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Version 3.0
November 2019

Copyright Rick Jason Miner 11/16/2016

Please note:
Creation Team:
Rick (Jason) Miner
Drew Johns
Becky Hines
Justin Higginbotham

Welcome to the Realms of Ethara. This is a live action medieval fantasy role play game
set in the world of Ethara. Ethara is a large planet of many continents, islands, and oceans. In
this world you will find many races, creatures, and magic. The world has much conflict; Many of
the races and creatures contend with each other for power, land, and many other various

The world has a lot of long lost ruins and relics left over from past civilizations. Many
adventurers spend their days seeking out these ruins to search for relics and/or just for the
excitement of it. Most of these adventurers are a cut above your average person; These special
adventures are often referred to as descended. Scholars believe descended are people that
have been touched by magic, blessed by the Gods, or may even have a God in their ancestral
path. Descended are usually better at magic and/or skills of combat than normal people. One
thing that is certainly true is that descended are the only people capable of being brought back
to life through resurrection magic.

A Message From Our Founder, Jason

In this game you will role play a descended character of your own creation following the
rules contained within this book. The rules are designed to give a player many customization
options. Don‟t be alarmed by the number of different skills and magic in the game. Read the
rules, ask questions, and in time you will know most if not all of it. Even the most experienced
players need to ask a question or refer to the rules from time to time, and remember it is not all
about the rules… It is all about the story.


Special thanks to:
● Daniel Probus
● Drew Johns
● Mike Whitaker
● Samantha Lambert
● Dan Cooper
● Jaime Lyn King
● Chip May
● Kenneth Murrell
● Adam Ross
● Jared Beiting
● Travis Fauber
● Casey Hilbert
● Becky Hines
● Jason Bauer
● Trevor Schwartz
● Justin Higginbotham

● Danny Ashbeck
● Jason Bauer
● Jared Beiting
● Edward Bohart
● Daniel Bohart
● Pam Bohart
● Tim Caudill
● Tim Claytor
● Dan Cooper
● Jacob Davidson
● Cody Hall
● Becky Hines
● John Horst
● Drew Johns
● Jaime Lyn King
● Samantha Lambert
● Daniel Probus
● Adam Ross
● Trevor Schwartz
● Sande Bear Scott

And a thank you to all that I have gamed with over the years. The friends, the foes, the good
times, and the bad. It has all lead to this. This is for all of you.

Table of Contents
Forward ................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. 4
Major Rules of Play ............................................................................................................... 7
General Rules of Play ............................................................................................................. 8
General Terms ....................................................................................................................... 9
To Live or Die....................................................................................................................... 10
Death Count ................................................................................................................................. 10
Resurrection ................................................................................................................................ 11

Bennies ............................................................................................................................... 12
Spending Bennies ......................................................................................................................... 13

The Skill System ................................................................................................................... 14

Level and Build .................................................................................................................... 15
Level / Health Breakdown ............................................................................................................ 16
Free Skills Upon Level Up.............................................................................................................. 16

New Character Starting Equipment ...................................................................................... 17

Item Tags ..................................................................................................................................... 17

Races .................................................................................................................................. 17
Race Descriptions ......................................................................................................................... 19

Classes ................................................................................................................................ 21
A Brief Class Description ............................................................................................................... 22

Traits................................................................................................................................... 23
General Skills ....................................................................................................................... 24
Languages of the Realms .............................................................................................................. 26
Tracking Modifiers ....................................................................................................................... 27

Underworld Skills ................................................................................................................ 28

Armor.................................................................................................................................. 29
Armor Coverage ........................................................................................................................... 31

Weapons and Shields........................................................................................................... 32

Maximum Weapon Damage Rules ................................................................................................ 34

Weapon and Shield Skills .............................................................................................................. 35

Combat Maneuvers ............................................................................................................. 38

Stealth Maneuvers .............................................................................................................. 41
Willpower Abilities .............................................................................................................. 43
Spell Rules ........................................................................................................................... 45
General Magic Rules ..................................................................................................................... 45
Battle of Wills (1d6)...................................................................................................................... 47
Essence ........................................................................................................................................ 47

Building a Spell Column ....................................................................................................... 48

Magic Skills ......................................................................................................................... 49
● Bolt Skills .............................................................................................................................. 52
Magic Maneuvers ......................................................................................................................... 54

Accessing Schools ................................................................................................................ 55

Schools of Magic Spell Lists ........................................................................................................... 56
Arcane Destruction School ..................................................................................................................................56
Domination School ..............................................................................................................................................57
Elemental School ................................................................................................................................................58
Healing School.....................................................................................................................................................59
Immortal Powers School .....................................................................................................................................60
Nature School .....................................................................................................................................................61
Necromancy School ............................................................................................................................................62
Psionic School .....................................................................................................................................................63

Spell Descriptions By Sphere ......................................................................................................... 64

Arcane Armor ......................................................................................................................................................64
Arcane Force .......................................................................................................................................................66
Arcane Ray ..........................................................................................................................................................68
Confinement .......................................................................................................................................................69
Corruption ...........................................................................................................................................................70
Detection ............................................................................................................................................................72
Elemental Damage ..............................................................................................................................................73
Elemental Effects ................................................................................................................................................74
Guards and Wards ..............................................................................................................................................78
Healing ................................................................................................................................................................82
Inflict ...................................................................................................................................................................83
Mind Lance..........................................................................................................................................................84
Nature’s Majesty .................................................................................................................................................85
Nature’s Wrath ...................................................................................................................................................86
Necromancy ........................................................................................................................................................87
Psionic Powers ....................................................................................................................................................88
Restoration .........................................................................................................................................................89
Spell Protection ...................................................................................................................................................90
Universal .............................................................................................................................................................91

High Magic ................................................................................................................................... 93

Arcane Destruction School ..................................................................................................................................93
Domination School ..............................................................................................................................................94
Elemental School ................................................................................................................................................95
Healing School.....................................................................................................................................................96
Immortal Powers School .....................................................................................................................................97
Nature School .....................................................................................................................................................98
Necromancy School ............................................................................................................................................99
Psionic School ...................................................................................................................................................100
Universal High Magic ........................................................................................................................................101

Ritual Magic ...................................................................................................................... 102

Casting ....................................................................................................................................... 102
Ritual Fail Table.......................................................................................................................... 104
Rituals ....................................................................................................................................... 106
Curse Table .......................................................................................................................................................112

Magic Item Rule ......................................................................................................................... 115

Production Skills ................................................................................................................ 116

Brew Potions.............................................................................................................................. 117
Special Potion: Rejuvenation ............................................................................................................................119

Create Magic Scroll..................................................................................................................... 120

Herbalist .................................................................................................................................... 122
Salves and Elixirs ...............................................................................................................................................123
Poisons ..............................................................................................................................................................124

Runemaker ................................................................................................................................ 126

Smithing .................................................................................................................................... 128
Trap Making ............................................................................................................................... 129
Explosive Traps..................................................................................................................................................129
Poison Gas Traps ...............................................................................................................................................130

Realms of Ethara Treasure Values...................................................................................... 131

Expanded Lore Skills .......................................................................................................... 132

Major Rules of Play
1. Timeout: This is a call made to temporarily stop the game. This is called out loud and
repeated by those nearby so that everyone in the immediate area can hear it. This is
called if it is necessary for a rules clarification, if a person is about to be injured for real
and they are backing toward a hazard and don‟t see it, or if a person is hurt for real. In
the case that someone is hurt for real please also call for a medic. All medics that hear
the call please respond. During a timeout all of the players not involved in the reason for
it should keep their head down and remain quiet until the timeout is resolved. At the end
of the timeout call aloud “Is there any reason for this timeout to continue?” If not “Three,
two, one, game on.” And resume play.

2. No Bull Crap: We are all here to play a game. Treat your fellow players with respect.
Remember that guy is not mad at you for real, his character is mad at your character.
As you become immersed in the game it can sometimes be hard not to get upset for
real. Staff reserves the right to ask a player to leave if they deem it necessary.

3. Roguing: No going into somebody else‟s sleeping quarters without their permission
unless you have a marshal.

4. Check in and out: You must check in to play and check out before leaving. If you leave
the site temporarily to get food or supplies, please let the event staff know.

5. Character Updates/Spending bennies: Any updates to your character including

spending build, production, tags needed, and spending bennies, must be sent in to
logistics by the Sunday before an event. You will receive your character sheet and any
tags requested at check-in, no updates will be done during this time. We use Google
Sheets to keep track of players characters and bennies. Upon joining, you will have a
file linked with your gmail account, here you can comment on your sheet/file or
email logistics directly at

6. Minors: Minors can play if they have the consent of a legal guardian and someone 18
years or older at the event that their guardian trusts to look after them. The minor must
also be mature enough to handle losing and be able to grasp the rules. A waiver must
be signed.

7. Drugs and Alcohol: No illegal drugs period. We generally play at sites that do not
allow alcohol. Regardless, there is no playing under the influence.

8. Clean up: Please clean up after yourself. Please clean your sleeping area before you
leave an overnight event.

These rules are subject to change during and in-between events as issues arise.

General Rules of Play
1. Every character has health points: If reduced to zero or less the character is down.
See Death Count.

2. Spell Packets: If a spell packet hits you, your clothing, or any weapons or shield you're
holding then the spell hit you.

3. Weapon safety: Do not knowingly use unsafe weapons. If in doubt ask a marshal.

4. Combat safety: Head shots and tender areas are not legal targets. But keep in mind
that accidents do happen. Do not full force swing. Blow thru doesn‟t count.

5. Restrooms are out of play: Do not go in them just to hide.

6. Try to keep in character as much as possible: This is especially the case in common
play areas. Try not to ruin other player's immersion.

7. Phys reps are your real property and they cannot be stolen: However the tags that
those items represent may be stolen. Without the tag the rep cannot be used. A stolen
rep must be turned into plot within sixty minutes unless the rogue is being pursued. The
plot team or a marshal will give the rep back to the owner and make sure the thief gets
the item tag. Named item tags will be recognizable to those who have had interaction
with them before.

8. Packet Handling: A player cannot have a packet in the same hand as a weapon or
shield and cast with that hand.

9. Rule Exceptions: If a skill, spell, or ability states in its description that it breaks the
normal rules then it does so.

General Terms
● Live Action Roleplay (LARP)- A role play game where the participants act out the

● Check in- Registering to play at the event.

● Check out- Letting staff know your leaving. Also get your character updated/ bank any
gold or essence you wish to.

● Player Character (PC)- A person playing a personal character they created for the

● Nonplayer Character (NPC)- A person playing a character that is not their personal
character. Often times playing a monster, antagonist, or the role of a local plot

● In-game (IG)- Currently in play. Interacting with others playing the game.

● Out of Game (OOG)- Currently out of play. Please wear a white headband. One of but
not the only reason to go out of game is to use the restroom.

● Ingame and Out of Game Knowledge- Things you know in the game and out of game.
Just because you know it out of game doesn‟t mean your character knows it. If you‟re
out of play at the local bar and grill with your fellow players talking about the game‟s
events, that does not mean your character suddenly knows about those events.

● Bleed - The spillover from what your character feels into what you feel.

● Plot- A person running the background or direct story that characters are interacting
with, or the story itself.

● Marshall- A person in charge of rule enforcement.

● Boffer Weapon- Generally a weapon made of pvc pipe and pipe insulation for use in
LARP combat.

● Latex Weapon- A weapon made of pipe and latex that is used in LARP.

● Weapons Check- An inspection to make sure boffer and latex weapons are safe to use
during the game. Usually done at check in.

● Spell Packet- A square of cloth with birdseed wrapped into a ball with a tail that is held
together by a rubber band. Used to cast magic spells and throw poison in-game.
Thrown poison spell packets must be orange.

To Live or Die
The rules to follow govern if characters live or die.

Death Count
The death count has three phases. You cannot use skills during any of these phases but you
can use willpower abilities or any special ability/skill or spell that states in its description that you
may. You may not interrupt an attack or killing blow while in any phase of Death Count.

Phase One, Injured: (1 minute)

If damage takes you to zero or less than zero health, you are in this phase. Don‟t keep
track of the negative numbers, you are simply at negative one. In this phase you are conscious
but too hurt to move away from your position other than crawling if you wish. In this phase any
healing will get you up; Add the healing given to your current health from a value of negative
one but remember not to go over your health total. After one minute in this phase (keep track)
or if you are struck by damage again while in this phase, you enter phase two.

Phase Two: Dying: (2 minutes)

During this phase your character is unconscious. Count two minutes. In this phase any
healing will get you up just like phase one “injured.” After the two minutes have expired you
enter phase three.

Phase Three: Dead: (3 minutes)

You're dead. Your spirit is still in your body but not for long. Count three minutes. In
this phase you need a Restore Life or Greater Restore Life spell to get back up. All active spells
on your character expire unless the spell text states otherwise. Once three minutes have
transpired, your character dissipates and can go attempt to resurrect (wear a white headband).
Leave all in-game possessions behind. Your spirit can sense danger even when your character
cannot. Whom you choose to resurrect you can be an out of game decision. If your buddy
murdered you in your sleep your character won‟t remember that but your spirit won‟t ask him to
resurrect you.

To resurrect put on a white head band because you cannot fully interact with the game. It is
time to go haunting. You may go up to players and try to get resurrected by telling them that
they sense your character's spirit. If they know you in-game they will recognize your spirit. You
must seek resurrection. You cannot use your haunt to actively seek ingame/plot info. If you
cannot or wish not for a player character to resurrect your character, you can seek plot to assist
you in this endeavor. You cannot communicate while haunting in any way how you died unless
you have already resolved the curse chance and/or table. When you resurrect there is a
chance your character will be cursed. See Resurrection Ritual for details.

There are some spells and skills that will/may put you into phase three if you get hit by them.
The main spell that does that is Release Spirit. Another way to get to stage three fast is to be
killing blowed. Killing blow is a three count action done while holding a weapon touching the
targets torso and counting “killing blow one, killing blow two, killing blow three, carrier type”

Life and Resurrection

All characters start with ten lives. The maximum number of lives on a sheet is ten. If you run
out of lives during an event your character has permanently died. You may get lives put back
onto your character sheet between events by spending bennies. See the Bennies section for
these rules.

At Zero Hit Points

If a character is dropped to exactly zero health that character is unconscious and will wake up at
one health after five minutes have passed. If a character in this stage is awakened by a spell,
appropriate affect, or shaken awake, the character wakes up at that point with one health.
Shaking awake takes one minute uninterrupted.

Permanent Death
When one of your characters fails to resurrect, another character may go on the books in the
following way. Take that characters total build points (including that game day) and subtract
one hundred from it. Split that result in half then add one hundred for a replacement character
total build. Also remember you can have blank characters on the books as backups and/or to
play. Those can also be built up with bennies or by dedicating build for them when npcing.

Bennies are given to players for helping out the game and even just for playing. It‟s our way of
saying thanks. Bennies earned during an event do not go into effect until after the event. At a
new player‟s first pc event, 15 bennies are put on sheet at check in.

You may qualify for multiple gains during an event.

Attending Event +5 points

Extra cleaning at event +5 points per hour

Bring Meal & Prep +50 points per meal

Event garbage out +5 points

Marshall One day +5 points

NPC per half day +5 points

Plot Team per half day +5 points

Transport Shack +20 points

Run Check in or Check out +10 points

Certified Medic one day +5 points

General Help At the discretion of staff

Donations +10 points per approx value of $20.00

Writing Plot in between events. Must be +5 points per approx hour


Running plot for a character in between +5 points per approx hour


Bring a first time player, including yourself +50 points

Spending Bennies

Bennies can buy the following

COST BUY Restrictions

1 Bennie One Build 5 max per month/per character.

1 Bennie 20 production points worth of Max of 100 production points

production tags. If production item per event you npc at and/or play
calls for anything other than a character at but not both. In
production point this must still be regards to a character, it is for
supplied. the character you played.

1 Bennie 10 Essence OR 50 gold value in Max of 5 purchases per

gems calendar month/per character.

5 Bennies and Do not draw/roll for curse during

doubling each resurrection. Auto success.
additional time

2 Bennies and Remove one death from your Cannot be done during an event
doubling each character sheet. Cannot go over but can be done at check in
additional time the maximum ten. and/or check out.

The Skill System
Some skills you may do constantly, other skills you can do once per purchase. Once per
purchase skills are indicated in the text. At the beginning of an event a character's skills and/or
abilities are considered fresh or reset and all of them can be used. There may be some
exceptions to this. Such as production skills that a character used and turned in the production
request for tags to logistics before the event. There are certain times when your skills and/or
abilities refresh/reset. These times as well as a few other things are covered in Game Periods.

Locked in: Any skill that costs more than one build point may be locked in. To be
locked in you must pay at least one build point upfront. Once locked in you may use that skill
but all earned build goes to pay for that skill until it is paid for in full. A character may only have
one skill locked in at a time, the skill system will determine what things your character can do in
the game. Characters use build points to buy skills and abilities. Some skills are able to be
done consistently like using a weapon. Other skills are per use per purchase. Once you use a
per use skill you cannot use it again until the next time your character is refreshed.

Game Periods

Main Refresh Every time the clock hits 8am or All magic items, skills and
8pm. abilities reset. Does not affect
current health and/or injuries.
Does not affect indefinite or until
used spells.

Encounter Generally starts when fighting Generally ends when the fighting
begins or a plot person states an is over. Any player can ask if
encounter has started. Used there is any reason for this
because of spell effects/skills that encounter to continue. Plot may
last for an encounter. call an end to the encounter
during fighting or whenever they
deem necessary.

Plot Refresh Called when plot team wills it. Resets just as the Main Refresh.
Maybe it is a surge of adrenaline,
a wave of magic power, or the
will of the Gods

Note: Sometimes plot may decide to end an encounter but allow certain spells that have
duration of encounter to continue. Also, plot may call encounter length spells to end before the
encounter does. The winds of magic can be fickle.

Level and Build

The game uses a level and build system. A new character begins with 100 build points.
Each time your character reaches another increment of 50, you will go up in level, which
increases the character‟s health. A player may have up to five (5) characters on the books in the
game, but may only play one character per event.
Each individual player‟s characters may not directly interact with one another. When
attending an event you get build for the character you are playing. If you npc the whole event,
you pick which one of your characters get the build. You gain build per event day you attend
based upon the following chart.

Level of Character receiving build. Build earned per game day.

