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0201. Do you know that the worst way I can miss you is not when you're far away?

It's when you're right beside me yet I know I can never have you. Because I'm s
imply watching you fall for someone else.
0202. I sometimes wish I could be like you cause you have this ability to get cl
ose to people whom you really have no intention of being close to only to push t
hem away. But then I remember, I could never be like you. I have a heart.
0203. Don t ever give up if you still want to try. Don t ever wipe your tears if you
still want to cry. Don t ever settle for an answer if you still want to know. Don t
ever say you don t love him if you can t let him go.
0204. How can I forget you when you re always on my mind? How can I not want you w
hen you re all I want inside? How can I let you go when I can t see us apart? How ca
n I not love you when you control my heart?
0205. No matter how many tears I've cried, you re still not there. No matter how s
weet my smile was, you still didn't care. No matter how much affection I show, I m
still at the dark. No matter how much I love you, you still broke my heart.
0206. I m not saying there wasn t anything wrong, I just didn t think you d ever get tir
ed of me. I m not saying we never had the right to hold on. I just didn t wanna let
it get away from me.
0207. When I said go , I wasn't pushing you away but setting you free. When I said e
nough , I haven't given up, I just needed a break. When I said goodbye , I didn't mea
n farewell. But what could I do? You were gone before I could say come back .
0208. You said you didn t want to see me get hurt. Does that mean you closed your
eyes when I cried?
0209. I see him but he sees past me. I look in his eyes but he looks around me.
Does he know what I see when he stares through me? I see him and I can't help wa
tching him not watching me.
0210. Have you ever hated somebody so much that you wished they would just leave
and never come back and yet loved them so much you knew you'd die if they did?
0211. Days continue to pass, stars continue to shine. Why do I have tears in my
eyes today when he was never mine?
0212. There are only two things I regret doing. Loving the guy who didn t love me
and forgetting the one who did.
0213. When I see a star, I remember you and I cry. Why? Cause I was under that s
tar when I wished for you, I was under that star when I had you and I was under
that star when you wished you had her too.
0214. You loved me but I never knew. You told me about that feeling but I never
believed in you. You were about to leave and say goodbye when I stopped you and
said, I made a mistake. You replied, And so did I.
0215. Whoever said it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved
at all must not have had their heart broken.
0216. When I saw you with her, I told myself, So what? When I saw you holding her
hand, I told myself, "I don t care! When I saw you playing with her hair, I said, Wh
atever! Who am I kidding? All those things you were doing to her until now, I'm s
till missing.
0217. Why does the sun go shining? Why does the ocean run to shore? Don t they kno
w it s the end of the world now? It s the end of the world cause you don t love me any
0218. I tried so much to tell you I love you but I couldn't find the courage to.
I thought there was still time but then I saw you in her arms. I realized I sho
uld've told you. Now you can't be mine.
0219. It hurts so much to know that I have fallen for someone who would just lea
ve me hanging in the air. Why? Cause I closed my eyes from the reality that you
never really loved me, you just cared.
0220. Someday you ll find the one you re looking for, the one who would love you com
pletely. Someday you ll find the one whom you re destined with. And I d be left wonder
ing why that person isn t me.
0221. The rain is turning out to be in perfect sync with my mood now that you re s
tanding next to me and talking about her. I just thank God you can t differentiate
the tears from the raindrops on my face.
0222. I regret the day I didn t call you back. I regret the day I didn t ask you out
. I regret the day I had hurt you and I regret the day you said goodbye. I wish
you never left me and stayed by my side. But of all the things I regret, it s the
fact that I never got the chance to make you mine.
0223. I like you, don t you know? I care for you, don t you know? I love you, don t yo
u know? How stupid of me to ask you these questions! Of course, you don t! How wou
ld you know I like you, care for you and love you when you re busy loving someone
0224. Do you recall the day I met you, the day I said hello, the day I held your
hand, hugged you and kissed you? Do you remember the day I broke your heart? I
bet you don t cause it was you who broke mine.
0225. Lord, let me accept the fact that this is the farthest that I can get, the
closest I could be and the clearest that I shall see and that no matter what I
do, I can never make him love me too.
0226. I can t tell you I love you cause it doesn t seem right. If I tell you those w
ords, I might just give you a fright. If you think I m kidding, you re really wrong.
I just can t tell you I love you if it s to someone s heart you belong.
