Realms of Ethara-Paths: 3 Edition

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Realms of Ethara- Paths

3rd Edition
Drew Johns
Becky Hines

Special Thanks
This work was a team effort and I couldn’t have done this without them. Thanks to each
and every one of you. I owe you a taco.

Becky Hines

Creation Team,
Daniel Probus
Mike Whitaker
Justin Higginbotham

Literature and legend are filled with people who walk their path, step by step, to the
ultimate destination of their journey. Each hero and villain also had a set of skills that
emphasized not only who they were, but what role they played in the world. Much like
Miyamoto Musashi walking the path of the Samurai or Merlin walking the path of the
wizard, player’s characters may walk their own paths. Not all paths are necessarily chosen
by those who follow them. Some are fated, cursed, or chosen by destiny to walk them.

Table of Contents

FORWARD.............................................................................................................................................................. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................................. 3

HOW THIS WORKS ................................................................................................................................................. 5

GENERAL RULES ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

PATHS .................................................................................................................................................................... 6

AVAILABLE TO ALL PATHS: ...............................................................................................................................................6

ANTI PALADIN ...............................................................................................................................................................6
ARCANE TRICKSTER.........................................................................................................................................................7
ASSASSIN ......................................................................................................................................................................8
BARBARIAN ...................................................................................................................................................................9
BERSERKER .................................................................................................................................................................10
CLERICS ......................................................................................................................................................................11
Cleric of Light ......................................................................................................................................................11
Cleric of Darkness ................................................................................................................................................11
Cleric of Balance (neutral) ...................................................................................................................................11
DEFILER ......................................................................................................................................................................13
Dhampyr .............................................................................................................................................................14
Dhampyr of Strength...........................................................................................................................................15
Dhampyr of Shadow............................................................................................................................................15
Dhampyr of the Mystics ......................................................................................................................................16
ELDRITCH WARRIOR .....................................................................................................................................................17
MASTER OF MAGIC ......................................................................................................................................................18
MASTER OF STEALTH ....................................................................................................................................................19
MERCHANT .................................................................................................................................................................20
NATURE CASTER, SHAMANS AND DRUIDS .........................................................................................................................21
NECROMANCER ...........................................................................................................................................................22
PALADIN .....................................................................................................................................................................23
RANGER .....................................................................................................................................................................24
SHIELD MASTER ...........................................................................................................................................................25
SLAYER .......................................................................................................................................................................26
STRIKER ......................................................................................................................................................................27
SWASHBUCKLER ...........................................................................................................................................................28
TEMPLAR ....................................................................................................................................................................29
UNDEAD .....................................................................................................................................................................30
Death Jester ........................................................................................................................................................31
Death Knight .......................................................................................................................................................31
Lich ......................................................................................................................................................................32
Vampire of the Blood ..........................................................................................................................................33
Vampire of the Fang ...........................................................................................................................................34
Vampire of the Shadow.......................................................................................................................................34
WERE CREATURES, THE CHILDREN OF ETHARA AND THE CORRUPTED .....................................................................................35
Children of Ethara skills .......................................................................................................................................35
The Corrupted skills .............................................................................................................................................35
Use only in Hybrid Form Skills .............................................................................................................................36
Ursine/Bear Hybrid Form ....................................................................................................................................36
Lupine/Wolf Hybrid Form ....................................................................................................................................36
Feline/Cats Hybrid Form .....................................................................................................................................36

SKILL DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 37

How this works
Once for every level of your character, you are allowed to buy a tier in a path you meet
the prereqs in. To buy a tier (level) in a path costs ten build points. When you buy the tier, you
get ten points to spend on skills available to your path. What you may buy is listed under the
path you selected. Some skills may only be available at certain tiers of a path. Any points left
over may be reserved and can be spent later but seven must be spent within the same path per
ten used to buy a path level/tier. Also, each path’s maximums only apply to itself except for
exceptions listed under general rules below. For example, if one path allows you to buy two
stealth maneuvers and another allows you to buy three stealth maneuvers you could buy a total
of five stealth maneuvers between the two paths. Remember you only have four maneuvers
per character level.

NOTE: For every even level/tier of a character path, a player may choose a lore
skill that is relevant to that path. If any questions please see plot members.

General Rules
Unless stated otherwise skills bought here must follow the following rules:
1. Meet prereqs found in core rule book.
2. Count as pre reqs for other skills.
3. Are considered a skill unless it states otherwise in the description found in this book.
4. Skills bought here do not modify costs from core rule book but do stack. Example: You
bought a plus one weapon damage from paths and had plus nine weapon damage from
core. You swing plus ten. Your next purchase of weapon damage from core would be
at the plus ten cost.
5. Buying Feats of Strengths in paths. You are limited to whichever path allows you to
buy the most. Example: Defiler allows the purchase of one. Anti Paladin allows you to
buy two. If you had both those paths you could only buy two total. The exceptions to
this rule are Hybrid Form and Rage.
6. Per Tier means in that specific path.
7. Per Tier skills doesn’t necessarily mean you are restricted to only buying one per tier
ever. Example: If you bought one at first tier but didn’t buy one at second tier you could
buy two on the third tier.
8. Weapon damage plus and Back attack plus bought through paths apply toward
maximums listed in core rule book unless otherwise stated.

Available to All Paths:
-May purchase one and only one Rapid Reset Armor at a cost of three per even tier in an
individual path.

-May purchase one and only one from the resist skills per even tier in an individual path.
Resist All 6 A resist versus any effect
Resist Fear 2 A resist to any fear effect
Resist Magic 5 A resist to any magic effect
Resist Physical 4 A resist to any physical effect
Resist Poison 3 A resist to any poison effect
Roll With It 3 Half damage from any attack with a numeric value

Anti Paladin
The evil and neutral Gods’ champions. Anti Paladins defend the faith by seeking to destroy the
enemies of their God. Note that if plot determines you are acting against your God’s interests,
they may take this path away from you. In that case,you may choose to respend your points on
a different path after the current game, or seek to redeem yourself to your God. If you find
redemption you get your Anti Paladin skills back. Redemption is determined by plot.

Restricted Paths: Cleric of Light, Paladin

Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage, Feat of Strength, and Toughness

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Wear Heavy Armor 1 1
-Fear Aura 4 4, One per tier
-Dark Inspiration 3 1 per tier
-No effect to Enchantment Sphere 10 1
No effect to Corruption Sphere
-Plus one Weapon Damage 6 1
-Fury 2 5, One per Smite or Dark Inspiration
-Defensive Fighting 3 1

Arcane Trickster
While any manifestor can tell you that magic is an extremely useful tool, the more roguish
among them can tell you it's a most useful tool in not so clean work. Arcane Tricksters
specialize in mastering magics that help them in their underhanded dealings. Anything from
momentary dominations to get through guards, to massive elemental blasts to cover a getaway
or cause a distraction is possible when it comes to an Arcane Trickster.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: Any two between Underworld Skills, Back Attacks, Stealth Maneuvers, Fifth Level
Spell, or +2 Bolt Skill

Restrictions: May not wear Heavy Armor.