1st 6
2nd – 3rd 5
th th
4 –5 4
6th – 7th 3
8 and above 2

Level / Health Breakdown

Level Build Point Manifestor Hunter Rogue Spellsword Warrior Adept

1 100 - 149 19 40 33 33 47 26

2 150 - 199 23 50 41 41 59 32

3 200 - 249 27 60 49 49 71 38

4 250 - 299 31 70 57 57 83 44

5 300 - 349 35 80 65 65 95 50

6 350 - 399 39 90 73 73 107 56

7 400 - 449 43 100 81 81 119 62

8 450 - 499 47 110 89 89 131 68

9 500 - 549 51 120 97 97 143 74

10 550 - 599 55 130 105 105 155 80

11 600 - 649 59 140 113 113 167 86

12 650-699 63 150 121 121 179 90

etc every 50 build +4 +10 +8 +8 +12 +6

Free Skills Upon Level Up

Starting at first level and each time you gain a level after that, you may have one of the following
skills for free. Prerequisites still apply.
● Crafting Skill
● General Lore
● Production, same production types stack whether obtained for free and/or bought.
● Tracking

New Character Starting Equipment
A new character starts with two gold, three potions of Heal Wounds first level (20), tags for phys
reps that they have and their character can use such as weapons and armor, and an
appropriate spellbook tag (must be phys repped) if they can cast spells. Your character also
gets language (Common) for free and 1 general lore of their race for free (See General Skills).

New characters can rewrite their class and/or race before their fifth game day. Whatever you
start your fifth game day as is permanent barring in-game effects.

Item Tags
All tags including starting equipment, production, weapons, armor, and magic items have a 3
year expiration date. If an item is modified, an average will be taken of the remaining time left
before it expires and the new 3 year period.
o Example: If you have a weapon with 24 months left before it expires and you have
the Magic Weapon + 1 ritual performed on it, the new expiration would be 30 months.

Certain items or items with in-game significance may have their expiration extended by
plot, this may require essence to do so.

Race Advantage(s) at first Starting 1 less per purchase Other
level Languages

Darkling 1 Save vs Magic Common, Save vs Magic May have 2 different

and pick one from:
Derathan, or Sylvan Only 1 can be magic

Deratha 1 Save vs Magic Common, Two weapons May have 2 different

and pick one from:
(Deep General Lore traits
Undercommon or
Elves) Derathan Only 1 can be magic

Dragoren 1 Save vs Magic Common and General Lore May have 2 different
Draconic Save vs Magic traits
Only 1 can be magic

Dwarf 1 Save vs Poison Common and Toughness, Smithing,

Toughness/ +10 base Dwarven and Runemaker

Elves 1 Save vs Enchantment Common and Elvish Ranged Weapons


Fey 1 Save vs Enchantment Common, Save vs Magic May Have 2 different

and pick one from:
Sphere traits if one is magic
Elvish or Sylva

Folk 1 point of fast movement Common and Folken Trap making May have 2 different
traits if one is nimble

Human 1 Adrenaline Common Willpower abilities May have 2 different


Orkar A Feat of Strength Common and Orcish Weapons and Shield

Or Skills,
A Toughness Toughness, and Feat of

Satyr 1 Save vs Enchantment Common Herbalist, Tracking, and

Sphere Toughness

Scarred 1 Save vs Magic Common and Infernal Willpower abilities May have 2 different
Save vs Magic traits if one is magic

Wildling 1 Save vs Corruption Common Tracking, Toughness,

Spell and Feat of Strength
1 Save vs Poison

Racial Abilities

“Save Vs”: Allows a character to defend against a form of attack that targets the character.
Does not work against items in possession.
● Save vs Poison allows you to resist one poison attack as per Willpower Abilities.
● Save Vs Magic allows you to resist one spell attack that has bypassed spell and/or
magic item defenses as per Willpower Abilities.
● Save Vs verse a specific sphere allows you to resist against any spell from that
sphere. Like save vs magic but only verse spells in a specific sphere of magic.

Fast Movement: Counts as one Damage Reduction. Stacks with dex and physical armor but
does not count toward the limit of six. Cannot use if wearing more than light armor.

Race Descriptions
Please note that some races get better perks than others. Racial bonuses are a reflection
of the race as it has appeared in fantasy as well as makeup requirements. You must
have the required makeup and/or physical reps for your race.

Darkling: A winged race of fey from the under realm with dark skin and pointy ears. The result
of breeding between Fey and Deratha.

Deratha: These cave dwelling elves do not appear that dissimilar to their surface dwelling kin,
except for the tone of their skin, which has a far darker tone.

Dragoren: Somehow descended from dragons, these folk are clearly distinguished by the way
their dragon like features; Large patches of scaly skin, some may even have wings, a tail, or
dermal spikes.

Dwarves: A stout, hardy race who take great pride in their facial hair and it‟s upkeep. Male
dwarves have long beards, younger dwarves and even women will have at least some amount
of hair on their chins.

Elves: Vary greatly in skin color and body type, but will always be clearly known by the pointed
shape of their ears.

Fey: Magic touched humanoids, frequently believed to have been elves at one time due to the
points of their ears. They can also be distinguished by their wings and in many cases, by their
favor tattoos.

Folk: Folk often have heavy sideburns and eyebrows that may join entirely together or travel
upward into their hairlines. The backs of their hands often have more hair than that of the other

Human: Varied greatly in appearance and style.

Orkar: Seemingly descended from mixed relations between Orcs and other humanoid races,
the half-orc is clearly identified by their skin, which is always a notable shade of green and their
pointy ears.

Satyr: A wild-natured race with long ears, horns, various amounts of facial hair, and tails..

Scarred: Most say they are descended from humans who made deals with foul powers. They
have horns, long ears, and strange marks on their skin from their birth that sometimes change
with age or an important life event. Skin tones vary, but most often they are seen in shades of
red or purple.

Wildling: This is actually a wide variety of humanoids that have various features resembling
creatures of nature. They take on facial traits, tails, sometimes even ears and horns/antlers of
the creature.

There are six classes in the system to choose from with varying strengths and
weaknesses. No class is restricted from buying skills from any class but costs will vary
based on your class‟ proficiencies. The higher a class is ranked in a category, the
cheaper the skill will be for purchase, one being the lowest, and four the highest. Note
base health varies but purchasing more is the same cost for each class.

Class Stealth Magic Combat

Manifestor (M) 2 5 2

Hunter (H) 4 1 4

Rogue (R) 5 3 3

Spellsword (S) 1 4 4

Warrior (W) 2 2 5

Adept (A) 4 4 2

Class Health

Class Base Health Health gained per level after


Manifestor 19 4

Hunter 40 10

Rogue 33 8

Spellsword 33 8

Warrior 47 12

Adept 26 6

A Brief Class Description
Manifestor: Master of Spells
Hunter: Specializing in stealth and combat.
Rogue: Master of stealth, dabbler of everything else.
Spellsword: The perfect combination of might and magic.
Warrior: Physical combat specialist.
Adept: Specializing in stealth and magic.

Each character gets one trait for free unless outlined in the race table to receive two
traits. Rules for race must be followed. No character may have the same trait twice. Traits are
not purchased.

Stamina -1 cost of toughness

Strong -1 cost feat of strength, first purchase thus lowering base cost for subsequent
purchases. I.e. 4, 8 12, etc.

Green -1 cost herbal lore and herbalist


Forgeborn -1 cost smithing

Woodsman -1 cost tracking

Magic -1 cost brew potion


Well -1 cost create magic scroll and general lore skills


Enchanter -1 cost runemaker

Magic Choose any two first level spells per character level. Each may be cast once per
Touched skill reset. Spells chosen in this manner do not count toward other skill
prerequisites. These spells are innate so they do not require a focus to cast.
They are treated as skills in regard to resetting.

Nimble -1 cost to traps, trap making, pickpocket and pick locks, and craft skills.

General Skills
Skill M H R S W A Pre-Req/

Crafting 3 3 2 3 3 2

Feat of 9 6 7 6 5 8 This skill

Strength increases by
the base cost
per additional

General 3 3 3 3 3 3

Herbal Lore 3 3 2 3 3 2 Read & Write

Language 1 4 3 4 4 2

Medical 3 3 2 3 3 2 Read & Write


Read & 1 4 3 2 4 2

Toughness 5 5 5 5 5 5

Tracker 2 2 2 2 2 2

Crafting Skill: This is a skill that covers a wide range of professional skills not covered under
the Production Skills found later in this book. Each time you obtain a crafting skill pick a
professional skill not found under Production Skills. Your character is skilled in your choice.
Examples: Farmer, Mason, Sailor, and Woodcutter. Every Crafting Skill a character has earns
him two gold per game day that is received when you check-in to game. Two purchases of the
same skill equals makes master level in ability, three equals grandmaster.

Feat of strength: Per use and/or active skill. May try to kick in a door, break a chain, or other
physical action. Success is at plot discretion. Characters with two or more feats of strengths
should be able to knock open non reinforced doors or other similar strength feats without
blowing a per use of it.

May also be called during a battle to resist power attacks made by creatures of great
strength. Normally a power attack takes effect even if it is blocked by a weapon or shield.
Calling “Feat of Strength” will allow you to block power attacks for the duration of the encounter.
In the same to block power attacks for the duration of an encounter you may use four to block
massive attacks for the duration of an encounter. If you have used one to block power during
that encounter and wish to add three more during the encounter because you now wish to be
able to block massive attacks you may do so.
You may also blow a feat of strength to add one point of damage to melee and/or thrown
weapon attacks for the duration of the encounter. For every two feats of strength a character
has bought he may add plus one damage to all melee and thrown weapons he uses. Note that
in this case he cannot use one of the two to “use” to increase damage for the encounter.
However he may use one to resist power attacks for the encounter without decreasing his plus
one to weapon attacks. Purchase example: Warrior buys first at five points, second at ten
points, third at 15 points, and fourth for twenty points for a total of fifty points spent.

General Lore: Please note, this does not include Medical or Herbal lore. Each time your
character obtains this skill pick a subject. Your character is knowledgeable in that subject and
may ask plot for additional information and or clues during games. Examples: Creature (pick a
type from Monsters of the Realms book), Magic Theory, Outdoor Survival, Military Tactics,
Siege Warfare, Military Recruit Training, Logistics, Religion, Other Planes of Existence, Magic
Artifacts, Realm History, etc. Two purchases of the same skill equals master level in
knowledge. Three equals grandmaster. Your start with 1 point in the racial lore of your
character‟s race.
Note: Every General Lore Skill a character has earns him two gold per game day that is
received when you check-in to game.

Herbal Lore: Your character knows basic herbology and their potential medical, alchemical,
and poison applications. This skill provides gold and knowledge just as a General Lore skill.

Language: Each character gets one language (Common) at creation for free and depending on
their race they may get another for free. See Racial Abilities table. The basic language that
most races know is common. To purchase another language you must have plot approval.
Some languages are harder to find a teacher for than others. Unless indicated otherwise your
character is considered to be speaking common. If using another language please refer to it as
necessary. Example: In (x) followed by the sentence and/or paragraph.

Languages of the Realms
Aberrant: Eye Tyrant, Mind Flayer
Common: Most surface dwellers
Dwarven: Dwarves
Draconic: Dragon, Dragoren, Fey Dragon
Derathen: Deratha
Enderish: Enderin
Elvish: Elves
Folken: Folk
Gnomish: Gnome
Giant: Giants, Ettin, Cyclops, Titan, Ogre, Mongloid, Minotaur, Troll, Bigfoot
Goblin: Goblin, Gobkar
Infernal: Demons
Orcish: Orc, Orkar
Reptilien: Gatorman, Kobold, Lizardman, Trogden
Sign Language
Supernal: Angels
Sylvan: Darkling, Dryad, Fey Dragon, Gargoyle, Pixie, Satyr, Centaur
Undercommon: Most races that dwell under the surface.

Medical Lore: Your character knows basic medical knowledge. You may ask another
character‟s condition by touching them with a packet and stating “Medical lore, beginning
examination. A conscious character (not including first phase of death count) may deny the
The examiner may ask the following questions:
o Have you been poisoned?
o What phase of death count are you in?
o Are you dead?
o Which status effects are you under?
The answers to these questions are “out of game.” Anyone within five feet may realize an
examination or first aid is taking place if they are paying attention. You may also perform first
aid to stabilize a character that is in the first or second phase of death count if you have a
medicine bag. This is a one minute action that if interrupted must be started over. At the
beginning of first aid call “Beginning first aid.” At the end of the minute call “First aid complete.”
The character treated is now unconscious at zero health and will awake after five minutes at
one health. If first aid is interrupted subsequent first aid must begin the one minute count again.
While a character is being first aided they may pause their current death phase count. If the first
aid is interrupted before completion then resume death phase count. Undead may not be first
aided. This skill provides gold and knowledge just as a General Lore skill.
Read and Write: Allows your character to read and write any language they have skills in.

Toughness: Ten additional points of base health for your character per purchase.

Tracker: This skill builds in level per purchase. The more purchases/levels of it you have the
higher your chance of success. It allows you to attempt tracking of non player characters. You
may attempt to track player characters if the pc‟s allow it. Roll 1d10, add your tracking levels,
apply table modifiers. If you get a modified five or better you succeed. Each level of tracking
gets you one gold per game day.

A pc being tracked may counter track which adds their tracking number to the difficulty number.
A player going somewhere should declare they are counter tracking. Counter Tracking cannot
be used if you‟re rushing.

Tracking Modifiers
Condition Modifiers

Sprite size -1

Human size 0

Ogre size +1

Giant size +2

Dragon size +3

Poor visibility -1

Rained since trail was made -1

New snow since trail was made -1

Every 5 creatures in party being tracked +1

Muddy terrain +1

Snow terrain +3

Wooded terrain 0

Urban terrain -3

City -6

Counter tracking Tracking levels of party being tracked

Every 24 hours since trail was made -1

Underworld Skills

Skill M H R S W A Pre-req

Evaluate Item 8 5 4 10 8 5

Pick pocket 8 5 4 10 8 5 *Marshall


Pick locks 8 5 4 10 8 5 *Marshall


Traps 8 5 4 10 8 5 *May need


Evaluate Item: Allows the player to evaluate the worth of items such as art, jewelry and
uncommon gems. Also gets a 10% coin bonus when turning in coins and/or gems at checkout.

Pick Locks: One minute of roleplay to pick a lock. Character must have a lock pick rep to use
this skill. Marshall needed.

Pick Pocket: Must be able to deposit a poker chip or larger item into the pouch or pocket of
another character‟s without being detected. After speaking with marshal who will verify chip, you
will be given one random item per token put in. Marshall needed.

Traps: Required to attempt to arm or disarm a trap. Placement of the trap should go into
marshal notes for that area.


Skill M H R S W A Pre-req

Dex Armor- Tier One 4 3 2 5 4 3

Dex Armor- Tier Two 6 4 3 7 6 4 Dex Armor Tier


Dex Armor- Tier Three 8 5 4 9 8 5 Dex Armor Tier


Wear light armor 4 3 3 3 2 3

(physical)- Tier One

Wear medium armor 6 4 5 4 3 5 Wear Light armor,

(physical)- Tier Two toughness

Wear heavy armor 8 5 6 5 4 7 Wear medium

(physical)- Tier Three armor, feat of

Please note: Armor does not work against Combat or Stealth maneuvers, nor spells. Exception
to this is head protection; Head protection gives you one resist verse a knockout maneuver per
game refresh

Armor Damage Reduction (DR): Each tier of armor gives a Damage Reduction verse weapon
damage calls. If your DR is equal to or greater than the damage called, you take a minimum
damage of one point.
Example: Your character has a DR of two. You get hit by a weapon damage call
of three. You would only take one point of damage from the attack.
Call: If you are only taking 1 point of damage from attack, call “Minimize”.

Armor verse Carrier attacks: Some weapon attacks in the game may include special effects,
this includes poisons. If there is a damage call with the carrier attack and it does not exceed
your DR then you do not suffer the carrier effect but still the minimum damage of one. If the
carrier attack has no damage call then you take the effect regardless of DR.

Costume Bonus: If your overall costume looks good you get a free DR of one. This does not
apply to your dex and/or physical armor max. Still applies to the max of ten. This is a three
marshal judgement call.
Some of the things that will discredit this bonus:
-Shirts with logos on them.
-Bluejean shorts
-colored tennis shoes


All tiers of dex armor stack with all types of physical armor but you can only have DR of three
between the two types of armor. Bonuses from paths, spells and/or physical armor
enhancements do not count toward the limit of three. Armor enhancements from paths,
spells, and/or physical armor enhancements cannot give you a DR above ten.

Armor Coverage
The following rules are used to represent the Light, Medium, and Heavy armor. Each suit
requires a different amount of armor to represent it in-game. To rep the armor you need the
minimum number of locations covered listed in the table below.

Armor Type Minimum Coverage Required

Light 4

Medium 6

Heavy 8

Area covered by armor and example Value toward coverage

Head, helm, or coif 1
Chest, chest plate 3
Back, Back plate 1
Each shoulder, pauldron 1
Each upper arm, rerebrace 1

Each lower arm, bracer 1

Each upper leg, tasset 1
Each lower leg, grieve 1

Note: Please use some common sense. A mere three inch leather bracelet wouldn‟t count as
lower arm coverage and/or bracer. Also real chain, plate, and leather on at least two points
worth of covered area(s) gets you one bonus point toward coverage. See below. Max bonus
points toward coverage cannot exceed two. You cannot have multiple suits of armor on to
increase your DR

 Real Leather is 4.8mm or 12 oz.

 Real Chain is made of metal such as steel rings and you cannot fit a #2 pencil through it.
Aluminum does not count.
 Real Plate is made of metal such as steel. Aluminum does not count.

Weapons and Shields
Please note that base weapon damage and class is an attempt to increase the use of different
weapons in the game and does not necessarily reflect historical accuracy.

Melee Bladed weapons are typically all knives and swords.

Melee Hafted weapons include axes, hammers, and maces.

Melee Martial Bladed Base Damage Overall Length

(Tight Group) (inches)

Small 1 8-23

Short 2 Over 17-37

Long 3 Over 31-43

Hand & ½ 4 Over 37-53

Two Handed 5 Over 47-67

Melee Martial Hafted Base Damage Overall Length

(Tight Group)

Small 3 8-23

Short 4 Over 17-31

Hand & ½ 5 Over 25-45

Two Handed 6 Over 39-67

Melee Simple Base Damage Overall Length
(Tight Group)

Staff 2 57-79

Spear 3 45-79

Short Club 1 8-31

Long Club 2 Over 25-40

Hand and ½ Club 3 Over 34-53

Two Handed Club 4 Over 47-67

Thrown Weapons Base Damage Overall Length

(Tight Group)

Small Crafted 2 4-12

Small Improvised 1 4-12

Javelin 3 30-40

Large Improvised 4 12-36

Missile Weapons Base Damage Overall Length

(Tight Group)

Light Crossbow 3 6-15

Crossbow 4 9-39

Bow 4 29+

All weapons in this

category get the benefit of
weapon damage pluses in
two hands if applicable.