0227. After tonight, as it all ends, will we end up just as friends? After tonig
ht, as you leave my side, will you cry like I do till the tears subside? After t
onight, as you tell me we re through, will you ever realize I still love you?
0228. Can you hold me just for a second? Cause I miss the way you do. Can we be
together for one more minute? Cause I can t live without you. Please say you miss
me like I do cause I m missing you more than I expected to.
0229. I wonder if you still care about me. I often wonder if I still make you ha
ppy. I wonder if I m right for you. I wonder if you still love me. Under your smil
e, your sadness shows. And I wonder if I have to let you go.
0230. Everyone tells me to give up on you but they don t see you like I do. You ar
e the one who broke my heart, you re the reason my world fell apart, you re the one
who made me cry yet I still love you and I don t know why.
0231. The times you needed someone to understand, I wasn t there. The times you cr
ied, I wasn t there. Why? Because you looked the other way and you didn t see me. Bu
t you know what? I was just beside you, waiting for you to call for me.
0232. Have you ever wondered why looking at your crush hurts you inside instead
of making you happy? Cause you know that it will always be that way. You looking
and him not knowing.
0233. Stupid. I know I am, it s true. Stupid to fall for someone who can t love me t
oo. Stupid. I am, I don t know what to do. Stupid! Stupid! That s what I am to few.
It s sad to know that I m stupid because of you.
0234. It was so stupid of me to make you wait, so insensitive of me to make fun
of your feelings for me. I know you were hurt. So was I. But I couldn t tell you h
ow I felt cause there was someone else who owned me.
0235. If ever I say goodbye, that doesn t mean I love you no more. It means I want
you to be much happier. And if ever I d cry, it s not only because I lost you but a
lso because I lost my life.
0236. I wish you didn t ignore me when I showed you how special you are to me. I w
ish you listened when I told you how much I care. I wish you never let me go jus
t when I was starting to fall for you.
0237. I ve gotten tired of running after you, my eyes swollen from crying over you
, my heart sick of loving you. But please don t tell me you re loving me now, now th
at I m almost over you.
0238. You broke my heart but still, I took the pain. You pushed me away but stil
l, I waited until I went insane. I damn cried but you just looked away. I told y
ou I love you but still you didn t stay.
0239. She breaks your heart, she knows your flaws, she ll do anything to make you
fall. She hurts you so badly but you re too blind to see that while she s hurting yo
u, I m here loving thee.
0240. What if I leave you, will you come with me? If one day I go and never come
back, will you still look for me? If one day you hear I m dead, will you still cr
y for me? But what if this one day never happens, will you still care for me?
0241. You walked into my life through an open door then you left, closing that d
oor and opening another. Now I m wondering how many more doors I need to go throug
h till I open the one that leads me back to you.
0242. I have come to realize that destiny can hurt a person as much as it can bl
ess then I found myself wondering why out of all the people I could have loved,
I had to fall for someone destined to be taken away from me.
0243. Why do I want you back? Why can t I hate you? Why can t I let go of your memor
ies? Why do I find it hard to forget you? So many why s but the most unanswered wh
y is why do I still love you even after you ve said goodbye?
0244. It hurts to see the one I love move on while I can t even let go. It hurts t
o see the one I love happy while I can t even smile. There s nothing I could say nor
I can do. I guess if you re happy then I m happy for you.
0245. I was willing to give you everything I had, I was willing to love you comp
letely and I was willing to fight for you. But still, I had to let you go cause
even though I was willing to do everything for you, you weren t.
0246. What do you think of me, a damn fool who wouldn t mind getting hurt? I m human
and I can feel pain. Think of what you do cause I have feelings too. Please don t
show me you re loving someone new.
0247. On the day I fell for you, I did almost everything for you just to prove t
hat you re special to me. But it also came to the point that I have to give up and
say, I ve done my part.
0248. When you said goodbye, you told me it s because you don t want to hurt me some
day. How I wish that before you did you thought that maybe, just maybe, I would
have preferred to be hurt.
0249. I m down on my knees praying that you ll love him better than I did, down on m
y knees begging the Lord to tell you to take care of him. I loved that guy so mu
ch I hope you will too. Cause to tell you honestly, we broke up because he s very
in love with you.
0250. I remember the moment when you asked me to let you go, you were slowly fad
ing away. I asked, Wasn t my love good enough? Then you turned around and said, No, i
t was too much.
