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Unidad Técnico Pedagógica

Liceo Forestal Pehuén


Segunda etapa

PROFESOR: Ashtley Abarzúa

UNIDAD: 0, Review

Desarrollar el trabajo autónomo a través del monitoreo y revisión de actividades relacionadas con
contenidos curriculares de la asignatura pertenecientes al plan de aprendizaje remoto.


Last week, there was one really bad day. It was Monday. Usually, there are about 25
students in my class, but that day, there were only 5!! It was really cold. It was raining a lot, it was dark and
gray outside. There wasn’t any sunshine. The students weren’t at school because they were sick at home.
Maybe they were in bed.

Mr. Jibbit is our teacher. He is always at school. Last Monday he was in the classroom, and he was
cold! Why was he so cold? He was cold because the heater in the school was broken. It was freezing. The
school was like a refrigerator. Our room was like a freezer! And Mr. Jibbit was like ice! The small class was very

The next days were much warmer. The heater was fixed on Tuesday, so everything was ok. There were
25 students, not only 5. But where was Mr. Jibbit? He wasn’t there. He was at home, sick in bed.

a) Encuentra en el texto 2 oraciones afirmativas, 2 negativas y 2 preguntas de short answer

escritas con el pasado del verbo to be.

+) there was one really bad day - It was really cold

-) There wasn’t any sunshine - He wasn’t there

?) Why was he so cold? - But where was Mr. Jibbit?

b) De acuerdo con el texto Completa las oraciones con el pasado del verbo to be (puede ser
afirmativo o negativo según lo que dice el texto).

1. The weather was cold and rainy.

2. Many students weren’t in class.
3. A lot of students were sick at home.
4. On Monday, the teacher wasn’t at home.
5. The classrooms were very cold.
6.There wasn’t any heat!
7. That day was really horrible.
8. The next days were better
Unidad Técnico Pedagógica
Liceo Forestal Pehuén

c) Responde TRUE o FALSE de acuerdo con el texto. Justifica las falsas (puedes cambiar solo
la palabra que esté errada).

1. FALSE There were 25 students in the class that Monday. 5

2. FALSE It was warm that day. COLD
3. TRUE Mr. Jibbit was present that Monday. ________________________________
4. FALSE The heater in the school was working that day. WASN’T
5. TRUE Mr. Jibbit and the students felt cold that day. ________________________________
6. FALSE The heater was broken on Tuesday. FIXED
7. TRUE The next days were warmer. _________________________________
8. TRUE Mr. Jibbit had to stay at home because he got sick. _______________________________

d) VOCABULARY: Con ayuda del diccionario o internet busca el significado de las siguientes

1. Last Week: semana pasada 5. About: alrededor de 9. Outside: afuera

2. Only: solamente 6. Sunshine: rayos del sol 10. Maybe: quizás

3. Heater: calefactor 7. Bed: cama 11. Broken: roto

4. Warmer: más cálido 8. Fixed: arreglado 12. Sick: enfermo

e) Une las frases con su significado en español.

A. Yesterday d Un mes atrás

B. Three days ago a Ayer
C. Last week g El año pasado
D. A month ago e El mes pasado
E. Last month f Un año atrás
F. A year ago b Tres días atrás
G. Last year c La semana pasada

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