Syteline Myday Integrationguide

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Infor ERP SyteLine

MyDay Integration Guide

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Publication Information
Release: Infor ERP SyteLine 8.01, Infor MyDay 1.01.00
Publication Date: 16 January 2009
Contents | 3 of 15


About this guide................................................................................................................................ 4

Intended audience......................................................................................................................... 4
Prerequisite ................................................................................................................................... 4
Organization.................................................................................................................................. 4
Setup and configuration ................................................................................................................... 5
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................. 5
Setting up Infor ERP SyteLine ...................................................................................................... 5
Connecting Infor ERP SyteLine to Infor MyDay ............................................................................ 7
Setting up Infor MyDay for drillback to Infor ERP SyteLine ........................................................... 9
SyteLine business events that generate BODs ............................................................................ 10
Data maps ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Metrics and reports supported by SyteLine data ......................................................................... 15

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

4 of 15 | About this guide

About this guide

The Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide provides implementation information for the integration
between Infor ERP SyteLine and Infor MyDay. This guide describes integration requirements and
provides setup instructions. This guide also provides information about the business events or user
actions in SyteLine that send the various business object documents (BODs) to Infor On-ramp.

Intended audience
This guide is for system administrators who implement the integration between SyteLine and MyDay, or
who need to troubleshoot or trace data back from MyDay to SyteLine.

To fully understand the information presented in this guide, you should first read the Infor Open SOA
Overview Guide. The Infor Open SOA Overview Guide discusses the major concepts of Infor Open
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and defines common terminology. The Infor Open SOA Overview
Guide also includes a list of related documents and information on how to contact support.

The Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide includes these sections:

y Setup and Configuration lists the tasks that must be done before information flows from one product
to the other.

y Business events that generate BODs explains the events or user actions that cause the enterprise
resource planning (ERP) system to generate a business object document (BOD).

y Data maps explains where you can find information about the mapping between the MyDay metrics
and reports and the SyteLine tables.

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

Setup and configuration | 5 of 15

Setup and configuration

Follow the steps in this section to set up the required data and connections in SyteLine, MyDay, and
associated applications.

Make sure you have installed and configured all the necessary hardware and software for all of the
components. For more information, refer to these documents:

y Infor MyDay Installation and Configuration Guide

y Infor ERP SyteLine Installation Guide

Setting up Infor ERP SyteLine

Use the steps in this section to set up SyteLine so that it can generate BODs and place them in an outbox
where Infor Business Information Services (BIS) can retrieve them.

Set up the logical ID and BOD replication

1 On the Intranets form, create a new intranet for Infor On-Ramp, with the following settings:

a In the Intranet field, enter the name to identify the intranet, for example: InforBUS.

b In the Description field, enter an appropriate description, for example: Infor On-Ramp

c Select the External check box.

d On the General tab, from the Transport drop-down list, select ESB.

2 On the Sites/Entities form, create a logical "site" for the Infor On-Ramp:

a In the Site field, specify a name to identify this site as your On-Ramp site, for example: InforBUS.
Specify an appropriate Site Name and Description.

b In the Type field, select Site.

c In the Intranet Name field, select the intranet you created in Step 1.

d On the Site User Map tab, map the following:

• From Site – Specify the local site, for example OH.

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

6 of 15 | Setup and configuration

• User Name - Set this field to the user ID that Infor On-Ramp will use to log into SyteLine.
This user must already be set up on the SyteLine Users form at the local site.

3 On the Sites/Entities form, configure the local site (for example, OH) to generate and/or receive
business object documents (BODs).

a On the General tab for the local site record, specify the Message Bus Logical ID for the site.
This identifies the SyteLine site to Infor On-Ramp. Specify it as lid:// where site
is the name of the local site, for example lid://infor.syteline.oh. The logical ID must be all

Note: The logical ID entered here must match the resource component name defined in Infor
DCA for this SyteLine site, as described on page 8.

b In the Link Info tab for the local site record, add an entry with the To Site set to the On-Ramp site
(for example InforBUS).

4 Use the Tenant ID value on the Process Defaults form to specify the tenant ID. Currently you must
leave this value blank so that it defaults to infor.

5 On the Replication Rules form, create a new rule:

− From the Source Site drop-down list, select the local site you configured in Step 3.

− From the Target Site drop-down list, select the On-Ramp site you created in Step 2.

− From the Category drop-down list, select ESB.

− From the Interval Type drop-down list, select any option except Transactional.

