approach is a suitable alternative to laparotomy in select cas-
to avoid perforation of the colon.23,56,66–68 Once the vol- es by surgeons who are competent with this technique.50,74–76
vulized segment of colon has been removed, the decision
to perform primary colorectal anastomosis, defunc- 3. Sigmoid colectomy should be considered after resolu-
tioned colorectal anastomosis, or end-descending co- tion of the acute phase of sigmoid volvulus to prevent
lostomy should be individualized, with consideration of recurrent volvulus. Grade of Recommendation: Strong
both the overall condition of the patient and the colon. recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
This approach was exemplified in a consecutive series of Of the variety of elective operative interventions that
patients reported by Kuzu et al in 2002.64 In their ret- have been described for sigmoid volvulus, sigmoid col-
rospective study of 106 sigmoid volvulus cases accumu- ectomy with colorectal anastomosis is the intervention
lated over 8 years, sigmoid resection with end colostomy that is most consistently effective at preventing recurrent
(Hartmann procedure, n = 49) or sigmoid resection episodes of volvulus.7,11,14,15,18,50,55,74,77 The entire length
with colorectal anastomosis without diverting ostomy of the redundant colon should be removed so as to re-
(n = 57) was performed at the discretion of the oper- duce the risk of postresection recurrent volvulus. Stoma
ating surgeon. A Hartmann procedure was used more creation in the nonemergency setting is not usually re-
often in patients with a nonviable colon or peritonitis quired and should be considered on a case-by-case basis
and resulted in increased postoperative complications depending on the operative findings and unique circum-
and mortality (8% vs 5%), whereas anastomotic leak oc- stances of the patients. In patients with sigmoid volvulus
curred in 7% of patients in the anastomosis group.64 In and concurrent megacolon, subtotal colectomy has been
the largest reported series of patients with sigmoid vol- shown to more effectively prevent recurrent volvulus
vulus, a Hartmann procedure was the most commonly when compared with sigmoid colectomy alone.78–80 In
performed emergency operation, with overall morbid- patients with sigmoid volvulus and viable, nonperforat-
ity of 42% and mortality of 20%.50 Although this study ed bowel, sigmoid resection with colorectal anastomosis
included 952 patients accumulated over 4 decades, the results in low morbidity and mortality in the range of 0%
most recent 10-year period was notable for more selec- to 12%.7,9,11,14,50,57 Given the redundancy and mobility of
tive use of the Hartmann procedure in the setting of a the colon encountered in patients with sigmoid volvulus,
nonviable colon (mortality = 7%) and resection with resection can be performed via minilaparotomy or lapa-
anastomosis when the colon was viable (mortality = 1%). roscopically, although the potential benefits of a laparo-
Another nonrandomized study of sigmoid resection with scopic approach in this setting are not clear.50,74,75

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 7 (2016) 593

4. Nonresectional operative procedures, including detor- major complications (including peritonitis, tube migra-
sion alone, sigmoidoplasty, and mesosigmoidoplasty, tion, and death) occurred in 2 patients (10%) and minor
are inferior to sigmoid colectomy for the prevention of complications (eg, abdominal wall bleeding or infection)
recurrent volvulus. Weak recommendation based on occurred in 7 patients (37%). There were 8 deaths from un-
low-quality evidence, 2C. related causes. Of the 6 patients who underwent removal
Operative detorsion alone, detorsion with intraperitoneal of the PEC tube(s), after 6 to 26 months of fixation, none
or extraperitoneal fixation (sigmoidopexy), and tailoring experienced recurrent volvulus at a median follow-up of 35
of the sigmoid mesentery to broaden its base and prevent months. In another series of 14 patients, PEC maintained
torsion (mesosigmoidopexy) are nonresectional techniques reduction of the volvulus in each of the 5 patients in whom
that have been described for the definitive treatment of it was left in place but in only 3 of 6 in whom the PEC was
sigmoid volvulus in patients with a viable colon. Although subsequently removed.86 At present, it appears that PEC
recurrent volvulus after sigmoid resection is generally a may be a useful tool for the treatment of sigmoid volvu-
rare event, recurrence after the nonresectional techniques lus, but more studies are needed to assess its durability. For
is more variable.5,7,18,50 Bhatnagar and Sharma81 performed the time being, it should generally be reserved for patients
detorsion and extraperitoneal sigmoid colon fixation in a in whom established operative interventions are judged to
consecutive series of 84 patients in whom no recurrences pose a prohibitive degree of risk.