0251. My friends are finally happy that I have experienced how it is to love but
I m not. Why? Cause when I finally learned to love, my heart chose the one who co
uldn t love me back.
0252. You led me into believing that you love me. When I finally fell for you, y
ou already found someone new. Now I m having a hard time letting my feelings go ca
use I loved you without letting you know.
0253. You didn t hear me say the words I love you . You felt me giving pain to you. Y
ou saw me not being true to you. You even saw me through the darkest shades of b
lack and blue. But what if I tell you that it has always been you?
0254. People say that I have loved you my best. They say that my best was more t
han enough than what I could have offered and given you. I proved to the world h
ow I sincerely love you, I proved to them how much I really do. The only thing i
s I failed to prove it to you.
0255. Maybe it s time for me to stop thinking of you, maybe it's time for me to st
op waiting for nothing, maybe it's time for me to stop holding on. Why? Because
I know you already stopped loving me long before it ended.
0256. I don t know why I'm so afraid to lose you when you re not even mine. I don t kn
ow why I care for you when you don t even love me. I don t know why you re the one whe
n I'm just nobody to you.
0257. Have you ever loved only to let him go? Have you ever hated someone and ye
t love him so? Have you ever missed someone so bad it made you cry? Have you eve
r been left without knowing why?
0258. Loving you made me strong but it also made me weak. It made me happy but a
lso depressed. It helped me up but also pulled me down. It taught me how to hold
on but now it's teaching me how to let go.
0259. It s hard to let go of someone you thought you love. But you know what? It w
ould be harder for that someone to expect and hope that there would be more not
knowing that all you can think of is how to let him go.
0260. We can never just walk up to a guy and say, Love me the way I want to be lo
ved. We have to wait for him to do it his own way, at his own time. That s the sadd
est part of being a girl.
0261. Aren t you going to tell me something before it s too late for you to? Aren t yo
u going to play a song and let me sing it for you? Aren t you going to hold my han
d and let me know what s inside you? Aren t you going to tell me you love me or do y
ou want me to do it for you?
0262. If loving means being loved then I do not love enough. If loving means bei
ng special then I have barely loved. But if loving means getting hurt then I lov
e too much.
0263. I tried to say I love you but you didn t care. I wanted to tell you but I co
uldn t dare. You told me you love somebody and I was there to smile. But deep insi
de, can t you see? I damn cried.
0264. Don t come close if later you ll just pass by. Don t smile if later you ll just ma
ke me cry. Don t touch me if later you ll just walk away. Don t love me if later you ll
just leave and won t stay.
0265. I wish I can tell you I love you just to let you know I care, just to let
you know I ll always be there. I love you so much, you see? I guess that s why it hu
rts to know how much you love her, not me.
0266. No farewell words were said, no time to say goodbye. He was gone before I
knew it and only God knows why. My heart still aches and tears still flow. What
it meant to lose him, no one will ever know.
0267. Sometimes I wish I'm different. Sometimes I wish I'm more than what I am r
ight now. You know why? Cause maybe if that happens, the person I love will lear
n to like me, to care for me, to love me. I just wish you would.
0268. When you love a person very much, even though you're already experiencing
pain, you just can't let go. But sometimes, the heart gets really tired and the
mind insists to let go cause the heart can't take it anymore.
0269. You're so far away yet right in my heart. I don't understand it, why are w
e apart? I love you more than you will know but I guess it's not meant to be. I
just don't understand it, why can't you love me?
0270. You said you loved me but you lied. You said you wouldn't hurt me but you
did. I said I loved you, I did and still do. I said I wouldn't hurt you, I didn'
t. So why did you?
0271. Great, isn't it, how I can think about you for hours? Great, isn't it, how
I could talk to you all day? Great, isn't it, how I want to be with you all the
time? Great, isn't it, how I care about you so much? Great, isn't it, how I can
feel all these things when you don't feel the same? Terrible, isn't it, how all
these great things only bring me tears and pain?
0272. When my nights were too lonely, my road was too long and the only one that
would hold me wasn't all that strong, I looked ahead and said, Don't hurt me. I l
ooked back and said, Goodbye. There isn't much that I can do besides turn away and
0273. Here I am, standing next to you, loving you the best way I can, giving you
everything that I could. On the other hand, I stand close crying cause I got no
clue on what I am to you.
