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April Jessa Mae S.


Quiz 2. Essay.

What symbolizes you as a person? Why?

The sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can
shine our light. - Sara Ajna

Life is tough, so am I. I have been at the lowest point of my life but never gave up and
still continued my journey. Sun, is what symbolizes me because I reached a light, truth, and
peace through a dark and difficult period. Just like the sun, every morning it rises hoping for a
new beginning, new hopes, and new opportunities. There are a lot of changes every day and
reminds me to be more hopeful and thankful each day. As I take my journey, there has been a lot
of experiences and trials but I always hope that there’s a light that will lead me to my destination.
I may reach the peak of what I am aiming for, but still, I want to be low key and shine bright at
the top. Moreover, like the sun, my responsibility is to shine bright not just for myself but also
for other people. I gave people the strength and energy they need and gives the determination to
succeed. Nevertheless, you can’t always win and there’s always an end to everything. However,
just like how the sunsets, there’s always a beautiful ending. There are times that I may lose, but
that helps me to grow, make myself better, and achieve more. These endings let us remember
that no matter what happens we need to be brave and strong because there’s still tomorrow and
the battle is to be continued.

In conclusion, I will continue to be the sun who lights up the day. I will share my light to
those people who are stuck in the darkness and help them to rise. I will never get tired of
reminding everyone that together, we can shine brighter.

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