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IEEE HAC/SIGHT Projects Call for Proposals

Focused on COVID-19 Response -

The Project Assessment Matrix, Common Pitfalls, and How
to Avoid Them

IEEE 2021
Humanitarian Activities Committee
Call for Proposals Focused on COVID-19 Response

• Grassroots project proposals from IEEE

members and OUs worldwide are
• From US$1K to US$5K funding/project.
• Successfully completed projects may
apply for replication/scaling funding up
to US$5k
• Submission Deadline of 01 March
• Full information about application
process may be found online

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

What will we cover today?

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee


• Overview
• What’s New
• Project Assessment Matrix
• Common Pitfalls to Avoid

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee


5 IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

Basic Characteristics of a Great Proposal

HAC/SIGHT aim to fund projects that:

• Provide good use of IEEE expertise - shows the best of what IEEE can offer the community
(technological component is strong)
• Clear engagement with the community, indicating that the proposed solution is both desired and
• Established relationships, ideally documented, with stakeholders who will be involved in project
• Clear, detailed, and credible Project Assessment Matrix, Project Implementation Plan, and Budget
• Team has the combined experience to credibly execute the project
• Identifies and addresses potential risk
• Project will have real, tangible impact

If a proposal is missing the mark on two or more of these areas, it might not be ready
for funding.

6 IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

How to Apply & Necessary Templates

• Applications must be submitted via the IEEE HAC/SIGHT Online Funding Opportunities
• First time applicants will need to create a user account in order to submit a proposal
• Please download the template files which are required to complete the online proposal
• Project Assessment Matrix
• IEEE HAC Projects 2021 Budget Template

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What’s New for the March 2021 Call for

8 IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

What’s new? Areas of Focus

• As the pandemic has not only affected health, but also exacerbated poverty and laid
bare systemic inequality throughout the world, HAC/SIGHT are prioritizing immediate
impact, poverty mitigation and inequality reduction through the following project areas:
• Food Security
• Infection Control Devices
• Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
• Medical Devices
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Sustainable Power Sources
• Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
• Other pandemic-related topics

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

What’s new? – Past Projects and Team Members

• Funds for replication/scaling - Projects funded by HAC/SIGHT in 2019 or 2020 must

have successfully completed through final reporting before teams can apply for
additional funding for replication and/or scaling.
• Each applicant may submit only one proposal. Each team submitting should have at
least 75% of names that are not included in other submissions.

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

The Project Assessment Matrix

11 IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

IEEE Learning Module (ILN) Module

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

The Project Assessment Matrix

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Common Pitfalls

• Not filling out the whole matrix (except…)

- However, only enter as many outputs/outcomes as your project has – there is no set number
• Entering info into “Actual” column
• Putting dates in any of the cells
• Not differentiating between outputs and outcomes
• Not differentiating between baseline and target

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What are some common pitfalls you want to

16 IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

Common Application Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Administrative Information

• Primary Applicant – must be an IEEE Professional member or higher and active.

• We welcome proposals from student members, but they must have an active IEEE Professional
member or higher grade as primary applicant. We check all member numbers before putting an
application through to the reviewers. If membership status of the primary applicant is in arrears, it
cannot move forward.
• IEEE Organizational Unit – whenever possible, should be an IEEE Section.
• HAC generally cannot transfer funds to a Society Chapter or Student Branch. Please make sure to check
with the OU Treasurer beforehand about how funds are disbursed and if any fees are incurred with the
transfer of funds.
• Funding Amount Requested – must be between US$1,000 and US$5,000.
• Funded projects that are successful may apply later for additional funding.
• Great opportunity to do a proof of concept!
• Terms of Funding – anything over six months will not be considered – if awarded, funds
must be expended within six months from the approved project start date.

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

Common Application Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Project Overview

• Connection to COVID-19 – must be clearly articulated.

• Please make sure to explain how the project addresses the COVID situation in the local community.
• Technology component – must have a technology component.
• This is essential for an IEEE project!
• Technology application – ensure that the project includes an application of technology.
• Pure research projects cannot be considered.
• Unnecessary travel/in-person components – should be avoided.
• Please note the Message from IEEE on coronavirus COVID-19, particularly “We request that all
members avoid conducting in-person activities in areas impacted by the coronavirus threat and instead
maximize the use of our online and virtual alternatives.”

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

Common Application Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Risk, collaboration, and budget

• Potential risks – spend enough time on this part!

• Please make sure to thoroughly consider the potential risks of the project, including, but not limited to,
risk of infection, data privacy risks, etc., and how they can be mitigated.
• Medical-related proposals – collaborate with medical professionals.
• Please make sure to work with medical professionals and organizations when developing any medical-
related project.
• Documentation of collaboration – make sure to include.
• Provide documentation to validate partnerships with external organizations, medical/healthcare
facilities, or government entities. Reviewers frequently ask to see letters of acknowledgement and
• Budget items – do not include salaries for work that could be done by IEEE volunteers.
• Reimbursing the salary of anyone contributing to the project must be carefully justified. Associated
salary costs should be clearly explained and not constitute any more than a minor part of the overall
budget proposed.

IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee


IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee

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