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Substituting ground woody plants for cottonseed hulls in lamb feedlot diets:

Growth performance, blood serum chemistry, and rumen fluid parameters1

T. R. Whitney,*2 J. L. Glasscock,* J. P. Muir,† W. C. Stewart,‡ and E. J. Scholljegerdes§
*Texas A&M AgriLife Research, 7887 U.S. Hwy 87 N, San Angelo 76901; †Texas A&M AgriLife Research, 1229 N.
U.S. Hwy 281, Stephenville 76401; ‡Department of Animal and Range Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman
59717; and §Animal and Range Sciences Department, New Mexico State University, Box 30003, Las Cruces 88003

ABSTRACT: Effects of using ground woody plants in

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ADG was less for lambs fed ERC (P < 0.10) or MESQ
Rambouillet wether lamb feedlot diets on growth per- (P < 0.05) vs. lambs fed CSH, but G:F was similar
formance, blood serum, and rumen parameters were (P > 0.10) among all lambs. Dietary treatments did
evaluated. A randomized design study was used with not affect (P > 0.15) ruminal pH, but treatment × day
2 feeding periods (70% concentrate diet from d 0 to 27 interactions (P < 0.05) were observed for rumen fluid
[Period 1] and 86% concentrate diet from d 28 to 57 ammonia N or molar proportions of propionate and
[Period 2]); the concentrate portion of the diets mainly butyrate; few differences were observed within day.
consisted of dried distiller’s grains with solubles and However, overall, lambs fed RED or MESQ had great-
sorghum grain. Lambs were individually fed 6 diets er (P < 0.05) total rumen VFA than lambs fed CSH. A
that differed only by roughage source (n = 8 animals/ treatment × day interaction (P = 0.04) was observed
treatment; 32.9 ± 3.2 kg initial BW): either cottonseed for the acetate:propionate ratio, but no differences
hulls (CSH; control) or ground wood consisting of (P > 0.10) were observed within day. Treatment × day
redberry juniper (RED), blueberry juniper (BLUE), interactions (P < 0.05) were observed for blood serum
one-seeded juniper (ONE), or eastern red cedar (ERC) glucose, γ-glutamyl transferase, the albumin:globulin
Juniperus spp. or honey mesquite (MESQ; Prosopis ratio, total bilirubin, β-hydroxybutyrate, P, Cl, and Mg,
glandulosa). Using ground wood vs. CSH as the with most results being less for lambs fed the wood-
roughage source did not affect (P > 0.12) BW. There based diets than for lambs fed the CSH diets. Results
tended to be a treatment × day interaction (P = 0.07) suggested that even though lamb DMI was reduced
for lamb DMI, attributed to Period 1 when DMI was during the growing period when diets contained
greater (P < 0.05) for lambs fed CSH vs. RED, ONE, 30% ground woody products (RED, ONE, ERC, and
ERC, or MESQ during the first 14 d and greater (P < MESQ), animal health and rumen fluid parameters
0.05) during d 14 to 28 vs. lambs fed ERC. Overall, were not negatively affected by ground woody plants.
Key words: feedlot diet, juniper, lambs, mesquite, plant secondary metabolites, serum chemistry

© 2017 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2017.95:4150–4163

Feed price fluctuation and seasonality of traditional

feed ingredients are major concerns of livestock feed-
ers. The price of dietary roughage components such
1This work was supported by the USDA National Institute as hay and cottonseed hulls can dramatically fluctu-
of Food and Agriculture Hatch Project number 205866 and was ate within any given year and, at times, be completely
funded in part by the National Sheep Industry Improvement Center unavailable in certain regions. This is especially true
(NSIIC). Appreciation is expressed to POET Nutrition (Sioux Falls, during drought and times when greater quantities of
SD) for donating dried distiller’s grains with solubles. roughages are purchased by nonagriculture industries.
2Corresponding author:
However, ground woody products such as Juniperus
Received April 19, 2017.
spp. and Prosopis spp. are not subject to seasonal feed
Accepted July 21, 2017.
Ground woody products as roughage sources 4151

pricing and availability, require no inputs by man to es- J. ashei (blueberry juniper [BLUE]), Juniperus mono-
tablish and grow, and are the only feed ingredients that sperma (one-seeded juniper [ONE]), Juniperus virgin-
can increase rangeland forage production after being iana (eastern red cedar [ERC]), or Prosopis glandulosa
harvested (Carter, 1958; Coultrap et al., 2008). Use of (honey mesquite [MESQ]). During the last 7 d of the
ground wood as roughage in livestock feed is not a new adaptation period, lambs did not receive any hay but
concept (Maynard, 1920; Marion et al., 1957). More re- were fed a common 66% concentrate diet that was grad-
cently, ground Juniperus pinchotii and Juniperus ashei ually replaced with the appropriate treatment diet.
have been effectively used in lamb (Whitney et al., 2014) During Period 1 (d 0 to 27), lambs were fed
and goat (Glasscock et al., 2015) feedlot diets and sup- their respective 70% concentrate treatment diet. All
plements (Stewart et al., 2017) and have enhanced meat mixed diets were nonagglomerated, contained 22 g
sensory characteristics (Whitney and Smith, 2015). monensin/t of feed (Rumensin 90; Elanco Animal
Millions of hectares of North American range- Health, Indianapolis, IN), and were fed once daily at
lands are infested with Juniperus spp. and Prosopis spp. 0900 h with an approximate allowance of 10% refusal.