Shields Overall Size

Buckler Max area = 140 square inches. 6.5 inch

radius round

Small Max area = 300 square inches. 9.5 inch

radius round

Medium Max area = 540 square inches. 13 inch

radius round

Tower Max area = 800 square inches. 15.95 inch

radius round

Note: Small martial weapons also qualify as small simple weapons. Shields cannot be used to
strike with. No live fire bows or crossbows.

Maximum Weapon Damage Rules

The following maximums include using any and all modifiers to damage found in the core

Weapon Type At will Back Attack Smite Assassinate

One Handed 20 40 200 400

Hand & half 25 50 250 500

Two Handed 30 60 300 600

Weapon and Shield Skills

Skill M H R S W A Prereq

Melee Martial Weapon 5 4 4 4 4 4

Melee Simple Weapon 3 2 2 2 2 2

Thrown Weapon 4 2 1 3 3 2

Thrown weapon minus

Thrown Poison 16 10 8 18 16 10 1 to cost per lvl of
Missile Weapon 5 3 4 5 4 4

Melee Martial Weapon

10 8 8 8 8 8
Tight Group

Melee Simple Weapon

6 4 4 4 4 4
Tight Group

Melee Master 14 12 12 12 12 10

Rangemaster 8 5 6 8 6 6

Use Two Weapons 8 5 4 6 5 5 A Weapon Skill

Buckler Shield 1 1 1 1 1 1

Small Shield 5 3 4 3 2 4 Buckler Shield

Medium Shield 5 3 4 3 2 5 Small Shield

Medium Shield & Feat

Tower Shield 6 4 5 4 3 5
of Strength
A Weapon Skill
Weapon Damage +1 to +2 16 10 12 10 8 14
(in chosen hand)
Previous Weapon
Weapon Damage +3 to +10
32 20 24 20 16 28 Damage + in chosen
(one hand)
Previous Weapon
Weapon Damage +11 and
32 25 29 25 21 32 Damage + in chosen
up (one hand)
First two purchases of +2 A Weapon Skill, Start
16 10 8 16 16 10
Back Attack (one hand) at +2 in chosen hand
Previous Back Attack
Back Attack +6 and up
32 20 16 32 32 20 +2 in chosen hand
(one hand)

General weapon & shield rules: You must have skill with a shield to use it. If you don‟t have
skill with a shield and use it to block you take the damage instead of blocking it. If you use a
melee weapon that you do not have skill in that weapon‟s base damage for you is one. Weapon
damage bonus and back attack bonus do not apply if you do not have skill with the weapon.
Magic and Feats of strength bonuses do not apply if you do not have skill with the weapon. You
cannot use a non melee weapon that you do not have skill in. Swings must be from the elbow.
No machine gunning and/or swinging from the wrist. No closing within generally less than an
arm's reach of an opponent. You may not use a shield to strike an opponent

Game Damage Calls: When attacking with a weapon, the call is damage number followed by
damage type. The basic damage type in the game is normal call example “Five normal”.

Attacks from Behind/Surprise Attack: When you catch an opponent from behind and/or they
cannot see the attack coming they may not use the skills dodge, evade, feint, parry, riposte, or
channel parry, to defend against it. Physical armor may be used to defend against surprise
attack if they are not a maneuver.

Melee Martial Weapon: Can use a melee martial weapon chosen at time of purchase to attack
and block with.

Melee Simple Weapon: Can use a melee simple weapon chosen at time of purchase to attack
and block with.

Thrown Weapon: Can use type chosen at time of purchase to attack with. It must be thrown.
It cannot be used in melee.

Thrown Poison: Your character can now use thrown poisons. See Herbalism under
production skills. Minus one cost per lvl of Herbalism your character has. Subsequent added
lvls of Herbalism will grant you one build back up to a max of what it cost you to pay for it. This
is phys-repped by spell packets, thrown poison spell packets must be orange.

Missile Weapon: Can use type chosen at time of purchase to attack. It cannot be used in
melee. Use packets to represent arrows or bolts. NO LIVE FIRE BOWS.

Melee Martial Weapon Tight Group: Choose either Melee Martial or Melee Hafted tight
group. Can use any weapon in that group. Previous build spent on weapons in the group may
go toward the tight group purchase or be respent.

Melee Simple Weapon Tight Group: Can use any weapon in that group. Previous build spent
on weapons in the group may go toward the tight group purchase or be respent.

Melee Master: You can use all melee martial and simple weapons. Previous build spent on
melee weapons or in melee tight group(s) may go toward the Melee Master purchase or be
Rangemaster: You can use all thrown and missile weapons. Previous build spent on these
may be re spent or used toward the purchase of Range Master.

Two Weapons: You can use two one handed melee weapons at the same time. One in each
hand. You must have skill in the weapon(s) to use them. Only weapons of long length or
shorter may be used in this way.

Shields: You may only use one shield at a time. Only a shield in hand may be used to block
with. You may never use a shield to strike with. Your shield cannot be so large that only your
head can be targeted. Remember head is an illegal target.

Weapon Damage Plus: These skills are bought per hand. Example the first time a warrior
bought plus one in right hand it would cost four. If he then bought a left hand plus one it would
cost four as well. Damage plus adds to your weapon damage calls with any weapon you are
using in that hand. For example, if a character had plus two in right hand and plus one in his left
hand and was using two weapon skill he would swing the weapon used in left hand at plus one
and plus two in the right. If the same character was using a single weapon in both hands he
would add the pluses together since the weapon is in both hands for a plus three to his damage
call. Bows and crossbows are considered two handed weapons. Thus weapon damage plus in
both hands apply to the damage dealt.

Back attack plus: These skills are bought per hand, they apply to each individual attack from
behind done with a weapon you have skill in. Back Attack plus(s) are combined with normal
weapon swing damage and any damage plus. To qualify from behind the attacker must be able
to see both of the target's shoulder blades when the attack starts and ends. Any attack from
behind cannot be stopped by the skills parry, riposte, dodge, or evade.

Combat Maneuvers

Skill M H R S W A Prereqs Type

Cripple Limb 12 7 8 7 6 12 A Weapon Skill Offense

Disarm 10 6 7 6 5 10 A Weapon Skill Defense

Parry 18 11 13 11 9 18 A Weapon or Shield Skill Defense

Riposte 24 15 18 15 12 24 A Weapon Skill may buy Defense

one per Parry

Shatter 8 5 6 5 4 8 A Weapon Skill & 2 Feat of Offense

Weapon Strength

Smite 16 10 12 10 8 16 A Weapon Skill & Feat of Offense


Stop Thrust 6 4 5 4 3 6 A Weapon Skill Defense

Maneuver Limit: For every level a character has, they may have a total of four maneuver
purchases regardless if they are stealth, combat, and/or magic. This includes paths.

All of these skills are per use skills. Attacks are one swing of the weapon. If the attack
strikes a player or any weapon(s) and/or shields he is holding then the attack takes effect unless
the target has a defense he can call. Attack maneuvers must have at least two words in the
call. Maneuvers may not be stopped by armor resists.

For all offensive combat maneuvers and stop thrust, calls must begin with “engage.”
before the swing.

Cripple Limb- This attack causes the target to lose full use of one of his limbs. If a specific limb
is not called then the defender chooses which limb takes the effect that is not already affected.
If all the limbs are affected then call is “got it” but there is no further effect.
● Lose of one leg- target cannot run.
● Lose of two legs- target can only walk slowly.
● Lose of one arm- target cannot use weapons, shields nor hold packets in that arm.
● Lose of both arms- target cannot use weapons, shield, nor packet in that arm either.
Call Examples:
● “Engage Cripple limb.”
● “Engage Cripple right arm.”
● “Engage Cripple left leg.”

Disarm- This attack causes target to choose one of the following:

1. Lose skill with a weapon or shield held in hand for five seconds.
2. Drop the appropriate weapon or shield.
Attacker may be specific in call or not. In the case of not being specific the target can
choose from one in hand in the case of multiple choices. Physical/worn armor resists do not
work against this skill. Does not work against natural weapons such as claw.
Call Examples:
● Engage disarm strike
● Engage disarm axe
● Engage disarm shield

Parry- This defense stops a weapon attack. In order to call this maneuver weapon must be
held and unsheathed. This may not be used against stealth maneuvers.
Call: “Parry.”

Riposte- This is a defense call that reflects a weapon attack back at the attacker and the
defender doesn‟t take the attack. In order to call this maneuver weapon must be held and
Call: “Riposte.”
This may not be used against stealth maneuvers. A Riposte cannot be countered by another
Riposte. If you have a Riposte and one of your attacks have been Riposted against you, you
may use your Riposte as a parry and call “Parry.”

Shatter Weapon- This attack destroys a weapon or shield. As cripple limb you may be specific
in your call. Regardless of target cannot call a weapon or shield not in use. If target has a
shield in hand and one strapped to his back the shield in hand is destroyed.
Call Example:
● “Engage Shatter sword.”

Smite- This attack does five times your normal damage call, including damage plus.
Example call:
● “Engage 60 Smite.”
If a smite drops a character to zero health or lower the character is put into second phase of
death count.

Stop Thrust- This attack stops the target from advancing toward the attacker for five seconds.
The duration ends if the attacker continues to attack the target in any way. Call is “Engage Stop

Stealth Maneuvers

Skill M H R S W A Prereqs Type

Assassinate 16 10 8 18 16 10 Plus 6 Back Attack Skill Offense

Dodge 20 12 10 22 20 12 Defense

Evade 24 13 12 27 24 13 May buy one per dodge Defense

Hamstring 8 5 4 10 8 5 A Weapon Skill Offense

Knockout 12 7 6 14 12 7 A Weapon skill Offense

Roll with it 9 6 5 8 6 7 Defense

Maneuver Limit: For every level a character has, they may have a total of four maneuver
purchases regardless if they are stealth, combat, and/or magic. This includes paths.

All of these skills are per use skills. Attacks are one swing of the weapon. If the attack
strikes a player or any weapon(s) and/or shields he is holding then the attack takes effect unless
the target has a defense he can call.

Some of these maneuvers may have to be done by behind. From behind is defined as
attacker can see both of targets shoulder blades when they begin the attack. Attack maneuvers
must have at least two words in the call.

Stealth Maneuvers that may not be stopped by Riposte:

● Assassinate
● Knockout
● Hamstring

Assassinate- This attack from behind does five times your normal attack, including back attack
bonuses and/or weapon damage bonuses if you have them. Must be called from behind
opponent. Must be able to see both of targets shoulder blades
Call Example:
● “100 Assassinate.”
If it drops target to less than zero/negative health, the character is put into second phase of
death count.

Dodge- This is a defense that works against any attack delivered by packet, weapon, or
riposte,except surprise/from behind. Your movement must not be restricted by an ingame effect
to use this. Cannot be wearing more than medium physical armor to use this skill.
Call Example:
● “Dodge.”

Evade- This is a defense that works against any attack delivered by packet or weapon,or
riposte except surprise/from behind. This defense also counts as two against a spell with the
direct effect attached to it. One evade is effectively two defense calls. Your movement must
not be restricted by an ingame effect to use this. Cannot be wearing more than light physical
armor to use this skill.
Call Example:
● “Evade.”

Hamstring- This attack from behind works like combat maneuver skill cripple limb but only on
the legs.
Call example:
● “Hamstring right leg ”

Knockout- This attack from behind renders the target unconscious for five minutes. Note that
wearing a helmet can resist this attack once.
Call Example:
● “Knockout strike.”
Person knocked out can be awakened on a three count.

Roll with it- Take half damage from any damage call unless you are unable to move ingame.
Call is “Roll with it.”

Willpower Abilities
Ability Cost Prereq

Adrenaline 6

Die Hard 4 Adrenaline

Phoenix 2 Die Hard

Resist Poison 12 Cost increases by 4 each

additional purchase

Resist Magic 15 Cost increases by 5 each

additional purchase

Abilities- . Abilities cost the same for each class. Often times can be called when you
normally cannot call skills. Resist skills and/or abilities like resist magic may simply be
called by stating “resist.”

Adrenaline- May be called at any time except in second and third phase of death count to
recover up to ten lost health or remove a status effect. Cannot exceed your health maximum.
After the encounter the status effect returns and must be “healed” normally.
● “Adrenaline ten or name of status effect.”
May only be purchased once.
Status Effects that can be countered:
● Hamstring
● Cripple Limb
● Obscure Vision
● Corrupt
● Taint

Die Hard- May be called during any phase of death count to start you current phase count over.
● “Die Hard.” Out of game call unless listener has medical lore and is currently examining
May only be purchased once.

Phoenix- May be called during dead count of death count. Your are fully healed, all skills and
abilities except phoenix are reset. All status effects are gone regardless how they read. One
death goes on your character sheet and there is a fifty or less percent that another death goes
on your sheet but you do not draw to resurrect until after the encounter.. If using this skill puts a
character over the life block limit that character will permanently die aprx one hour later or
sooner by that character‟s/player‟s choice or later at plot discretion.
● “Phoenix.”
May only be purchased once

Resist Poison- Per use skill. Your character may call “resist poison” to counter one poison
attack. Does not stop ingested. Cannot be used in any phase of death count, unconscious, or

Resist Magic- Per use skill. Your character may call “resist magic” to counter one magic spell
packet, channeled, or voice radius magic attack. Cannot be used in any phase of death count,
unconscious, or asleep.

Spell Rules

General Magic Rules

● Magic bypasses all physical and agility armor.
● A character must have the appropriate spell book(s) and/or focus(es) upon their person
to use their spells.
● Casting a spell has a audible and visual effect at the time of casting, unless otherwise
stated in the spell.
● A player cannot have a packet in the same hand as a weapon or shield and cast with
that hand.

● Touchcast
○ to hold a packet in your hand and touch a target with it.
○ Do not touch cast opponents during combat.
○ Any player touch cast upon can call resist without having the skill to do so. This
is mainly to keep combat safe.
● Thrown
○ You can deliver/attack with the spell by throwing it at target.


What you must say when using a spell. You have to incant correctly or the spell fails.
However little things like adding the word “you” in the incant or saying “a” instead of “an”
or vice versa is ok. However you must enunciate clearly. You may create your own
incant(s) for your spells but the following must be meet:
● Incant must be before spell name and numeric value if applicable.
● Verbal before spell name must contain at least four syllables unless it is a spell with a
numeric value at the end in which case it must have three syllables.
● Incant created must be approved by Rules Committee.
○ Incants in bad taste or comedic will not be approved.
● Existing incants in this rule book may be freely switched around for spells without
○ The only exception to this is Teleport. The Teleport incant is meant to be long
and cumbersome so it is not too easily an escape.

● Instant
○ The spell instantly takes effect.
● Until Used
○ Until the effect of the spell is called.
● Encounter
○ Until the encounter is over
● Indefinite
○ Usually spells that have a status effect that need cured. Some of these say “until
cured” as the duration.
● 5 minutes
○ Usually spells that put a character out of action but not dead have this time limit.
 5 seconds
 Stun effects. You can‟t use skills while stunned

Spell Dismissal
A caster can dismiss any spell they have cast that has a duration of encounter or five
minutes. This is an audible and visual effect.
Caster calls:
● “I dismiss my spell (spell name)”
○ Must be within audible range of the target. .

Stacking Spells of the same Type

If a character is under one spell effect and a second spell of the same type hits the
target, the second spell starts the duration over. There is an exception in the case of a target
deciding to use a protective against the spell.

Easy Ways to Remember Durations

● Damage and healing is instant
● A incapacitated character cannot do anything, not even drink a potion. 5 minutes
● Status effects like cripple limb need cured so they are indefinite
● If you get a protective it last until you use it.
● If you go into dead phase of death count all magic spells cast upon you, both good and
bad are off of you. Unless the spell states otherwise in its description.

Psionics and Elemental Powers
For simplicity reasons spells, psionics, and elemental powers are all considered magic .
● Detect Magic spell would also detect a psionic or elemental item.
● Another example is Spell Ward would also protect from psionics and elemental spells.

Battle of Wills (1d6)

A very few spells involve a battle of wills between caster and the target. This is resolved
by each participant rolling one six sided die and adding their character level to the roll.
Character‟s that have Domination or Psionic school as their primary school of magic get to add
one more to their die roll. The higher adjusted roll wins. The winner is best out of three.
The presiding marshal may adjust in pc favor for good roleplay as long as the battle of
wills is pc vs npc.

Some of the magics in the game are powered by essence. Essence is rumored to come in
other forms, but is primarily known in gem form. When essence Is used to power a spell it is
consumed in the process. Used essence must be turned into plot.

Building a Spell Column
When you first purchase a first level spell you must pick a primary school of magic to
cast spells from. The primary school dictates what spells you are able to cast and what bolt
spells you may purchase. If your character starts with a first level spell upon creation
plot/logistics will give you a spell book tag. Otherwise you will have to acquire a spellbook on
your own.

A level one spell allows you to cast a level one spell from your spellbook. Each
subsequent level allows you to cast a spell of that level from your spellbook. To acquire more
spells you must build your spells up from level one to level five by purchasing in sequential
order. You cannot buy another level one spell in your school until you have a full column of five.
When you have one full column level one thru five you can start another column and so on and
so forth.

When you qualify for high magic spells and wish to purchase them you may buy up to
one for every fifth level spell you have.