were observed. In smaller series, recurrence after sigmoido-
pexy has been reported in the range of 29% to 36%.14,55,61 For Cecal Volvulus
mesosigmoidoplasty, Subrahmanyam82 achieved excellent 1. Attempts at endoscopic reduction of cecal volvulus are
results in a series of 126 patients, with recurrent volvulus generally not recommended. Grade of Recommendation:
observed in only 2 patients. Similarly, in a series of 15 cases Strong recommendation base on low-quality evidence, 1C.
reported by Akgun,83 there were no episodes of recurrent Several retrospective studies include patients in whom
volvulus after mesosigmoidoplasty. However, in the large endoscopic reduction of cecal volvulus was attempted.
series reported by Oren et al18 and Atamanalp,50 mesosig- Pooled results from of studies published between 1978
moidoplasty resulted in recurrent sigmoid volvulus in 21% and 2012, including 34 patients in whom endoscopic
and 16%. Although there are only limited data on operative reduction of cecal volvulus was attempted, demonstrat-
detorsion alone, with most evidence coming from older ret- ed successful detorsion in 4 patients (12%).10,15,19,48,91
rospective studies, the associated morbidity is in the range In the most recent studies, by Renzulli et al in 200248
of 30% to 35%, with mortality at 11% to 15%, and recur- and Swenson et al in 2012,10 endoscopic decompression
rent sigmoid volvulus at 18% to 48%, which had led many was successful in 2 of 6 patients and 0 of 10 patients. In
authors to discourage the use of this intervention.18,50,56,57,84 contradistinction to the management of sigmoid volvu-
lus, in which endoscopic decompression is an effective
5. Endoscopic fixation of the sigmoid colon may be con- means of temporarily detorsing the colon, this tech-
sidered in select patients in whom operative interven- nique is of limited value in cases of cecal volvulus.10,15,33
tions present a prohibitive risk. Grade of Recommen- With its low likelihood of success and its potential for
dation: Weak recommendation based on low-quality causing injury to the volvulized colon, attempts at en-
evidence, 2C. doscopic reduction of cecal volvulus are generally not
Sigmoid volvulus is often encountered in older patients, recommended.17,23,33,45
some of whom may be unfit for abdominal operations. For
this subset of patients, a number of small case series have in- 2. In patients with cecal volvulus, resection is required in
vestigated advanced endoscopic techniques as a less invasive patients with nonviable or perforated bowel. Resection
means to prevent recurrent sigmoid volvulus. The percuta- is also an appropriate first-line intervention for patients
neous endoscopic colostomy (PEC) technique is performed with viable bowel who are good operative candidates.
to fix the sigmoid colon to the anterior abdominal wall, re- Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommendation
stricting its mobility, with the aim of preventing recurrent based on low-quality evidence, 1C.
volvulus. Fixation of the colon has been performed using Nonviable or gangrenous cecum is present in 18% to
T fasteners or by percutaneous tube colostomy placement 44% of patients with cecal volvulus and has an associ-
with or without laparoscopic assistance.14,85–90 Although ated mortality rate of 31% to 44%; a range that is 3- to
the literature includes a few reports of small case series, 1 4-fold higher compared with those patients with viable
relatively large study included 19 elderly patients with re- bowel.7,13,16,17,20,21,91,92 The bulk of the published litera-
current sigmoid volvulus who were judged unfit for defini- ture on operative treatment of cecal volvulus that in-
tive surgical treatment.85 In that study, the PEC procedure cludes analysis of cases with viable and nonviable bowel
was successfully performed in all of the patients, whereas comes from retrospective studies that were published

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

in the 1970s and 1980s.7,17,91,92 In the study by O’Mara 3. For cecal volvulus with viable bowel, nonresectional
et al17 with 9 patients with cecal volvulus and gangrenous operative procedures may be a suitable alternative to re-
cecum, 7 underwent segmental resection with primary section. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommenda-
anastomosis, of which 2 (28%) died of septic complica- tion based on low-quality evidence, 2C.