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plants (Felker, 1996; Ansley et al., 2006). Woody plant Lambs were then transitioned over 4 d into Period 2 (d
encroachment can negatively affect livestock produc- 28 to 57), onto their respective 86% concentrate treat-
tion and natural resources (Scholes and Archer, 1997); ment diet, by gradually replacing the Period 1 diet with
however, converting these plants into feed ingredients the Period 2 diet. Lamb BW was recorded on d 0, 14,
would help offset removal costs while synergistically 28, 43, and 57; lamb BW was also recorded after lambs
reducing livestock feed costs. Economic incentives will were shorn on d 57. Average daily gain and average
be created for multiple industries if the feeding value daily DMI were determined between days that BW was
of ground woody products is found to be comparable recorded, and G:F was calculated between weigh days
to similar ingredients. Therefore, the objective was to by dividing ADG by average daily DMI. Blood serum
evaluate the use of ground woody plants in mixed diets was collected on d 0. Ruminal fluid and blood serum
on lamb growth performance, health, and rumen param- was also collected on d 14 to 15 and d 52 to 53; 4 lambs/
eters. The hypothesis was that woody plants would be treatment were sampled on consecutive days.
an effective, safe, and economically viable alternative Cost per metric ton of feed (as-fed basis) was cal-
to cottonseed hulls in lamb feedlot production systems. culated using ingredient prices based on local markets.
The price of juniper (US$80/dry t, freight on board)
MATERIALS AND METHODS was based on estimated processing costs, after consult-
ing with juniper processing specialists; transportation
costs were not included for any ingredient. For each
Animals and Management treatment group, average daily feed cost per kilogram
The experimental protocol was approved by the of BW gain was calculated on a DM basis as (DMI
Texas A&M AgriLife Research Agriculture Animal needed to gain 1 kg of BW, kg × $/kg of feed).
Care and Use Committee (number 2014-006); College
Station, TX). Forty-eight Rambouillet wether lambs Sample Collection and Measurements
(approximate age of 4 mo and 32.9 ± 3.2 kg initial
BW) previously had been on pasture; therefore, a 19-d Woody Plant Harvesting, and Feed Processing,
feed yard adaptation period was used. Unshorn lambs Collection, and Analysis. During May, the entire
received an ear tag, subcutaneous clostridial vaccine aboveground biomass from mature Juniperus spp.
(Vision 7 with SPUR; Intervet Inc., Omaha, NE), and (including leaves) and mature P. glandulosa (exclud-
an oral dose of levamisole (Prohibit; AgriLabs, St. ing leaves) trees were harvested separately by species,
Joseph, MO). During the first 12 d of the adaptation chipped (Model BC1800, Vermeer Corp., Pella, IA),
period, lambs were group-fed and had ad libitum ac- and dried for 5 h to approximately 93% DM using a
cess to oat hay, which was supplemented with a 60% drying trailer equipped with a perforated metal bottom
concentrate diet (0.22 kg/(d·lamb); DM basis). sieve and a jet dryer (26 to 31°C; model 2001; Peerless
Each lamb was weighed 7 d before study initiation, Manufacturing Co., Shellman, GA). Chipped material
stratified by BW, and randomly assigned to an individu- was hammer milled to pass a 4.76-mm screen (Sentry,
al, completely covered dirt pen (2.44 by 2.97 m) with an model 100; Mix-Mill Feed Processing Systems, Bluffton,
automatic watering system and a feed bunk. Each lamb IN), bagged, and stored under cover. Additional feed
was also randomly assigned to a treatment diet (n = 8 subsamples were dried to constant weight in a forced-air
lambs/treatment) that differed only by roughage source: oven at 103°C to determine DM concentration.
either cottonseed hulls (CSH) or a ground woody prod- Nutritive characteristics of woody plants were eval-
uct consisting of J. pinchotii (redberry juniper [RED]), uated using random subsamples of mechanically dried
4152 Whitney et al.

Table 1. Chemical composition and digestibility (% DM basis) of cottonseed hulls (CSH), sorghum grain, and
dried distiller’s grains with solubles and ground Juniperus spp. and Prosopis glandulosa used in the treatment diets
Item1 Cottonseed hulls Sorghum grain Corn DDGS J.ash J.mon J.vir P.glan
Nutrient composition
DM, % 92.3 92.6 91.8 93.9 93.8 95.4 93.8 91.9
CP, % 3.5 11.9 30.4 2.9 2.8 2.5 3.8 5.7
ADICP, % 3.2 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.8 2.5
aNDF, % 85.2 7.0 30.4 62.1 65.0 71.0 68.0 74.7
ADF, % 62.1 5.3 12.9 49.4 52.1 57.9 55.8 57.8
Lignin, % 16.4 0.9 2.9 19.4 21.2 23.2 21.7 17.9
Crude fat, % 0.6 3.1 8.7 3.2 3.2 4.5 4.1 6.2
Ash, % 3.6 3.6 4.7 4.9 4.8 3.4 4.4 4.3
Ca, % 0.12 0.04 0.07 1.31 1.53 1.27 1.37 1.42

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P, % 0.04 0.21 0.88 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.03
S, % 0.06 0.14 .93 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06
K, % 0.99 0.34 1.33 0.33 0.16 0.11 0.24 0.35
Mg, % 0.14 0.12 0.38 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.1 0.02
Na, % 0.01 0.01 0.31 1.25 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Fe, mg/kg 33 48 85 168 98 113 140 112
Zn, mg/kg 5 20 64 104 9 6 11 4
Cu, mg/kg 3 3 8 3 2 2 2 2
Particle distribution,3 %
19 to 8 mm 68.9 – – 0.20 3.9 3.7 5.2 0.3
8 to 1.18 mm 27.6 – – 69.3 68.1 68.2 63.7 70.3
<1.18 mm 3.5 – – 30.5 28.0 28.2 31.1 29.4
<8 mm 31.1 – – 99.8 96.2 96.3 94.8 99.7
CT, % 31.1 – –
Extractable 1.4 0 – 2.8 3.2 1.8 2.4 0.9
Protein bound 1.8 0 – 2.1 2.3 1.9 2.3 3.8
Fiber bound 0.2 0 – 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
Total 3.2 0 – 4.9 5.5 3.7 4.7 4.7
True IVDMD4 18.9 94.3 75.6 31.3 29.0 24.6 26.9 20.9
1ADICP = acid detergent insoluble CP; aNDF = neutral detergent fiber, using α-amylase and sodium sulfite; CT = condensed tannins. = Juniperus pinchotii; J.ash = Juniperus ashei; J.mon = Juniperus monosperma; J.vir = Juniperus virginiana (entire aboveground biomass);
P.glan = Prosopis glandulosa (entire aboveground biomass excluding leaves); DDGS = dried distiller’s grains with solubles (corn DDGS was produced
from corn ethanol production; POET, LLC, Sioux Falls, SD).
3Ingredients sieved using the manually operated Penn State Particle Separator (Lammers et al. (1996) according to modified procedures of Kononoff et al. (2003).
4True IVDMD represents true 48-h IVDMD.

and hammer milled (4.76-mm screen) woody plants. Fiber Analyzer (Ankom Technology Corp., Fairport,
Subsamples of CSH, sorghum grain, and dried dis- NY) using α-amylase and sodium sulfite. In addition, N
tiller’s grains with solubles (DDGS) were collected 6 was analyzed in residue remaining after the ADF proce-
times throughout the trial; the first 3 and last 3 subsam- dure and multiplied by 6.25 to determine acid detergent
ples were combined separately by period for analysis insoluble CP. Standard methods were used to analyze
(Table 1). Three random subsamples of treatment diets lignin (method 973.18; AOAC, 2006), crude fat (meth-
(Table 2) were collected during both periods, combined od 2003.05; AOAC, 2006), and ash (method 942.05;
by period, and separately analyzed. These samples were AOAC, 2006). For individual mineral analyses, samples
dried at 55°C in a forced-air oven (model 630; Napco, were digesting with a Microwave Accelerated Reaction
Inc., South Haven, MI) for 48 h, ground through a 1-mm System (MARS6; CEM Corp., Matthews, NC) and then
screen (Wiley mill; Arthur H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia, analyzed using a Thermo Jarrell Ash IRIS Advantage
PA), and stored at −20°C. Nitrogen was analyzed us- HX Inductively Coupled Plasma Radial Spectrometer
ing a standard method (method 990.03; AOAC, 2006), (Thermo Instrument Systems Inc., Waltham, MA).
and CP was calculated as 6.25 × N. The NDF and ADF To evaluate particle size distribution of CSH and
were analyzed according to procedures of Van Soest et the ground woody plants, as-fed subsamples of these
al. (1991), which were modified for an Ankom 2000 ingredients were sieved with the manually operated
Ground woody products as roughage sources 4153