Correct Examples:

5 555
44 444
33 333
22 222
11 1111

Incorrect Examples:

44 4
333 33
2222 22
11111 11

Magic Skills
Skill M H R S W A Prereq

Archmage 12 27 20 15 24 15 Four level 5 spells

Access Related School 6 16 10 8 14 8 See Accessing Schools

of Magic

Access Foreign School 10 22 16 12 18 12 See Accessing Schools

of Magic

Access Opposition 12 27 20 15 24 15 See Accessing Schools

School of Magic

Blood Magic 4 7 6 5 8 5 Any Four Schools, Focused

& Sorcery

Bolt Skill 4 9 7 5 8 5 See Bolt Skills below

(Base 5 Damage)

Bolt Skill Proficiency +1, 8 18 14 10 16 10 Bolt Skill. Max 3 purchases

First 3 purchases

Bolt Skill Proficiency +4 16 32 28 20 32 20 Prior Bolt Skill proficiency

and up Max 12 purchases

Create Focus/ Infuse 1 4 2 1 3 1 Read Magic


Create Spell Book 1 4 2 1 3 1 5th Level spell

Expand Attunement 5 5 5 5 5 5

Focused 4 9 4 4 4 4 2x Toughness, 5th Level


High Magic Spell 4 9 7 5 8 5 5 Level 5 spells

Read Magic 1 5 3 2 4 2 Read & Write

Ritual Caster 1 5 3 2 4 2 Level 5 spell

Ritual Master 1 5 3 2 4 2 Ritual Caster & Focused

Spell Slot Level 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 See Building a Spell Column

First 10 purchases

Spell Slot Level 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 Spell Slot Level 1

First 10 purchases

Spell Slot Level 3 1 4 2 1 2 1 Spell Slot Level 2

First 10 purchases

Spell Slot Level 4 2 5 3 3 4 3 Spell Slot Level 3

First 10 purchases

Spell Slot Level 5 3 5 5 4 6 4 Spell Slot Level 4
First 10 purchases

Spell Slot Level 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 See Building a Spell Column

Every purchase after 10

Spell Slot Level 2 2 4 3 2 3 2 See Building a Spell Column

Every purchase after 10

Spell Slot Level 3 2 5 3 3 3 3 See Building a Spell Column

Every purchase after 10

Spell Slot Level 4 3 6 4 4 5 4 See Building a Spell Column

Every purchase after 10

Spell Slot Level 5 Every 4 6 6 4 7 4 See Building a Spell Column

purchase after 10

Sorcerer 12 27 21 15 24 15 Archmage & 8 Level 5 spells

Archmage- Do not have to memorize your spells. What many call cast on the fly.

Blood Magic: Your character may now spend health instead of spell slots to cast spells. The
cost is ten times the level of the spell. May be used for high magic as well at a cost of sixty.
May use blood to replace essence costs. Blood that can be used for rituals is not common. A
character with Blood Magic may use detect magic spell on blood they can see to determine if
blood is useable. One blood “essence” is equivalent to 25 health. See plot for more details. To
cast a spell or ritual with Blood Magic replace the verbal before the spell or ritual name with
“Blood magic.”

Create Focus/Infuse Essence-. This skill can be used to do two different things but not more
than one at a time. This is not a per use skill.

o Create Focus: Five minutes of concentration to create. A character must have a spell
book on them when using this skill. The focus allows use of the spells from the spell
book when the focus is present but the spell book is not. Creating a focus costs two
essence. .The focus has 2 resists being destroyed upon creation. A focus must be able
to be held in one hand. Often gems are used for this. This is equivalent to casting a
ritual. Get a tag from plot/logistics.

o Infuse Essence: Five minutes of concentration to create. A character infuses an item

touched with essence the character has on their person and/or essence within a circle
about them. This is equivalent to casting a ritual. The item has two resists verses being

destroyed. The item must be able to be carried in one hand and may not be a weapon
or shield. The item is charged with essence that may be drawn on from a character that
possess it. It costs two essence to first create this item. Example the character had two
hundred essence in the circle that was used to charge the item. The item now has 198
essence to draw on. Not 200 because 2 was needed to create it. Get a tag from
plot/logistics. Use the tag to keep track of essence used. Make sure you turn in the
essence used to create it. The item may be further charged by use of this skill without
paying the initial two essence.

Create Spellbook- Fifteen minutes of concentration to create. Three essence plus one per
ten pages in the book. The book has 10 resists verse being destroyed upon creation.. Each
spell and/or ritual in a spell book requires one page. If you have a source to copy from during
creation the new book may contain the spells and/or rituals from that source. To later copy a
spell into a book requires the skill read magic and a source to copy from. If you copy spells
onto a non spellbook they cannot be used as a focus to cast spells from. The spellbook needs
to be reped by a blank page book so tags can be placed inside. Get a tag from plot/logistics.

Expand Attunement- Allows one more magic item to be attuned to you per purchase. See
Magic Item Rules.

Focused- Can cast non ritual spells while taking damage.

High Magic Spell- Each purchase allows you to cast one high level spell from schools of magic
you have access to. Once you qualify for high magic you may buy one per fifth level spell that
you have. See building a spell column.

Read Magic- You can read and write in the universal language of magic. Magic has its own
written language but it is spoken in the common tongue. The basic skill needed to use magic.
Also allows you to use magic scrolls.

Ritual Caster- You may now cast rituals in your school(s).

Ritual Master- You may also converse and look around while maintaining concentration.

Sorcerer - You do not have to full incant most spells. Exceptions are rituals and all spells in
the Guards and Wards sphere.
You may replace incant with the following:
● “Magic spell name.”
● Remember to add any appropriate number at the end as well.
● You can combine this with Direct Spell and/or Empower Spell.
Bolt Skills
● Arcane Bolt
● Dark Bolt
● Light Bolt
● Lightning Bolt- Under Elemental Bolt
● Flame Bolt- Under Elemental Bolt
● Frost Bolt- Under Elemental Bolt
● Nature Bolt
● Psionic Bolt
● Stone Bolt- Under Elemental Bolt

Different schools of magic give you access to different bolt types. Pre Requirement is one first
level spells and type allowed is based on primary school of magic and other school(s) of magic
you have accessed. Bolt proficiencies are bonuses to damage for each Bolt Skill you have
purchased. The proficiency bonus applies to all of your bolt skills. If you had Bolt Proficiency
plus one every Bolt Skill you have the skill in increases its base damage by one. You can buy
increases. See Schools of Magic for further information on bolt type allowed. The following
explains how they are used and what they do.

Bolts are at will packet delivered spell attacks. Caster must have a spellbook or focus on them
to use. Each Level of a bolt does that amount of damage. Bolts like other spells go directly to
health if they hit and no defense is called. Armor and agility armor does not stop spells. Some
bolt types do double damage to those who have the right creature type. It is always the target
whom needs to take into account if it takes double damage from a spell or other affect. The bolt
number will remain the same regardless of the target. Regardless of bolt type it does damage.
It does not heal. Bolts are treated as spells for defense purposes. Bolts can be adjusted by
skills such as empower and direct.

If a character has a bolt skill they may deliver a killing blow type magic and/or bolt type by
holding a packet to their target.

Dark Bolt- Double damage to creatures with type Light and/or Nature. Damage type is Magic
and Darkness.
Call example:
● “Dark bolt five.”

Elemental Bolt- Double damage to creatures with opposite element type. Damage type is
Magic and the element used.
Call example:
● “Flame bolt five.”
● “Frost bolt five.”
● “Stone bolt five.”
● “Lightning bolt five.”
Light Bolt- Double damage to creatures with type Dark and/or Undead. Damage type is Magic
and Light.
Call example:
● “Light bolt five.”

Arcane Bolt- Damage type is Magic.

Call example:
● “Arcane bolt five.”
This bolt type may be purchased to do a bit more damage than most other types.
Double damage to Psionic type creatures.

Nature Bolt- Double damage to creatures with type Outsider. Damage type is Magic and
Call example:
● “Nature bolt five.”

Psionic Bolt- Damage type is Magic and Psionic.

Call example:
● “Psionic Bolt five.”

School of Magic Bolt type(s) allowed

Arcane Destruction Arcane

Domination ● May Choose 2 Kinds of Bolts

o If one is Elemental, you only get one Element

Elemental ● Two different element bolts

o When trying to purchase the other 2 elements, skills must be
purchased a second time

Healing ● Light

Immortal Powers ● Light

● Dark

Nature ● Nature

Necromancy ● Dark

Psionic ● Psionic

Magic Maneuvers
Skill M H R S W A Prereqs Note

Weapon skill in weapon using to 2 uses

Channel 12 22 17 8 20 12 deliver and spell skill Focused per buy

6 uses
Two fifth level spells
Direct 8 20 16 10 18 10 per buy

6 uses
Two fifth level spells
Empower Spell 8 20 16 10 18 10 per buy

Maneuver Limit: For every level a character has, they may have a total of four maneuver
purchases regardless if they are stealth, combat, and/or magic. This includes paths.

Note: The reason why some of these maneuvers are cheaper is that the user also has to
use spells up to use them.

Channel- Per use skill. One swing. May deliver a spell through a melee weapon. This also
uses up the spell channeled. May be directed and/or empowered.
● “Channel spell name.”
Target takes effect if struck on body and/or weapon or shield. Defense calls of Parry and
Riposte does not work.

Direct Spell: Per use skill. Per spell used with. Requires target to call two defences to stop a
spell with this augmentation.

● Add “direct” at the end of an incant in which you want to use this skill with.

Empower Spell- Per use skill. Per spell used with. Doubles the numeric value of spells in the
following spell spheres:
● Arcane Destruction
● Elemental
● Healing
● Inflict
● Nature‟s Force.
● Caster doubles the number them self in the incant.

Accessing Schools
● The prerequisite for accessing another school of magic is having two fifth level spells.
Pay the appropriate points cost for the school you wish to gain access to based upon
your primary school and the school you wish to cast from. Access to schools Is purchased
individually but spell slots are universal. You may memorize your spells from any schools that
your character has access to. If you wish to use the new school's bolt spells you must
purchase them separately. If there are multiple schools in Related or Foreign column you
may only pick one. When you purchase access to another school you get one free level
of lore in that school.

Primary Related Foreign Opposition Bolt Type Allowed

School School School Schools

Arcane Domination All other Arcane

Destruction or schools

Domination Arcane Immortal All other May choose any two to

Destruction Powers schools purchase but if purchasing
or elemental bolt may only pick
Necromancy one element

Elemental Arcane Second All other Two chosen elements from

School Destruction Elemental schools school choice
First Or School (May choose 1 per bolt skill)

Healing Immortal Necromancy All other Light

Powers schools

Immortal Healing Domination All other Light and Dark

Powers or schools

Nature First Second All other Nature

Elemental Elemental schools
School School

Necromancy Domination Healing All other Dark

or schools

Psionic Domination All other Psionic


Schools of Magic Spell Lists

Arcane Destruction School

Arcane Armor Sphere Arcane Ray Arcane Force Universal Sphere
Sphere Sphere

Arcane Shield 1 Arcane Ray 1 Disarm 1 Light 1

Arcane Armor 2 Arcane Ray 2 Repel 2 Mark 2

Force Armor 3 Arcane Ray 3 Magic Weapon 2 Circle of Protection 3

Weaken Armor 4 Arcane Ray 4 Destroy 3 Planar Protection 4

Armored Body 5 Arcane Ray 5 Arcane Wall 4 Dispel Magic 5

Unmake 5 Contingency 5

Guards and Wards Detection Spell Protection

Sphere Sphere Sphere

Invest/Divest 1 Detect Magic 1 Spell Guard 3

Minor Ward 2 Identify Item 2 Spell Ward 4

Sentry 3 Spell Reflect 5

Glyph 4

Ward 5

Domination School
Universal Sphere Enchantment Detection Sphere Confinement
Sphere Sphere

Light 1 Silence 1 Detect magic 1 Confine Area 1

Mark 2 Disenchant 2 Identify Item 2 Envelop Arms 2

Circle of Protection 3 Confusion 3 Detect Enchantment 4 Release 3

Planar Protection 4 Sleep 4 Hold 4

Dispel Magic 5 Command 5 Crush 5

Contingency 5

Guards and Wards Spell Protection Arcane Armor Arcane Force

Sphere Sphere Sphere Sphere

Invest/ Divest 1 Spell Guard 3 Arcane Shield 1 Disarm 1

Sentry 3 Spell Ward 4 Arcane Armor 2 Repel 2

Glyph 4 Spell Reflect 5 Force Armor 3

Arcane Ray Sphere

Arcane Ray 3

Elemental School

Elemental School. The first time you go choose and/or purchase access to this school
you pick two non opposing elements to use for your spells. If you gain access to Elemental
School a second time you may draw on all four of the elements for your spells as well as
elemental bolt skills.

The four elements involved in this school are:

● Fire
● Water
● Earth
● Air

Fire and water are opposites as well as earth and air.

Your first two elemental choices are:
● Fire and Earth
● Fire and Air
● Water and Earth
● Water and Air

Elemental Damage Elemental Effects Arcane Armor Spell Protection

Sphere Sphere Sphere Sphere

All 5 for each of your two All applicable to your two Arcane Shield 1 Spell Guard 3
chosen elements chosen elements

Arcane Armor 2 Spell Ward 4

Force Armor 3 Spell Reflect 5

Guards & Wards Universal Sphere Detection Arcane Ray

Sphere Sphere Sphere

Invest/Divest 1 Mark 2 Detect Magic 1 Arcane Ray 3

Sentry 3 Circle of Protection 3 Identify Item 2

Glyph 4 Planar Protection 4

Dispel Magic 5

Contingency 5

Healing School

Universal Sphere Detection Sphere Healing Sphere Guards and Wards


Light 1 Detect magic 1 Heal wounds 1 Invest/ divest 1

Mark 2 Detect poison 3 Heal wounds 2 Minor Ward 2

Circle of protection 3 Detect enchantment 4 Heal wounds 3 Sentry 3

Planar protection 4 Detect Spirits 5 Heal wounds 4 Glyph 4

Dispel Magic 5 Heal Wounds 5

Contingency 5

Nature’s Majesty Spell Protection Restoration Arcane Armor Sphere

Sphere Sphere Sphere

Hearten 1 Spell guard 3 Cleanse 4 Arcane Shield 1

Toughen 2 Spell Ward 4 Restore Life 5 Arcane Armor 2

Regenerate 3 Spell reflect 5 Force Armor 3

Arcane Ray Sphere Necromancy Sphere Confinement


Arcane Ray 3 Trap Soul 1 Confine Area 1

Turn Undead 3 Release 3

Immortal Powers School
Universal Sphere Spell Protection Guards & Wards Arcane Armor
Sphere Sphere Sphere

Light 1 Spell Guard 3 Invest/Divest 1 Arcane Shield 1

Mark 2 Spell Ward 4 Sentry 3 Arcane Armor 2

Circle of protection 3 Spell reflect 5 Glyph 4 Force Armor 3

Planar protection 4

Dispel Magic 5

Contingency 5

Restoration Sphere Healing Sphere Inflict Sphere Detection Sphere

Cleanse 4 Heal wounds 1 Inflict wounds 1 Detect magic 1

Heal wounds 2 Inflict wounds 2 Identify item 2

Heal wounds 3 Inflict wounds 3

Enchantment Arcane Force Sphere Confinement Sphere Corruption Sphere


Silence 1 Disarm 1 Release 3 Obscure Vision 2

Sleep 4 Repel 2 Hold 4 Taint 4

Defile 5

Arcane Ray Sphere

Arcane Ray 3

Nature School

Universal Nature’s Wrath Nature’s Detection Arcane Armor

Sphere Sphere Majesty Sphere Sphere Sphere

Light 1 Nature‟s Wrath 1 Hearten 1 Detect magic 1 Arcane Shield 1

Mark 2 Nature‟s Wrath 2 Toughen 2 Identify Item 2 Arcane Armor 2

Circle of Nature‟s Wrath 3 Regenerate 3 Detect poison 3 Force Armor 3

protection 3

Planar Nature‟s Wrath 4 Banish 4 Detect Armored body 5

protection 4 enchantment 4

Dispel Magic 5 Nature‟s Wrath 5 Embrace 5 Detect Spirits 5

Contingency 5

Arcane Force Guards & Wards Healing Spell Restoration

Sphere Sphere Sphere Protection Sphere

Unmake 5 Invest/divest 1 Heal wounds 1 Spell guard 3 Cleanse 4

Sentry 3 Spell ward 4

Glyph 4 Spell reflect 5

Necromancy Arcane Ray

Sphere Sphere

Turn Undead 3 Arcane Ray 3

Necromancy School
Universal Inflict Corruption Necromancy Guards &
Sphere Sphere Sphere Sphere Wards

Light 1 Inflict wounds 1 Cripple Limb 1 Trap Soul 1 Invest/divest 1

Mark 2 Inflict wounds 2 Obscure Vision 2 Control Undead 2 Minor Ward 2

Circle of Protection Inflict wounds 3 Corrupt 3 Turn Undead 3 Sentry 3


Planar Protection 4 Inflict wounds 4 Taint 4 Raise Dead 4 Glyph 4

Dispel Magic 5 Inflict wounds 5 Defile 5 Release Spirit 5

Contingency 5

Arcane Ray Detection Arcane Armor Spell Protection

Sphere Sphere Sphere Sphere

Arcane Ray 3 Detect magic 1 Arcane Shield 1 Spell Guard 3

Identify Item 2 Arcane Armor 2 Spell Ward 4

Detect Spirits 5 Force Armor 3 Spell Reflect 5

Psionic School
Mind Lance Sphere Psionic Powers Universal Sphere Detection Sphere

Mind Lance 1 Stun 1 Light 1 Detect Magic 1

Mind Lance 2 Heal Myself 2 Mark 2 Identify Item 2

Mind Lance 3 Daze 3 Circle of Protection 3 Detect Enchantment 4

Mind Lance 4 Open Mind 4 Planar Protection 4 Detect Spirits 5

Mind Lance 5 Take Skill 5 Dispel Magic 5

Contingency 5

Spell Protection Arcane Armor Guards & Wards Confinement Sphere

Sphere Sphere Sphere

Spell Guard 3 Arcane Shield 1 Invest/Divest 1 Confine 1

Spell Ward 4 Arcane Armor 2 Sentry 3 Envelop 2

Spell Reflect 5 Force Armor 3 Glyph 4

Enchantment Arcane Ray

Sphere Sphere

Disenchant 2 Arcane Ray 3

Spell Descriptions By Sphere

Arcane Armor

Arcane Shield Level: 1 Duration: Until Used Range: Touch

Effect: Target gets five damage reduction to the first physical attack the target takes. May
only have one Arcane Shield on at a time. This can bring your DR over the cap of the rules.
Can stack with Arcane Armor.
● “I grant you an Arcane Shield.”

Arcane Armor Level: 2 Duration: Until Used Range: Touch

Effect: Target gets ten damage reduction to the first physical attack the target takes. May only
have one Arcane Armor on at a time. This can bring your DR over the cap of the rules. Can
stack with Arcane Shield.
● “I grant you an Arcane Armor.”

Force Armor Level: 3 Duration: Until Used Range: Touch

Effect: Target has a barrier of force around them that protects against the next physical attack
that hits them. Lasts until used. May only have one on at a time. Call “Armor” when used and
the physical attack is resisted.
● “I grant you a Force Armor.”

Weaken Armor Level: 4 Duration: Encounter Range: Touch

Effect: Weakens the targets armor, reducing damage reduction of and physical or dex armor
by two. Target may refit their armor to remove this reduction.
● “I wield a force to Weaken Armor.”