6 On the Replication Management form, click Regenerate Replication Triggers.

Note: Infor has “turned off” some BOD definitions for this release by selecting some Skip check boxes in
the ESB replication category, found in the Replication Categories form. Selecting the check box ensures
that the BOD is never generated. At a later date, you may be instructed to turn on these BOD definitions
to enable integration to new metrics, reports, or products.

Set up single-click deployment

Make sure SyteLine single-click deployment has been set up, as described in the SyteLine Installation
Guide. The single-click deployment is used when drilling back from MyDay to SyteLine.

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

Setup and configuration | 7 of 15

Set up codes and fields

If you are upgrading from a version of SyteLine prior to 8.01, make the following changes in order to
ensure BOD generation:

Form Updates
Countries Make sure existing country names are mapped to
the appropriate ISO country codes and names on
the Countries form. When adding new countries, we
recommend that you use the ISO definitions for the
Currency Codes Make sure existing currency codes and descriptions
are mapped to the appropriate ISO currency codes
and descriptions on the Currency Codes form.
When adding new currencies, we recommend that
you use the ISO codes and definitions.
Delivery Terms Make sure existing delivery terms codes are
mapped to the appropriate Incoterms codes on the
Delivery Terms form. When creating new delivery
terms, we recommend that you use the Incoterms
definitions for the terms codes.
Unit of Measure Codes Make sure existing U/M codes and descriptions are
mapped to the appropriate ISO U/M codes and
descriptions on the Unit of Measure Codes form.
When adding new U/Ms, we recommend that you
use the ISO codes and definitions.

Run the Replication Document Data Request Utility

To perform an initial load of SyteLine data into BODs that are placed in the Replication Documents
Outbox, run the Replication Document Data Request Utility at each site. Select Initial Load when
running the utility to ensure that the BODs are loaded in the proper order. See the SyteLine online help
for more information about the utility.

After the data is loaded initially, SyteLine sends updates automatically when users change certain data or
certain transactions occur in SyteLine. For a list of the events that generate BODs, see See “SyteLine
business events that generate BODs” on page 10.

Connecting Infor ERP SyteLine to Infor MyDay

During the MyDay installation, you set up the data related to your ERP system, using the steps in the
MyDay Installation Guide.

Create and Deploy a Routing Definition

Use the information provided here to specify required ERP data during the “Creating and Deploying a
Routing Definition” step of the installation process.

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

8 of 15 | Setup and configuration

1 Import the enterprise template - Import the enterprise template that is provided for SyteLine
integrations, currently found in [MyDayPackage]\Installer\etc\SampleEnterpriseTemplate.xml.

Note: The appropriate file will, at some point, be available from the online registry site.

2 Create a SyteLine database resource instance - The resource for your SyteLine site database
connection should include the following settings:

− Template - Specify MSSQL.

− ID - Specify syteline.

− Description - Specify a description of the resource, for example SyteLine database server.

− Hostname – Specify the machine name used in the URL to connect to the SyteLine database, for

− Port – Specify the port used in the URL to connect to the SyteLine database, for example: 8080.

− Schemaname – Specify the SyteLine application database name, for example: OH_App.

− Username and password - Specify the user name and password used to log on to the SyteLine

− URL - This field contains the SyteLine database server, port, and database name, in this format:
For example, jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://

3 Create a component instance - The component instance for the SyteLine database resource should
include the following settings:

− Template - Specify SyteLine.

− Deployed in Container - Select infor.container.1.

− ID - Specify the site name, for example, oh. This name must be lowercase. The full component
instance name shown on the COMPONENT page (infor + resource name + site name) should
match the logical ID defined in SyteLine, minus the “lid://” prefix (see page 6). Thus, if the
SyteLine logical ID is “lid://infor.syteline.oh” specify “oh” here.

− Description - Specify a description, for example, SyteLine OH database.

− Error component - Specify infor.csi.local.

− poller.deleteProcessedMessages - Specify false to allow for an audit trail during initial testing.
This setting controls the deletion of processed messages from the On-Ramp tables.

− Database – Select the SyteLine database resource created in Step 2.

− Schemaname – Specify the SyteLine application database name, for example: OH_App.

− Username and password – Specify the user name and password used to log on to the SyteLine

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

Setup and configuration | 9 of 15

4 Create a routing - Specify one or more routings that the Infor On-Ramp uses to move data between
SyteLine and other Infor applications such as BIS and MDM.

Specify the site as an accounting entity in MyDay

During the “Specifying an accounting entity” steps of the installation process (in Infor Security and in
PublicMDM), specify the SyteLine site name as the accounting entity.

Setting up Infor MyDay for drillback to Infor ERP SyteLine

If you want users in Infor MyDay to be able to drill back to SyteLine, you must create drillback views and
links to the ERP system, as described in the MyDay Administration Role User Guide.