bated in separate jars from the cottonseed hull–based

(control) diet to eliminate any potential confounding ef-
fects. Bags were placed into jars containing 400 mL of
sheep rumen fluid (collected orally from 6 donors and
combined) and 1,600 mL of McDougall’s buffer solu-
tion (1.0 g of urea/L; McDougall, 1948). The sheep
donors were grazing native pasture common to the
Edwards Plateau area of Texas (e.g., Nassella leucotri-
cha, Hilaria belangeri, and Bouteloua spp.). One blank
bag per jar was also included and used to adjust for po-
tential residue on the bags. After anaerobic incubation
at 39°C, bags were gently rinsed under cold water for 5
min, subjected to the NDF procedure (using α-amylase

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and omitting sodium sulfite), gently rinsed in acetone,
dried at 55°C in a forced-air oven for 48 h, and weighed.
Rumen Fluid and Blood Serum Collection and
Analysis. A 10-mL blood sample was collected 4 h after
feeding from each lamb via jugular venipuncture using
a nonheparinized vacutainer collection tube (serum sep-
arator tube, gel, and clot activator; Becton, Dickinson
and Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ). Blood was allowed
to clot and then centrifuged (Beckman Coulter TJ6 re-
frigerated centrifuge; Beckman Coulter, Inc., Brea, CA)
at 970 × g for 25 min at 4°C. Serum was decanted and
Figure 1. Photograph represents material (not equal weights) that was
frozen at −20°C until analyzed. Serum chemistry was
placed in warm water for 10 min after being stirred: (a) cottonseed hulls, analyzed by The Texas A&M Veterinary Diagnostic
(b) ground Juniperus ashei (entire tree with leaves), (c) ground Prosopis Laboratory, Amarillo, using an Olympus AU400E ana-
glandulosa (entire trees without leaves), and sieved cottonseed hulls with
lyzer (Olympus America Inc., Center Valley, PA).
particle distributions of (d) 19 to 8 mm, (e) 8 to 1.18 mm, or (f) <1.18 mm.
Rumen fluid was collected orally from each lamb
4 h after feeding. The pH of each subsample was im-
Penn State Particle Separator (Lammers et al., 1996) mediately recorded, and the remaining fluid was filtered
according to modified procedures of Kononoff et al. through 4 layers of cheesecloth into prewarmed ther-
(2003). The percentage of material (as-fed) retained moses purged with CO2. A subsample of the filtered flu-
on each sieve and under the 8-mm sieve was calcu- id was immediately placed on ice and stored at −80°C.
lated based on total sieved material. In addition, to Additional subsamples (1 mL) were acidified with 4 mL
visually demonstrate extreme differences in particle of 0.1 N HCl (Farmer et al., 2004) and stored at −80°C
buoyancy, nonsieved and sieved cottonseed material for analysis of ammonia N using a Beckman Coulter
(8 mm, 1.18 mm, and the bottom pan), along with the DU640 spectrophotometer (Beckman Instruments, Inc.,
J. ashei and P. glandulosa material, was placed into Fullerton, CA; methods of Broderick and Kang [1980])
warm water for 10 min and then photographed (Fig. 1). and VFA using an Agilent 6890N gas chromatograph
Condensed tannins in the juniper, mesquite, CSH, (Agilent Technologies, Inc., Wilmington, DE; methods
and sorghum grain were assayed for soluble, protein- of Baumgardt [1964] and Fritz and Schenk [1979]).
bound, and fiber-bound fractions using methods de-
scribed by Terrill et al. (1992); samples were oven- Statistical Analysis
dried, and standards were prepared for each individual
ingredient as recommended by Wolfe et al. (2008). An Lamb BW, DMI, DMI as a percentage of BW,
Ankom model DaisyII incubator (Ankom Technology ADG, and G:F were analyzed using the PROC MIXED
Corp., Macedon, NY) was used to determine 48-h true procedure of SAS (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC) with a
IVDMD by incubating individual ingredients and each model that included treatment, day, and treatment ×
treatment diet in separate F57 bags (3 replicates; Ankom day interaction; day was a repeated measure, individual
Technology Corp., Macedon, NY) for 48 h. Each bag lamb was the subject, and Kenward–Roger approxima-
contained 0.35 g of material that was ground to pass tion was used (and in all subsequent analysis). Suitable
a 2-mm screen (Wiley mill). The F57 bags of mixed covariance structures (unstructured [UN], compound
diets containing the ground woody material were incu- symmetry, compound symmetry heterogeneity) were
4154 Whitney et al.

Table 2. Ingredient, chemical composition (% DM basis), and digestibility of treatment diets

Period 1 Period 2
Cottonseed hulls 30.0 – – – – – 14.0 – – – – –
Ground wood – 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 – 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0
Corn DDGS 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0
Ground sorghum grain 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.6 37.6
Molasses, cane 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Limestone 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
Ammonium chloride 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Salt 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Mineral and vitamin premix3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Nutrient composition, %

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DM 91.9 90.8 90.6 91.6 91.4 91.2 90.6 89.6 89.9 90.1 90.0 89.7
CP 18.2 18.5 18.6 17.3 18.5 18.8 19.1 19.8 19.1 18.5 19.3 19.7
aNDF 32.6 34.8 33.2 37.9 34.6 36.6 25.4 25.7 23.1 26.3 25.6 26.6
ADF 16.4 19.9 19.0 22.7 20.4 19.7 13.5 13.6 12.9 14.7 13.3 12.1
Ca 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.4
P 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Ca:P ratio 2.3 2.7 2.9 2.8 2.9 3.0 2.4 2.7 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.9
Ash 8.1 8.0 8.5 7.7 8.5 8.4 7.8 9.1 8.3 8.0 8.1 8.5
True IVDMD4 70.8 64.4 67.1 60.8 65.0 63.6 74.6 72.6 74.7 74.8 73.2 73.8
1DDGS = dried distiller’s grains with solubles (corn DDGS was produced from corn ethanol production; POET, LLC, Sioux Falls, SD); aNDF = neutral
detergent fiber, using α-amylase and sodium sulfite..
2During Period 1 (d 0 to 27), lambs were fed a 70% concentrate diet. Lambs were transitioned over 4 d into Period 2 (d 28 to 57) onto an 86% concen-
trate diet. Treatment diets were nonagglomerated and ingredient composition differed only by roughage source: either CSH or ground woody products
(redberry juniper [RED; Juniperus pinchotii], blueberry juniper [BLUE; Juniperus ashei], one-seeded juniper [ONE; Juniperus monosperma], eastern
red cedar [ERC; Juniperus virginiana], or honey mesquite [MESQ; Prosopis glandulosa]). Juniperus (entire aboveground biomass) and Prosopis (entire
aboveground biomass except for leaves) species were chipped, dried, and hammer milled to pass a 4.76-mm sieve. Monensin (Rumensin 90; Elanco Animal
Health, Indianapolis, IN) was added to each diet at 22 g/t of feed.
3Mineral premix included NaCl; KCl; S; MnO; ZnO; vitamins A, D, and E; CaCO ; cottonseed meal; cane molasses; and animal fat (0.11 to 0.16% Ca,
0% P, 24.6 to 26.5% Na, 0% Mg, 9.57% K, 0% Se, and 64 to 69% salt).
4True IVDMD represents true 48-h IVDMD.

