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Will We Have a Vaccine for Covid- cases.

That confirmed that the disease is

19? transmitted from human to human in a
- 11/26/2020 simple way: through air particles, on
cough drops, or by sneezing. The
Probably one of the most spoken words contagions started to multiply and the
during this year is “Coronavirus” and it Coronavirus started being treated as a
is not strange because this disease has global emergency. A few days passed
made headlines in the worldwide media. until the first cases in other countries,
But, where is this virus from and how is like Japan, USA, or France were
it affecting the population? SARS- confirmed. In fact, it did not take long for
COVID19 is a virus family that normally the Coronavirus to arrive to the whole
attacks animals, but sometimes it can world due to passenger transit. The truth
mutate and jump to humans. And that is is that the mortality of this virus is
what happened in December 2019 at the around 3%-5%, not so worrying if we
Wuhan wet market in China, a city with compare it with other strains of common
more than eleven million inhabitants. A flu.
week later, China confirmed a new strain
of this disease, named provisionally However, due to the speed of the
2019-nCoV. It started like other flu contagion worldwide and to the
infections. In fact, the symptoms are very increasing death rates, major laboratories
similar to other diseases; runny nose, began emergency processes in order to
cough or sore throat. It is so alike to identify the RNA of the virus and, from
other common respiratory diseases, that there, create a vaccine. A vaccine works
without an analysis it is practically by training the immune system to
impossible to differentiate it from a recognize and combat pathogens, either
common cold, until those infected start to viruses or bacteria. To do this, certain
develop a fever and respiratory issues molecules from the pathogen must be
such as pneumonia. introduced into the body to trigger an
immune response. The common problem
After tracking the origin of this virus, the among the investigations for the possible
authorities concluded that it was a new Covid-19 vaccine are the constant
disease that was tracked and the results mutations that this virus presents. These
of the findings were published on January mutations produce a variety of different
9th, 2020. Apparently, this virus seems symptoms in patients. The challenge is to
less lethal than other variants, such as find 1 vaccine that has positive results by
the Seven Acute Respiratory Syndrome attacking all the mutations in all people.
(SARS) or the Respiratory Syndrome
from the Middle East (MERS). Two days
later, the first death because of Will Latinoamerica overcome Covid-
Coronavirus-19 was certified and, at the 19 by 2022? How effective will
same time, 41 new contagions were vaccination be?
added while the scientific community - 01/21/2021
contemplated the possibility of 700 more
Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, and Argentina circulating. Could it perhaps be in
are some of the Latin American countries Colombia?
that have already launched their
respective vaccination programs against In the meantime, there is evidence of
Covid-19, while other countries such as long-term health issues facing individuals
Brazil are still stocking up on doses who have recovered from the latest
without clarity of the date in which they coronavirus, such as exhaustion,
will initiate the inoculation process. Peru, insomnia and depression, dementia and
Uruguay, Cuba, Venezuela, Guatemala, cognitive loss. So, even if you are
among others, have already reached immune to viral scare tales or just
agreements with pharmaceutical terrified of needles, one disease worth
companies to obtain the vaccine, while avoiding is coronavirus.
Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador already
have estimated dates to start the Here is some clarification of where we
inoculation process although vaccines are in Colombia with COVID-19
have not yet arrived. vaccination process and what could
happen next...
Before reaching the public, vaccines
usually take years of study and testing.
But in 2020, scientists embarked on a Will Colombia get the COVID-19
quest, in record time, to deliver safe and vaccine soon?
effective coronavirus vaccines. Currently, -01/22/2021
researchers are testing sixty-six different
No one can tell. Colombia’s President
vaccines in human clinical trials, and
Ivan Duque announced that vaccination
twenty have entered the final stages of
will begin in February, but the health
testing. In mammals, at least ninety
minister, Dr. Fernando Ruiz, says that
preclinical vaccines are under active
there is no set date and that negotiations
with vaccine suppliers have not been
finalized. In Colombia, even as a war of
Colombians are growing agitated about
words erupts and as cases skyrocket, rich
when the nation will launch the much-
northern countries hoard. But even after
awaited vaccine program. With a return
the vaccine arrives in Colombia, there
to lockdowns and a dramatic rise in
will be many logistical barriers to having
COVID-19 cases, deaths are again
people inoculated, such as shortages of
reaching four-hundred per day.
workers and syringes. We can expect
delays for months.
The pressure to vaccinate stems from the
mutating virus, in what is termed as the
global "race against time." Some Nations Who will be vaccinated?
have begun vaccinating, but are failing to -01/22/2021
reach the established goals for daily
vaccination. In Brazil and Chile, a super- The national vaccination plan launched
contagious COVID-19 strain is already last week by the Ministry of Health
states that people over sixty, front-line How will people get inoculated in
health workers and those with chronic Colombia?
medical conditions such as diabetes, high -01/24/2021
blood pressure or lung disease will be
prioritized. Teachers and at risk staff are Often by the health system that exists.
next in line. Healthy adults between the People enrolled with the EPS insurance
ages of sixteen and fifty-nine would have program will be called to their nearest
no priority. The initial intention is to walk-in clinics for vaccination
vaccinate around 70% of the adult appointments. Since the EPSs already
population in order to achieve herd have health data from residents, they can
immunity. This means that under the schedule individuals according to their
new scheme not every adult can get priority for health. Mass meetings are
protected. The vaccine is voluntary and it supposedly avoided by this method.
is given for free or very cheap in MinSalud will introduce a centralized app
principle. and website, Mi Vacuna, as a supplement
to the scheme, enabling individuals to
What happens if you already had register and confirm their turn for the
COVID-19? vaccine, and maybe even question their
-01/22/2021 prioritization.