Skill Cost Max

-Fast Movement 2 3
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 2
-Feat of Strength 5 1
-Any Underworld Skill 1 4
-Plus 2 Back Attack 6 1
-Any Stealth Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Any 20 points of production/game day 2 2
-Direct Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Channel Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Spell Column 1 to 5 3 3, One per tier
-20% ritual discount 2 1
-Archmage 4 1
-Sorcerer 4 1
-Access Related School 2 1
-Access Foreign School 3 1
-Access Opposition School 4 1

Unlike many physical combatants, Archers prefer distance over armor for their defense. These
skilled warriors train tirelessly to perfect a pinpoint accuracy while a large strength behind each
arrow to master the art of the bow.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: A Ranged Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage, and Toughness
Skill Cost Max
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Archery 6 1
-Archery Storm 3 5
-Darken the Sky 10 4, One per tier
-Plus one Weapon Damage 6 1

The shadows hide many things that everyone fears, from monsters torn from your imagination
to blades wielded by people looking to give you a second smile. Assassins are those people,
wielding silent weapons, they specialize in taking care of problems quickly and quietly.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage OR +2 Back Attack
Restrictions: May not wear Heavy Armor.
Skill Cost Max
-Mark 2 5
-Death Strike 3 1 per Assassinate maneuver
-Fast Movement 3 3
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Dex Armor One 1 1
-Dex Armor Two 1 1
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Plus 2 Back Attack 6 1
Plus 1 Weapon Damage
-Assassinate Maneuver 3 1 per Assassin tier
While most of the population of Remlick lives with the assurances of modern society, there are a
small group of people who either shun or are shunned by that society. Barbarians are the rough
and tumble individuals who live that shunned life, by the land and the laws that their muscle can

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage, Feat of Strength, and Toughness
Restrictions: May not wear Heavy Armor.

Skill Cost Max

-Superior Tracker (+3) 2 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 1 per tier
-Feat of Strength 5 1
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Dex Armor One 1 1
-Dex Armor Two 1 1
-Fast Movement 3 3
-Use any Shield 2 1
-Use 2 Weapons 1 1
-Adrenaline 2 1, Does not count toward Core Rule max
-Die Hard 2 1, Does not count toward Core Rule max
-Plus one Weapon Damage 6 1
-Any one Maneuver 4 4, One per tier
-Endurance 6 1 per every two Barbarian tiers starting at first

Tainted, touched, or disturbed by a force that has made them outcasts to society and the gods.
When their anger is unleashed they are unstoppable foes killing all around them to the detriment
to would be friends.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill, Feat of Strength, and Plot Approval

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Wear Heavy Armor 1 1
-Plus one Weapon Damage 6 1
-Control 1 3
-Dear Friend 1 May buy one per Character level
-Rage 4 3, May buy 1 per Berserker tier

-Defensive Fighting 3 1

Use only in Rage Skills, must purchase to use (Resets each time you Rage)
Skill Cost Max
-Plus 10 Base Health 1 8
-Feat of Strength 2 2
-Smite Maneuver 2 1
-Cripple Limb Maneuver 1 1
-Shatter Weapon Maneuver 1 1
-Empowered Body 8 1
-No effect to Corruption Sphere 5 1
-No effect to Confinement Sphere 5 1
-Plus two Weapon Damage 6 May buy one per hand
-Endurance 3 1
-Fast Movement 2 2

All Gods reward those who worship them and help them to provide for their interests in temples
and in the streets. There are some who go one step further and become devout Clerics and are
by their God. Those chosen to be Clerics are given powerful holy magic, and become leaders in
their religion often establishing and always maintaining places of worship for those they follow.
These characters will almost always wear or utilize the iconography of their Gods ranging from
using weapons associated with them, to prominent placement on their clothing. Note that if plot
determines you are acting against your God’s interests, they may take this path away from you.
In that case, you may choose to respond your points on a different path after the current game
or seek to redeem yourself to your God. If you find redemption, you get your Cleric skills back.
Redemption is determined by plot.

All Clerics Prereqs: Fifth Level Spell OR a Bolt Skill. Must pick a main God that they draw
their power from.

*First tier Cleric gets seven skill points, they get the normal ten for any subsequent tiers.
All Clerics may cast resurrection rituals if they have the appropriate spell slot to use.
You have one of the three following types dictated by which God you choose.

Cleric of Light
-May not willingly have Defile Spell cast on them.
-Superior Healer for 6. Max: 3, One per tier.

Restricted Paths: Other Clerics, Anti Paladin, Defiler, The Corrupted

Cleric of Darkness
Restricted Paths: Other Clerics, Paladin

Cleric of Balance (neutral)

Restricted Paths: Other Clerics

All Cleric Skills Cost Max
-1x Resist Magic
-OR- 0 1
1x Resist Physical
-Master of Life and Death 6 3, One per tier
-Favored Weapon 4 1
-Healing Word 5 5, One per tier
-Prayer 2 5, One per tier
-Faith 1 1
-Plus 2 Damage to Bolt Skill(s) 6 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 3
-Master of the Soul 4 3, One per tier
-Direct Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Channel Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-No effect to Enchantment Sphere 10 1
No effect to Corruption Sphere
-Battle Cleric See Skill 1
-Weapon Barrier Spell 1 1

Champions of neutral and evil Gods. Defilers use a combination of melee and spells to further
their cause. Note that if plot determines you are acting against your God’s interests, they may
take this path away from you. In that case, you may choose to respond your points on a
different path after the current game or seek to redeem yourself to your God. If you find
redemption, you get your Defiler skills back. Redemption is determined by plot.

Restricted Paths: Cleric of Light, Paladin

Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage, Feat of Strength, and Toughness

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 Base Health 2 3
-Feat of Strength 5 1
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Plus one Weapon Damage 6 1
-Fear Aura 4 4, One per tier
-Dark Inspiration 3 4, One per tier
-No effect to Enchantment Sphere 10 1
No effect to Corruption Sphere
-Any Combat Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
- Channel Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Direct Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Defensive Fighting 3 1
-Spell Column 1 to 5 3 3, One per tier

These beings are half vampire half their normal race. They are said to be created through many
ways including birth between vampire and mortal, certain magic, and other weird experiments.
They share some of the strengths of a vampire and without all of the weaknesses, but they are
not as powerful as a full vampire. Some hate their undead half and some embrace it. When you
pick this path you must choose one of the sub paths, may only choose one. Must pick one
flaw from the list below.

Restricted paths: Undead, Were Creatures. May only have one Dhampyr path.
Sunlight Weakness - During daylight (6am-6pm), character has -6 body
Undead Weakness - Undead body
Thirst for blood - Character has -6 body starting at 6am every day until they feed on someone’s
blood once for the day.

All Dhampyr may buy the following skills

Skill Cost Max
-Ability to feed, gets no extra benefits from 0 Must buy
Vampire Feeding
-Resist Enchantment Sphere 10 1
-Dodge Maneuver 3 1
-Regen/Light 2 3
-Turn Undead Aura 4 2
-Detect Undead
-Hater of Undead (Vampires only) 1 1
-Hybrid Form (Unleashes Vampire Nature) 2 May buy 4 but start with 1

Hybrid Form (Must feed after)

Skill Cost Max
-Resist Physcial 2 2
-Dodge 2 1
-Plus One Weapon Damage
-OR- 4 1
Plus Two Back Attack
-Plus 10 Base Health 1 4
-Feat of Strength 5 3
-Plus 2 to Bolt Skills 4 1
-Tracker 1 1 per tier
-Smite or Assassinate Maneuver 2 1 per tier
-Endurance 3 1
-Fast Movement 2 2

Dhampyr of Strength
Restricted paths: Undead, Were Creatures, and other Dhampyr paths.
Prereqs: +1 Weapon Damage and Feat of Strength

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Fast Movement 3 2
-Plus 1 Weapon Damage 6 1 per hand
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Any Combat Maneuver except Riposte 3 2, One per tier
-Fury 2 5, One per tier
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Onslaught (vs Vampire only) May use twice 1 5, One per tier

Dhampyr of Shadow
Restricted paths: Undead, Were Creatures, and other Dhampyr paths.
Prereqs: +4 Back Attack