To set this up, add an entry for SyteLine in the MyDay Deployments tab with these values:

Field Value
Name SyteLine
Logical ID Prefix infor.syteline
Logical ID lid://
where instance is the site name, for example oh.
This should match the logical ID defined in SyteLine.
Host Name or IP Address SyteLine host server name or IP address
Port Number (blank)
Secured No

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

10 of 15 | SyteLine business events that generate BODs

SyteLine business events that generate BODs

This list explains the events (user actions) that generate a BOD from SyteLine:

Verb Noun User action to generate the BOD

Sync AccountingChart Run the Replication Document Manual Request Utility
with AccountingChart selected. (This should be done
once per site, after the Chart of Accounts is set up at
the site.)
Sync BillofResources Perform a cost rollup in these forms:
Current BOM Cost Roll Up (current item
BillOfResources BOD)
Single Level Current BOM Cost Roll Up (current item
BillOfResources BOD)
Roll Current Cost to Standard Cost (financial standard
BillOfResources BOD)
Process ChartOfAccounts Create or update an account record in the Chart of
Accounts form
Process CodeDefinition y Add a Certification/License
y Add a Commodity Code
y Add a Customer Type
y Add an Education Major
y Add or update an INCO Delivery Term on the Delivery
Terms form
y Add an Inventory Adjustment Reason Code
y Add or update an ISO Country code on the Countries
y Add or update an ISO U/M on the Unit of Measure
Codes form
y Add an Obsolete Slow Moving Code
y Add a Position
y Add a Province/State
y Add a Shift ID on the Scheduling Shifts form
y Add a Skill
y Add a Tax Code of type Exempt
y Add a Tax Jurisdiction
y Add a Training Course
y Add a unit code on the Unit Code 1 - 4 forms
y Add a Work Experience
BODs for some other codes, such as Language IDs
and cost methods, are automatically generated when
the the Replication Document Manual Request Utility is

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

SyteLine business events that generate BODs | 11 of 15

Verb Noun User action to generate the BOD

Process Currency y Add or update a Currency Code
Process CurrencyExchangeRateMaster y Add or update a Currency Rate
Process CustomerPartyMaster y Change any information on the Customers form
y Change any information on the Ship Tos form
Process FinancialCalendar y Change any information on the Accounting Periods form
y Run the Change Reports To Entity utility
Sync GLMovement y Run the Change Reports To Entity utility
y Run the Copy Balances to Budgets utility
y Modify Chart of Accounts Budget and Plan information
y Run the Rebalance Ledger Period Totals utility
y Run Ledger Posting for Journals
y Run the Mass Journal Posting utility
Sync InventoryAdjustment y Perform Quantity Adjustment
y Perform Miscellaneous Receipt or Miscellaneous
y Perform Cycle Count Posting - one BOD is generated
for each combination of item, warehouse, and location
where the quantity on hand has changed
y Perform Physical Inventory Posting - one BOD is
generated for each combination of item, warehouse, and
location where the quantity on hand has changed

Sync Invoice y Print and post an invoice through the Consolidated

Invoicing form
y Post an invoice through the Invoice Posting (A/R) form

Process ItemMaster y Make any change to an item on the Items form

y Add or change an item description on the Multi-Lingual
Item form

Process Location y Create a new Warehouse or Location

y Update General Parameters form (creates a Location
BOD with the site as the location)

Sync PayableTransaction y Generate a new voucher from any of these forms:

Generate A/P Transactions, A/P Recurring Voucher
Generation, Generate Landed Cost Vouchers, A/P
Vouchers and Adjustments, Voucher Builder
y Change the voucher authorization status on the A/P
Vouchers and Adjustments or Voucher Authorization
y Post a voucher through the A/P Voucher Posting form
y Post a payment from any of these forms: A/P Check
Printing/Posting, A/P Draft Printing/Posting, A/P EFT
Posting, A/P Wire Posting
y Set or release a Hold status on a voucher from the A/P
Posted Transactions Detail form

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

12 of 15 | SyteLine business events that generate BODs

Verb Noun User action to generate the BOD

Process Person y Add or update information about a salesperson or sales

manager on the Salespersons form
y Update information related to a salesperson on the
Employees form (for employee sales people) or Vendors
form (for outside sales people)