tions. In contrast, the 7 patients with viable cecum who In cases of cecal volvulus with viable bowel, the options
were treated with resection and primary anastomosis for operative treatment include detorsion alone, detorsion
experienced postoperative morbidity at a rate equal to with suture fixation to the abdominal wall (cecopexy), ce-
the nonviable cases (43%) but experienced no mortali- costomy, and segmental resection of the cecum. For each
ties. In a study by Ballantyne et al,7 there were 15 patients intervention, the risks of postoperative morbidity and
with cecal volvulus and gangrenous bowel, of whom 4 mortality should be weighed against the risk of recurrent
(27%) underwent resection with ileostomy and 11 (73%) cecal volvulus. In the review by Rabinovici et al,20 there
had resection with primary anastomosis. Although the were 561 patients with cecal volvulus for whom cecopexy,
specific outcomes for the primary anastomosis group detorsion alone, resection, or cecostomy was performed
and the ostomy group were not reported, overall mor- in 32%, 25%, 25%, and 16%. Patients who underwent ce-
tality rates in patients with nonviable and viable cecum copexy or detorsion alone had the low rates of abdomi-
were 33% and 12%.7 Anderson and Welch37 reported on nal and wound complications (15% and 15%), mortality
69 patients with cecal volvulus, including 19 (27%) with (10% and 13%), and recurrent volvulus (13% and 12%).20
a gangrenous cecum, of whom 12 underwent resection Alternatively, resection resulted in abdominal or wound
with primary anastomosis and 7 had resection with il- morbidity in 29% and mortality in 22% but no episodes
eostomy and mucus fistula. In the 12 patients with a of recurrent volvulus. The worst outcomes were associated
nonviable cecum, anastomotic leak and postoperative with cecostomy, which resulted in morbidity, mortality,
mortality occurred in 2 (17%) and 5 patients (42%). In and recurrence in 52%, 32%, and 14%.20 In the review of
comparison, 2 (29%) of 7 patients who underwent resec- case series published between 1972 and 1986 by Tejler and
tion and ileostomy died after surgery.37 In the 14 patients Jiborn,21 detorsion alone, cecopexy, cecostomy, and resec-
with viable cecum who underwent resection with pri- tion resulted in death in 13%, 5%, 10%, and 8% and re-
mary anastomosis, 1 patient developed an anastomotic current volvulus in 13% 13%, 1%, and 0% of patients.
leak and 3 (21%) died. In a closer look at the patients Single-center studies in which patients with nonviable
with gangrenous cecum, Anderson and Welch37 noted bowel were distinguished from those with viable bowel in-
that death after resection and primary anastomosis oc- dicated a low rate of mortality, with 0 or near-0 incidence
curred only in patients with extensive gangrene or perfo- of recurrent volvulus after resection of viable bowel, but
ration, whereas there were no deaths after resection and were more variable in terms of morbidity, mortality, and
primary anastomosis in patients with “patchy gangrene.” recurrence after the nonresectional procedures.7,10,13,15,17,37
In the most recent retrospective study, by Swenson et al,10 O’Mara et al17 reported on 41 patients with cecal volvulus
of 53 patients with cecal volvulus, operative treatment and viable bowel, for whom cecostomy, resection, operative
was performed in 52, including resection in 44 patients detorsion only, or cecopexy was performed in 4, 7, 12, and
(85%), with overall postoperative morbidity in 17% and 18 patients and for whom postoperative complications oc-
no mortality. curred in 3 (75%), 3 (43%), 5 (52%), and 3 patients (17%).
To summarize, the data presented here come largely In the patients who underwent cecostomy, resection, opera-
from retrospective studies of cecal volvulus published tive detorsion only, or cecopexy, postoperative mortality oc-
>20 years ago. The results of these studies indicate the curred in25%, 0%, 17%, and 0% (7% total). With long-term
following: 1) cecal resection is the most consistently ef- follow-up, none of the 44 surviving patients in the series
fective means of preventing recurrent volvulus7,17,20,21,23,45; by O’Mara et al17 were diagnosed with recurrent volvulus.