compared for each model, and UN was determined try, and compound symmetry heterogeneity for serum
to be the most appropriate. Data are reported as least parameters and autoregressive-1 and autoregressive
squares means with greatest SE (and in all subsequent heterogeneity-1 for rumen parameters) were compared
analysis described below). Differences in least squares for each model; compound symmetry heterogeneity was
means between lambs fed compound symmetry hetero- determined to be the most appropriate structure for se-
geneity and lambs fed treatment diets were evaluated rum and autoregressive heterogeneity-1 for rumen pa-
using the DIFF option with a SIMULATE adjustment. rameters). Various serum parameters (β-hydroxybutyrate
When a treatment × day interaction was observed (P [BHB], urea N, NEFA, and globulin) and rumen fluid pa-
< 0.10), effects were evaluated within that interaction. rameters (molar proportions of acetate, propionate, and
However, all growth performance data are presented by butyrate) did not have normal distributions; therefore,
day due to the uniqueness of each feeding period. lognormal distributions were used and data were post-
Rumen fluid and blood serum parameters were ana- processed to the original scale. Statistical significance
lyzed using PROC GLIMMIX (SAS Inst. Inc.) with a was declared at P ≤ 0.05 and a tendency at 0.5 < P ≤ 0.10.
model that included treatment, day, and treatment × day
interaction; day was the random effect and individual RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
lamb was the subject. When a variable did not have a
treatment × day interaction but had a treatment effect
(alanine aminotransferase [ALT], creatinine, and Na), Chemical and Physical Composition and Digestibility
the analysis was rerun with d 0 removed so that aver- of Individual Ingredients and Treatment Diets
ages across days would reflect actual treatment effects. The chemical composition of the ground woody
Suitable covariance structures (UN, compound symme- plants (Table 1) and CSH reveals their low-quality
Ground woody products as roughage sources 4155

roughage characteristics (e.g., low CP and high struc- 0.001) was also observed for lamb DMI: d 14 vs. 28
tural plant fiber characteristics; Fahey et al., 1994); (P < 0.001), d 28 vs. 43 (P < 0.04), and d 43 vs. 57
Stewart et al. (2015) reported similar results for the (P < 0.01). Results of DMI as a percentage of BW
Juniperus spp. Particle size distribution data reveals that were similar to daily DMI, except between d 14 to 28,
the neither CSH or any of the ground woody material when lambs fed RED had less (P < 0.05) and lambs
contained any particles greater than 19 mm (Table 1). fed MESQ tended to have less (P < 0.10) DMI as a
However, 69% of the cottonseed hull particles were re- percent of BW than lambs fed CSH (Table 3).
tained on the 8-mm sieve, whereas less than 5.3% of any Dietary intake regulation is multifaceted and in-
woody material was retained on the same sieve. In addi- volves interactions of physical and chemical feed
tion, woody material had approximately 30% very fine characteristics, which affect animal feeding behavior
particles (<1.18 mm) vs. only 3.5% for CSH. Figure 1 such as sensory and satiety characteristics, along with
shows a crude evaluation of particle buoyancy of CSH physiological mechanisms of the animal and its rumen.
(and 3 different sized particles) and the woody products. Physical characteristics of feed ingredients such as par-

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Even though numerous factors affect functional specific ticle size, fragility, buoyancy, and rate of hydration can
gravity (particle size, rate of hydration, and digestibil- affect physical effectiveness of NDF (peNDF), which
ity), differences between CSH and the woody plants are can ultimately affect DMI and animal growth and feed
evident. Significance of particle size distribution and efficiency (Hall and Akinyode, 2000; Kononoff and
buoyancy are discussed in the proceeding section. Heinrichs, 2003). Even though physical characteris-
The maximum condensed tannin (CT) concentra- tics were not extensively evaluated in this trial, many
tion in any of the woody plant material or CSH used of these characteristics have been reported for CSH
in the current study was 5.5%, resulting in a maxi- (Mertens, 2002) and a similar woody product (J. pin-
mum CT concentration of 1.65% in any of the mixed chotii leaves and small stems; Whitney et al., 2014).
diets. Results from previous studies suggested that 2 Physical characteristics and NDF concentrations of
to 4% CT (DM basis) is beneficial to animal perfor- CSH suggest that they are dense (Defoor et al., 2002),
mance (Min et al., 2003, 2012; Solaiman et al., 2010), contain less peNDF than many other forage-based in-
although bioactivity of CT is also a function of molec- gredients (Mertens, 2002), and do not readily form a
ular weight and stereochemistry, which contribute to ruminal mat layer (Owens and Goetsch, 1988; Moore
many diverse chemical structures across plant species et al., 1990; Varga and Harpster, 1995). However, CSH
(Naumann et al., 2013), and such diversity of CT likely are palatable, have greater roughage value than alfal-
exists across roughage ingredients in the current study. fa hay (Guthrie et al., 1996; Defoor et al., 2002), can
Total volatile terpene oil was not analyzed, but me- enhance rumination (Kononoff and Heinrichs, 2003),
chanically dried woody products, similar to what was and are an effective source of fiber for cattle and sheep
used in the current study, have been reported to contain (Hall and Akinyode, 2000; Whitney and Lupton, 2010;
less than 1.1% terpene oil (DM basis; Stewart et al., Whitney and Muir, 2010). Using similar types of lambs
2015). Furthermore, even though the CSH and woody fed DDGS-based diets, Whitney and Lupton (2010) re-
plant material did not contain significant amounts of ported that DMI linearly increased as the percentage
CP, the mixed diets contained excess CP due to the use of CSH increased from 10 to 30% in the diet. Other
of DDGS (Table 2). Considering a price (freight on trials have reported greater DMI when CSH are used
board) of $85/t for CSH and $80/t for ground woody than when forages are used in mixed diets (Hall and
products, the cost of all the diets were similar within Akinyode, 2000), likely due to CSH increasing liquid
period: $176/t in Period 1 and $201/t in Period 2. and passage rate of the grain (Cole et al., 1976; Moore
et al., 1990; Akinyode et al., 1999).
Animal Performance Grinding low-quality forages can increase passage
rate and DMI (Mertens, 1997), and it has been suggested
Lamb growth performance data are presented that particles smaller than 1.18 mm rapidly exit the ru-
in Table 3. There tended to be a treatment × day in- men (Poppi et al., 1985; Mertens, 1997). Therefore, con-
teraction (P = 0.07) for lamb DMI, which is mainly sidering that 28 to 31% of wood particles were smaller
attributed to the first 14 d on feed, when lambs fed than 1.18 mm whereas CSH had only 3.5% particles
CSH had greater (P < 0.05) DMI than lambs fed RED, smaller than 1.18 mm (Table 1), it would be plausible
ONE, ERC, or MESQ (diets contained 30% CSH or that wood particles would exit the rumen more rap-
30% ground wood, DM basis). After d 14, all lambs idly, resulting in greater DMI, as previously described
had similar (P > 0.10) DMI, except for lambs fed (Lammers et al., 1996). However, grinding can also re-
ERC, which continued to have less (P < 0.05) DMI duce peNDF and, thus, chewing activity (Lammers et al.,
than lambs fed CSH from d 14 to 28. A day effect (P < 1996). Furthermore, the majority of Juniperus spp. and
4156 Whitney et al.