Sync ProductionOrder y Change a job or production schedule release status

from Firm to Released or from Released to Complete (in
these cases, multiple BODs are sent for
ProductionOrder, Routing, BOM and Operation)
y Change a job or production schedule release status
from Complete to Released, from Released to Stopped,
or from Stopped to Released (in these cases, only the
ProductionOrder BOD is sent)
y Change any of the following job data: Qty Released, Qty
Complete, Start Date or End Date
y Delete a job or production schedule release, where the
job status is not Firm or the production schedule release
status is not Planned

Sync ProductionReceiver y Change the Quantity Complete for a job or a production

y Perform a material withdrawal for a by-product

Sync PurchaseOrder y Print the Purchase Order Report

y Print the Builder Purchase Order Report
y Change the Purchase Order status to Complete
y Print a Change Order Report
y Delete a Purchase Order

Sync Quote y Change the Estimate status to Quoted

y Delete an Estimate

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

SyteLine business events that generate BODs | 13 of 15

Verb Noun User action to generate the BOD

Sync ReceivableTransaction y Generate an invoice for customers with an ‘Open Item’

balance method. The status is set as Open.
y Generate a debit memo/finance change for customers
with an ’Open Item’ balance method. The status is set
as Open.
If all or part of the debit memo/finance charge is left
unapplied, a second BOD is generated. Similar
transactions are grouped and shown under an invoice
number ‘0’ with a status of UnappliedCash
y Make a payment and apply it to an invoice for customers
with an ‘Open Item’ balance method. The status
changes to Paid.
If all or part of the payment is left unapplied, a second
BOD is generated. Similar transactions are grouped and
shown under an invoice number ‘0’ with a status of
y Generate a credit memo and attach it to an invoice for
customers with an ‘Open Item’ balance method. This
changes the status to Paid.
If all or part of the credit memo is left unapplied, a
second BOD is generated. Similar transactions are
grouped and shown under an invoice number ‘0’ with a
status of UnappliedCash.
y Create an invoice, payment, credit memo, debit memo
or finance charge transaction for a customer with a
‘Balance Forward’ balance method. The system
maintains one balance under invoice number ‘0.’ Its
status is set as follows: for a debit balance, the status is
set as Open; for a zero balance, the status is set as
Paid; for a credit balance, the status is set as

Sync ReceiveDelivery y Make changes to a Project, Job, Customer Order (with a

negative quantity), Purchase Order, RMA, Production
Order or Transfer Order that cause a material
transaction to occur

Sync Requisition y Print the requisition on either the Purchase Requisition

Report or the PO Requisition Report forms
y Convert a requisition to a purchase order
y Convert additional items on an existing requisition (in
this case, another BOD is created, replacing the original
y Delete a requisition

Sync SalesOrder y Print the Customer Order Verification Report

y Delete an order

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

14 of 15 | SyteLine business events that generate BODs

Verb Noun User action to generate the BOD

Sync Shipment y Make changes to a Project, Job, Customer Order,

Purchase Order (with a negative quantity), RMA,
Production Order or Transfer Order that cause a
material transaction to occur

Sync SupplierBalance y Change the status or vendor on a Purchase Order

y Change the price on a Purchase Order Line

Process SupplierPartyMaster y Add or update Vendor information

y Update the vendor’s address information
y Update Bank Address information

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

Data maps | 15 of 15

Data maps

Use the documents in the ZIP file provided on Infor365 to map information between SyteLine database
tables and the elements of each BOD used with MyDay and to trace information between the SyteLine
database and the Infor Business Information Services (BIS) database. The ZIP file contains these files:

y An XML document that contains data mapping information between SyteLine database tables and the
elements of each BOD used with MyDay. The XML document also contains notes that describe
calculations or default values used in the BOD elements and the forms/windows/screens where the
data appears in SyteLine.

y Two Infor Reporting report design files that allow you to build reports based on the XML document
and a linked BIS database that contains BOD-to-MyDay export service mapping. You can filter on
columns in these reports to search for a specific MyDay export service, a specific BOD element, or
references to a specific SyteLine table or form/field combination.

y A readme file that explains how to install the report templates and set up the XML and database as
data sources for the reports.

y A PDF file containing all mapping information between SyteLine and BODs. This PDF was produced
using one of the report design files in the ZIP.

y A PDF file containing all mapping information between MyDay Export Service to SyteLine BOD
mapping and descriptions. This PDF was produced using the other report design files in the ZIP.

You will find this information especially helpful if you are used to developing custom reports based on
SyteLine and are interested in extending MyDay with new custom reports based on information in
MyDay's centralized, SOA-enabled reporting database.

Metrics and reports supported by SyteLine data

A list of MyDay metrics and reports that are currently supported by SyteLine data is available in the
SyteLine documentation area of Infor365.

Infor ERP SyteLine MyDay Integration Guide

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