2) nonviable bowel is a meaningful predictor of mortality Without separating cases with viable and nonviable bowels,
in patients with cecal volvulus and resection is required Ballantyne et al7 noted mortality for detorsion, cecostomy,
in these patients.7,17,20,21,23,57,92; and 3) whether resection cecopexy, resection with primary anastomosis, and resec-
with primary anastomosis or resection with ileostomy, tion with ileostomy of 27%, 0, 8%, 14%, and 25% and over-
with or without mucus fistula, should be performed in all mortality with viable and nonviable bowel of 11% and
cases with nonviable bowel is a delicate point. The data 33%. Similar to O’Mara et al17, Ballantyne et al7 also noted
from Anderson and Welch,37 O’Mara et al,17 and Ballan- 0 recurrences after cecostomy and cecopexy and only 1 re-
tyne et al7 support the use of resection and anastomosis currence in 11 patients treated with detorsion alone. Ander-
in select patients with cecal volvulus and nonviable bow- son and Welch37 reported on 18 cecopexy and 14 cecostomy
el. Alternatively, in patients with cecal perforation, ex- cases, of which there was 1 death in each group and recur-
tensive gangrene, or peritonitis, resection with ileostomy rent volvulus in 3 of 18 and 0 of 14. The 1 patient who had
(and occasionally mucus fistula) may be preferable.17,37 detorsion alone developed recurrent volvulus.37

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Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 7 (2016) 595

Although it is clear that resection is required for non- result in colon dilation. Abdominal CT or water-soluble
viable or perforated bowel, limitations in the available contrast enema can reliably distinguish ACPO from a me-
data make it impossible to advocate the best operation for chanical large-bowel obstruction.95–98 Endoscopic evalua-
patients with cecal volvulus and viable bowel. Resection tion of the colon may also be effective in distinguishing
of viable bowel has the advantage of effectively prevent- ACPO from large-bowel obstruction but is generally not
ing recurrent volvulus with 0 or near-0 mortality but the recommended for diagnostic purposes in this setting be-
disadvantage of increased postoperative morbidity com- cause of its invasive nature and associated risks.24,33,99 Al-
pared with the nonresectional procedures.13,15,17,20,21,23 The though most patients with ACPO have a nonemergent
effectiveness of cecopexy is more variable than that of re- presentation, ischemia or perforation of the colon is re-
section but may result in a lower rate of procedure-related ported in 3% to 15% of cases with associated mortality
morbidity compared with resection.7,17,20,21,37 Cecostomy is in <50%.26,30,100–102 Fever, leukocytosis, abdominal tender-
another effective operative intervention, with low rates of ness, and cecum dilation >12 cm, are factors that may be
recurrent volvulus, but it has a relatively high incidence of indicative of colon ischemia or perforation in ACPO.28,30,100
morbidity and adds potential new challenges that relate to
the ostomy.15,17,20,21,23 Reports on the use of operative de- 2. Initial treatment of ACPO is supportive and focused on
torsion alone for cecal volvulus indicate a low incidence of the elimination or correction of conditions that predis-
recurrent volvulus (0%–13%) but a high rate of mortality pose to ACPO or prolong its course. Grade of Recommen-
(13%–33%) that, when coupled with concerns about the dation: Strong recommendation based on low-quality
failure of detorsion alone to correct the underlying pathol- evidence, 1C.