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 Base Health 2 3
-Fast Movement 3 3
-Plus 2 Back Attack 6 1 per hand
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Any Stealth Maneuver except Evade 3 2, One per tier
-Any Underworld Skill 1 4
-Death Strike 3 5, One per tier
-Dex Armor One 1 1
-Onslaught (vs Vampire only) May use twice 1 5, One per tier

Dhampyr of the Mystics
Restricted paths: Undead, Were Creatures, and other Dhampyr paths.
Prereqs: Fifth Level Spell

Skill Cost Max

-Spell Column 1 to 5 3 3, One per tier
-Fast Movement 3 1
-Blood Magic (only need Focused) 2 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 2
-Archmage 4 1
-Sorcerer 4 1
-Empower Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Direct Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Access Related School 2 1
-Access Foreign School 3 1
-Access Opposition School 4 1
-Channel Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Direct Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Plus 2 to Bolt Skill(s) 6 1
-Weapon Barrier Spell 1 1
-Bolt Storm (vs Vampire only) May use twice 1 5, One per tier

Eldritch Warrior
Both magic and metal have effective ways to get their points across. There are some who like to
diversify to be able to communicate with both. Eldritch warriors are individuals who master both
worlds and use both to great effect.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill, Feat of Strength, Toughness, and a First Level Spell

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 Base Health 2 3
-Feat of Strength 5 1
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Wear Heavy Armor 1 1
-Direct Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Channel Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Spell Column 1 to 5 3 3, One per tier
-Plus one Weapon Damage 6 1
-Any one Combat Maneuver 3 4, One per tier
-Use any Shield 2 1
-May call “Magic” with non-magic 2 Third tier Eldritch Warrior
weapons at will with focus on person
-Channel Master 10 Fourth tier Eldritch Warrior
-Fury 2 5, One per tier
-Defensive Fighting 3 1

Master of Magic
Just as many people master the art of the blade, there are those who would master the Arcane
arts. Masters of Magic seek and perfect as many of these arts as possible, honing them to be
just as fine as any blade.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: Two Fifth Level Spells

Skill Cost Max

-Archmage 4 1
-Sorcerer 4 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 1
-Direct Maneuver 3 6, Two per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 6, Two per tier
-Spell Column 1 to 5 3 3, One per tier
-Access Related School 2 2
-Access Foreign School 3 2
-Access Opposition School 4 3
-Reroll on Ritual Fail Table once 1 1
-20% ritual discount 2 1
-Magic Storm 6 3, One per tier
-Weapon Barrier Spell 1 1

Master of Stealth
Anyone can sneak around hoping not to be spotted as they do their unseemly deeds. Living in
the shadows are the rare few who master this art of cunning, stealth, and surprise. They often
end up gathering and selling secrets gleaned through their art or competing with assassins to
see who can be more at one with the shadows.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: Any two between Underworld Skills, Back Attacks, or Stealth Maneuvers.

Skill Cost Max

-Fast Movement 3 4
-Dex Armor One 1 1
-Dex Armor Two 1 1
-Dex Armor Three 1 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 3
-Feat of Strength 5 1
-Any Underworld Skill 1 4
-Read Magic 1 1
-Use Two Weapons 1 1
-Plus 2 Back Attack 6 2, One per tier
-Any Stealth Maneuver (except Dodge) 3 3, One per tier
-Shadowstep 10 1 at third tier Master of Stealth
-Any 20 points of production/game day 2 3
-Dodge Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Roll With It Maneuver 2 5, One per tier
-Death Strike 3 3, One per tier

For some, life is not all about fighting, robbing, spells, or tomb raiding; It is about making money.
Restricted Paths: None
Prereqs: Evaluate Item or a Production Skill

Skill Cost Max

-Pack it on 5 5
-Apprentice 5 1
-Patch Job 5 1
-Layman’s Terms 5 1
-Contact 5 1
-Powerful Patron 10 1 at fourth tier Merchant
-Read & Write 1 1
-Read Magic 1 1
-Evaluate Item 1 1
-General Lore 1 10
-Herbal Lore 1 1
-Medical Lore 1 1
-Crafting Skill 1 10
-Brew Potions 2 10 Prereq: Read Magic
-Create Magic Scroll 2 10 Prereq: Read Magic
-Herbalist 2 10 Prereq: Herbal Lore
-Runemaker 2 10 Prereq: Read Magic
-Smithing 2 10 Prereq: Feat of Strength
-Trap Making 2 10 Prereq: Traps

Nature Caster, Shamans and Druids
The untamed lands hold many secrets that can be learned by just listening to the whispers of
the spirits that dwell there. These secrets allow Nature Casters to call upon the power of the
spirits and nature to use in their dealings.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: Nature Magic School

Skill Cost Max

-Sense the Unnatural 2 At Plot Discretion
-Archmage 4 1
-Sorcerer 4 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 2
-Direct Maneuver 3 5, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 5, One per tier
-Channel Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Spell Column 1 to 5 3 5, One per tier
-Reroll die/Ritual Table 1 1
-Tracker 1 2
-Natural Ritual Caster 3 1 at third tier Nature Caster
-Plus 2 to Nature Bolt 3 1
-A Weapon Skill 1 1
-Nature Bolt Storm 5 3, One per tier
-Speak with Animals 3 1 at fourth tier Nature Caster
-Weapon Barrier Spell 1 1

All manifestors start their journey with a single path of magic and branch out from there, gaining
new understanding as they grow stronger. Necromancers have taken their time to branch into
the dark arts of manipulating death. While the study is illegal in many places, the call of power
is enough to disregard any warnings against the practice.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: Necromancy School

Skill Cost Max

-Drain Life/Spell 10 1
-Master of the Soul 4 3, One per tier
-Master of Life and Death 6 3, One per tier
-Death’s Master 5 1
-Archmage 4 1
-Sorcerer 4 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 1
-Direct Maneuver 3 4, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 4, One per tier
-Spell Column 1 to 5 3 3, One per tier
-Access Related School 2 1
-Access Foreign School 3 1
-Weapon Barrier Spell 1 1

The good and neutral Gods’ champions. Paladins defend the faith by seeking to destroy the
enemies of their God. Note that if plot determines you are acting against your God’s interests,
they may take this path away from you. In that case, you may choose to respond your points
on a different path after the current game or seek to redeem yourself to your God. If you find
redemption, you get your Paladin skills back. Redemption is determined by plot.

Restricted Paths: Anti Paladin, Cleric of Darkness

Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage, Feat of Strength, Toughness, and
choose a God.

Skill Cost Max

-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Wear Heavy Armor 1 1
-Inspiration 3 1 per tier
-No effect to Enchantment Sphere 10 1
-No effect to Corruption Sphere 10 1
-Plus one Weapon Damage 6 1
-Endurance 6 1
-Fury 2 1 per Smite, One per tier
-Defensive Fighting 3 1

The forest holds many surprises for a great many people. Without knowledge of what awaits or
even basic survival skills, many people would be unable to travel from place to place in
Remlick. Rangers not only call the forest their home, but are expert hunters able to track down
even the most wily and stealthy foes.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage, Feat of Strength, and Toughness
Restrictions: May not wear Heavy Armor

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Endurance 6 1
-Feat of Strength 5 2
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Dex Armor One 1 1
-Dex Armor Two 1 1
-Fast Movement 3 2
-20 points in Salves/game day 2 3
-Nature’s Presence 1 1
-Pass Without a Trace 2 1
-Sense the Unnatural 2 1
-Tracking 1 1 per tier
-Tracking Master 2 1
-Hearten Spell 1 2
-Toughen Spell 1 2
*With Hearten and/or Toughen, get innate
create focus for free. Max one.
-Any Combat Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Any Stealth Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Fury 2 2, One per tier, One per Smite
-Chosen Enemy 1 1 per tier
-Combat Style See Below 1
Choose one of the following:
 Archery: Plus two Damage with Missile Weapons 4
 Defensive: Plus one Melee Damage (choose hand) and Use any Shield 4
(except tower)
 Offensive: Plus one Melee Damage in each hand 6