0274. When you accused me of not loving you, a silent tear fell from my eyes, th
e pain was too much I can t help but cry. Cause if only you looked hard to see, lo
ving you meant everything to me.
0275. I love you till the day I die, I love you till I breakdown and cry, I love
you till I prove what s damn true, that no one s ever gonna love you like the way I
0276. You'll never know how much I'll miss you, you won't see it in my face. You
'll never know I'll never find another that can take your place. Cause I'll be s
miling when I see you. No, my tears won't ever show. Yeah, I might always love y
ou but you won't ever know.
0277. Just like me, the water is transparent. You look my way but you don t know I m
there, you don t know how much I care for you. I try to make you see but all you
do is look through me.
0278. How do you prepare a heart to be broken or dreams to fall through? How do
you let go of a miracle that means everything to you? How do you walk away with
tears in your eyes? Letting go isn't easy, just pray you'll survive.
0279. One day, I will be able to look at you in the eye without feeling the pain
I ve caused. One day, I will be able to stand next to you without wanting to hold
your hand. One day, I ll get over you. I m sorry to say this, though, but that day
will never come true.
0280. I m always thinking about you. I often wonder whether you can tell these thi
ngs that I m feeling inside me. I keep them all to myself, scared to show my true
emotions. I don t want to love alone cause I ve fallen so deep that you ll never know
how far I ve gone.
0281. You wanna know what s hard? It s not when I don t get to see you as often as I l
ike, it s not when I don t think of you at night, it s when I start loving you knowing
that it s not right.
0282. Do you know how much you ve hurt me, how I felt when you ignored me, how muc
h pain I had to hide, how many tears I ve cried? I just have to ask you, all those
times I ve been loving you, why didn t you tell me that you love me too?
0283. I asked you to love me and you simply wouldn't. I asked you to hold me and
you absolutely couldn't. I asked you to talk to me and you said you shouldn't.
You never really had time for me aside from when you broke my heart.
0284. I've been searching like everybody else but I can't see anything different
about myself. Sometimes I'm an angel and sometimes I'm cruel. But when it comes
to love, I'm just another fool.
0285. I'll have another chance, I'll find another guy, I'll see another day and
I'll build another world. I'll find another life just like you told me to. I'll
find another love but there will never be another you.
0286. Sometimes I look at you and wonder if you ever look at me. Sometimes I thi
nk of you and wonder if you ever think of me. Sometimes I remember how I fell in
love with you and I wonder if you ever really loved me.
0287. I'm not a child anymore. I'm tall enough to reach for the stars and I'm ol
d enough to love you from afar. Too trusting? Yes. But then, women usually are.
0288. I still remember that day you kissed me then walked away. You told me you
have to go, you told me you can't stay. I was hurt so bad, I cried all night. Wh
at's the sense of living without you by my side?
0289. It wasn't easy to love and just let go. It wasn't easy to say I don't need
you when I love you so. It wasn't that simple to close my eyes while you walked
away. And it wasn't that easy to wish when I knew you won t stay.
0290. I want to say I love you, I want to say I care, I want to hold you in my a
rms and just keep you there, I want to make you happy and I want to make you smi
le. But will she ever lend you to me, even just for a while?
0291. Sometimes, when you love a person so much, you ll do anything just to make h
im yours. But sometimes you also have to hush and be quiet cause you see? He's a
lready happy where he is right now.
0292. They say there is a reason, they say that time will heal. But neither time
nor reason can change the way I feel. No one knows the heartache that hides beh
ind my smile. No one knows how many times I've broken down and cried. I want to
tell you something so there won't be any doubt. You're so wonderful to think of
but so hard to live without.
0293. How come you have enough time to go out and make other girls fall in love
with you but you don't have enough time to pay attention to the girl who already
0294. I'll never forget the times we once shared and I'll never forget how much
you once cared. Now that it's over, I have one more thing to say. If I had a fou
r-leaf clover, I'd wish for one more day.
0295. I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care, I'm not supposed t
o live my life wishing you were there, I'm not supposed to wonder where you are
or what you do and I'm not supposed to say this but I'm still in love with you.
0296. I would have chosen to be with you if the choice was mine to make. But you
can make decisions too and you've decided you want this heart to break.
0297. When they dance, how she holds him and pulls him close while he dreams of
another and counts the days until he lets her go. Same old story that everybody
knows. One heart holding on and the other letting go.