Armored Body Level: 5 Duration: Encounter Range: Touch
Effect: Choose a status effect. Target is no effect to that status effect from physical attacks
and/or poison until the end of the next encounter. This does not protect against spells. May
only have one Armored Body spell on at a time. In the case of it being cast on target while
target currently has one on the target decides which is active. If a physical status attack also
has a numeric value the damage is taken but not the effect. If hit by the effect the call is
“Armored Body.” or “No effect.”
Effect Choices:
● Cripple Limb, which includes Hamstring
● Obscure Vision
● Corrupt
● Taint
● “I grant you an Armored Body choice.”

Arcane Force

Disarm Level: 1 Duration: 5 seconds Range: Thrown

Effect: Target has no skill with whatever weapon or shield was chosen during the incant. If
none was specified then it is targets choice from item(s) in hand. Target must drop the item
unless he feels that doing so could cause the item to be damaged out of game.
● “I wield a force to Disarm.”
● “I wield a force to Disarm name object”

Magic Weapon: Level: 2 Duration: Encounter Range: Touch

Effect: Targeted weapon has the added damage type of magic..
● “I call magic to this weapon.”

Repel Level: 2 Duration: Concentration Range: Thrown

Effect: Target may not advance upon caster until caster stops concentration or attacks target.
Concentration is maintained by holding a hand up toward target.
● “I wield a force to Repel.”

Destroy Level: 3 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Targeted item is destroyed. If targeted item has resists verse being destroyed the item
takes three destroy effects. If the item does not have more than three such resists the item is
destroyed. If the spell hits a player that happens to have two in hand of the same item specified
then defender chooses which of the two are “hit” by the spell. If targeted item is in possession
of a character they may use any appropriate defenses they have to stop this spell. This spell
can destroy objects in size up to a human size door.
● “I wield a force to Destroy specify object.”

Arcane Wall Level: 4 Duration: Encounter Range: Touch
Effect: Puts in place a wall of magic force that cannot be passed or cast through. Can be cast
upon an opening with four borders up to the size of a human door. This spell is represented by
placing a rope across the base of the opening. Casting time is as long as it takes to place the
● “ I wield a force to build an Arcane Wall.”

Unmake Level: 5 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Creatures with construct type are destroyed.
● “ I wield a force to Unmake.”

Arcane Ray

The five levels of spells in this sphere all have the same traits. The difference in levels is the
damage done.

Level Spell Damage

1 Arcane Ray 20

2 Arcane Ray 40

3 Arcane Ray 60

4 Arcane Ray 80

5 Arcane Ray 100

Duration: Instant
Range: Thrown
Effect: Damage done. Damage Type is magic
● “I wield an Arcane Ray damage number.” by level
Incant Example:
● “I wield an Arcane Ray 40.”


Confine Area Level: 1 Duration: Encounter Range: Thrown

Effect: Magic force envelopes the target's legs making movement difficult. Target may fight in
place but cannot move from away from five foot area centered upon target at time of affect.
● “I Confine you to 5 feet.”

Envelop Arms Level: 2 Duration: Encounter Range: Thrown

Effect: Magic force surrounds target‟s arms and hands forcing them to his side. Target must
keep his arms and hands at his sides.
● “I Envelop your arms.”

Release Level: 3 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: This dispels any other spell in this sphere. It will also negate physical effects like web.
● “I wield a force to Release.”

Hold Level: 4 Duration: 5 minutes Range: Thrown

Effect: A force barrier envelops the target. Target cannot move at all. Nothing can pass
through the force barrier. The target can breathe the air trapped in the barrier at the time of
casting. Target may speak. Target may be given killing blow by caster.
● “I wield a force to Hold.”

Crush: Level: 5 Duration: 5 minutes Range: Thrown

Effect: A force barrier envelopes the target holding him in place and crushing in on him. Target
immediately enters second phase of death count. After five minutes the barrier dissipates. If
target used a willpower ability during the spell duration then adjust time accordingly.
● “ I wield a force to Crush.”


Cripple Limb Level: 1 Duration: Until Cured Range: Thrown

Effect: This spell causes the target to lose full use of one of his limbs. If a specific limb is not
called then the defender chooses which limb takes the effect from a limb not already affected.

Limb Loss Effects:

● Lose of one leg
○ Target cannot run.
● Lose of two legs
○ Target can only crawl. Player may walk slowly if unable to crawl.
● Lose of one arm
○ Target cannot use weapons, shields nor hold packets in that arm.
● Lose of both arms
○ Target cannot use weapons, shield, nor packet in that arm.

Incant Examples:
● “I call upon darkness to Cripple Limb.”
● “I call upon darkness to Cripple right arm.”
● “I call upon darkness to Cripple left leg.”

Obscure Vision Level: 2 Duration: Until Cured Range: Thrown

Effect: Target cannot use ranged weapons or throw spells. Target cannot read.
● “I call upon darkness to Obscure Vision.”

Corrupt: Level: 3 Duration: Until Cured Range: Thrown

Effect: Target's weapon damage calls are reduced by two to a minimum of one. Target cannot
● “I call upon darkness to Corrupt.”

Taint Level: 4 Duration: Until Cured Range: Thrown

Effect: Target cannot use any skills and cannot run.
● “I call upon darkness to Taint.”

Defile Level: 5 Duration: Concentration Range: Touch
Effect: Target is immune to melee weapons by “living” opponents Call is “No effect, defile.”
Concentration is maintained by target by keeping one hand with a packet upon opposite
shoulder. If target attacks any living creatures the spell goes down. Dispel Magic or Cleanse
can be cast at target to end the effect.
May not be used in conjunction with Nature’s Embrace. In case of multiple casting, the
first spell cast will take priority.
● I call upon darkness to Defile.”


Detect Magic Level: 1 Duration: Instant. Range: Touch

Effect: Magic Items in a one foot diameter centered upon area touched radiate magic to the
caster‟s eyes. The items must be in plain view. May want to get a marshal before you cast.
● “I open the mind to Detect Magic.”

Identify Item Level: 2 Duration: Instant Range: Touch

Effect: Caster knows the identity and properties of a magic item they are touching. May want
to get a marshal before casting.
● “I open the mind to Identify Item.”

Detect Poison Level: 3 Duration: Instant Range:Touch

Effect: Caster detects any poisons present in any item, cup, plate, or person within one foot of
area touched..
● “I open the mind to Detect Poison.”

Detect Enchantment Level: 4 Duration: Instant Range: Touch

Effect: Caster detects any charm/enchantment effect on person touched and knows what kind
it is.
● “I open the mind to Detect Enchantment.”

Detect Spirits Level: 5 Duration: Instant Range: Touch

Effect: Caster detects spirit(s) within a target touched. He gets a mental glimpse of any
● “ I open the mind to Detect Spirits.”

Elemental Damage

All the spells in this sphere have the same effects except damage type and damage
done which is by level.

Air Earth Fire Water

Level Spell Spell Spell Spell Damage

1 Lightning Storm Earthen Rock Fire Blast Frost Shard 20

2 Lightning Storm Earthen Rock Fire Blast Frost Shard 40

3 Lightning Storm Earthen Rock Fire Blast Frost Shard 60

4 Lightning Storm Earthen Rock Fire Blast Frost Shard 80

5 Lightning Storm Earthen Rock Fire Blast Frost Shard 100

Duration: Instant
Range: Thrown
Effect: Damage done. Damage type is magic and appropriate element. Note that some
creatures will take double damage from the appropriate element.
Incant Example:
● “I wield a Fire Blast 40.”

Elemental Effects
Elemental Light Fire Level: 1 Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch
Effect: Creates a tangible light or lights up an object. This spell is fickle. Its duration is often
variable. You must be able to rep the light when you cast it or it fails. If you use a light with a
variable or unknown duration the spells fails and/or fades as the source does. If you use a
flashlight please keep it pointed at the ground.
● “I call upon Fire to Light.”

Elemental Stun: Air, Earth, or Water Level: 1 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target is struck by force of the element chosen taking 10 points of damage and is
stunned for 5 seconds. While stunned a character may not use skills.
● “I call upon (Air, Earth, or Water) to Stun you 10.”

Freeze Limb Water Level: 1 Duration: Until Cured Range: Thrown

Effect: This spell causes the target to lose full use of one of his limbs. If a specific limb is not
called then the defender chooses which limb takes the effect from a limb not already affected..
1. Loss of one leg- target cannot run.
2. Loss of two legs- target can only crawl. Player may walk slowly if unable to crawl.
3. Loss of one arm- target cannot use weapons, shields nor hold packets in that arm.
4. Loss of both arms- target cannot use weapons, shield, nor packet in that arm.
Incant Examples:
● “I call upon Frost to Cripple Limb.”
● “I call upon Frost to Cripple Right Arm.”
● “I call upon Frost to Cripple Left Leg.”

Elemental Disarm Level: 2 Duration: 5 seconds Range: Thrown

Effect: Target has no skill with whatever weapon or shield was chosen during the incant. If
none was specified then it is target”s choice from item(s) in hand. Target must drop the item
unless he feels that doing so could cause the item to be damaged out of game. If target holds
onto the weapon and another weapon strikes it during the five seconds the target takes the
damage. Air would knock it out of your hands. Earth would weigh it down. Fire would make the
weapon very hot. Water would slip it out of your hands.
● “I wield Elemental (Air, Earth, Fire, or Water) to Disarm.”
● “I wield Elemental (Air, Earth, Fire, or Water) to Disarm your name object..”
Elemental Weapon All Level: 2 Duration: Encounter Range: Touch
Effect: Targeted weapon has the added damage type of the element chosen.
● “I call upon (Lightning, Stone, Flame, or Frost) to Enchant this Weapon.”

Elemental Shield All Level: 3 Duration: Until Used Range: Touch

Effect: Target can call a resist to the next attack that has any element in the call. Target may
only have one Element shield on at a time.
● “I call an Elemental Shield.”

Cleanse Water Level: 4 Duration: Instant Range: Touch

Effect: Any and all physical status effects, all spells from the corruption sphere, and poisons on
target are removed
● “I call upon Water to Cleanse.”

Combustion Fire Level: 4 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target momentarily bursts into flames and immediately enters second phase of death
count. Does not work against creatures/characters with type fire in their description.
● “I call Fire to Combustion.”

Command Elemental Level: 4 Duration: Encounter Range: Thrown

Effect: Force target creature that has elemental in its type to do one of the following:
1. Surrender- Target will drop weapons if possible, stand still, and not attack. Ends if
2. Silence- Target cannot speak. Same effects as Silence spell.
3. Run away- Target must attempt to run away until line of sight with caster is broken.
4. Attack your allies- Target will attack both friend and foe alike.
5. Defend me- Target defenders caster. Ends if attacked by caster.
● “I Command you to instruction.”

Elemental Wall All Level: 4 Duration: Encounter Range: Touch
Effect: Puts in place a wall of element magic that cannot be cast through except by spells of
the same element. The wall elemental type is chosen by the caster at time of casting. If a
creature/ character passes through the wall and does not have same elemental type in its
description it takes 20 points of magic/element chosen. Can be cast upon an opening with four
borders up to the size of a human door.
This spell is represented by placing a piece of cloth across the base of the opening. Cloth color
red for fire, blue for water, brown for earth, and white for air. Casting time is as long as it takes
to place the cloth.
Defences against spells apply.
● “ I call upon (Air, Earth, Fire, or Water) to build an Elemental Wall.”

Elemental Crush: Earth or Air Level: 5 Duration: 5 minutes Range: Thrown

Effect: A force of the element chosen envelopes the target holding him in place and crushing in
on him. Earth would be a block of stone. Air would be a force of wind. Target immediately
enters second phase of death count. After five minutes the barrier dissipates. If target used a
willpower ability during the spell duration then adjust time accordingly.
● “I call upon Earth to Crush.
● “I call upon Air to Crush.”

Silence Level: 1 Duration: Encounter Range: Thrown
Effect: Target cannot speak. Note that means you cannot cast spells or use scrolls. You can
use activates and still use weapons. Weapon damage calls are considered combat noise.
● “I command you to Silence.”

Disenchant Level: 2 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Dispels Enchantment Sphere spells. It may free a target from certain monster abilities
but may take multiple castings to be effective.
● “I wield a force to Disenchant.”

Confusion Level: 3 Duration: Encounter Range: Thrown

Effect: Target thinks that friends are foes. In the heat of battle they will attack friends and foes
alike. They may even run away if they feel the odds too much against them.
● “I open the mind to Confusion.”

Sleep Level: 4 Duration: 5 minutes Range: Thrown

Effect: Target instantly falls asleep.
● “I command you to Sleep.”

Command Level: 5 Duration: Encounter Range: Thrown

Effect: Force target to do one of the following:
1. Surrender- Target will drop weapons if possible, stand still, and not attack. Ends if
2. Silence- Target cannot speak. Same effects as Silence spell.
3. Run away- Target must attempt to run away until line of sight with caster is broken.
4. Attack your allies- Target will attack both friend and foe alike.
5. Defend me- Target defenders caster. Ends if attacked by caster.
● “I Command you to instruction.”

Guards and Wards
Sphere Rules:

1. Anyone inside an area with one of the levels two to four in this sphere are finished being
cast are invested.
2. Anyone invested can pass in and out. While passing through you cannot attack or cast
3. Anyone invested may allow a non invested target to pass by stating “enter” and the
target‟s name known to them and/or gesturing toward target.
4. Casting one of the spells in this sphere takes five minutes of concentration, except
Invest/Divest which are instant. This may not be shortened except by plot. Caster may
work on marshal notes while casting. People inside can start working on marking the
spells being cast.
5. Marshal Notes must include the following:
○ Date of casting
○ Name of spell(s) cast
○ Duration
○ In and out of game name of caster
○ In and out of game names of others invested.
6. Mark “Marshal Notes” on the paper and place unconcealed near the entrance of the area
7. Teleporting into a ward that you are not invested in will still set off Sentry and
teleporter(s) will take Glyph effects.
8. Dispel Magic does not work on spells in this sphere.
9. The casting(s) can be done before the start of an event. Contact your plot and/or
logistics person.
10. Any conscious character that is in an area that a Glyph, Sentry, and Ward that is
presently being cast gets a “magical tingling sensation.”
11. Please consult plot before casting upon a public building. These spells are intended to
protect your private quarters.
12. Note that if you cast on an area and you or those invested are not at a subsequent game
that area is still protected but will be considered elsewhere or offstage for purposes such
as sleeping arrangements.
13. May not use Sorcerer skill to lower duration of casting time but may use it for the incant.
14. In Between events, upkeep essence costs may be paid by contacting logistics staff.
15. No spells in this sphere may be Channeled.

Invest/Divest Level: 1 Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch
Effect: This spell is reversible
● Invest Effect: Caster invests target into warded area. Caster must already be invested to
cast. Both caster and target must be inside the area being invested too during the casting.
Adjust Marshal Notes.
● Divest Effect: Caster divests target from warded area. Caster does not need the target to
be in the area at the time of casting. Touchcast the floor. The target should be notified as
early as possible out of game. At the time of notification the target feels a sensation and
knows they are divested. Adjust Marshal Notes.
● Cast time: Instant
Material Cost: 1 Essence
● “I wield a force to Invest target name.”

Minor Ward Level: 2 Duration Variable Range: Touch - Object or area

Effect: Protects a chest with an area up to 5 cubic feet in space that is clearly defined. Only
those invested may enter area. Good for protecting chests and locks. The area must have a
clear structure. Those with hands in the area at completion of spell are invested. Duration is 2
months per 1 essence used at casting. Anyone invested can extend the duration by casting the
same spell in the required range. Maximum duration is three years from most recent casting.
Mark protected area with a “M.” The effect is Visual.
Material Cost: Variable
● “I wield a force to create a Minor Ward.”

Sentry Level: 3 Duration: Variable Range: Touch - Object or area

Effect: Protects a small building or room. Area must be clearly defined. Anyone not invested
who enters the space will set off an audible alarm that will continue for one minute. Anyone
invested in sentry can turn off the alarm.
 Any one invested may “recognize” a non invested person into the protected and thus does
not set off the alarm. “I recognize you in.” If a recognized person leaves the area without
being “recognized out” by an invested person the alarm will go off.
 Duration is two months per 1 essence used. Area is up to 100 square feet. You may
increase the area by up to 100 square feet per each additional essence used.
o Example: To cover 200 square feet would require two essence and it would last two
months. If you wanted the 200 square feet area to last 4 months it would require 4
 Maximum duration is three years from most recent casting. Anyone invested can extend the
duration by casting the same spell in the required range.
 Must be in a Marshal note at each entrance and is not a visible effect (Cont. next page)

 Must have an easily seen “S” at each entrance. May be cast to cover the same area as a
warded and/or glyphed area. If protected area is targeted with a successful Destroy Magic
Ritual all Sentry and/or glyph and/or ward is destroyed. Teleporting into an area protected
by a Sentry that you are not invested in sets off the Sentry.
Material Cost: Variable
● “I wield a force to create a Sentry.”

Glyph Level: 4 Duration: Variable Range: Touch- Object or area

Effect: Protects an area like sentry. Instead of audible alarm caster uses a spell they can
currently cast or activates one from an item. Whenever a non-invested person enters the
protected area they will be hit by the spell(s) that are on the glyph.
 Anyone invested may “recognize” a non invested person into the protected and thus does
not trigger the glyphs. “I recognize you in.” If a recognized person leaves the area without
being “recognized out” by an invested person the glyph will go off on said person.
 Duration is two months per 1 essence used. Area is up to 100 square feet. You may
increase the area by up to 100 square feet per each additional essence used.
o Example: To cover 200 square feet would require two essence and it would last two
months. If you wanted the 200 square feet area to last 4 months it would require 4
 Maximum duration is three years from most recent casting. Does not have to last the
duration of the ward. Anyone invested can extend the duration by casting the same spell in
the required range.
 Maximum number of spells that are glyphed equals the casters character level. Upon
casting the caster may choose spells from what he is presently able to cast (including
activating magic items on his person) and are allowed to be Glyphed and uses them to
make the glyph. Extending does not require the usage of the spells or the activation of the
spells already cast upon it.
 The original caster of the glyph is always considered the owner in regards to number of
spells allowed upon the glyph. If the owner goes up a level he may add a spell to the
number of defenses by being within or touching the glyph and casting the spell proceeded
by “I empower glyph.” followed by the spell incant and/or activation of an item.
 Must be in a Marshal note at each entrance and is a visible effect. Must have an easily seen
“G” at each entrance. May be cast to cover the same area as a sentry and/or warded area.
 If protected area is targeted with a successful Destroy Magic Ritual all Sentry and/or glyph
and/or ward is destroyed.
 Teleporting into an area protected by a Glyph that you are not invested in sets off the Glyph
upon you.
 Detect magic will tell you the number of spells in the defense but not the type.
Material Cost: Variable
● “I wield a force to create a Glyph spell name(s).”
(Cont. next page)

Spells allowed to be Glyphed:
● Arcane Ray Levels 1-5
● Combustion
● Corrupt
● Crush
● Destroy
● Destroy Undead
● Elemental Crush
● Elemental Damage Levels 1-5
● Hold
● Mind Lance Levels 1-5
● Nature‟s Wrath Levels 1-5
● Release Spirit
● Taint

Ward: Level: 5 Duration: Variable Range: Touch- Object or area

Effect: Protects a small building or room with a magic barrier of force. The area must be clearly
defined. Only those invested may enter the area unless allowed by someone who is invested.
 Any one invested may “recognize” “I recognize you in.” A non invested person cannot get
back out unless “recognized out” by an invested person.
 Duration is two months per 1 essence used. Area is up to 100 square feet. You may
increase the area by up to 100 square feet per each additional essence used.
o Example: To cover 200 square feet would require two essence and it would last two
months. If you wanted the 200 square feet area to last 4 months it would require 4
 Maximum duration is three years from most recent casting. Anyone invested can extend the
duration by casting the same spell in the required range.
 Must be in a Marshal note at each entrance and is a visible effect. Must have an easily seen
“W” at each entrance. May be cast to cover the same area as a sentry and/or glyphed area.
 If protected area is targeted with a successful Destroy Magic Ritual all Sentry and/or glyph
and/or ward is destroyed.
 You may teleport into an area that is warded and you are not invested in.
 Invested characters may not use the ward as a “shield” in combat. They must be fully out to
fight someone outside of the ward.