Shield Master
These combatants specialize in the art of the shield. These stalwart individuals work tirelessly
to be the immovable object to all overwhelming forces.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: A Weapon Skill, Feat of Strength, Toughness, a Shield Skill

Skill Cost Max

-Use any Shield 2 Must purchase unless already able to
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Wear Heavy Armor 1 1
-Shield Master One 3 1
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Parry Maneuver 3 1 per Shield Master Tier
-Shield Master Two 8 1
-Endurance 6 2, One per tier
-Shield Master Three 8 1
-Shield Master Four 3 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Shield Master Five 2 1
-Roll With It 2 2, One per tier
-Defensive Fighting 3 1

Experts at hunting their prey, often hired for their expertise in tracking down and slaying certain
pests. Sometimes Slayers are known to hunt a specific race; When this happens, their name is
spoken of with infamy, fear, and even hate among that race.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: A Weapon Skill, Feat of Strength, and Toughness

Skill Cost Max

-Plus one Weapon Damage 6 1
-Fast Movement 3 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Smite vs. Chosen Type 1 1 per tier
-Roll With It 2 4, One per tier
-Chosen Creature 1 1 per tier
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Dex Armor One 1 1
-Mark vs. Creature Type 1 1 per tier, get two per purchase
-Tracker 1 3, One per tier
-Superior Tracker (+3) 1 1
-Resist Fear 2 4, One per tier
-Endurance 6 1
-Fury 2 5, One per tier, One per Smite
-Defensive Fighting 3 1

Those who use weapons to bring down their foes quickly.
Restricted Paths: None
Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage, Feat of Strength, and Toughness

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 base health 2 4
-Fast Movement 3 2
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Dex Armor One 1 1
-Dex Armor Two 1 1
-Mark 2 1 per Striker tier
-Plus two Back Attack 6 1
-Plus one Weapon Damage 6 1
-Use Two Weapons 1 1
-Fury 2 3, One per tier
-Onslaught 7 5, One per tier
-Defensive Fighting 3 1

There are a great many times that strength is not only unnecessary, but over rated! Being able
to parry and avoid brute strength is a long and dedicated path. Those who would rather
emphasize speed and finesse over brute strength walk the path of the Swashbuckler.

Restricted Paths: None

Prereqs: A One Handed Melee Weapon, Feat of Strength, Dex Armor One.
Restrictions: May not wear Armor heavier than Light. May not use any Shield but Buckler.
May not use a Two Handed Weapon.

Skill Cost Max

-Fast Movement 3 3
-Dex Armor Two 1 1
-Dex Armor Three 1 1
-Buckler Shield 1 1
-Use Two Weapons 1 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Plus one Damage w/ One Handed & w/ 5 1
Thrown Weapons
-Parry Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Riposte Maneuver 4 1 per Parry, per tier
-Disarm Maneuver 2 3, One per tier
-Dodge Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Evade Maneuver 4 1 per Dodge, per tier
-Roll With It 2 3, One per tier
-Fury 2 2, One per tier, per Smite

Champions of good and neutral gods that use a combination of might and magic to defend the
faith. Note that if plot determines you are acting against your God’s interests, they may take this
path away from you. In that case, you may choose to respend your points on a different path
after the current game or seek to redeem yourself to your God. If you find redemption, you get
your Templar skills back. Redemption is determined by plot.

Restricted Paths: Anti Paladin, Cleric of Darkness, Defiler

Prereqs: A Melee Weapon Skill and either a Fifth Level Spell or Bolt Skill

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Feat of Strength 5 1
-Wear Light Armor 1 1
-Wear Medium Armor 1 1
-Wear Heavy Armor 1 1
-Inspiration 3 1 per tier
-No effect to Enchantment Sphere 10 1
No effect to Corruption Sphere
-Plus 1 Weapon Damage 6 1
-Channel Maneuver 3 4, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 4, One per tier
-Defensive Fighting 3 1
-Spell Column 1 to 5 3 4, One per tier
-Weapon Barrier Spell 1 1

Whether Undead by choice or cursed with it, most are evil and considered enemies of
the living. Being Undead quickly corrupts and twists your soul, driving you to darkness and for
some, insanity. On rare occasions you will find Greater Undead that have managed to keep
hold of their “humanity.”
There are times where the promise of power and the fear of death intertwine to create
people willing to do whatever is necessary to gain the freedom offered by and from both. The
Undead are beings who, by their very nature, feast on the essence within each person in order
to survive. Each Undead is created with a secret and painful ritual where their soul is removed
from their body and changed into a power source to fuel their new existence. Devout followers
of both the Chaos God: Neshtat, and the Dark God: Norrick, have specific rituals to recreate
their followers in their images. These beings are usually pale in their natural state and tend to
wear darker colors, with followers of Neshat often donning a prominent piece of silver clothing or
an accessory to denote their worship.
To follow an Undead path, you must be placed on that path by another. To become a
Lich, Death Jester, or Death Knight requires a ritual. To become any of the Vampires requires a
Vampire to turn you. You are under the control of the one that created you unless you take a
death on your character sheet. That master may free the slave from his control by stating “I set
your will free.”

Six different paths. May only have one.

Death Jester
Death Knight
Vampire of the Blood
Vampire of the Fang
Vampire of the Shadow

All undead get the following bonuses and flaws.

-Body Weaponry
-Creature of the Night.
-Greater Undead
-Obscure Visage
-Undead Body
-Take double from damage type Light. See details under Regen/X

All undead may buy the following:

Skill Cost Max
-Hater of Were Creatures 1 1
-Regen/Light 2 5
-Phylactery 6* 1
*See Phylactery
-Fear Aura 4 4, One per tier
-No effect to Enchantment Sphere 10 1
-No effect to Fear Aura 5 1

Death Jester
For most, death is a somber affair as loved ones pass and heroes can no longer save the
people they are sworn to protect. After gaining their undead immortality, Death Jesters exist on
with a crooked smile. When they are around, their unholy cackling can drive even the most
stalwart of individuals to the brink of insanity.

Restricted Paths: All other Undead, Were Creatures, Dhampyr

Prereqs: A Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage OR Plus 2 Back Attack, Feat of Strength, and

Skill Cost Max

-Fast Movement 3 2
-Natural Armor 3 1
-Drain Life/Melee Weapon 10 1
-Death Strike 3 3, One per tier
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 6
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Jester’s Laugh:
Curse: 4 3, One per tier
Death: 3 3, One per tier
Justice: 2 3, One per tier

Death Knight
A majority of Undead are created with a purpose and without the majority of their free will intact.
Death Knights are most often created as either protectors, or as beings questing for a certain
purpose as powerful warriors who are able to utilize their Undead strength to its maximum
potential and gain that free will through cunning, extreme service, or a benevolent master.

Restricted Paths: All other Undead, Were Creatures, Dhampyr

Prereqs: A Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage, Feat of Strength, and Toughness
Skill Cost Max
-Natural Armor 3 1
-Drain Life/Melee Weapon 10 1
-Empowered Body 10 1
-Empowered Weapon 5 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 8
-Feat of Strength 5 3, One per tier
-Fury 2 5, One per tier
-Defensive Fighting 3 1
Skeletal Undead that seek to master immortality and power through magic.