0298. At night, when I fall fast asleep, I dream of a dream that I can't keep. B
ecause no matter how much I wish it was true, destiny will not let me be with yo
0299. Forget the times he walked by. Forget the times he made you cry. Forget th
e times he spoke your name. Remember now, you're not the same. Forget the times
he held your hand. Forget the sweet things if you can. Forget the times and don'
t pretend. Remember now, he's just your friend.
0300. I'm gonna smile cause I wanna make you happy, laugh so you won't see me cr
ying. I'm gonna let you go in style. And even if it kills me, I'm gonna smile.

0301. Come to me before you say goodbye. Hold me close before I start to cry. I ll
miss you more than you ll ever know. And all I ask is love from you before I let
you go.
0302. Never say forever cause I know it isn t real. It isn t something lasting, it s w
hat you think you feel. If you mean forever, just tell me you will try. But neve
r say forever cause forever makes me cry.
0303. Two teardrops were floating down the river. One teardrop said to the other
, I m the teardrop of a girl who loved a man and lost him. Who are you? The other re
plied, I m the teardrop of the man who regret letting a girl go.
0304. I don t want you to love me if loving me means you have to lie. I don t want y
ou beside me if you think you re just obliged. I d rather not have you if having you
would mean I have to see you hurt inside.
0305. I remember, once, you wished upon a star that someone would love you as yo
u are. Until now, you're still praying for that wish to come true. I guess you h
aven t noticed I'm the one loving you.
0306. Perhaps the saddest but most lovable thing that could happen to you is whe
n you're talking to your ex a day before his wedding and he tells you, "This cou
ld have been us."
0307. It breaks my heart to see the person I love happy with somebody else. But
it would break my heart even more to see the person I love unhappy with me.
0308. You took me for granted but I didn't hate you, I loved you instead. You ke
pt on hurting me till I asked, "How long will this last?" You answered, "Till yo
u remember it's her I will love forever."
0309. All I could do is watch you from a distance and think of how much I want t
o be with you. And as you catch me staring at you, I turn away. Damn! It's reall
y hard missing you this way.
0310. You broke somebody's heart today. You said you couldn't love her. You said
you couldn't stay. There was nothing she could do. You were so unfair to leave
her when she was fighting for you.
0311. Don't waste your time loving a person when you don't have plans to let him
know anyway. It's selfish! You think love's wonder, you feel love's pain and th
e person you share it with doesn't even know it.
0312. The saddest word for me is but . I can't bear to hear it nor even look at it.
It all started when you said: I care for you but I care for her more, I want you b
ut I need her more, I love you but I love her more.
0313. I've forgotten my broken heart, I've forgotten the tears I cried, I've for
gotten the pain in me and all the hurt inside. I've forgotten all of these and t
he hell I've been through. But despite everything, I still haven't forgotten you
0314. When I found out that I'm falling in love with you, you know what I did? I
just kept quiet. Why? Cause it would hurt me to see that the whole world's list
ening except you.
0315. Mistakes are part of life. They teach us that some things shouldn't be don
e again. However, mistakes can also lead us to a lifetime suffering. I know this
is true for because of my mistake, I lost you.
0316. Up to where can you prove your love to someone? What will you do if your l
oved one asks you, "Do you really love me?" And then tells you, "If yes, can you
set me free?"
0317. I've done the bravest thing in my life. I let go of someone I love so much
. But as I did the bravest thing, I've never felt weaker. All I could do is brea
kdown, cry and wish that I was never that brave.
0318. When you say, "Leave me alone." I will stay. When you say, "I don't need y
ou anymore." I will stay. When you say, "I don't love you anymore." I'll still s
tay. But this time, without you knowing.
0319. I have realized that he's just a guy. A great one, maybe. But he's not min
e. I don't need to do things to make him love me cause if he really wanted to, h
e would.
0320. The truth is it's not the player who needs to be changed but the girl. Eve
ry player is in a mission to find that one girl who will make him lose the desir
e to play. So don't be worried about trying to change him. Be worried about whet
her or not you're that girl.
0321. If only promises could erase the past, I could open my heart enough to tak
e you back. But we've been down this road time and time again and I've learned t
he hard way how the story always ends.
0322. The most painful part of missing someone is when all you can think of are
the memories they left. Why? Cause that's the exact moment you will ask yourself
, "Will those memories ever come back again?"

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