ogy of cecal volvulus, has led some authors to suggest that First-line therapy for patients with ACPO without clini-
this procedure should be abandoned.7,17,20,21 Ultimately, cal or radiologic evidence of colon ischemia or perforation
with more than 1 appropriate operative intervention for and cecal diameter <12 cm is noninvasive and typically
cecal volvulus with viable bowel, a decision on the most includes correction of serum electrolyte abnormalities,
appropriate intervention should be individualized, with fluid resuscitation, avoidance or minimization of narcot-
consideration of both the condition of the patient and the ics and anticholinergic medications, identification and
bowel.45 Laparoscopic techniques to achieve reduction, treatment of concomitant infection, bowel rest, ambula-
fixation, or resection of the cecum are an acceptable alter- tion, knee-chest or prone positioning to promote flatus,
native to laparotomy for hemodynamically stable patients and the insertion of nasogastric and rectal tubes to fa-
under the care of surgeons with suitable experience.74,76,93 cilitate intestinal decompression.26,28,33,103–105 Oral osmotic
The treatment recommendations for patients with cecal and stimulant laxatives should be avoided in patients with
bascule are similar to those discussed for patients with the ACPO because they may worsen dilation of the colon
more common form of organoaxial cecal volvulus.20 via gas production and propulsion of gas into an already
dilated colon.26,28 With nonoperative treatment, serial
Acute Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction physical examinations and repeat abdominal radiographs
1. Initial evaluation should include a focused history facilitate continuous reassessment. Clinical signs of isch-
and physical examination, complete blood count, serum emia include increased pain, fever, abdominal tenderness,
electrolytes, renal function assessment, and diagnostic and leukocytosis.30 In a series of 400 patients with ACPO,
imaging. Grade of recommendation: Strong recommen- including 221 patients with documented radiographic ce-
dation, based on low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C. cal diameter, ischemia or perforation occurred in 0%, 7%,
ACPO is a condition that most often affects older, hospi- and 23% of patients with cecal diameters <12 cm, 12 to
talized, or institutionalized patients with severe comorbid 14 cm, and >14 cm.30 If serial examinations and abdominal
conditions or infection or those recovering from surgery radiographs do not suggest colon ischemia, perforation,
or traumatic injury.28,30–34 Abdominal pain, nausea and or impending perforation, a nonoperative or “conserva-
vomiting, abdominal distension, and dilation of the as- tive course” of therapy should generally be continued for
cending and transverse colons on abdominal radiographs up to a few days, with the expectation that it will lead to
are typical findings but are nonspecific for ACPO.26,28,94 resolution of ACPO in 70% to 90% of patients.30,33,102–105
The frequent presence of comorbid conditions in patients
with ACPO, along with the possibility of electrolyte de- 3. Pharmacologic treatment with neostigmine is an appro-
rangement and acute renal insufficiency secondary to de- priate next step for ACPO that does not resolve with sup-
hydration, warrants the inclusion of routine blood testing portive therapy. Grade of Recommendation: Strong rec-
during the initial evaluation of patients with suspected ommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B.
colonic ACPO. To accurately diagnose ACPO, clinicians Neostigmine is an antiacetylcholinesterase drug that tran-
should exclude the presence of a mechanical large-bowel siently and reversibly increases acetylcholine levels in the
obstruction and should consider other conditions that synapse of muscarinic receptors of the parasympathetic

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

nervous system.25 In the colon, acetylcholine promotes colon ischemia or perforation or in the setting of pregnancy,
contractility and accelerates colon transit.25,106 In patients uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias, or severe active broncho-
with ACPO, placebo-controlled, randomized prospective spasm.28 It may be used with caution in patients with brady-
trials of intravenous administration of neostigmine have cardia, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, renal
shown that this drug leads to resolution of colon dilation insufficiency, or recent myocardial infarction.26,112
in ≈90% of cases.32,34,107 In the landmark study by Ponec
et al,32 patients with ACPO who received 2 mg of neostig- 4. Endoscopic decompression of the colon should be
mine intravenously over a period of 2 to 5 minutes experi- considered in patients with ACPO in whom neostigmine
enced a clinical response, defined as the passage of flatus or therapy is contraindicated or ineffective. Grade of Rec-
stool and decreased abdominal distension in 10 (91%) of ommendation: Strong recommendation based on mod-
11 cases at a median interval of 4 minutes (range, 3–30 min- erate-quality evidence, 1B.