Restricted Paths: All other Undead, Were Creatures, Dhampyr

Prereqs: Fifth Level Spell or Bolt Skill
Skill Cost Max
-Natural Armor 3 1
-Drain Life/ Spell 10 1
-Master of the Soul 4 3, One per tier
-Archmage 4 1
-Sorcerer 4 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 2
-Feat of Strength 5 1
-Direct Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Access Related School 2 1
-Access Foreign School 3 1
-Access Opposition School 4 1
-Roll With It 2 3, One per tier
-Weapon Barrier Spell 1 1

VAMPIRES enter death count after a three count if exposed to direct sunlight. To allow
player characters to play during daylight hours we have included the Day Walker skill for
free; You are ascended after all. Vampire Dominate and Superior Dominate don’t work
during daylight hours. Of course you’re welcome to come NPC instead. For simplicity,
daylight hours in-game will be 6am to 6pm.

Vampire of the Blood

Some Vampires mix the schools of magic with the power in their blood to reach a higher state of

Restricted Paths: All other Undead, Were Creatures, Dhampyr

Prereqs: Fifth Level Spell or Bolt Skill
Skill Cost Max
-Vampire Feeding 2 1 and MUST PURCHASE
-Vampire Dominate 4 3, One per tier
-3x Superior Dominate 1 3, One per tier
-Fast Movement 3 3
-Dodge Maneuver 3 1
-Archmage 4 1
-Sorcerer 4 1
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 2
-Feat of Strength 5 1
-Direct Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Empower Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Channel Maneuver 3 2, One per tier
-Spell Column 1 to 5 3 3, One per tier
-Access Related School 2 1
-Access Foreign School 3 1
-Access Opposition School 4 1
-Drain Life/Spell 10 1
-Plus one on Battle of Wills rolls 1 1
-Day Walker 0 1
-Blood Magic 2 1 (Prereq is only Focused)

Vampire of the Fang
These Vampires learn to use their power to conquer their foes in combat.
Restricted Paths: All other Undead, Were Creatures, Dhampyr
Prereqs: A Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage, Feat of Strength, and Toughness.
Skill Cost Max
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 8
-Feat of Strength 5 3, One per tier
-Vampire Feeding 2 1 and MUST PURCHASE
-Vampire Dominate 4 3, One per tier
-3x Superior Dominate 1 3, One per tier
-Fast Movement 3 4
-Dodge Maneuver 3 2, One per tier
-Smite Maneuver 3 4, One per tier
-Fury 2 4, One per tier
-Plus one on Battle of Wills rolls 1 1
-Day Walker 0 1
-Drain Life/Weapon 10 1
-Onslaught 7 3, One per tier

Vampire of the Shadow

Vampires who learn to master the art of stealth and shadow.
Restricted Paths: All other Undead, Were Creatures, Dhampyr
Prereqs: A Weapon Skill, +1 Weapon Damage OR +2 Back Attack, Feat of Strength, and
Skill Cost Max
-Plus 10 Base Health 2 6
-Feat of Strength 5 2, One per tier
-Vampire Feeding 2 1 and MUST PURCHASE
-Vampire Dominate 4 3, One per tier
-3x Superior Dominate 1 3, One per tier
-Fast Movement 3 5
-Dodge Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Assassinate Maneuver 3 3, One per tier
-Death Strike 3 3, One per tier
-Plus one on Battle of Wills rolls 1 1
-Day Walker 0 1
-Drain Life/Weapon 10 1
-Shadowstep 10 1 at third tier
Were Creatures, the Children of Ethara and The Corrupted
The Children of Ethara revel in the natural world and shy away from cities or other areas of
foul stench. They usually seek to defend nature and its inhabitants. Often times they consider
Undead, Outsiders, and Corrupted Were Creatures with great displeasure. The Corrupted are
Were Creatures that have turned away from nature and have allied with nature’s enemies.
When you follow a Were Creature path, you must choose whether you are a Child of Ethara or
one of The Corrupted, then decide which of the three following types you belong to:
Ursine/Bear, Lupine/Wolf, or Feline/Cat.

Children of Ethara Restricted Paths: Undead, Dhampyr, The Corrupted

The Corrupted Restricted Paths: Undead, Dhampyr, Children of Ethara
Prereqs: Toughness and Feat of Strength
-Take double from damage type Silver. See details under Regen/X

Skill Cost Max

-Plus 10 Base Health 2 4
-No effect to Fear 6 1
-Tracker (Scenting) 0 1
-Change into Hybrid Form 4 3, May buy 1 per Hybrid Path tier
-Control 1 3
-Detect Undead 0 Once an encounter
-Detect Were Creatures 0 Once an encounter
-Sense the Unnatural 2 At Plot discretion
-Regen/Silver 2 5

Children of Ethara skills

Skill Cost Max
-Hater of the Undead 2 1
-Hater of the Corrupted 2 1

The Corrupted skills

Skill Cost Max
-Hater of the Children 2 1
-No effect to Corruption Sphere 10 1

Use only in Hybrid Form Skills
(These reset each time you enter Hybrid form, must purchase to use)
Skill Cost Max
-Plus 10 Base Health 1 4
-Smite 2 1 per tier
-Cripple Limb Maneuver 1 1 per tier
-Shatter Weapon Maneuver 1 1 per tier
-No effect to Confinement Sphere 5 1
-Tracker 1 1 per tier
-Body Weaponry, Normal 2 1
-Endurance 3 1

Ursine/Bear Hybrid Form

(These reset each time you enter Hybrid form, must purchase to use)
Skill Cost Max
-Feat of Strength 5 4
-Natural Armor 2 3
-Resist Physical 2 2

Lupine/Wolf Hybrid Form

(These reset each time you enter Hybrid form, must purchase to use)
Skill Cost Max
-Feat of Strength 5 2
-Natural Armor 2 1
-Dodge Maneuver 2 1
-Resist Physical 2 1
-Fast Movement 2 1

Feline/Cats Hybrid Form

(These reset each time you enter Hybrid form, must purchase to use)
Skill Cost Max
-Feat of Strength 5 2
-Fast Movement 2 2
-Dodge Maneuver 2 2

Skill Definitions
Apprentice Prereq: A Production Skill
You hire an Apprentice to assist you. May pay one gold to get an extra five production points in
a production skill you have. Max of five times per game day.

Archery Prereq: A Ranged Weapon Skill.

Plus two damage with all Ranged Weapons.

Archery Storm Prereq: A Ranged Weapon Skill

Per use skill for the duration of one encounter. For every one of the following maneuvers you
use with a Ranged Weapon, you may use another one in the same encounter. Call “Archery
Storm” once to start using.
-Cripple Limb
-Shatter weapon

Back Attack Damage plus two Prereq: A Weapon Skill

A Back Attack Damage plus two bought through a path works just like it does in the Core Rule

Battle Cleric Prereq: Favored Weapon & Feat of Strength

You are well practiced with your God’s Favored Weapon. You may buy one of the following
Combat Maneuvers. Counts toward maximum number of maneuvers.
Maneuver Cost
Cripple Limb 2
Parry 3
Shatter Weapon 2
Smite 3
Stop Thrust 1

Body Weaponry Prereq: None

 2 Claws: Base two damage each. Max Length: 34 inches. Must be red.
 Weapon Damage Bonuses and/or Back Attack bonuses apply. May be used with
Combat and Stealth Maneuvers.
 Damage type is normal for Were Creatures and Magic for Undead.
 May not be enhanced with Smithing or magic rituals. May dip in Poison and remain so
until retracted.
 This is considered a skill and you are proficient with it.

Bolt Skill plus Prereq: Two 5th Level Spells
A bolt skill plus adds the number listed to any bolt skill(s) the user may have. If the user has no
bolt skills he may now have a base +2 from a type he has the prereqs for.

Channel Master Prereq: A Melee Weapon Skill & 5th Level Spell
May add Direct to all spells you Channel.

