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Course and Year: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

(First Year)

1. Why do we need to study MOVEMENT ENHANCEMENT and why is it included to

the school curriculum?

There are many benefits that you can have from studying movement enhancement.
It can help an individual learn to move with high self-confidence and control. Movement
is more than just 'exercise,' it does not actually require commitment, although it requires
action. Movement affects everything from circulation to digestion to metabolism and
immunity. With movement, our bodies control the activity of hormones, detoxifying and
breathing. Moreover, it is included in the school curriculum because movement can be an
important cognitive technique to improve learning, boost memory and recovery, enhance
motivation and morale for learners.

2. Why Physical education is necessary for every individual/student?

Physical Education (PE) strengthens the competence and trust of students to take
part in a variety of physical activities that are becoming a core part of their lives, both in
and out of school. Additionally, Physical Education encourages all students to enjoy and
excel in many kinds of physical activity. They develop a wide range of skills and the
ability to use techniques, methods and compositional ideas to perform well. When they
perform, they think about what they're doing, evaluate the situation, and make decisions.
Furthermore, they also focus on the results of themselves and others and find ways to
enhance them.

To sum up our topic, I have prepared an activity to measure your learning on our discussion.

Identify the objectives of PE describe the following statements.

Physical Development_ 1. Enhancement of growth and development

Physical Development_ 2. Leading a healthy lifestyle

Social Development 3. Acquisition of desirable social traits

Emotional Development 4. Development of self-confidence

Mental Development_ 5. Learning the mechanical principles underlying movements

Physical Development_ 6. Avoidance of the risk of various health problems

Mental Development_ 7. Acquisitions of knowledge and understanding of the rules and

strategies of games and sports
Emotional Development 8. Development of self-control

Mental Development_ 9. Discovery of ways of improving movements in gymnastics and


Emotional Development 10. Development of courage and determination

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