Table 3. Effects of replacing cottonseed hulls (CSH) with ground woody products on lamb growth performance1
Diet2 P-value4
DMI, kg/d 0.004 <0.001 0.07
d 14 1.64 1.11* 1.39 1.19* 1.07* 1.22* 0.08
d 28 1.90 1.41 1.69 1.47 1.27* 1.45 0.10
d 43 1.81 1.53 1.62 1.64 1.48 1.56 0.09
d 57 1.70 1.40 1.43 1.61 1.45 1.47 0.09
d 0 to 57 1.76 1.36* 1.53 1.48 1.32* 1.43* 0.08
DMI, % of BW 0.003 <0.001 <0.001
d 14 4.32 3.02* 3.78 3.26* 3.12* 3.33* 0.15
d 28 4.55 3.56* 4.16 3.68 3.40* 3.63† 0.19
d 43 3.97 3.54 3.68 3.76 3.69 3.70 0.17
d 57 3.39 3.00 3.01 3.35 3.30 3.18 0.14

Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2020

d 0 to 57 4.06 3.28 3.66 3.51 3.38 3.46 0.13
ADG, kg 0.03 <0.001 0.28
d 14 0.39 0.25 0.32 0.25 0.15 0.22 0.04
d 28 0.27 0.20 0.27 0.22 0.27 0.24 0.04
d 43 0.25 0.22 0.22 0.25 0.21 0.15 0.04
d 57 0.61 0.50 0.49 0.60 0.49 0.45 0.07
d 0 to 57 0.38 0.29 0.33 0.33 0.28† 0.27* 0.03
G:F, kg/kg 0.66 <0.001 0.37
d 14 0.24 0.22 0.23 0.21 0.13 0.19 0.03
d 28 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.15 0.21 0.17 0.03
d 43 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.03
d 57 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.38 0.32 0.30 0.04
d 0 to 57 0.22 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.02
1During Period 1 (d 0 to 27), lambs were fed a 70% concentrate diet. Lambs were transitioned over 4 d into Period 2 (d 28 to 57) onto an 86% concentrate
diet. Within row means with a different superscript than the control diet (CSH) differ (P < 0.05); treatments were compared only with CSH, not to each other.
2Treatment diets were nonagglomerated and ingredient composition differed only by roughage source: either CSH or ground woody products (redberry
juniper [RED; Juniperus pinchotii], blueberry juniper [BLUE; Juniperus ashei], one-seeded juniper [ONE; Juniperus monosperma], eastern red cedar
[ERC; Juniperus virginiana], or honey mesquite [MESQ; Prosopis glandulosa]). Juniperus (entire aboveground biomass) and Prosopis (entire aboveg-
round biomass except for leaves) species were chipped, dried, and hammer milled to pass a 4.76-mm sieve.
3SEM represents the greatest SEM.
4T = treatment effect; D = day effect.

Within row: †0.05 > P < 0.10; *P < 0.05.

P. glandulosa particles are dense (Fig. 1), and particle ber of daily boluses formed (Jaster and Murphy, 1983;
density can be great enough to reduce passage rate as Pond et al., 1987; Luginbuhl et al., 1989), which would
particles descend to the ventral rumen (King and Moore, reduce mastication of the larger woody particles. Using
1957; Welch, 1986). Therefore, when compared with 40% DDGS in the mixed diets would exacerbate these
lambs fed CSH, greater woody particle density, along conditions, because DDGS is dense, and even though it
with reduced 48-h true IVDMD of the entire diet (Table has greater NDF than typical concentrate sources, it can
2), may have increased ventral rumen fill, contributing reduce chewing activity (Zhang et al., 2010).
to the observed reduction in DMI. When DMI was greater for lambs fed CSH during
Figure 1 also illustrates that diets containing the Period 1, it was likely a result of a more functional ru-
ground woody products would provide almost no ru- men environment, which enhanced chewing, rumination,
men mat or particle stratification, which would reduce and particulate passage rate while reducing fill and the
efficient rumen function (Bernard et al., 2000; Mertens, energy dilution effect of low-quality fiber. Supporting
2002). This hypothesis is supported by Whitney et al. this conclusion is the fact that during the first 14 d of
(2014), who reported that ground J. pinchotii particles the trial, calculated TDN, DE, and ME intakes (data not
(leaves and small stems) incubated in a ruminal fluid–buf- shown) were met for lambs fed BLUE, barely met for
fer mixture for 10 min or 2, 6, and 24 h resulted in 32, 12, lambs fed ONE or MESQ, and not met for lambs fed
20, and 16% buoyant particles, respectively. Furthermore, RED or ERC. Physical factors were likely suppressing
small, dense woody particles probably reduced effective- the increase in DMI, which has been observed when
ness of regurgitation and the structural integrity and num- dietary energy intake is reduced (Bartle et al., 1994;
Ground woody products as roughage sources 4157

leaves and stems, which contained 0.43% terpene oil

(Whitney et al., 2014). Furthermore, DMI was similar
(P > 0.10) among all lambs during the preconditioning
period (data not shown) and DMI of lambs fed MESQ
was reduced during the first 14 d, even though terpene
concentrations are practically devoid in mesquite wood
(Papiez et al., 2009; Henciya et al., 2017). These results
and those of previous feeding trials, along with absence
of neophobia during the transition period, suggested that
terpenes were not a contributing factor in reducing DMI.
No treatment × day interaction (P = 0.28) was ob-
served for lamb ADG. When averaged across all days,
lambs fed CSH tended to have greater (P < 0.10) ADG

Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2020

than lambs fed ERC and had greater (P < 0.05) ADG
Figure 2. Effects of replacing cottonseed hulls (CSH; control diet)
with ground woody plants on lamb BW. Treatment diets differed only by than lambs fed MESQ. Average daily gain differences
roughage source; either CSH or ground woody products (redberry juniper were likely due to less leaf material of ERC trees vs.
[RED; Juniperus pinchotii], blueberry juniper [BLUE; Juniperus ashei], the other juniper species and due to the mature mes-
one-seeded juniper [ONE; Juniperus monosperma], eastern red cedar
[ERC; Juniperus virginiana], or honey mesquite [MESQ; Prosopis glan-
quite trees being harvested without leaves. Juniper
dulosa]). During Period 1 (d 0 to 27), lambs were fed a 70% concentrate leaves are as digestible as alfalfa (Whitney and Muir,
diet. Lambs were transitioned over 4 d into Period 2 (d 28 to 57) and fed an 2010) and, therefore, enhanced DE intake.
86% concentrate diet. Data presented as least squares means ± SEM. No
A day effect (P < 0.001) was observed for lamb
treatment × day interaction (P = 0.71) or treatment (P = 0.12) effect was
observed, but a day effect (P < 0.001) was detected. ADG: d 14 vs. 28 (P = 0.84), d 28 vs. 43 (P = 0.79), and
d 43 vs. 57 (P < 0.001). Due to the percentage of struc-
tural fiber decreasing in Period 2 diets (30% CSH or
Forbes, 2003; Allen et al., 2009). Using less DDGS and ground wood in Period 1 and 14% CSH or ground wood
more of a concentrate ingredient that contains greater in Period 2), lamb ADG was greater at the end of Period
starch may enhance effectiveness of the 30% woody- 2 than at the end of Period 1 (d 28 to 57; P < 0.001),
based diets fed during Period 1. However, effects on which further supports the preceding DMI discussion
DMI due to CT in the CSH and woody plants and ter- in regards to low-quality roughages causing dietary en-
penes in the Juniperus spp. should not be discounted. ergy dilution. Lambs fed CSH had similar (treatment ×
Condensed tannin concentration within diets was day, P = 0.37; treatment effect, P = 0.66) G:F through-
likely not a significant contributing factor in reducing out the trial compared with lambs fed wood-based diets.
DMI considering that 1) DMI was similar (P > 0.10) A day effect (P < 0.001) was observed for lamb G:F: d
among all lambs during the preconditioning period as the 14 vs. 28 (P = 0.08), d 28 vs. 43 (P = 0.64), and d 43
quantity of each treatment diet was increased (data not vs. 57 (P < 0.001). Lamb G:F was greater at the end
shown), 2) plants containing much greater CT concentra- of Period 2 than at the end of Period 1 (d 28 to 57; P <
tions than the current trial either enhanced (goats; Terrill 0.001), likely due to greater dietary energy density.
et al., 2007; Moore et al., 2008) or did not negatively No treatment × day interaction (P = 0.71) or treat-
affect DMI or growth performance (lambs; Chafton, ment effect (P = 0.12) was observed for lamb BW
2006), 3) lambs consuming feed that contained CT had throughout the trial (Fig. 2); however, a day effect (P <
increased DMI of a feed that contained terpenes (Mote et 0.001) was detected. At the end of the trial, lambs fed
al., 2007), and 4) in the current trial, J. ashei contained RED, BLUE, ONE, ERC, and MESQ weighed 3.3, 2.6,
greater CT than the CSH but had similar DMI (Table 3). 2.1, 6.3, and 3.9 kg less, respectively, than lambs fed
Terpenes can elicit olfactory cues (Müller-Schwarze, CSH. If ADG continues to be similar to the final 14 d on
1991; Straka, 1993; Bedoya-Pérez et al., 2014) and re- feed, lambs fed RED, BLUE, ONE, ERC, and MESQ
duce herbivory of Juniperus trees (Markó et al., 2008; would require an additional 7, 6, 4, 13, and 9 d, respec-
Utsumi et al., 2009; Estell et al., 2014). Even though tively, in the feedlot to reach the final BW of lambs fed
Juniperus spp. contain volatile terpene oil, mechanical CSH. The economic benefit of the extra days on feed
drying, as done in this trial, can reduce total terpene con- will be determined mainly by feed costs, which affects
centration (Adams, 2010); a similar ground Juniperus cost per kilogram of feed. During Period 1, cost of feed
product contained less than 1% terpene oil (Stewart et per kilogram of BW gain for lambs fed CSH, RED,
al., 2015). Others have reported that lamb DMI (similar BLUE, ONE, ERC, or MESQ was $0.95, $1.00, $0.93,
lambs and DDGS-based diets) was not affected when $1.04, $0.97, and $1.02, respectively. During Period
mixed diets contained up to 36% ground J. pinchotii 2, cost of feed per kilogram of BW gain for lambs fed
4158 Whitney et al.

Table 4. Effects of replacing cottonseed hulls (CSH) with ground woody products on lamb rumen fluid profile1
Diet2 P-value4
pH 0.71 <0.001 0.15
d 14 6.30 6.35 6.37 6.29 6.50 6.42 0.10
d 57 6.12 6.13 6.18 6.04 6.08 5.90 0.09
Ammonia N, mg/dL 0.02 0.003 0.04
d 14 2.14 4.91 3.54 4.74 4.91 6.75* 0.71
d 57 6.10 7.43 6.44 3.89 5.83 6.48 0.99
Total VFA, mmol 0.03 <0.001 0.99
d 14 16.2 33.5 31.1 25.8 27.8 34.0 5.5
d 57 34.5 50.5 44.5 43.0 47.9 50.8 5.0
d 14 and 57 25.3 42.0* 37.8 34.4 37.8 42.4* 4.0
Acetate:propionate ratio 0.93 <0.001 0.04

Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2020

d 14 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.9 2.0 0.2
d 57 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.1
Acetate, mol/100 mol 0.007 <0.001 0.91
d 14 45.3 36.8 38.3 37.8 38.9 35.3 2.1
d 57 32.0 28.7 30.6 29.1 30.1 27.2 1.7
d 14 and 57 38.1 32.5* 34.2 33.1 34.2 31.0* 1.3
Propionate, mol/100 mol 0.22 0.005 0.01
d 14 28.1 26.5 23.5 24.2 20.7 18.7* 2.4
d 57 29.1 25.5 25.1 27.7 30.3 29.7 2.1
Butyrate, mol/100 mol 0.07 <0.001 0.01
d 14 18.1 20.0 27.2* 27.4* 22.8 20.9 2.1
d 57 13.2 1.36 13.6 10.9 11.7 11.1 1.2
1During Period 1 (d 0 to 27), lambs were fed a 70% concentrate diet and blood serum collected on d 27. Lambs were transitioned over 4 d into Period 2
(d 28 to 57) onto an 86% concentrate diet and blood serum collected on d 57.
2Treatment diets were nonagglomerated and ingredient composition differed only by roughage source; either CSH or ground woody products (redberry
juniper [RED; Juniperus pinchotii], blueberry juniper [BLUE; Juniperus ashei], one-seeded juniper [ONE; Juniperus monosperma], eastern red cedar
[ERC; Juniperus virginiana], or honey mesquite [MESQ; Prosopis glandulosa]). Juniperus (entire aboveground biomass) and Prosopis (entire aboveg-
round biomass except for leaves) species were chipped, dried, and hammer milled to pass a 4.76-mm sieve.
3SEM represents the greatest SEM.
4T = treatment effect; D = day effect.