Chosen Creature Prereq: None

Choose a Creature Type from the list. Your vs. Creature Type skills may be used against the
Creature(s) you have chosen. Skills used vs. Chosen Creatures include Smite vs. Chosen Type
and Mark vs. Chosen Creature.
Creature List: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Giant, Goblinoid,
Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Outsider, Plant Creature, Reptilian,
Shape shifter, Undead, Vermin

Chosen Enemy Prereq: See Below

Pick a specific Creature Type from the list below, plus one to track that Creature. Then choose
one of the damage bonus types listed below to use when opponents of that type are in a combat
against you. Same Creature/race may be picked more than once but you may not pick same
damage bonus type verse that Creature/race more than once. Chosen Enemy allows damage
over max listed in Core rulebook.
Damage Bonus Type Prereq
-Plus 2 Bolt Skill Damage A Bolt Skill
-Plus 1 Melee Weapon Damage A Melee Weapon Skill
-Plus 2 Ranged Weapon Damage A Ranged Weapon Skill
-Plus 2 Back Attack. A Weapon Skill

Creature List: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Giant, Goblinoid, Humanoid,
Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Orkoid, Outsider, Plant Creature, Reptilian,
Shape shifter, Undead, Vermin

Combat Maneuvers Prereq: See Below

Combat Maneuvers bought through paths have the same prereqs as they do in the Core
Combat Maneuver Prereq
Cripple Limb A Weapon Skill
Disarm A Weapon Skill
Parry A Weapon Skill or Shield Skill
Riposte A Weapon Skill, may buy one per Parry
Shatter Weapon A Weapon Skill & Feat of Strength
Smite A Weapon Skill & Feat of Strength
Stop Thrust A Weapon Skill
Combat Style Prereq: See Below
Choose one of the following:
 Archery: Cost 9 Plus Two Damage with Missile Weapons
o Prereq: A Ranged/Missile Weapon Skill
 Defensive: Cost 8 Plus One Melee Damage (choose hand) and Use Any Shield
except Tower.
o Prereq: A Melee Weapon Skill
 Offensive: Cost 12 Plus One Melee Damage in each hand.
o Prereq: A Melee Weapon Skill

Contact Prereq: None

You have found a patron that will pay you for production that you don't use during an event. For
every production point you don't use you get 1 SP.

Control Prereq: None

The ability to Control who you attack while in Rage or Hybrid Form. May also use to bring you
out of Rage when perceived enemies are still present. Encounter Length.

Creature of the Night Prereq: None

 6am to 6pm- Minus 6 Base Health.
 6pm to 6 am- Add 6 Base Health
Creature List: Aberration, Animal, Construct, Dragon, Fey, Giant, Goblinoid,
Humanoid, Magical Beast, Monstrous Humanoid, Ooze, Orkoid, Outsider, Plant
Creature, Reptilian, Shape shifter, Undead, Vermin

Dark Inspiration Prereq: A Weapon Skill and Feat of Strength

Each time you use a Dark Inspiration you choose one of the following effects:
-Give yourself a Resist verse Fear effect.. Call “Resist.”
-You may touch cast Heal Wounds 10 on yourself. Call “Heal Wounds 10.”
-You may touch cast a Heal Wounds 10 on another but must use two Dark
Inspiration to do this once.
-Smite Combat Maneuver. Call is whatever your normal Smite is.

Darken the Sky Prereq: Ranged Weapon Skill

For the duration of one encounter per purchase, add 5 to your base damage with Ranged
Weapons. Allows damage over max listed in Core rule book.

Dear Friend Prereq: None
Every time this skill is purchased, you nominate one character to be a Dear Friend (This must
be approved by Plot, giving a reason as to why this person is to be considered your Dear
Friend). You will not attack this person in Rage. If a Dear Friend enters any phase of Death
Count, you will go into Rage, first attacking the one that put them into their Death Count (Control
cannot be used). If you feel a Dear Friend is no longer dear to you, you may treat them as you
will and re-nominate a new Dear Friend at a later appropriate point.

Death’s Master Prereq: None

You do not lose control/cast of active spells when you enter the Third Phase of Death Count.

Death Strike Prereq: One per Assassinate Maneuver

Allows you to use the Assassinate Maneuver without being from behind. However, defenses
that could be called against a Smite may be used against it. Must call before the swing. Call
Example: “Engage 150 Death Strike.” Allows damage over max listed in Core rule book.

Defensive Fighting Prereq: A Weapon Skill

Plus one Damage Reduction. Must have a weapon in each hand, both hands on one weapon,
or a weapon in one hand and a shield in the other to use. Must be able to use the weapon(s)
and/or shield to get the DR. Example: If you are in a Phase of Death Count or under an effect
that denies you to use skills, you do not get the DR. May only benefit from two of these max.
Stackable with other DR skills and is subject to the max DR of ten.

Detect Undead Prereq: None

Voice radius once an encounter. Detects Undead in the vicinity. Most roleplay by sniffing a bit.
Considered out of game for all but Greater Undead. Greater Undead defense calls against it
are considered out of game for all. If it is out of game for you, you don’t know Detect Undead is
being used.

Detect Were Creatures Prereq: None

Voice radius once an encounter. Detects Were Creatures in the vicinity. Were Creature
defense calls against it are considered out of game for all. Considered out of game for all but
Were Creatures whom get a tingling sensation.

Dex Armor Prereq: None

Must meet all prereqs found in Core Rulebook and cannot exceed the maximum found in the

Drain Life/X: Prereq: By “X”
“X” is weapon or spell. Whenever character puts someone into any phase of death count or
dropped to zero health with one of their “X”, he gets five health to a max of twenty over their
health total. Any health over their normal total is temporary, is lost first in the event of taking
damage, and cannot be “healed.”

Empowered Body Prereq: None

No effect to the following Maneuvers:
-Cripple Limb
-Stop Thrust

Empowered Weapon Prereq: None

Weapons and Shields in hand are no effect to Destroy Spell and Shatter Weapon Combat
Maneuver. Must have a Focus on person.

Endurance Prereq: None

Health is doubled for one encounter. Go to double max health when called and all harmful
status effects are removed. At the end of the encounter if your current health is over your
normal health total then drop down to your normal maximum.

Faith Prereq: None

Plus one in Battle of Wills rolls.

Fast Movement Prereq: None

Each one obtained adds one Armor Damage Reduction to your character. It stacks with other
Armors and counts toward the Armor DR limit of ten.

Favored Weapon Prereq: None

Skilled in and Plus One Weapon Damage with your God’s Favored Weapon. If your God has
more than one Favored Weapon, you may only pick one for this skill.

Fear Aura Prereq: 4th Level Character
Having this skill will require some bookkeeping. Voice radius call “Fear Aura” followed by your
character level. Opponents lower level than what you call, you shy away from you. They must
be out of melee range and may only engage you with Ranged Weapons and/or spells if you
engage them with a form of Ranged Combat. Even allies have to use one save to come near
you unless they are equal to your Fear number called or have been allied to you for at least a
year. If you are dropped to zero, put into any phase of death count, or incapacitated, your Fear
Aura goes down. Encounter length for anyone affected.
Saves Allowed:
-Resist All
-Resist Fear

Fury Prereq: Smite

Burn a Smite to call Fury instead and it adds fifty damage to the Smite damage that would have
been called. Replace “Smite” part of call with “Fury.” Allows exceeding max damage listed in
Core rule book

Greater Undead Prereq: None

You get the following abilities:
 Detect Undead
 Detect Were-Creatures
 Immune to Turn Undead and Control Undead.