utes). In addition, serial abdominal radiographs revealed a In patients with ACPO who have not been treated with
greater median decrease in cecal diameter compared with neostigmine, endoscopic decompression of the colon has
the placebo group (5- vs 2-cm decrease). Although the been shown to result in initial colon decompression in
authors considered neostigmine to have failed in 3 (27%) 61% to 95% of cases and sustained decompression in the
of 11 cases, 1 of the 3 initial nonresponders subsequently 70% to 90% range.30,31,33,36,103,113 To prevent the recurrence
responded to a second dose of neostigmine, whereas the of colon dilation, more than 1 endoscopic decompression
other 2 required colonoscopic decompression. In 7 of the procedure and/or endoscopic placement of a decompres-
10 patients who received open-label neostigmine after sion tube is often required. In a study of 50 patients with
failure of placebo, a clinical and radiographic response ACPO, 41 (82%) had 1 colonoscopic decompression with
occurred in 100%, and there were no recurrences. A sub- clinical success in 39 (95%), and 9 (18%) required multiple
sequent and similarly designed trial performed by Amaro (2–4) procedures with clinical success in 5 (56%).31 In the
and Rogers108 included a total of 18 patients treated with 8 patients (16%) in which a decompression tube was not
neostigmine, of which 17 (94%) had immediate clinical placed, clinical success was achieved in only 2 (25%). The
response and 16 (89%) had sustained colon decompres- overall clinical success of colonoscopic decompression was
sion. A recent review of the randomized and nonran- 88% (44 of 50), a percentage similar to the 82% success rate
domized trials of neostigmine for ACPO reported that a for the 125 patients who underwent colonoscopy in the
single intravenous dose of 2 to 5 mg administered over 1 to large review by Vanek and Al-Salti.30,31 Additional support
5 minutes was successful in 60% to 94%, with a recurrence for the use of a decompression tube in this setting comes
rate of 0% to 31% and overall long-term response in 69% from a nonrandomized study in which there were no recur-
to 100%.34 In initial nonresponders or partial responders rences of colon dilation in the 11 patients who underwent
to neostigmine, a second dose has proven effective in 40% decompression tube placement and a 36% (4 of 11) recur-
to 100% of patients and therefore may be considered after rence in those patient in whom a decompression tube was
an interval that exceeds the normal 80-minute elimination not used.114 Similar results were noted in a review in which
half-life of the drug.28,33,36,109,110 As an alternative to rapid recurrence of colon dilation occurred in 40% of those who
intravenous administration of neostigmine, a single, ran- underwent colonoscopic decompression without place-
domized prospective trial of 24-hour neostigmine infusion ment of a decompression tube.101 Commercially available,
for patients with ileus rather than ACPO has led to suc- through-the-scope colonoscopic decompression kits that
cessful resolution of the condition in 85%, with no acute include guide wires are available. Ideally, the decompres-
harmful adverse effects.107 In patients with ACPO who sion tube is placed in the proximal ascending colon.
respond to neostigmine, a small, randomized, placebo- Colonoscopy in ACPO has a reported perforation rate
controlled trial demonstrated that the oral administration of 1% to 3%.28,33,36,103,115 It is performed without mechani-
of polyethylene glycol resulted in no recurrence of colonic cal bowel preparation of the colon using carbon dioxide
dilation, whereas placebo resulted in recurrence in 33%.111 or minimal air insufflation while avoiding or minimizing
Adverse events associated with the use of neostigmine the use of narcotics. The goal of the colonoscopy in this
for ACPO are attributed to excess acetylcholine and include setting is to intubate the right colon rather than the cecum
transient abdominal pain (50%–73%), sialorrhea (23%– and to place a suitable decompression tube while remov-
38%), vomiting (10%–20%), and bradycardia (5%–9%).34 ing as much gas as possible from the colon.28,33 If muco-
Neostigmine therapy should be administered in a setting sal ischemia is identified during colonoscopy, the safety
that allows for continuous monitoring of heart rate, oxygen of decompression is unclear, although a single small case
saturation, and frequent blood pressure measurements and series provided evidence to support this practice.33,116 In
that has glycopyrrolate or atropine readily available for rapid patients with ACPO who have failed supportive, pharma-
use in cases of bronchospasm or bradycardia.26,28,32,112 Neo- cologic, and standard endoscopic therapies and have no
stigmine should not be used in ACPO that is complicated by evidence of colon perforation or ischemia, percutaneous

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 7 (2016) 597

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