According to physicians, vaccine

Things that could possibly go
immunity is likely to last longer, and it is
best to still get vaccinated. wrong.. -01/24/2021

A ton, really. Anyone familiar with the

What vaccines are planned for
"public-private" EPS health system
knows that it has several faults and even
before COVID-19 it was already
overwhelmed. And it will be taken closer
The Pfizer vaccine has been licensed by to failure by the current increase in cases.
the Colombian medical control authorities Will it cope with mass vaccinations as
(INVIMA), while AstraZeneca, COVAX well? Improbable. The COVID-19
and Janssen licences are pending. The testing fiasco has been a recent example
first three require two injections a month of EPS melt-down; clinics were unable to
apart, and the need for specialist freezers meet demand or sent patients test results
at minus 80 degrees further complicates several weeks late. This made useless the
the Pfizer product, restricting its use. method of test-and-trace, which in turn
The other three only need cold created further contagion and lockdowns.
refrigerators. A single dose is needed for MinSalud is now under criticism and
the Janssen vaccine, making it suitable under pressure to set up a more
for remote areas. comprehensive framework for its EPS
vaccine programme.
What happens to people not already Any foreign resident can enter an EPS as
in the health system? an independent and directly pay the
-01/24/2021 monthly fee.

In principle, individuals outside the EPS What happens if you live in a remote
health system are protected by area?
emergency and preventive health care, -01/24/2021
also known as "ESEs" by local hospitals,
but coverage is not guaranteed in Maybe you will be ignored. First, most
practice. MinSalud has now announced mass vaccination campaigns target
that local authorities should register with denser urban areas, which is also where
the "non-insured poor population" to join people are more likely to be enrolled in
the vaccination programme, and this the health system in Colombia. In rural
includes migrants legally in Colombia. areas and conflict areas, childhood
President Duque announced recently that inoculation coverage has traditionally
illegal migrants would be removed from always been smaller. It will make extra
the vaccination programme, suggesting effort for the countryside, MinSalud says,
at least a million Venezuelans. Since but possibly the towns will come first.
then, MinSalud has proposed that the UN
and NGOs assist in vaccinating migrants.
Will we have the possibility to buy
the vaccine privately?
Should I now get health insurance? -01/24/2021
The vaccine would definitely be sold at a
If you want to get vaccinated, this is high cost by top-end medical clinics. A
recommended and may be necessary. Pfizer vaccine has already been licensed
Indeed, in the short to long term, if for commercial sale by the Colombian
you're here, you need insurance or EPS medicine control authority, INVIMA. In
to get a visa. the wake of the EPS testing flaws, one
precedent is the boom in private
Note that Colombia is only targeting 70 laboratories providing quick, reliable
percent coverage initially, so MinSalud testing services, but at a high cost.
will prioritize vaccinating individuals Whatever your ethical views on queue-
already enrolled in the health system who jumping, these VIP clinics will be a good
can be tested for current health problems bet for those who can afford it.
and side effects. Most notably, a month
apart, they are more likely to receive the What happens if you don’t want the
second dose. Anyone who lacks the vaccine?
second dose can increase the risk of viral -01/28/2021
resistance to the vaccine.
No worry, the vaccine is not compulsory.
And you're in good company: 45 percent
of Colombians do not trust the vaccine, a
new survey revealed. With recent fake
news on "mass vaccine deaths," COVID-
19 conspiracies continue to dominate
social media. The survey revealed that,
given the hurried roll-out and lack of
evidence on its efficacy on new mutants,
how long it will last, or even whether
inoculated individuals can still spread the
virus or not, many people are concerned
about potential side effects, a legitimate

The latest experiments indicate that the

vaccines function with super-spreading
mutations and potentially provide long-
lasting security, but each day brings new
evidence. And vaccine resistance might
be a positive thing in the short term as
well: it would leave something for the
rest of us.

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