Hater of “X” Prereq: See Below

Pick one from the following damage bonuses to use when opponents in an encounter that you
know includes “X” as an opponent.
Damage Bonus Prereq
-Plus Two Damage with Ranged Weapons A Ranged/Missile Weapon Skill
-Plus One Damage with Melee Weapons A Melee Weapon Skill
-Plus Two Back Attack Damage A Melee Weapon Skill
-Plus Two Damage with Bolt Skill(s). A Bolt Skill

Healing Word Prereq: Cleric

Per use skill. Voice radius energy that heals your pre-nominated targets. It “heals” regardless
what yoru nominated people are normally healed by. Heals 20 per Cleric tier up to fifth. You
cannot nominate characters in the heat of battle. Adding or subtracting people from your
nominated list is done by letting the character(s) know which is out of game but you may tell
them in-game, and making a list of who is nominated on the back of your character sheet.
Call is “Voice radius Healing Word your character’s name, numeric value of the Healing Word.”
Example: Arden is a fourth tier cleric. Arden lets Bob and Ray know that they are nominated in
his Healing Word. During an encounter Arden wants to use his Healing Word. His call is “Voice
radius Healing Word Arden 80.”

Hybrid Form Prereq: None
Upright bipedal form that resembles your chosen Were Creature type. Your character is still
recognizable in Hybrid Form. While in Hybrid Form you will attack all unless you use a Control.
Every time you Hybrid Form you get everything you have bought from Hybrid Form. If you
bought extra Health and/or Endurance, your Base Health would go up. Once your Hybrid Form
goes down any health you have over your non-form base is lost. Hybrid Form lasts for an
encounter. Turning into and out of Hybrid Form is a three count action and painful. “One I turn,
Two I turn, three I turn, type”, to turn into. “One I turn, Two I turn, Three I turn, out of form.” to
turn out of.

Immune to Poison Prereq: None

No effect to Poisons. Call is “no effect”

Innate Create Focus Prereq: None

May only create a Focus for yourself. May only have one of these created at a time. Five
minutes concentration.

Inspiration Prereq: None

Each time you use an Inspiration you choose one of the following effects:
-Give yourself or another a Resist verse Fear effect. Call “Resist.”
-You may touch cast Heal Wounds 10. Call “Heal Wounds 10.”
-Smite Combat Maneuver. Call is whatever your normal Smite is.
-Dispel Defile Spell by pointing at user and calling “Dispel Defile.”

Jester’s Laugh Prereq: A Melee Weapon Skill

Voice Radius Laugh then call “Jester’s Laugh” followed by type. Saves/Resists verse Spell and
Resist All work individually. .
 Curse: Living creatures take double damage for the encounter.
 Death: Living creatures that fall into any Phase of Death Count automatically enter Third
Phase of Death Count.
 Justice: No Save. The Jester may swing whatever an opponent has swung at him in
regards to damage type and/or amount for an encounter. No maneuvers may be emulated
with this ability.

Layman's terms Prereq: None

Spend 1 GP per completed item to remove the "Read Magic" skill prerequisite for use of Magic
Scrolls. Add “Layman’s terms to the tag.

Magic Storm Prereq: None
For duration of one encounter per use, call +5 the numeric value for your Bolt Skills and Spells
that have a numeric value and are used to attack an opponent. Allows damage over max listed
in Core rule book.

Mark Prereq: A Weapon Skill

May designate one opponent to call plus five damage on for the duration of an encounter. To
activate simply call five more points of damage against your target. Counts in a multiplier
equation for Assassinate and Smite. Example: Ray normally swings for 7 points of damage.
He designates a target for his Mark and wishes to use a Smite on the target. His Smite would
be (7 + 5) x5=60. Allows damage over max listed in Core rule book.

Mark vs. Creature Type Prereq: Slayer

As Mark but can only be used against an opponent of Creature Type that are a Slayer’s Chosen

Master of Life and Death Prereq: None

Per Use skill. Caster has 400 points of energy they may use as Inflict or Heal in increments of
20 to 100. To deliver, touch or throw at target with packet and call “Healing number” or
“Inflicting number.” Caster may decide which type per individual use. Upon casting, Empower
may be used. The pool of energy lasts until used or caster enters Third Phase of Death Count.
Incant: “Master of Life and Death.”

Master of the Soul Prereq: High Magic Spell

One Greater Restore Life Spell that may be cast upon some else or used by the caster upon
himself even when in any phase of death count. Spell like ability.

Natural Armor Prereq: None

Each one obtained adds one Armor Damage Reduction to your character. It stacks with other
Armors and counts toward the Armor DR limit of ten.

Natural Ritual Caster Prereq: Ritual Caster

When casting rituals that are not making, enchanting, or enhancing an item, the caster does not
need normal essence/gems/components. Instead, the caster must make a circle around
themselves of things found in nature and have an item per essence needed to pay normal
casting cost from nature within the circle. The items of nature within the circle must be at least
an area of approx one square inch and are used up/dissipate for the ritual. You may have extra
of these one inch square items within the circle to be used with ritual table as normal essence

Nature Bolt Storm Prereq: Nature Bolt Skill
For one encounter you call double damage for your Nature Bolts.

Nature’s Presence Prereq: None

Once per encounter you may “Calm Animal”, this only works with creatures of animal type.

No effect versus a Sphere of Magic Prereq: None

No effect versus any magic effect that is delivered by packet, voice radius, area effect, or
Channel that targets you, levels 1 to 5 of the sphere. In the case of voice radius or other area
effect, it only protects you. Does not protect you from High Magic or Ritual magic. Call is “No

Obscure Visage Prereq: None

 Appear as your character would have had you never become Undead.
 May use Save/Resist Magic verse Detect Undead.

Onslaught Prereq: A Weapon Skill

Striker calls plus five weapon damage for one encounter. This also applies to maneuvers with
numeric values. Does not stack with “Mark.” Allows damage to exceed max listed in Core rule

Pack it on Prereq: None

Add one extra use to limited use items for an extra 25% production cost above the max
normally allowed. May only be done once ever per item. Mark the item tag “PIO.”

Pass without trace Prereq: Tracker

At will, must call to use. You and a party are harder to track by five.

Patch job Prereq: Smith

Take a 60 second count to fix an item that was destroyed/shattered completely and restore half
of its shatter resists without using any production. This item will be destroyed at the end of

Phoenix Prereq: None

Does not count against Core rule limit or prereqs. Willpower Ability, not a skill, so it does not
reset if you use Phoenix. Description in Core rulebook.

Phylactery Prereq: None
 Character’s soul is bound to a bottle for Death Jester, Death Knight, or Lich. Vampires
get a coffin. (Plot Determined)
 Current number of lives upon obtaining are bound in the bottle. A non ascended
character/npc would now have ten life blocks.
 25 percent chance of no death marked on sheet.
 Auto resurrection at bottle and a death is marked; Character permanently dies when no
more “deaths” are open. You resurrect yourself with this.
 No chance of resurrection curse.
 Sense if the bottle is disturbed
 Glyphs may be cast upon bottle
 The physical representation for this must be approved by plot. Nothing smaller than a
cigarette box will be approved.
 May Teleport to bottle following Teleport Spell rules, except material cost for the caster/
bound character is 5 essence.
 If the Phylactery is destroyed character is permanently killed.
 Prereq: Must have Greater Undead and spend 1 essence.

Powerful Patron Prereq: Plot Approval

Your skills and profits have made you valuable to a person or organization of power that would
prefer no harm come to you. If it is a public figure, you may be allowed to display his banner
and/or symbol which may garnish you some protection. Must pay the Patron five gold a game

Prayer Prereq: None

Per use skill. Three count action that can be counted or role-played. “Pray” and get one of the
following for yourself or one other target that is within your vicinity:
Receive any one spell from Healing, Necromancy, or Restoration Sphere Levels 1-5.