Material cost: Variable

“I wield a force create a Ward.”


The five levels of spells in this sphere all have the same trait. The difference in levels is
damage done.

Level Spell Amount healed

1 Heal Wounds 20

2 Heal Wounds 40

3 Heal Wounds 60

4 Heal Wounds 80

5 Heal Wounds 100

Duration: Instant
Range: Thrown or Touch
Effect: Heals target for number of healing given by spell. Effect is both magic and healing.
● “I call upon light to Heal Wounds amount.” by level
Incant Example:
● “I call upon light to Heal Wounds 20 “ for first Level


The five levels of spells in this sphere all have the same trait. The difference in levels is
damage done.

Level Spell Damage

1 Inflict Wounds 20

2 Inflict Wounds 40

3 Inflict Wounds 60

4 Inflict Wounds 80

5 Inflict Wounds 100

Duration: Instant
Range: Thrown or Touch
Effect: Damages target for number stated in spell. Effect is both magic and inflict.
● “I call upon darkness to Inflict Wounds amount.” by level
Incant Example:
● “I call upon darkness to Inflict Wounds 20 “ for first level

Mind Lance

The five levels of spells in this sphere all have the same traits. The difference in levels is the
damage done.

Level Spell Damage

1 Mind Lance 20

2 Mind Lance 40

3 Mind Lance 60

4 Mind Lance 80

5 Mind Lance 100

Duration: Instant
Range: Thrown
Effect: Damage done. Damage Type is magic and psionic
● “By my will Mind Lance damage amount.” by level
Incant Example:
● “By my will Mind Lance 40.” for the second Level.

Nature’s Majesty
Hearten Level: 1 Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch
Effect: Target gets ten bonus health on top of current health. If target takes damage to health
this point comes off first. Only one hearten may be on a character at a time. This does not heal.
May be stacked with toughen. Spell fails if cast on a character in any phase of death count.
● “I call upon nature to Hearten.”

Toughen Level: 2 Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch

Effect: Target gets twenty bonus health on top of current health. If target takes damage to his
health this point comes off first. Only one toughen may be on a character at a time. This does
not heal. May be stacked with hearten. Spell fails if cast on a character in any phase of death
● “I call upon nature to Toughen.”

Regenerate Level: 3 Duration: Concentration Range: Touch

Effect: Caster must touch cast target and concentrate. Upon finishing target is at full health and
all physical status effects are healed..
● “I call upon nature to Regenerate. One I concentrate, two I concentrate, three I
concentrate. Regeneration complete”

Banish Level: 4 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Sends an outsider back to home plane of existence for a minimum of one year.
● “I call upon nature to Banish.”

Embrace Level: 5 Duration: Concentration Range: Thrown

Effect: Caster is immune to melee attacks from undead or outsiders for as long as he refrains
from attacking them. To maintain concentration hold one packet to opposite shoulder. Call “No
effect embrace”. Dispel Magic or Taint may be used to end the effect. If target is hit by Taint
spell the only effect of it is dispelling the Embrace. May not be used in conjunction with
Defile. In case of multiple casting, the first spell cast will take priority.
● “I call upon nature to Banish.”
Nature’s Wrath

The five levels of spells in this sphere all have the same trait. The difference in levels is
damage done.

Level Spell Damage

1 Nature‟s Wrath 20

2 Nature‟s Wrath 40

3 Nature‟s Wrath 60

4 Nature‟s Wrath 80

5 Nature‟s Wrath 100

Duration: Instant
Range: Thrown
Effect: Damage done. Damage type is Nature.
Note:It does double damage to undead and outsiders.
● “I unleash Nature‟s Wrath damage done.” by level
Incant Example:
● “I unleash Nature‟s Wrath 60.”

Trap Soul Level: 1 Duration: 3 minutes Range: Touch
Effect: Extends willing target‟s current death count phase by three minutes.
● “I call upon darkness to Trap Soul.”

Control Undead Level: 2 Duration: Encounter Range: Thrown

Effect: Target undead must obey the caster‟s instructions. Only works on lesser undead.
● “I call upon darkness to Control Undead.”

Turn Undead Level: 3 Duration: Indefinite Range: Thrown

Effect: Target lesser undead must flee from the caster for five minutes or until they break line
of sight with the caster.
● “I call upon darkness to Turn Undead.”

Raise Dead Level: 4 Duration: Encounter Range: Touch

Effect: Target that has been dead for less than one hour is animated and under the control of
the caster. Target has “health points” equal to its‟ full health in life. Target has any weapon
skills it had in life. Note that target does not have maneuvers or spells. Target is mindless.
Target will have no memory of this. If target is in dead phase of death count when he comes
under this spell effect the count is suspended until he is dropped or the spell ends. Upon
ending of the spell or reduced to zero health points a permanently dead target‟s body crumbles.
If target was in dead phase of death count when this spell ends or is reduced to zero health
points the target resumes dead count where he had left off. Subsequent recastings of this spell
on same target while the target is still animated extend the duration accordingly.
● “I call upon darkness to Raise Dead”

Release Spirit Level: 5 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target living creature or greater undead are put into dead phase of death count. Lesser
undead are destroyed and their body crumbles unless they were in dead count phase of death
 “I call upon darkness to Release Spirit.”
Psionic Powers
Stun Level: 1 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown
Effect: Target is struck by psionic force taking 10 points of damage and is stunned for 5
seconds. While stunned a character may not use skills.
● “I set my will to Stun you 10.”

Heal Myself Level: 2 Duration: Concentration Range: Self

Effect: After one minute of concentration caster is at full health and all physical status effects
are cured.
● “I set my will to Heal Myself.”

Daze Level: 3 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target is struck by psionic force taking 30 points of damage and is dazed for 5 seconds.
While dazed a character cannot walk or run for 5 seconds.
● “I set my will to Daze you 30.”

Open Mind Level: 4 Duration: Varies Range: Touch

Effect: Caster mentally connects with target‟s mind. While connected the caster may attempt
to do many things such as the following:
1. Bring the target to grips with a tragedy
2. Seek information, may result in a battle of wills.
3. Unlock repressed memories
Those listed are just examples. This spell is resolved through role play between the
caster and target and no success is guaranteed.
● “I set my will to Open Mind.”

Take Skill Level: 5 Duration: Varies Range: Touch

Effect: Caster takes a unused skill from a willing target to use a later time as their own. The
target is considered to have used the skill. The skill is called by the caster as if the target would.
The caster retains the skill if he enters death count. Caster may only have one of these cast at
a time. This spell may not be enchanted/imbued upon an item with a ritual.
● “I set my will to Take Skill.”

Cleanse Level: 4 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Any and all physical status effects, all spells from the corruption sphere, and poisons on
target are removed
● “I call upon light to Cleanse.”

Restore Life Level: 5 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Takes target out of any and all phases of death count and puts them conscious at 1
health point.
● “I call upon light to Restore Life.”

Spell Protection

Spellguard Level: 3 Duration: Until Used Range: Touch

Effect: Target has one resist verse the next magic, element, or psionic attack that hits them.
Call is “Spell Guard.” May only have one of these on target at a time. Does not stack with Spell
Ward and/or Spell Reflect.
A target may only have one spell from levels three thru five in this sphere active at any time. In
an instance of multiples Target chooses which is active.
● “I grant you a Spellguard.”

Spell Ward Level: 4 Duration: Until Used Range: Touch

Effect: Works like Arcane Guard except it counts as two defences against spell attacks with the
direct skill attached to them. Call is “Spell Ward.” Does not stack with Spell Guard or Spell
Reflect. May only have one of these on at a time.
● “I grant you a Spell Ward.”

Spell Reflect Level: 5 Duration: Until Used Range: Touch

Effect: Counts as two defences like Spell Ward but also reflects the spell back upon the caster
automatically hitting the caster unless caster has appropriate defences himself. In this event the
“Reflector” is treated as the caster. Call is “Spell Reflect.” Does not stack with Spell Guard or
Spell Ward. May only have one of these on at a time. You may not Spell Reflect a spell
reflected. In the case of that you may use your Spell Reflect as a Spell Ward and call “Spell
● “I grant you a Spell Reflect.”


Light Level: 1 Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch

Effect: Creates a tangible light or lights up an object. This spell is fickle. Its duration is often
variable. You must be able to rep the light when you cast it or it fails. If you use a light with a
variable or unknown duration the spells fails and/or fades as the source does. If you use a
flashlight please keep it pointed at the ground.
● “I grant you a Light.”

Mark Level: 2 Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch

Effect: Caster marks target with a magic symbol. The symbol cannot be copied except by the
caster. Caster must be able rep the mark.
Material Cost: 1 essence.
● “I wield a force to Mark.”

Circle of Protection Level: 3 Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch

Effect: Caster creates a protected area up to five feet in diameter. Nothing can pass through it
except the caster. Caster must be able to rep by drawing it in the dirt, a rope circle, etc.
Casting time is as long as it takes to set the rep and touchcast the spell inside of the rep.
Caster may also “drop” and “raise” back up the protection of the circle at will by calling “Circle
down” or “Circle up” respectively. May use empower to double the circle‟s size. May be
destroyed by Dispel Magic.
● “I wield a force to create a Circle of Protection.”

Planar Protection Level: 4 Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch

Effect: Target is protected from ill effects from the named plane until target leaves the named
plane. Only works on the named plane. Only one Planar Protection on a target at a time. In
the case of more than one the target decides which one is active. Call is “Planar Protection.”
● “I grant you a Planar Protection name plane.”

Contingency Level: 5 Duration: Indefinite Range: Self
Effect: Caster places a spell they can currently cast from levels one thru five into a reserve and
sets a condition. The spell in reserve will be activated/cast upon the caster if the set
condition/trigger occurs.
 Hit by physical attack
 Hit by spell attack
 Placed into a specified phase of death count
 Takes damage
 “Contingency trigger, name of spell in reserve.”

Dispel Magic Level: 5 Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Any and all active magic effects on target are dispelled. Caster can nominate one
effect/spell by dropping “magic” and adding it at the end of the incant. In that case only the
named effect/spell is dispelled. This does not work on poison effects.
Dispel does not work on the following spells:
● Mark
● Any spell in the Guards and Wards sphere.
● “I wield a force to Dispel Magic.”
● “I wield a force to Dispel name effect/spell.”

High Magic
All High Magic has a material cost of one essence per casting unless otherwise stated.
A character may only cast high magic from school(s) he has access to and from universal high

Arcane Destruction School

Magic Destruction Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target takes 200 points of magic damage. This spell may be modified by direct spell,
and empower spell, by those who have those skills.
● “I wield a Magic Destruction 200.”

Spell Wall Duration: Encounter Range: Touch

Effect: Creates a barrier that stops spells from coming thru on one side. It can be cast within a
fully framed area up to a double man size door. The casting time is as long as it takes to lay a
rope at base to rep and touch cast the spell at the base. Call “Spell wall.”
● “I wield a force to build a Spell Wall.”

Suppress Ward Duration: Encounter Range: Touch

Effect: Target Ward does not function. Any Sentry spell present will activate. Note that this
does not suppress minor ward, sentry, or Glyph. Material cost is 10 essence.
● “I wield a force to Suppress Ward.”

Domination School

Charm Person Duration: Next Refresh Range: Thrown

Effect: Target thinks of caster as a dear friend. How the target treats this is up to them.
● “I call upon my will to Charm Person.”

End Self Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target is forced to killing blow themselves using whatever carrier their weapon can do
that would put them into their 3rd phase and/or stop regenerate, if available. This does not
trigger Revenge.
● “I call upon my will to End Self.”

Force Calm Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target is forced to shift back to their normal form or be brought out of a rage. Target
may spend another shapeshift or rage to re-enter their previous state.
● “I call upon my will to Force Calm.”

Elemental School

Bane Elementals Duration: Encounter Range: Touch

Effect: Caster adds five to touched weapon‟s damage, including numeric values from
maneuver skills, verse elementals. Further castings have no effect.
● “May this weapon Bane Elementals.”

Elemental Barrier Duration: Encounter Range: Touch

Effect: Target gets two resists verse attacks with element in the call. Target may receive
multiples of this spell but at no time will have more than two of these resists.
● “I grant you an Elemental Barrier.”
Call to use:
● “Resist.”

Elemental Death Duration: Encounter Range: Self

Effect: Caster has a pool of 10 spells that instantly put elemental type creatures into third
phase of death count.
Target may receive multiples of this spell but at no time will have more than ten of these in their
● “I am Elemental Death.”
Call to use each of the ten:
● “Elemental Death.”

Healing School

Banish Spirit Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch

Effect: Removes invading spirits from target. Can also be used to sever the link of a spirit to a
spirit bottle. This is a battle of will between the caster and the spirit. The casting time is as long
as it takes for this battle to be resolved.
Material cost: 2 essence
● “I call upon light to Banish Spirit.”

Greater Restore Life Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target is removed from any phase of death count and is at full health. This is a healing
and restoration sphere effect. This also removes/counters the Taint Death spell and Greater
Curse spell from Necromancy high magic.
● “I call upon light to Greater Restore Life.”

Healing Touch Duration: Until Used Range: Self

Effect: Caster has 200 points of healing energy that they can deliver in increments of 10. To
deliver, touch target with packet and call “Healing touch number.” Empower doubles the 200 to
400 but does not affect the delivery amount. May not use “Direct”. Lasts until used, or if caster
enters any phase of death count.
● “I call upon light to grant myself Healing Touch.”
● “Healing Touch 10.”

Immortal Powers School

Greater Healing/ Greater Inflict Duration: Until Used Range: Self

Effect: Caster gets 20 Greater Healing or Greater Inflict spells to use.. These are touchcast
only. Empower gives the caster 40 of these to use instead of 20. Cannot use “Direct”.
● “Greater Healing 10.”
● “Greater Inflict 10.”
● “I call upon Immortal powers to grant myself (Greater healing or Greater Inflict.)”

Greater Resistance Duration: Until Used Range: Self

Effect: Caster gets one resist all that works as a double defense. Target may only have one of
these on at a time.
● “Greater Resist.”
● “I call upon Immortal powers to grant myself Greater Resistance.”

Wrath Duration: Until Used Range: Self

Effect: Caster gets five wrath spells to throw. Each spell does 40 points of damage. Damage
type is magic. Empower doubles it to ten Wrath spells. May not use “Direct”.
● “I unleash my Wrath 40.”

Nature School

Banish for Life Duration: Indefinite Range: Thrown

Effect: Target outsider is banished from the realm to their original plane until the caster takes
his final death.
● “I call upon nature to Banish for Life.”

Destroy Abomination Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target undead or outsider is put into dead count phase of death count.
● “I call upon nature to Destroy Abomination.”

Nature’s Revenge Duration: Until Used Range: Self

Effect: One attack upon the caster is reflected back at the attacker. Call is “reflect.” May only
have one of these spells active at a time.
● “I unleash Nature‟s Revenge.”

Necromancy School

Greater Curse Duration: Until Removed Range: Thrown

Effect: Target takes no effect to anything that would normally heal them. Requires a Greater
Restore Life spell to remove this effect.
● “I call upon darkness to Greater Curse you.”

Inflicting Touch Duration: Until Used Range: Self

Effect: Caster has 200 points of inflict energy they can deliver in increments of 10 by touching
target with a packet and calling “Inflicting touch 10”. Empower doubles the 200 to 400 but does
not affect the delivery amount. May not use “Direct”.
● “I call upon darkness to grant me Inflicting Touch.”

Taint Death Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target goes into dead phase of death count. If target is restored he is under taint spell
effect. This is an exception to death removing all status effects. This is countered by Phoenix
will power ability and Greater Restore Life from Healing school high magic.
● “I call upon darkness to Taint Death.”

Psionic School

Feign Death Duration: Until Used Range: Self

Effect: The next time the caster enters 1st or 2nd phase of death count, the caster appears to be
in that phase by any observation. The next three attacks that strike the caster are negated
(including killing blow) but appear to do their normal effect. The caster subconsciously casts
Heal Myself and subconsciously maintains concentration for that spell for the minute required.
Caster may only have one of these spells cast upon himself at a time.
● “I set my will to Feign Death.”

Greater Psionic Stun Duration: Instant Range: Thrown

Effect: Target is struck by psionic force taking 60 points of damage and is stunned for 5
seconds. While stunned a character may not use skills.
● “I set my will to Stun you 60.”

Shield Mind Duration: Until Used Range: Touch

Effect: Target has two resists to enchantment sphere spells and/or mind affecting abilities
including psionics. Target can only have one of these on at a time.
● “Resist.”
● “I call upon my will to Shield Mind.”

Universal High Magic

Durathik’s Will Duration: Indefinite Range: Self

Effect: Caster gives himself one resist all to use at their discretion. Caster may only target self
with this spell. Only one Durathik‟s Will may be cast on a target at a time.
● “My Will is strong.”
● “Resist All”

Gift Spell Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch

Effect: Caster bestows upon target one spell that the caster can currently cast. The target can
now cast the spell once as if he had the skill and/or knowledge to do so. May have only one gift
spell on target at a time.
● “I grant you a Gift spell name of spell.”