Within row: *P < 0.05.

CSH, RED, BLUE, ONE, ERC, or MESQ was $0.82, Rumen ammonia N was similar between lambs
$0.76, $0.85, $0.76, $0.84, and $1.02, respectively. fed CSH and lambs fed woody-based diets, except
on d 14 (treatment × day interaction, P = 0.04), when
Rumen Fluid Profiles lambs fed CSH had less (P < 0.05) ruminal ammonia
N than lambs fed MESQ. Rumen ammonia N concen-
Lamb rumen fluid profile data are presented in tration can increase due to greater intake of CP, de-
Table 4. No treatment × day interaction (P = 0.15) or gradable protein (Satter and Slyter, 1974; Huntington
treatment effect (P = 0.71) was observed for ruminal and Archibeque, 2000), or both and can decrease due
pH. Considering that lamb ruminal pH can increase to greater starch fermentation, a reduction in rumen
when CSH replace other roughage ingredients (Hsu et pH (Lana et al., 1998; Rémond et al., 2002), and CT
al., 1987; Zhang et al., 2010), the results suggested consumption (Yu et al., 1995). Condensed tannin in-
that feeding the woody-based diets provided adequate take was relatively similar between lambs fed CSH
rumen buffering capacity. The dense particles in the and MESQ; however, considering that lambs fed
ground wood contain greater concentrations of lig- CSH consumed greater amounts of total CP, degrad-
nin in relation to traditional roughage ingredients. able protein, greater rumen ammonia N is expected. In
As previously discussed for a similar woody product contrast, 48-h IVDMD was greater for the CSH diet
(Whitney et al., 2014), lignin was likely acting as an than for the MESQ diet, and lambs fed the CSH diet
innate buffer (Van Soest et al., 1991), especially in the had greater DE intake, which would tend to reduce
ventral rumen, where the majority of material in the ammonia N. Even though ammonia N concentrations
woody-based diets would reside. were less than what would be expected for lambs fed
Ground woody products as roughage sources 4159

Table 5. Effects of replacing cottonseed hulls (CSH) with ground woody products on lamb blood serum profile1
Diet3 P-value5
Glucose, mg/dL 0.008 <0.001 0.008
d0 84.9 78.5 81.8 73.4* 79.3 78.4 2.1
d 14 87.3 82.0 81.4 76.7* 80.0† 76.6* 1.6
d 57 86.1 86.6 87.3 85.8 87.9 85.6 1.9
NEFA, mEq/L 0.83 0.05 0.26
d0 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.01
d 14 0.12 0.10 0.12 0.10 0.14 0.12 0.01
d 57 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.01
BHB, µmol/L 0.17 <0.001 0.01
d0 437.5 462.3 552.6 421.4 470.3 397.7 51.5
d 14 461.0 570.2 734.5† 631.4 657.8 592.9 70.3

Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2020

d 57 395.6 471.7 438.7 366.0 398.8 377.6 37.5
SUN, mg/dL 0.25 0.10 0.10
d0 16.1 18.3 20.2 21.6 21.9 21.7 0.98
d 14 18.8 20.9 22.4 23.2 21.4 21.1 2.09
d 57 20.3 18.9 17.7 21.4 21.0 18.6 1.84
Creatinine, mg/dL 0.62 0.03 0.22
d0 0.65 0.71 0.66 0.76 0.71 0.70 0.03
d 14 0.67 0.70 0.66 0.76 0.73 0.69 0.04
d 57 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.77 0.71 0.72 0.03
d 14 and 57 0.70 0.71 0.69 0.76 0.72 0.70 0.02
Bilirubin, mg/dL <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
d0 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.004
d 14 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.16 0.006
d 57 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.004
Albumin, g/dL 0.29 <0.001 0.28
d0 2.91 2.91 2.89 2.96 2.99 2.97 0.05
d 14 3.05 2.89 2.89 3.00 2.99 3.00 0.05
d 57 3.13 3.10 3.05 3.18 3.06 3.13 0.05
Globulin, g/dL 0.24 <0.001 0.27
d0 2.69 2.64 2.56 2.75 2.63 2.69 0.09
d 14 2.68 2.45 2.45 2.69 2.66 2.68 0.09
d 57 2.34 2.28 2.30 2.44 2.39 2.58 0.10
A:G ratio 0.73 <0.001 0.04
d0 1.09 1.10 1.13 1.08 1.14 1.11 0.04
d 14 1.14 1.19 1.18 1.12 1.12 1.13 0.03
d 57 1.34 1.37 1.33 1.31 1.28 1.22 0.05
TP, g/dL 0.10 0.06 0.43
d0 5.6 5.55 5.49 5.73 5.63 5.66 0.11
d 14 5.75 5.35 5.35 5.73 5.63 5.7 0.12
d 57 5.49 5.39 5.38 5.6 5.45 5.71 0.11
ALT, units/L 0.001 <0.001 0.20
d0 6.38 7.50 7.13 6.75 6.88 5.88 0.56
d 14 6.88 9.38 9.63 8.51 9.13 8.63 0.58
d 57 5.38 7.86 7.38 7.00 9.22 6.00 0.70
d 14 and 57 6.12 8.6* 8.5* 7.8 9.13* 7.3 0.50
AST, units/L 0.56 <0.001 0.18
d0 55.6 61.7 54.1 58.4 62.5 48.8 5.2
d 14 68.7 62.8 64.1 63.6 80.9 84.8 8.3
d 57 53.1 59.8 51.6 63.1 62.0 49.4 3.4
GGT, units/L 0.09 0.02 0.04
d0 53.4 50.5 49.3 54.9 54.0 47.3 2.8
d 14 57.4 46.3* 47.4† 53.6 54.3 46.9† 2.5
d 57 54.0 45.4 46.7 52.0 50.2 49.2 2.4

