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Lauren Caslen

Technology Program Administrator

FRIT 7739
March 22, 2021
Executive Summary:
The Media Center is the hub of both, McClelland Elementary School and Long County Middle
School. It is located in the middle of the two schools, with a separate center on each side. Ms.
McCarn is our only media specialist, however, she has two paraprofessionals with her daily.
Even though Ms. McCarn is the one and only media specialist for over 1500 students, she
continues to teach classes to each grade level at each school – 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades at MES and
6th, 7th, and 8th grades at LCMS. On each side of the media center, there are tables, chairs, bean
bags, computers, iPads, chrome books, and of course, books and resources for each grade level.
All of these items can be used by both staff and students. On a daily basis, Ms. McCarn answers
any questions asked by teachers and staff – whether it be a media center question or technology
related questions. There is a room located in the media center in which the technology
coordinators from the board of education are housed and available on a daily basis also. As I was
reflecting on my evaluation, I was very impressed with the way in which Ms. McCarn handles
herself and her center on a daily basis. It was evident that she is there to serve the students, staff,
and administration in whatever capacity is needed – in spite of doing two jobs for the price of
one. She is very respected in the school, and works hard to ensure success for all staff and

Organizational Chart:

While conducting the program evaluation, a variety of methods were used. I spent several hours
in the media center throughout a couple of weeks, and thoroughly explored the center, asked
questions, reviewed the website, and observed. I also spoke with the technology coordinator,
inquiring about exactly how much he has to do with Ms. McCarn’s responsibilities on a day to
day basis. I kept a brief survey in the media center and gave it to teacher’s as they came in,
asking questions about their knowledge of the media center, as well as how comfortable they are
bringing their students to the center. (Appendix B)

Center Context and Goals:

McClelland Elementary School was formerly known as Walker Elementary School. When a new
school was in the process of being built, the school system decided to house the middle school
there, as well, with both schools being built around – and connected by - the Media Center.
There are over 1500 students between the two schools, and continues to be an integral part for
literacy and technology for all staff and students.
Staff and students are able to enter the media center during school hours, which are from 7:30 to
3:30. The center has one media specialist and two paraprofessionals working on a daily basis.
The media specialist/technology specialist, Ms. McCarn oversees all technology purchases, book
purchases, resource purchases, circulation, and media lessons, as well as answering any and all
questions or problems that may arise. Ms. McCarn collaborates with classroom teachers in order
to create lessons that are most useful to them and their students, as well as assists with any
technology needs. Along with the media specialist and the two para’s, we also have a technology
specialist in the building a few times a week. His office is housed in the center, and works from
there when he is not in other schools.
The media center’s mission is to provide a wide variety of media and reading materials to create
students who are life-long readers and learners. Ms. McCarn, as well as teachers who were
asked, said that all of the staff in the center (media specialist, paras, technology specialist) strive
to stand by this mission and ensure all students are provided with the necessary materials/books
to become life-long, 21st century readers and learners.
The media center’s main goal is to be a learning laboratory in which reading, thinking, learning,
and technology are carefully linked together, and to strive to support students and staff in
furthering their development of a love for reading.
There are several expectations that are created and established by the local board of education, as
well as the administration and media specialist. All of these expectations go hand in hand with
our PBIS expectations.
 The media center will be used as a learning environment in order to further help students
be successful learners and readers.
 Students coming into the media center will wear a mask.
 Students will keep hands and feet to themselves while in the media center.
 Students will walk throughout the media center, as well as when coming and going.
 Students will sit in a designated place to read and/or work on other classroom

 Students will not have food or drink around their books, materials, or in the media center.
 Students will return books in a timely manner.
 Students will use shelf markers when searching for a book, and will put away all
necessary materials before leaving the center.
 Students will handle books properly and be responsible with any and all materials
checked out from the media center.
 Students will only utilize the media center for school purposes.

 Students will treat the media center just like they would their own classroom.
 Students will act in a respectful manner when speaking with the media center staff, as
well as other students in the center.
 Students will use inside voices when visiting the center.
 Students will be kind to other students in the center, as well as all staff.

Media Center Activities:

Ms. McCarn teaches lessons on a regular basis to classes at MES and LCMS. She collaborates
with classroom teachers in order to create and prepare lessons that are useful based on the
teachers’ needs. The classes are taught on a schedule set forth by Ms. McCarn. (Appendix A)
Due to COVID, students are not able to come to the media center on a regular, individual basis,
so she has a set schedule for all classes. The elementary classes and the middle school classes
alternate every other week, with set times for each teacher/class.
Because of our virtual learning option, Ms. McCarn works diligently on a daily basis to ensure
all resources and materials needed for classroom teachers and parents are up-to-date and
available. She also spends a good bit of her time working to make sure all technology
applications are up-to-date, technology is working efficiently and properly, and answering any
questions that parents, students, and/or teachers may have regarding virtual learning.
Ms. McCarn is also responsible for the Accelerated Reader program, book fairs, and Books are
Fun fundraisers. She works diligently to ensure our students get what they need on a daily basis,
in spite of the pandemic.

When reviewing the data, notes, and interviews I collected during my hours in the media center,
I was pleasantly surprised by how much Ms. McCarn and the media center plays such an
important role in, not only the students education, but the teachers’, as well. Ms. McCarn works
diligently to ensure all staff and students are prepared to be life-long learners in this ever-
changing world. The media center promotes reading, thinking, literacy, and technology on a
daily basis and is a safe place for students and teachers to go to. Every student is given an equal
opportunity to learn, and every teacher is given the opportunity to provide resources for their
Recommendations for the media center:
 Even though there are two paraprofessionals in the media center, it is evident that Ms.
McCarn is struggling to get all of her duties completed on a daily basis. My
recommendation would be to have teacher volunteers in the media center on a weekly
basis for the “normal” media specialist/librarian duties: checking in and out books,
laminating, making posters, etc.
 Ms. McCarn does a wonderful job at creating and preparing lessons for students, but
there are no lessons/professional development for teachers. If teachers were taught
lessons and/or professional development, they could turn around and reinforce those
lessons in their own classrooms.
 Ms. McCarn does a wonderful job at creating newsletters, schedules, etc.; however, they
are always on paper and put in the teachers’ mailboxes. If these types of things were
created online and emailed, teachers may be able to keep up with them more. For
example, a Google calendar schedule for classes, rather than a piece of paper.

Appendix A: Media Center Schedule for MES

Appendix B: Interview Questions for the Media Specialist and Teachers

Questions for Media/Technology Specialist:
1. What is the mission of the media center?
2. What is the history of the media center?
3. Do you have any particular goals for your center?
4. What is your sole responsibility for the media center, and do you have others who
5. What are you daily activities?
6. What types of technology are available to staff and students?
7. How has virtual learning changed the dynamics of the media center?

Questions for Teachers:

1. How often do you and/or your students visit the media center?
2. Are questions answered in a timely manner?
3. What specific technology resources are available to you and your students?
4. Does the schedule set out by the media specialist work for you or what changes could
be made in order to better fit your students’ needs?
5. How could our media center be improved?
Part B:

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