Recall Duration: Instant Range: Touch

Effect: Target can pick one skill that he has already used to have reset. Chosen when the
spell is received. Note this is a skill reset not an ability reset.
● „I grant you a Recall.”

Teleport Duration: Instant Range: Touch

Effect: Target and every person touched with packet by caster within 30 seconds are
teleported to a destination chosen by caster. The caster must have previously seen the
designated spot. A picture or map will not suffice.
Material cost is 10 essence for caster plus 1 for each additional person. “I break the laws of
time and space may allow up to approximately 30 seconds to include others to bring me to my
destination.” Followed by a three count to teleport out and then a three count to teleport back
in. Note that if you teleport into an area guarded by a Glyph(s) and/or Sentry spell you will be
targeted by that Glyph(s) and the Sentry will go off. You cannot teleport into a circle of
protection that is up.
Call Example:
● “One I teleport out, two I teleport out, three I teleport out.”
Replace “out” with “in” when you teleport back in.
Ritual Magic
To cast a ritual requires you have access to appropriate school and a spell slot available
to use. Rituals vary in level from one thru five. Just use a spell slot from your column that
matches or is higher than the ritual level to cast it. You can even use a high magic spell to cast
a ritual if you wish. Each ritual will also have an essence cost to cast it. If you do not have the
essence cost the ritual fails. A marshal is required for ritual casting. Rituals that affect a
character are permanent and/or until used. This is an exception of the rule magic effects go
away upon death. I would also note here that though there are rules for making magic items
characters may quest for them in-game. You may even find something that cannot be made by
the normal rules.

Have a circle large enough to fit the caster and any targets wholly within. This can be drawn in
the dirt, chalk on the floor, or some other phys rep.

1. May not use Sorcerer skill for rituals.

2. Must be cast in a circle drawn or physreped in some way.

3. Have the ritual inside the circle and in a position where you can read it from.

4. Caster and target must be in the circle of power at the start of the ritual.

5. Caster and target must remain within the circle of power for the duration of the ritual.

6. To begin a caster touches the floor, himself, or the target with a packet. Announces in
normal tone “Begin ritual (X).” “X” being the ritual being cast, followed by the incant for
the ritual if there is one.

7. At the end of the ritual casting time whoever is keeping the time announces “Ritual

8. Only one ritual may be cast within a circle at a time.

9. All essence used for the casting must be within the circle and visible for the duration.

10. If caster takes damage while casting he is interrupted and the ritual is a failure.

11. Regardless of success or failure the essence is used and dissipates.

12. If any of these rules are broken and/or violated the ritual is a failure.

13. Any exceptions to these rules will be listed in the ritual description.

14. All rituals must be marshaled.

15. Circle must be at least five foot in diameter.

During the casting the caster must maintain concentration. He cannot converse with
others and must role play casting the ritual, unless otherwise permitted by a skill such as
Focused. If he is hit by an attack, regardless if it did bodily harm or a defense was called by
caster than the concentration is interrupted and the ritual fails. Each character inside the ritual
table must roll d100 and check result on the ritual fail table.

Items enchanted can only have five effects from rituals cast upon them. Each ritual will state
how many effects it counts as in the description.

Ritual Fail Table
Roll d100. Add +5 to the result per each extra essence used during the ritual casting, dedicated
for adjusting results on this table.. Note a caster may choose to fail. A caster may also
dedicate extra essence for reroll on this table. Each extra essence allows a reroll for each
character involved.

1-2 Spirit weakened. Mark two deaths on character sheet.

3-4 Spirit weakened. Mark one death on character sheet.

5-6 Hit by Release Spirit spell. No defenses may be called.

7-8 Hit by Arcane Ray 50. No defenses may be called.

9-10 Hit by Arcane Ray 40. No defenses may be called.

11-12 Hit by Arcane Ray 30. No defenses may be called.

13-14 Hit by Arcane Ray 20. No defenses may be called.

15-16 Hit by Arcane Ray 10. No defenses may be called.

17-18 ½ health rounded down. Destroy Magic ritual will negate.

19-20 Call ½ weapon damage. Destroy Magic ritual will negate.

21-22 Cannot use ½ spell column including high magic rounded down.
Destroy Magic ritual will negate.

23-24 Cannot use High Magic. Destroy Magic ritual will negate.

25-26 Cannot cast rituals. Destroy Magic ritual will negate.

27-28 Cannot use combat maneuvers. Destroy Magic ritual will negate.

29-30 Cannot use stealth maneuvers. Destroy Magic ritual will negate.

31-32 Hit by sleep spell. No defenses may be called.

33-34 Teleported to random location. Determined by plot.

35-36 Hit by Taint Death spell. No defenses may be called.

37-38 All items in circle are hit by a Destroy Spell. Items fully within an item
that survives this are unaffected.

39-40 A greater demon appears close by.

41-60 Ritual fails and the essence used is up.

61-62 Ritual fails and half the essence rounded down is used up.

63-64 Ritual fails and none of the essence is used up.

65-66 Health increases by five. No effect if this has happened before.

67-68 Health increases by ten. No effect if this has happened before.

69-70 Gain one resist verse magic on your sheet. No effect if this has
happened before.

71-72 Gain one free spell column to your sheet. No effect if this has happened

73-74 Gain one free stealth maneuver on your sheet. No effect if this has
happened before.

75-76 Gain one free combat maneuver on your sheet. No effect if this has
happened before.

77-78 Gain one free general skill on your sheet. No effect if this has happened

79-80 Gain one free weapon damage bonus on your sheet. No effect if this
has happened before.

81-82 Gain +2 more back attack on your sheet. No effect if this has happened

83-84 Gain one “resist verse anything”” on your sheet. No effect if this has
happened before.

85-86 May change race and/or class. No ill effects like the ritual that does this.

87-88 Next Item you touch gains 5 resists verse being destroyed.

89-90 Next Item you touch gains 10 resists verse being destroyed.

91-92 Gain one free school of magic. No effect if this has happened before.

93-94 Next weapon you pick up gets a magic +1. Even if this is beyond scope
of the rules. May only happen once per weapon.

95 Up to one death may be removed from sheet.

96-97 Up to two deaths may be removed from sheet.

98-99 Add two deaths to character sheet.

100 or higher Roll again on this table still adding extra essence used.


Armor to Magic School: Universal

Level: 5 Cost: 25 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Target piece of armor gets one resist verse magic of any level per game refresh. A
character may only have one of these “active” upon their person. A piece of armor may only
have one of these rituals cast upon it. The piece of armor does not have to count toward the
“physical” armor a character is wearing. It can just a piece to use as “costuming” because they
want to be able to use this defense.
● “I grant this armor the power to Ward Magic.”

Bind School: Domination, Psionic

Level: 1 Cost: 5 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Target item is bound to next character that handles it spirit. This means that item will not
leave from an approximately 5 foot area from the spirit. The item will even disappear into the
spirit realm and travel with the character‟s spirit if he goes to resurrect. If the resurrection fails
then the bound item reappears where the character‟s body last lie. This ritual is reversible but
the cost to do so is 20 and the casting time is one hour unless the character wishes the
unbinding in which case the casting time is only five minutes. Once unbound, the item will bind
to the next character that handles it.
Bind Incant:
● “I summon a force to Bind.”
Unbound Incant:
● “By my will I Severe this Bond.”

Channel School: Universal

Level: 1 Cost: 5 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Cast on a weapon to allow it to channel (see magic skills) 1 x refresh a spell imbued
upon it or a spell from wielder‟s memory. Counts as one effect. The caster must have the skill
channel. This expires in three years.
● “I enchant this weapon to Channel.”

Commune with Dead School: Necromancy
Level: 1 Cost: 5 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Caster calls upon a dead person known to him to come speak with him. A spirit may
not decide to heed the call or may not even hear it.
If the caster has an item in the circle that was once a valued possession of the dead being
called it may increase the chance of the coming. Note that the spirit doesn‟t stay for long.
Usually no longer than 30 minutes.
● “I call upon the spirit of name of person.”

Create Bag of Holding School: Universal

Level: 5 Cost: 25 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Caster effectively creates and binds a pocket dimension to a bag, belt pouch, or other
type of container. The “target” container may be no bigger than two cubic feet in volume.
The Bag of holding can hold any number of tags and/or items that you can fit into it and still
close. If the bag is destroyed the contents spill fourth. The Ward Item ritual may be casted
upon a bag of holding even if it's bigger than a belt pouch. This expires in three years.
● “I bind the powers of Space and Time.”

Create Undead School: Necromancy

Level: 5 Cost: 25 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Target that has been dead for more than one hour is animated and under the control of
the caster. Target has “health points” equal to its full health in life. Target has skills and/or
abilities it had in life. This creates a type of undead appropriate to the target and/or casters
choice; May discuss with plot. May be used on a dead player character, if the dead player
character has permed, he is now an NPC that may only come into play at plot discretion. If the
player character has not permed, he may rewrite and must include an undead path and suffer
one death on their sheet. If cast upon a player character the owner of the character may refuse
for any reason they see fit.
Some Possible Creations:
-Death Jester
-Death Knight
-Vampire of the Blood
-Vampire of the Fang
-Vampire of the Shadow
- Choose from the Denzians book.
 “I call upon darkness to Create Undead”
Destroy Magic School: Universal
Level: 5 Cost: 25 Casting time: Varies
Effect: Caster destroys the effect(s) of another ritual. Caster‟s circle must encompass or at
least touch the target. Can also be used to destroy a ward and all other protections on the
same structure, in the same casting. However, this will set off a Sentry spell. May also be used
to destroy a circle of protection.
Casting time verse plot/NPC:
● Plot discretion.
Casting time versus pc:
● One hour
● “I call upon the powers of chaos, entropy, and destruction to Unmake.”

Enchant with Spell School: Universal

Level: Variable Cost: Variable Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Places a spell from caster‟s memory into item that can be activated 1 x refresh. The
level of the ritual and essence cost depends on the spell level. The spell put into item cannot be
empowered or directed but can be used with empower or direct upon activation. Counts as one
effect per spell put into an item. This expires in three years.
Level Cost
1 5
2 10
3 15
4 20
5 25
● “I Enchant this item to spell name.”

Envision School: Psionic

Level: 1 Cost: 5 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Caster attempts to see important images/psychic impressions upon an object touched at plot
● “I Seek what has touched you.”

Harden Armor School: Arcane Destruction or Domination

Level: 4 Cost: 20 Casting Time: 5 minutes

Effect: Enhances a light, medium, or heavy suit of armor with one more damage reduction. A
suit may only be enhanced once this way. This does not increase the armor to the next higher
armor. It simply adds one point of DR to it. Add tag line “Harden Armor +1 DR” to the armor
tag. This expires in three years.
● “I bind magic force to Harden this Armor.”

Hidden Messenger School: Universal

Level: 1 Cost: 5 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Send a silent message to another person anywhere in the world. Only the recipient can
hear the message.
The message can be no longer than what can be fitted on a standard piece of paper.
The paper itself is considered out of game. The message will be imprinted upon the recipient
for a varied amount of time which is up to the player receiving the message for that choice is out
of game. As the winds of magic vary the delivery time of the message is as well. If an extra 10
essence cost is paid, the message will be delivered anywhere in the multiverse.
● "By the winds of magic I send a Hidden Messenger."

History School: Universal

Level: 1 Cost: 5 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Attempts to find historical information on targeted item. Target must be touched by the
caster. Info given is plot discretion.
● “I summon mystic power to show me the History.”

Magic Weapon +1 School: Arcane Destruction, Nature, Elemental

Level: 1 Cost: Varies Casting Time: 5 minutes

Effect: Weapon gets plus one to damage. Changes target weapon damage call from normal to
the following:
Type: Cost Damage Call: Effect Count
Magic 5 Magic 1
Lightning 10 Magic and/or Lightning 2
Stone 10 Magic and/or Stone 2
Flame 10 Magic and/or Flame 2
Frost 10 Magic and/or Frost 2
Dark 10 Magic and/or Dark 2
Light 10 Magic and/or Light 2
Psionic 10 Magic and/or Psionic 2
Nature 10 Magic and/or Nature 2

Note: Some creatures have a weakness to certain elements or can only be killing blowed by
certain damage types. If weapon was silvered before the casting than wielder can also use
silver in the damage call. Wielder can switch up damage call as he deems necessary. School
will be caster‟s primary. May only be cast upon a weapon once. Caster must be able to cast
a spell of the damage type given. This expires in three years.
● “I infuse this Weapon with type.”

Planar Gate School: Universal

Level: 4 Cost: 20 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Cause 12x12 gate to open from plane caster is on to random or known location on the
plane of casters choice. The gate will remain open for the duration of an encounter and/or
fifteen minutes. Many planes require special knowledge and/or material used in the ritual to
● “I summon mystic power to open a Planar Gate.”

Quicken Dexterity School: Healing, Immortal, Nature
Level: 5 Cost: 25 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Enhances Dexterity Armor. Targets with Dexterity armor receive a +1 Damage
Reduction bonus to their Dexterity Armor. Must have at least one Dex armor DR to receive.
Does not count as a point of Dexterity armor in regards to combination rules of physical and
dexterity armor. Does count toward the limit of DR 10. This “tag” goes on the character sheet.
Tag is considered spirit bound. Expires three years after casting. If for any reason the
character no longer has dex armor the Quicken may not be used but remains on the spirit until
● “I bind magic to Quicken Dexterity.”

Rebirth Schools: Domination, Healing, Immortal Powers, Necromancy

Level: 1 Cost: 5 Casting Time: 5 minutes or 1 hour for unwilling target.
Effect: Race and/or class change. Second and subsequent castings of this on a character
marks a death on their sheet but does not have to draw to resurrect. In the case of an unwilling
target or for any other reason the target may choose the same race they currently are. This
ritual also allows for a respend of your current build, and all skills are considered reset. You will
still be recognized as the character you were/are prior to the rebirth by people that knew/know
● "I call upon the forces of life and death to grant a Rebirth."

Remove Resurrection Curse Schools: Healing, Immortal Powers, Necromancy

Level: 1 Cost: 5 Casting Time: 5 minutes.
Effect: Character is removed of any and all curses currently affected by during prior
● “I call upon the forces of light to Cheat Darkness.”

Resist Magic School: Universal

Level: 4 Cost: 20 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Imbues item with a Resist Magic verse spell levels one to four that can be used 1x per
refresh. Counts as 2 effects on the item. Resist can be called before or after spell protection
sphere protectives. Item has to be attuned to a character for that character to use it. This
expires in three years.
● “I call forth arcane power to Guard Against Magic.”
Resurrection School: Healing, Immortal Powers, Necromancy
Level: 1 Cost: 5 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Target gets to resurrect. Mark a death on their character sheet. There's a chance your
character suffers a curse. The gods of death do not like being cheated. The chance is 5%; This
can be lowered by one per extra essence used down to zero, thus negating the chance of a
curse. Roll the dice in front of a marshal.
● “I call upon the arcane forces of darkness to call this Spirit Forth.”

Curse Table

Roll percent Curse Effect

1 ½ health rounded down.

2 Call ½ weapon damage.

3 Cannot use ½ spell column including high magic rounded down.

4 Cannot use High Magic.

5 Cannot cast rituals.

6 Cannot use combat maneuvers. .

7 Cannot use stealth maneuvers.

8 Hit by sleep spell. No defenses may be called.

9 Teleported to random location. Determined by plot.

10 Hit by Taint Death spell. No defenses may be called.

11 All items in circle are hit by a Destroy Spell. Items fully within an
item that survives this are unaffected.

12 A greater demon appears close by.

13 Ritual fails and the essence used is up.

14 Ritual fails and half the essence rounded down is used up.

15 Ritual fails and none of the essence is used up.

16 Cannot use magic maneuvers.

17 - 99 Cannot remember the last hour before your current death

100 Death added to targets sheet.

Revenge School: Healing, Immortal Powers, Necromancy

Level: 2 Cost: 10 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Target gets one charge of revenge. A target may have five maximum. If the target
receives a killing blow the giver(s) of the killing blow are struck by a Release Spirit spell that no
defenses work against. May only use one Revenge per killing blow. Multiple charges may be
done in one ritual. This does not extend the casting time but the cost is still ten per. When
doing so, the caster may cast upon multiple targets as well but the cost must be paid per target
per charge. These charges are upon the soul of a character, not the body, so they last until
used even upon resurrection.
● "I call upon the forces of fate to grant Revenge."
● "Revenge Spirit Release"

Summon Extraplanar Creature School: Universal

Level: 5 Cost 25 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Caster not only makes his ritual circle but also needs a circle large enough for the
summoned creature to appear in which is called the summoning circle. The summoned
creature will have to stay in the summoning circle unless it wins a battle of wills verse the caster.
The longer the creature is kept the harder it can be to contain it. The caster can dismiss it back
into its home plane if it‟s still in the summoning circle on a three count. It is possible to get a
summoned creature to serve you but it is difficult.
● “I Command creature type or named individual Come Forth.”
● “One I Dismiss you, two I Dismiss you, three I Dismiss you.”

Telepathic Link School: Psionic
Level: 3 Cost: 15 Casting Time: 5 minutes
Effect: Caster attempts to communicate telepathically with a distant target. Results are
variable. Sometimes the target cannot be found. If target is found the connection lasts no more
than one hour. Caster or target may end the link at any time.
● “I Bind the Minds of target name and Myself.”

Ward Item School: Universal

Level: 3 Cost: Variable Casting Time: 5 minutes

Effect: Target item has two resists verse being destroyed per essence used during the ritual
max 20 resists. Any later castings cannot bring the number of resists past 20. Item can be up
to a belt pouch in size. It does not work on weapons or armor.
● “I call upon arcane power to Ward this Item.”

Magic Item Rule

Attuned: To use or activate a magic item that has resists or activate spell effects it must be
attuned to a character and on a character's person. Characters may have up to five magic items
attuned to them. Passive magic items like weapons, shields, and armor that have no Activation
or Resists to per use skills and/or abilities, do not have to be attuned. They can increase this
number by purchasing Expand Attunement in the magic skills section. This does not mean it has
to be attuned to your character to be used by you. It must be attuned to a character. For
example, your downed buddy has an item that can be used to activate a healing spell and you
know about it. You may reach over and touch a packet to the item and say the activation
phrase. You may not touch an enemy in combat to activate an item. It is a three count action to
attune or unattune an item. Magic items can be activated in the first phase of the death count.

Production Skills
Production skills are purchased by level, and will increase your daily (points per game
day) production points accordingly. Each level purchase will increase your ranking within your
skill. You may “bank” unused production points to use at a later time.
Please turn in production requests to logistics by the Sunday prior to game. There is a lot of
work involved in production and tag generation. If you wait until after the prior game deadline
and/or until the event please do expect to get your tags in a timely manner. All production items
expire in three years if it hasn‟t been used by then. If an item is modified, the average will be
taken for the remaining time left and the new 3 year time period.