4160 Whitney et al.

Table 5. (cont.)
Diet3 P-value5
CPK, units/L 0.79 <0.001 0.69
d0 244.1 257.5 137.5 213.9 208.3 157.5 72.1
d 14 108.4 84.6 98.0 177.2 68.4 155.6 38.5
d 57 53.5 67.2 58.6 62.8 64.4 83.6 13.6
Ca, mg/dL 0.84 <0.001 0.88
d0 10.0 10.2 9.9 10.1 10.1 10.0 0.13
d 14 10.3 10.3 10.2 10.5 10.3 10.4 0.18
d 57 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.5 10.3 10.5 0.16
P, mg/dL 0.16 <0.001 0.03
d0 10.4 10.5 10.6 9.1 9.8 10.2 0.35
d 14 9.2 7.7 7.7 8.3 7.7 8.0 0.42

Downloaded from by guest on 30 August 2020

d 57 9.6 9.3 9.0 8.2 8.6 8.9 0.42
Mg, mEq/L 0.32 <0.001 0.003
d0 2.19 2.20 2.17 2.10 2.24 2.14 0.05
d 14 2.32 2.29 2.21 2.25 2.19 2.08† 0.06
d 57 2.36 2.28 2.22 2.31 2.48 2.31 0.06
Cl, mEq/L 0.72 <0.001 0.008
d0 115.3 112.7 115.9 112.8 113.4 115.6 1.0
d 14 113.9 115.4 114.6 114.0 114.2 116.7 0.9
d 57 116.8 118.0 117.6 115.8 117.2 116.5 1.3
Na, mEq/L 0.95 <0.001 0.81
d0 152.8 150.9 153.4 148.9 150.1 150.7 0.8
d 14 151.4 151.3 152.0 150.9 149.9 151.4 1.2
d 57 153.7 153.6 154.1 151.2 152.7 152.7 1.0
d 14 and 57 152.5 152.5 153.0 151.1 151.3 152.1 0.64
K, mEq/L 0.12 0.87 0.78
d0 6.13 6.45 6.04 5.79 6.30 6.13 0.25
d 14 6.49 5.99 6.13 5.69 6.27 6.15 0.26
d 57 6.36 6.42 6.33 5.61 6.11 6.26 0.22
Na:K ratio 0.18 0.98 0.69
d0 25.2 23.9 25.6 25.8 24.1 24.9 1.0
d 14 23.5 25.5 25.1 26.8 24.1 25.1 1.0
d 57 24.3 24.1 24.6 27.1 25.2 24.7 0.9
1During Period 1 (d 0 to 27), lambs were fed a 70% concentrate diet and blood serum collected on d 27. Lambs were transitioned over 4 d into Period 2
(d 28 to 57) onto an 86% concentrate diet and blood serum collected on d 57.
2BHB = β-hydroxybutyrate; SUN = serum urea N; A:G = albumin:globulin; TP = total protein; ALT = alanine aminotransferase; AST = aspartate ami-
notransferase; GGT = gamma-glutamyl transferase; CPK = creatine phophokinase.
3Treatment diets were nonagglomerated and ingredient composition differed only by roughage source: either CSH or ground woody products (redberry
juniper [RED; Juniperus pinchotii], blueberry juniper [BLUE; Juniperus ashei], one-seeded juniper [ONE; Juniperus monosperma], eastern red cedar
[ERC; Juniperus virginiana], or honey mesquite [MESQ; Prosopis glandulosa]). Juniperus (entire aboveground biomass) and Prosopis (entire aboveg-
round biomass except for leaves) species were chipped, dried, and hammer milled to pass a 4.76-mm sieve.
4SEM represents the greatest SEM.
5T = treatment effect; D = day effect.

Within row: †0.05 > P < 0.10; *P < 0.05.

diets containing a minimum of 17% CP, efficiency of VFA than lambs fed RED or MESQ. No treatment × day
microbial protein synthesis was not likely negative- interaction (P = 0.91) was observed for molar proportion
ly affected, except for lambs fed CSH during Period of acetate. However, acetate (mol/100 mol) was greater
1. Satter and Slyter (1974) suggested that maximum (P < 0.05) in lambs fed CSH than in lambs fed RED
growth rates of rumen bacteria occurred at around 5.0 or MESQ when averaged across both days. Treatment ×
mg ammonia N/dL but that limiting concentrations day interactions (P = 0.01) were observed for molar pro-
probably occurred at closer to 2.0 mg/dL. portions of propionate and butyrate. On d 14, the mo-
Averaged across both days (treatment × day interac- lar proportion of propionate was greater (P < 0.05) in
tion, P = 0.99), lambs fed CSH had less (P < 0.05) total lambs fed CSH than in lambs fed MESQ, but no other
Ground woody products as roughage sources 4161

differences were observed. A treatment  × day interac- negatively affected animal health and, more specifi-
tion (P = 0.04) was observed for the acetate:propionate cally, cause hepatotoxicity.
ratio, but no differences (P > 0.10) were observed within
day. On d 14, the molar proportion of butyrate was less Conclusions
(P < 0.05) in lambs fed CSH than in lambs fed BLUE
or ONE, but no other differences were observed. The Results suggested that even though lamb DMI
reason for greater total VFA and less molar proportion was reduced during Period 1 when growing diets con-
of acetate in lambs fed MESQ or RED, compared with tained 30% J. pinchotii, J. monosperma, J. virginiana,
lambs fed CSH, is not easily discerned. and P. glandulosa, rumen fluid parameters were not
negatively affected and all lambs fed woody-based
Blood Serum Profiles diets remained healthy throughout the trial. Due to
the physical characteristics of the woody-based diets,
Lamb blood serum profiles are presented in lamb growth performance would probably increase if
Table 5. Treatment × day interactions (P < 0.05) were

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a small amount of ground hay was included. Ground
observed for serum glucose, BHB, total bilirubin, and woody products are unique in that they are not subject
the albumin:globulin ratio. Lambs had similar (treat- to seasonal feed pricing and availability, require no in-
ment × day and treatment effect, P > 0.10) serum puts by man to establish and grow, and are the only
NEFA, serum urea N, creatinine, albumin, globulin, feed ingredients that can increase rangeland forage
and total protein. On d 14, lambs fed CSH had great- production after harvest. Therefore, the development
er (P < 0.05) serum glucose than lambs fed ONE or of a commercialized industry to supply ground woody
MESQ and tended to have (P < 0.10) greater serum products for livestock production is warranted.
glucose than lambs fed ERC. Lambs fed BLUE tended
to have greater (P < 0.10) serum BHB than lambs fed LITERATURE CITED
CSH on d 14; however, BHB concentrations less than Adams, R. P. 2010. Chemosystematics of Juniperus: Effects of leaf
1,000 µmol/L do not indicate ketosis (Smith and Davis, drying on essential oil composition. Phytologia 92:186–198.
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