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Serial No:

SS 118 Psychology 2nd Mid Term Exam

Saturday, May 30, 2020 Spring Semester 2020
Course Instructor Max Time:3 Hour
Aisha Bano Max Marks: 50

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Roll No Section

Guidelines for Submission:

1. You should submit only one PDF document and all text should be typed. Equations,
figures can be taken as pictures (all figures/equations can be pasted as images inside
that document).
2. You must submit your solution before due time via Google Classroom. Submissions
submitted after the due time shall not be considered.
3. In case of copied or plagiarized solutions in exam Or If a student provided help to
another student during exam both will be awarded "F" grade and it will affect
student CGPA.
4. Viva of any student can be conducted by the instructor after conducting an online
exam in case of any doubt.
5. This document should be submitted through LMS (Google Classroom). But in worst
case (with 30% marks deduction), you can email it within the deadline.
6. Questions have been extracted from the taught content and classroom discussions.
Kindly use analytical skills to attempt this paper.
7. Write your complete name as your Signature on right side of the last page of your
answer sheet with Font style Segoe Script.
8. 1 absolute for following the guideline 7.
9. After completing your write up, convert this Word file into PDF and then submit.

Good Luck!
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Department of Computer Science Chiniot-Faisalabad Campus

LONG Questions

Q.1. (20)
(a) Choose from the Attached Images and write short stories for 2 images (Pic 3 is
mandatory for all).

(b): Give reason to choose the image.

Q.2. (5+10)
(a) How COVID-19 affected your academic motivation?

(b): Which Ego Defense Mechanism(s) have you been using during this
quarantine? Define that DM with your own example.

Q.3. (14)
How Muslims seemed practicing Theory of Cognitive Dissonance during Ramadan
in COVID-19?

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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Department of Computer Science Chiniot-Faisalabad Campus

Answer of question number 2
A)before this lockdown and virus I studied really hard during mu mid terms and my other
examination because I wanted to achieve good grades and SGPA . I was known as a class
nerd or a snake by my friend but I didn’t cared about that much as all wanted was to make
my parents proud but now I notice that I am not studying that hard as per new grading
policys ie S or U grade being awarde all I need is to pass and I will get my current CGPA in
this semester so I am positive that I am demotivated to study in this semester
before covid 19 in the last semester I studied like daily whatever is taught in the class I used
to memorize it when I go home so that even if a teacher gives us surprise quiz I am prepared
but now I don’t study on daily basis I study when full chapter or even 2 chapters are
completed in class
classes in universities where fun it gives student chance to socialize which usually raise
morale of students they can do group study sessions with their group this leads to exchange
of thoughts and overall better result of whole group in exams but now I haven’t done group
study sessions in ages
as these periods are considered as holidays by many people I sleep late and I am unable to
wakeup early I usually miss my online classes and then I have to listen to recordings which
are usually ineffective as I am unable to ask questions
so the bottom line is due to covid 19 I am not studying just Netflix and online games are
b)DMS are created by ego to resolve the conflict between id and superego so that the
personality can operate in a healthy manner all DMS have 2 cthings in common
 They deny reality in some way

 They operate in unconscious because feelings are too strong for conscious mind to handle

DMs include following

Denial :it is when a person completely deny a fact that he do for example a smoker claiming
that he don’t smoke he only smoke in certain situations
Repression: some feelings are repressed in unconscious mind of a person these feelings are
too strong for a conscious mind to handle example., a person faced a sewere accident but
don’t remember any details about it
Rationalization: provision of a logical reason so that unlogical behavior can make some
sense example a person did not study for exams and got failed so he is saying that teacher
made very difficult paper
Reaction formation: person behaving in a totally opposite way then he should behave ie a
woman who loves an ubtoainable man she have a crush on her so she act like she hate him
under this dm
Intellectuallisation: person focusing only on intellectual part rather then emotional part of
sone thing example a person is diagnosed with corona virus so he start to read books
journals about itgathering as much info as possible focusing on on intellect part
Displacement: assetion of anger out on weaker target instead of original target example a
woman was scolded by her boss so she put all heer aenger about it on her child instead of
2nd Mid Term Spring-2020 Page 3 of 5
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Department of Computer Science Chiniot-Faisalabad Campus
Sublimation: productive DM turning bad habits into something socially acceptable ie
person with anger management issues took up kick boxing
Regression: person brain is stuck in an old stage although he have gotten much older best
example is of bushra Ansari she wears very vibrant colors not suited for her age which is 50
I am using the following dms in the following ways
Regression: not being able to sleep on time enjoying waing up till late
Sublimation: waking up till late but being socially acceptable as I am usually writing project
Displacement: usually I donot remove someone from online classes but when I do I pick a
weak target who cannot fight back instead of the one that is disturbing sir
Intellectualization: (-)
Reaction formation : I should be studying in the evening after taking online classes in the
morning but I don’t
Rationalization: in mam aisha psychology paper I did not study so I blaimed teacher for
making very hard paper
Repression : feeling that I might fail this semester was repressed in my unconscious before
they announced the new grading scheme
Denial: (-)

Answer to question number 3

theory of cognitive dissonance was studied by American psycologist leon Festinger this
theory proposed that people maintain consistency among their belief and attitudes which
can be clearly seen this Ramzan as govt had banned all social gathering and hangout of
people together bu muslims remained consistent and still continued to attend taraweeh
prayers and did shopping on eid
this theory says that there is an imbalance between what we do and what we believe
people do believe that there is a deadly virus out there on loose and can harm us but they
still continue to hangoutside and attend social nights
the remedy lies in a goal directed behavior that is aimed to reduce the belief so that will
lead to ether prople change their beliefs or their behavior
this have happened people changed their beliefs and said no virus exist its just a conspiracy
some good people change their attitudes and employed social distancing

another way of how this theory applies to muslims in quarantine is in the scenario of not
sleeping till sehri
I have noticed that I have maintain consistency in this beehavior every year I say that this
year I will change but every year I am wrong
There is an imbalance between ehat I believe and what I do
Ther are many disadvantages of waking u till sehri I am unable to read quran during broad
daylight I miss my classes and also I usually miss duhur prayer
This imbalance is reduced either by sleeping early or by continuing with this routine there is
a pros and cons list going around my head ususallly around 12 o clock whether I shall sleep
or not

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National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Department of Computer Science Chiniot-Faisalabad Campus

Answer to question number 1

Pic no 3 : we can see an operation going on in the background 2 people are operating on a
person around abdominal area while the patient is lying still and on the main we can see a
child it seem like that the child Is depressed and sad about the operation because the
person who is being operated may be his father or someone who is very close to him and he
is praying that operation go succesfuly
Pic no 2: in this picture we can see a guy and an old women women look like she is in some
kind of a deep thought she in thinking about a very serious matter while the guy who is
standing beside her he looks kind of nervous it looks like he is about to break her a story
about something which will make the women even more worried than before
I choosed pic no 3 because it was cumpolsory
I chose pic no 2 insteadd of pic no 1 because it looked easy pic 1 looked difficult
I could write more on pic 2 then on pic 1
Pic 2 was understandable and clear

Bilal raza

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