19f-0008 Lab Task 8

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Dependent Variable: Y

Method: Least Squares

Date: 12/19/20 Time: 18:01
Sample: 1 16
Included observations: 16

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.  

LOG__X3_ -3292.485 13006.14 -0.253149 0.8044

LOG__X2_ 21966.38 8082.745 2.717689 0.0187
LOG__X1_ -27318.83 4854.362 -5.627688 0.0001
C 16637.27 29893.30 0.556555 0.5881

R-squared 0.777015    Mean dependent var 7645.000

Adjusted R-squared 0.721269    S.D. dependent var 2042.814
S.E. of regression 1078.504    Akaike info criterion 17.01686
Sum squared resid 13958061    Schwarz criterion 17.21000
Log likelihood -132.1348    Hannan-Quinn criter. 17.02675
F-statistic 13.93841    Durbin-Watson stat 2.286906
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000324


x1 is -0.253149 which is lower then -0.5 son we accept the null hypothesis
x2 is 2.717689 which is greater then 2 so we reject the null hypothesis

x3 is -5.627688 which is less then -2 we reject the null hypothesis


r2 is 0.77015 which is greater then 0.5 we accept the f test

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