Rage Prereq: None

A battle frenzy takes you over. You may Rage once per purchase, while in Rage you may use
your Rage Skills. You charge into melee battle with your opponents, once engaged you will
attack until everybody is down except Dear Friends. Only Dear Friends can talk you down out
of Rage. Every time you Rage you get everything you have bought During Rage. If you
bought extra Health and/or Endurance, your Base Health would go up. Once your Rage goes
down any health you have over your non-Rage base is lost. Role play when you think you are
about to go into or out of Rage.

Regeneration/X: Prereq: None
The “X” is for whatever damage type stops the Regen. Regen can be called at anytime, one
minute count. During the count you take no further effects unless you are killing blowed by “X”,
which interrupts it and puts you in Third Phase of Death Count. Once killing blowed by an “X”
trait, you cannot use a Regeneration again until an in-game effect brings you to above zero
health. You are unaware of your surroundings during the count. Full Health and all physical
status effects are cured. Also, any damage taken from “X” damage type is doubled. That is
taken, not called. Things like Roll With It and Damage Reduction would apply before the
doubling of the damage.

Reroll Die/Ritual Prereq: None

One reroll on the Ritual Fail Table, per refresh.

Resist All Prereq: None

A Resist per use versus any single thing that targets you that you wish to call it against. In the
case of voice radius or other area effect it only protects you. Call is “Resist.”

Resist Fear Prereq: None

A Resist per use versus any single Fear effect that is delivered by packet, voice radius or area
effect that targets you that you wish to call it against. In the case of voice radius or other area
effect, it only protects you. Call is “Resist.”

Resist Magic Prereq: None

A Resist per use versus any single magic effect that is delivered by packet, voice radius, area
effect, or Channel that targets you that you wish to call it against. In the case of voice radius or
other area effect, it only protects you. Call is “Resist.”

Resist Physical Prereq: None

A Resist per use versus any single physical effect that is delivered by packet, voice radius, area
effect, or weapon (not Channel) that targets you that you wish to call it against. In the case of
voice radius or other area effect, it only protects you. Call is “Resist.”

Resist Poison Prereq: None

A Resist per use versus any single poison effect that is delivered in any form that targets you
that you wish to call it against. In the case of voice radius or other area effect, it only protects
you. Call is “Resist.”

Sense the Unnatural Prereq: None
At plot discretion, you sense if there is Undead, Corrupted Were Creatures, or Outsiders in your
area. Plot may notify you that your character gets a “sense” and/or you may ask plot yourself.

Shadowstep Prereq: 8 Stealth Maneuvers

Three count that may be whispered. Twice per reset may step into and out of the shadows.
Extra times may be done by “using” five health per in and out. May take twenty steps in
between stepping in and out but both locations must be within shadow. This does not allow
passage through walls but travel may take you through an open door or window. Also does not
go through Wards, and other magical barriers.

Shield Master One Prereq: Shield Master 1st Path Tier

Power attacks that land on your shield are fully blocked. Call “No effect.” Note that Power
attacks would still go through your weapon. You are “No effect” to Disarm effects to a shield in
your hand.

Shield Master Two Prereq: Shield Master 2nd Path Tier

Versus all melee strikes with a numeric value that strike your shield and bypass it such as Smite
and Death Strike- you may call “Roll With It” up to five times a day, thus taking half damage
rounded down. To use any level of Shield Master requires the shield to be in hand.

Shield Master Three Prereq: Shield Master 3rd Path Tier

Versus spells/Channels with a numeric value that strike your shield- you may call “Roll With
It” taking half damage rounding down. You may use this five times a day.

Shield Master Four Prereq: Shield Master 4th Path Tier

May call “Resist” versus spells/Channels that strike your shield by using up two Parry
Maneuvers per resist called.

Shield Master Five Prereq: Shield Master 5th Path Tier

With a shield in hand, your character’s Armor Damage Reduction increases by one. Cannot be
over the max DR of ten.

Speak with Animals Prereq: 5th Level Spell

You may “use” a Fifth Level Spell slot to Speak with an Animal.

Stealth Maneuvers Prereqs: See Below
Stealth Maneuvers bought through Paths have the same prereqs as they do in the Core
rulebook including number allowed to be purchased.
Stealth Maneuver Prereq
Assassinate A Weapon Skill
Dodge None
Evade None
Hamstring A Weapon Skill
Knockout A Weapon Skill

Superior Dominate Prereq: Vampire Dominate

Adds “Direct” to Vampire Dominate. Call is “Direct Vampire Dominate.”

Superior Healer Prereq: Cleric of Light

Caster has 260 points of energy they may use to Heal in increments of 20. To deliver, touch
target with packet and call “Healing Touch 10.” Upon casting, Empower may be used. The
pool of energy lasts until used or caster enters Third Phase of Death Count. Incant “Superior
Healer.” If the Cleric uses the “Prayer” ability, this may be refreshed instead of a high level

Superior Tracker Prereq: Tracker

Get three ranks in Tracker.

Tracking Master Prereq: Tracker

Get five ranks in Tracker.

Twenty Production points per Game Day Prereq: None

You get ten Production points per game day as specified under the Path.

Twenty Percent Ritual Discount Prereq: Ritual Caster

Twenty percent less essence for any ritual you perform levels one through five. This is off of the
base cost for rituals only. Does not apply to essence used to modify things or possible “special”
costs to a ritual.

Undead Body Prereq: None
 Reverse healing, harmed by healing spells and effects. Healed by Inflict Spells and
 Immune to Poison
 No effect to Knockout
 No effect to Corruption Sphere spells and effects, except may have Defile cast upon
 Animals shy away

Vampire Dominate Prereq: Vampire

Enchantment sphere effect. Works as fifth level Command spell and is treated as a spell with
the following exceptions:
-The surrender command does not end if the Vampire feeds on the target.
-This is delivered by eye to eye contact and not spell packet. Must lock gaze for a silent three
-Only defense is Resist All, Resist Magic or other ability that grants defense specifically against
Enchantment Sphere effects.
-Only works on living creatures
Call is “Vampire Dominate.”

Vampire Feeding Prereq: Vampire

Vampires may feed on the living, it is a one minute action done by being within two feet of
target. Repped by touching a weapon to target. “What do I see?” question is answered by
“Vampire Feeding.” After the feeding is done, the Vampire asks the target how much health he
has, the Vampire then decides how much health he took from the target. If target is reduced to
negative one health, the Vampire decides what Phase of Death Count the target is in. A
character that is left in Second Phase of Death Count from feeding and then moves into Third
Phase of Death Count and finishes that count, may rise again as a Vampire at plot discretion. If
turned into a Vampire, a player character is under the feeders control unless a death is marked
on their character sheet. For every five health taken, the Vampire gets one of the following
-Healed three health to Vampire’s maximum health
-One Physical Status effect cured

Weapon Barrier Spell Prereq: Fifth Level Spell Universal Sphere Spell
Spell Level: 3 Target: Self only Duration: Until end of next encounter
Grants target a Damage Reduction of three. Requires a level 3 spell slot to use. Target may
only have one of these cast on themselves at a time. This is stackable with all other DR and is
subject to the maximum DR of ten.
o Incant: “I grant myself Weapon Barrier”

Weapon Damage Plus Prereq: A Weapon Skill
A Weapon Damage Plus bought through a Path works just like it does in the Core rule book.

Wear Armor Skills Prereq: See Below

Skill Prereq
Wear Light Armor None
Wear Medium Armor Wear Light Armor & Toughness
Wear Heavy Armor Wear Medium Armor & Feat of Strength


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