Name Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Prerequisite


Brew Potion 4 6 4 5 5 4 Read Magic

Create Magic Scroll 4 6 4 5 5 4 Read Magic

Herbalist 5 4 3 6 5 4 Herbal Lore

Smithing 4 3 3 4 3 4 Feat of Strength

Runemaker 4 6 4 5 5 4 Read Magic

Trap Making 5 4 3 6 5 4 Traps

Production Ranks and Titles

Levels Bought Rank Total Production points
Per game day.

1 Apprentice 6

2 Journeyman 16

3 Journeyman 26

4 Master 40

5 Master 56

6 Grandmaster 76

Each additional level +20

Brew Potions

Potions replicate a spell effect. See Spell section for effect descriptions. Potions must
be ingested.
Three count action to drink. Drinking a potion requires no skill. You can drink one in
first phase of death count because you are conscious. If a character wishes to resist a potion
effect than the character needs the appropriate spell resist.
A physical representation for a potion bottle must appear to have a cap that opens.
Please do not use glass that is easily breakable. No matter the rep size, a potion container may
only have one dose in it at a time. You may only drink one effect at a time.

● “One I drink, two I drink, three I drink potion name.”
● “One I force feed, two I force feed, three I force feed potion name.”

Spell Level Production Cost Rank Required

1 2 Apprentice

2 4 Apprentice

3 6 Journeyman

4 8 Master

5 10 Grandmaster

Brew Potion Table

Spell Level Production Cost

Arcane Shield 1 2

Arcane Armor 2 4

Force Armor 3 6

Spellguard 3 6

Spell Ward 4 8

Spell Reflect 5 10

Release 3 6

Taint 4 8

Silence 1 2

Disenchant 2 4

Sleep 4 8

Heal Wounds 1 2

Heal Wounds 2 4

Heal Wounds 3 6

Heal Wounds 4 8

Heal Wounds 5 10

Inflict Wounds 1 2

Inflict Wounds 2 4

Inflict Wounds 3 6

Inflict Wounds 4 8

Inflict Wounds 5 10

Hearten 1 2

Toughen 2 4

Light, pour on, 3 count 1 2

Planar Protection 4 8

Dispel Magic 5 10

Special Potion: Rejuvenation

Requirement: Grandmaster Potions maker. Production cost: 12

Essence Cost: 1 for creation.
This potion resets all character skills. Does not reset willpower abilities, magic items, or armor.
Consuming character must hold 1 essence for each level of build they have in hand at time of
consumption (ex: level 5 character must hold 5 essence). This essence will be considered used
by the potion.

Create Magic Scroll
This production skill is used to imbue scrolls with spells (See spell section for

descriptions), which can be activated by holding a packet to them and reading the incant.

Scrolls are one use only and must be destroyed upon use. To use a scroll requires read magic

skill and enough light to read it. Touch a packet to the scroll, read the scroll while holding the

packet to it, use the spell. One scroll may have multiples charges of the same spell upon it. Up

to five charges per scroll if all the charges are from the same creator. The charges are always

used one at a time. The person using the scroll is considered the caster. Scrolls may be

augmented by the creator or caster just the same as spells.

A physical representation for a scroll must be at least 15 square inches in area, roughly

the size of a standard index card.

Level Production Cost Title Needed

1 2 Apprentice

2 4 Apprentice

3 6 Journeyman

4 8 Master

5 10 Grandmaster

Create Magic Scroll Table

Spell Level Production Cost

Arcane Shield 1 2

Arcane Armor 2 4

Force Armor 3 6

Mend Armor 4 8

Arcane Ray 1 2

Arcane Ray 2 4

Arcane Ray 3 6

Arcane Ray 4 8

Disarm 1 2

Spellguard 3 6

Spell Ward 4 8

Spell Reflect 5 10

Release 3 6

Hold 4 8

Disenchant 2 4

Sleep 4 8

Nature‟s Wrath 1 2

Nature‟s Wrath 2 4

Nature‟s Wrath 3 6

Nature‟s Wrath 4 8

Destroy Undead 3 6

Light 1 2

Dispel Magic 5 10

This production skill will allow you to make medicine bags, poisons, elixirs, and salves. If
there is a spell name included or mentioned then the poison, elixir, or salve has the name effect
as that spell. See spell section for description of spells.

Medicine Bag: Required to perform first aid through medical lore skill. Production cost is ten.

Applying a salve requires placing a phys rep on target (like dressing a wound), followed
by a three count, and any appropriate numbers then the word salve.
● “One I apply. Two I apply, Three I apply name of salve”

Elixirs are drank one a three count like potions. Drinking an elixir requires no skill. You
can drink one in first phase of death count because you are conscious. To resist an effect from
salves, elixirs, and salves requires a use of resist poison skill. Unless stated otherwise it
requires one resist.

● “One I drink, Two I drink, Three I drink Name of Elixir”

Phys Reps for Herbalism

A physical representation for an elixir or poison bottle must appear to have a cap that

opens. Please do not use glass that breaks easily. A representation for a salve must look

somewhat like wound dressing (a washcloth for example). Any rep for elixir, poison, or salve

may only contain one dose. The exception to this is five doses of same type of poison blade

may be in one rep. Only one dose of a poison and/or elixir may consumed at a time.

Salves and Elixirs
Level Salve Cost Elixir Cost Title Required

1 1 2 Apprentice

2 2 4 Apprentice

3 3 6 Journeyman

4 4 8 Master

5 5 10 Grandmaster

Poison Antidote N/A 6 Journeyman

“Spell” Level Salve Cost Elixir Cost

Cleanse 4 N/A 8

Heal Wounds 1 1 2

Heal Wounds 2 2 4

Heal Wounds 3 3 6

Heal Wounds 4 4 8

Heal Wounds 5 5 10

Light, poured on a 3 count 1 1 2


Type / Name Level Required Cost Duration Fix after

to Create neutralization if

Ingested/ Death Grandmaster 16 Instant Restore Life or

Puts target into dead only Greater Restore Life
phase of death count.
“Release Spirit”

Ingested/ Sleep Poison Master 6 Five Minutes

Ingested/ Sickness Journeyman 4 Indefinite

No in-game skills.
Cannot run.

Poison Blade Journeyman 8 Encounter Healing Spells

Venom /+1 damage

Poison Blade Cripple Master 12 Indefinite


Poison Blade Works Master 16 Indefinite

like Taint spell

Poison Blade Death, 3rd Grandmaster 20 Instant Restore Life or

phase of death count Greater Restore Life

Thrown/ Sleep Master 8 Five Minutes

Thrown/ Sickness Journeyman 6 Indefinite

No in-game skills.
Cannot run

Thrown Death Poison, Grandmaster 24 Instant Restore Life or

3rd phase of death Greater Restore Life

To neutralize a poison effect other than venom requires one of the following: antidote
elixir, or cleanse spell. Poison blade venom does not need neutralized.

Poison Blades: A weapon may have five doses max on it at a time. Each time the user calls
the poison while attacking spends one dose regardless if attack is successful. Defenses verse
weapons as well as save versus poison work against poison blades.

 Venom: Swing +1damage for the duration of an encounter. Replace weapons damage
type in call with “poison.” Venom cannot be stacked. Armor DR does apply.

 Cripple Limb: Works just like the combat maneuver cripple limb including if you just hit
the targets weapon and/or shield. Add “poison” to the beginning of the call. Armor DR
does not apply.
o Call:
“Poison Cripple Limb”

 Taint: Works like the spell Taint, delivered in the same respect as a combat maneuver.
Armor DR does not apply.
o Call:
“Poison Taint.”

 Death: Puts target into dead/third phase of death count. Armor DR does not apply.
o Call:
“ Poison death.”

Thrown Poison: Must have skill Thrown Poison to use. Delivered by packets, made in the
same way as spell packets except they must be orange.

 Sleep Poison: Works like spell. You‟re asleep for five minutes.
o Call:
“Thrown Poison Sleep.”

 Sickness Poison: Works like the spell Taint. Cannot run or use in-game skills.
o Call:
“Thrown Poison Sickness.”

 Death Poison: Puts you into third phase of death count.

o Call:
“Thrown Poison Death.”

Runes are spells infused into marks. These marks upon items or you body are imbued

with spellpower and may be activated by touching a spell packet to the rune and calling

“Activate spell name” and then using the packet as you would the spell. To create a rune

requires the skill Read Magic, to use one placed on you, however, does not. You may use one

mark/rune to hold up to five charges of the same spell if all the charges come from the same

creator. Each charge must be paid for individually by the production cost. Runes may be

augmented by character skills by both the creator or activator.

A physical representation of a rune must be a minimum of approx one square inch.

Runes and Spells

Level Production Cost Title Required

1 4 Apprentice

2 8 Apprentice

3 12 Journeyman

4 16 Master

5 20 Grandmaster

Runes Crafting Table
Spell Level Production Cost

Arcane Shield 1 4

Arcane Armor 2 8

Force Armor 3 12

Mend Armor 4 16

Restore Body 3 12

Arcane Ray 1 4

Arcane Ray 2 8

Arcane Ray 3 12

Arcane Ray 4 16

Arcane Ray 5 20

Disarm 1 4

Spellguard 3 12

Spell Ward 4 16

Spell Reflect 5 20

Release 3 12

Hold 4 16

Disenchant 2 8

Sleep 4 16

Nature‟s Wrath 1 4

Nature‟s Wrath 2 8

Nature‟s Wrath 3 12

Nature‟s Wrath 4 16

Nature‟s Wrath 5 20

Destroy Undead 3 12

Light 1 4

Dispel Magic 5 20

Smiths can make weapons and armor; With the same production skills the smith may
also strengthen existing blades or render an item indestructible.

Task Requirement Cost

Make two weapons or shields 4

Every 2 strengthening weapon or armor (Max 10 resists) Master 4

Restoring up to four used resists verse being destroyed at a time. Master 4

Masterwork Weapon Master Smith 40

Silver a weapon Master 20

Render Grandmaster 40

Make light armor Journeyman 20

Make medium armor Master 40

Make heavy armor Master 60

Enhance Armor Master 40

Strengthening weapon or armor- Grants one resist versus being destroyed.

Masterwork Weapon- +1 Damage, this may be done up to two times per weapon. The second
time will cost 80. So a +2 would equal 120 production points total.

Render- Weapon or armor suit gains 10 more resists verse being destroyed. Weapon or armor
must already have ten resists to have this done. An item may only have one render on it.

Enhance Armor- Grants a “suit” of armor one more point of damage reduction. Cannot have
more than one on a suit.

Silvering a Weapon- Changes the damage type from normal to silver.

Trap Making
If a trap goes off it puts out an effect that strikes every target in a five foot radius. A time
out may be called to resolve the effect of a trap going off.
A trap must be represented by a box at least the size of a shoe box. A buzzer or mouse
trap sounding/going off represents a trap going off. Regardless if a noise is made an armed
trap goes off if it is moved more than five feet. If someone without the skill Traps attempts to
arm or disarm a trap it goes off. If someone with the skill accidentally sets off the trigger noise
while the trigger is attached to the trap it goes off.

Explosive Traps:

If there is a wall fully between an explosive trap and a target within the radius the target takes
no effects. If there is partial cover like a table between a target and an explosive trap effects
may be halved. An explosive trap is destroyed when it blows up.
● Force Armor negates an explosive trap to protected character.
● One and only one Dodge may be used to reduce effects in half to user.
● One and only one Roll With It may be used to reduce effects in half to user.
● A Dodge and Roll With It may be combined to negate the effect.
● Evade negates effects to user.
● Destruction points are applied to armor first, then shield, then weapon, etc.
○ Example: 2 points of destruction would destroy a suit of physical armor that has
no strengthening.
● Armor DR applies.

Explosive Traps
Trap Type Production Cost Effect

Explosive 1 8 2 points destruction

10 damage

Explosive 2 16 4 points destruction

20 damage

Explosive 3 24 and Journeyman 6 points destruction

30 damage

Explosive 4 32 and Master 8 points destruction

40 damage

Explosive 5 40 and Grandmaster 10 points destruction

50 damage

Poison Gas Traps

● Resist Poison
● Dodge, or Evade.
If affected, the poison must be neutralized before the affected can be fixed. To
neutralize a poison effect other than venom requires one of the following: antidote elixir, or
cleanse spell. Poison blade venom does not need neutralized. A gas trap may be reused
reducing the production cost by two points.

Type Effect Production Cost Fix after neutralization

Venom 1 10 damage 4 Any healing spell

Venom 2 20 damage 8 Any healing spell

Venom 3 30 damage 12 and Journeyman Any healing spell

Venom 4 40 damage 16 and Master Any healing spell

Venom 5 50 damage 20 and Any healing spell


Sickness No skills for 5 minutes 4 Restore Body

Sleep Sleep for five minutes 4 Restore Body or Resist Sleep

Death 3rd phase of death 20 and Restore Life or Greater Restore

count Grandmaster Life

Realms of Ethara Treasure Values
Various lands mint their own coins. That being said the size and face of coins vary. Many of

them use a cheaper metal as a base and then coat it with a metal of value.



Silver = 10 copper

Gold = 10 silver


Silver = 1 gold

Gold = 10 gold

Gems/Essence Rough (uncut) Finished

Pink, purple, and red. 5 Gold 10 Gold

Black 10 Gold 20 Gold

Yellow and orange 15 Gold 30 Gold

Blues and Green 20 Gold 40 Gold

Clear 25 Gold 50 Gold

Note: that these colors include shades thereof to make things simpler. A single gem

counts as 1 essence no matter the color.

Modification to Evaluate Item skill:

Those with Evaluate Item will get a 10 percent bonus to value of gems and coins turned in at


Expanded Lore Skills
Copyright Rick (Jason) Miner

The purpose of the expanded lore list is to help guide players in their character’s
selection of lore skills. If you have an idea for a Lore Skill that is not listed here or under
general skills in the core rule book, ask a plot member about it.

Each time your character obtains the General Lore skill, pick a subject. Your character is
knowledgeable in that subject and may ask plot for additional information and or clues during
games. Examples: Creature (pick a type from Monsters of the Realms book), Magic Theory,
Outdoor Survival, Military Tactics, Siege Warfare, Military Recruit Training, Logistics, Religion,
Other Planes of Existence, Magic Artifacts, Realm History, etc. Two purchases of the same skill
equals master level in knowledge. Three equals grandmaster.

Note: Every General Lore Skill a character has earns him two gold per game day, this is
received when you check-in to game. You start with 1 free racial lore of your character‟s race.

NOTE: For every even level/tier of a character path, a player may choose a lore skill that
is relevant to that path. If any questions please see plot members, also every character
may have Race Lore of their own race for free. Whenever you buy a school of magic, you
get 1 point in that magic school lore for free.

Artifact Lore
-Your character has general knowledge of famous artifacts.

Creature Lore
-Every time you acquire a creature lore, you select one of the following:
● Aberration
● Animal
● Construct
● Dragon
● Fey
● Giant
● Goblinoid
● Humanoid
● Monstrous Humanoids
● Ooze
● Outsider
● Plant Creature
● Reptilian
● Shape Shifter
● Undead
● Vermin
-Your character will have knowledge of the creatures of the chosen type.

Government Lore
-When you acquire a Government Lore, you will select from the following:
● Autocracy
● Bureaucracy
● Confederacy
● Democracy
● Dictatorship
● Feudalism
● Gerontocracy
● Hierarchy
● Kleptocracy
● Magocracy
● Meritocracy
● Militocracy
● Monarchy
● Oligarchy
● Plutocracy
● Republic
● Satrapy
● Theocracy
-Your character has working knowledge on the chosen type of government and how it functions.

Merchant Lore
-Your character is knowledgeable in the ways of business practices.

Military Lore
-Your character has general knowledge of military structure, ranks, unit sizes and types, and
training. Every time this is chosen, they may pick a specialty from the following list:
● Battlefield Tactics
● Guerilla Warfare and Scout Tactics
● Logistics
● Naval Tactics
● Siege Tactics
-Your character has a more thorough knowledge of the chosen specialty.

Nation/Region Lore
-Your character can choose one area from the Expanded Nations and Regions book, or just use
the game map. Your character will have general knowledge of that area‟s common history,
culture, geography, government type, major cities, laws, resources and types of units in the
Military, but not the amount.

Other Plane Lore

-When you acquire an Other Plane lore, you will select one of the following:
● Major Planes
○ Primal Abyss
○ Fire
○ Water
○ Wind
○ Stone
○ Life
○ Death
○ Dream
○ Nightmare
● Demi Planes
○ Torture
○ Wilds
○ Valhalla
○ Foods
○ Reason
○ Light
○ Darkness
○ Chaos
○ Order
○ Mirror
-Your character will have a bit of knowledge of that plane including, what components are
necessary to teleport there, some common creatures and the environment of the plane.

Race Lore
-Pick a race found in Realms of Ethara; Your character has general knowledge of that race‟s
customs, values, society, etc.

Realm History
-Your character has general knowledge of the Realm‟s History from what is known in the
libraries of the realm.

Religion Lore
-Every time you acquire religion lore, you select one of the following
● Strife Pantheon
● Ancients Pantheon
● Dragon Pantheon
● Dwarven Pantheon
● Darkling Pantheon
● Deratha and Dark Elf Pantheon
● Elven Pantheon
● Fey Pantheon
○ The Subset, not the broad group that includes Darkling, Deratha, Dark Elf and
● Folk Pantheon
● Good, Human/Common Pantheon
● Neutral, Human/Common Pantheon
● Evil, Human/Common Pantheon
● Orkar/Orc Pantheon
● Scarred Pantheon
● Wildling and Mythos Pantheon
● Animal Spirits
-Your character will know a lot about the selected pantheon and will have a bit of knowledge of
the other pantheons.

Schools of Magic Lore

-Every time you acquire a School of Magic Lore you choose from the following:
● Arcane Destruction
● Domination
● Elemental
● Healing
● Immortal Powers
● Nature
● Necromancy
● Psionic
-Your character will know information about the chosen school including, spells, theory, rituals,
related magical artifacts and perhaps some famous mages.

Socialite Lore
-Your character knows the who's who of a chosen nation/region (chosen from the book of
Expanded Nations and Regions). Your character will know the names of the Social Elite in that
area and their rank.

Survival Lore
- Every time you pick Survival Lore, choose from the following:
● Coastal
● Forests
● Highlands
● Mountains
● Ocean/Sailor
● Plains
● Plateau
● Swamp
● Underealm
-Your character has survival skills and basic knowledge of creatures that live in the chosen type.


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