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01/12/2019 - 31/12/2019

Vasikaran Pushparajah £1560.61

33 Mead Place Total balance
Rickmansworth (including pots)
United Kingdom
Balance held with Monzo

Total outgoings

Total deposits

Sort Code: 23-63-07

Account Number: 02304219

Date Description (GBP) Amount (GBP) Balance

28/12/2019 Martin Cartwright (Faster Payments) -300.00 1560.61

27/12/2019 Monzo Plus -5.00 1860.61

25/12/2019 TOMBOLA (INTERNATIONAL) PLC -25.00 1865.61

13/12/2019 CHECK DEPOSIT 1366.00 1890.61

01/12/2019 Interest for November 2019 0.02 524.61

Monzo Bank Limited ( is a company registered in England No. 9446231. Registered Office: Broadwalk
House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AG. Monzo Bank Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 730427.
Date Description (GBP) Amount (GBP) Balance

28/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -280.00 6287.10

28/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -280.00 6567.10

28/10/2020 WHO INTERNET GIBRALTAR GIB -200.00 6847.10

28/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 7047.10

28/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 500.00 7347.10

28/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 404.44 6847.10

27/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -280.00 6442.66

27/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 6722.66

26/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 7022.66

26/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -200.00 7322.66

26/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 7522.66

26/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 2712.41 7822.66

26/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 3609.73 5110.25

26/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1500.00 1500.52

24/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -499.00 0.52

24/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -500.00 499.52

24/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 999.52

24/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -600.00 1299.52

24/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 1899.52

24/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -500.00 2299.52

24/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -1010.00 2799.52

24/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -1020.00 3809.52

24/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 2062.22 4829.52

24/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1500.00 2767.30

Monzo Bank Limited ( is a company registered in England No. 9446231. Registered Office: Broadwalk
House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AG. Monzo Bank Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 730427.
Date Description (GBP) Amount (GBP) Balance

24/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 555.00 1267.30

23/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 712.30

23/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -500.00 1012.30

22/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -403.63 1512.30

22/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -239.00 1915.93

22/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 2154.93

22/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 2454.93

22/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 2754.93

22/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 727.53 3054.93

21/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -878.00 2327.40

21/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -300.00 3205.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -500.00 3505.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 4005.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -500.00 4405.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 4905.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 5305.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET GIBRALTAR GIB -300.00 5605.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 5905.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -500.00 6205.40

21/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -1000.00 6705.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1439.18 7705.40

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1246.95 6266.22

21/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 372.48 5019.27

20/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -300.00 4646.79

Monzo Bank Limited ( is a company registered in England No. 9446231. Registered Office: Broadwalk
House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AG. Monzo Bank Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 730427.
Date Description (GBP) Amount (GBP) Balance

20/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -500.00 4946.79

20/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 5446.79

20/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -200.00 5746.79

19/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -200.00 5946.79

19/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 6146.79

19/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -532.00 6546.79

19/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -280.00 7078.79

19/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 2596.99 7358.79

18/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 2429.97 4761.80

18/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 563.91 2331.83

18/10/2020 Mikhail Masiuk (Faster Payments) -700.00 1767.92

17/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -500.00 2467.92

17/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 2967.92

17/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -500.00 3267.92

17/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1832.50 3767.92

16/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 1935.42

16/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 2335.42

16/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 2735.42

16/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 663.65 3135.42

16/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1000.00 2471.77

16/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 913.15 1471.77

15/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 558.62

15/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -700.00 858.62

15/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 1558.62

Monzo Bank Limited ( is a company registered in England No. 9446231. Registered Office: Broadwalk
House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AG. Monzo Bank Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 730427.
Date Description (GBP) Amount (GBP) Balance

15/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -700.00 1958.62

15/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 2658.62

15/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 932.53 2958.62

15/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 675.00 2026.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 1351.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -500.00 1651.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -270.00 2151.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -700.00 2421.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -500.00 3121.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -700.00 3621.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 4321.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 4621.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 205.35 4921.09

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 364.04 4715.74

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 230.00 4351.70

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1388.20 4121.70

14/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1882.84 2733.50

13/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -200.00 850.66

13/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -200.00 1050.66

13/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -200.00 1250.66

13/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 1450.66

12/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -300.00 1850.66

12/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 2150.66

12/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -700.00 2550.66

Monzo Bank Limited ( is a company registered in England No. 9446231. Registered Office: Broadwalk
House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AG. Monzo Bank Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 730427.
Date Description (GBP) Amount (GBP) Balance

12/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -700.00 3250.66

11/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1050.05 3950.66

11/10/2020 WHO INTERNET\6TH FLOOR.\GIBRALTAR\ GIBGIB 1500.00 2900.61

10/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 1400.61

10/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 1800.61

10/10/2020 WHO INTERNET GIBRALTAR GIB -400.00 2200.61

10/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -600.00 2600.61

10/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 3200.61

10/10/2020 WHO INTERNET WHO GIB -400.00 3600.61

09/10/2020 M MASIUK (Faster Payments) 1900.00 4000.61

09/10/2020 M MASIUK (Faster Payments) 400.00 2100.61

09/10/2020 M MASIUK (Faster Payments) 1300.00 1700.61

09/10/2020 M MASIUK (Faster Payments) 400.00 400.61

02/10/2020 Ruslan Bogdanov (Faster Payments) -524.00 0.61

01/10/2020 Interest for September 2020 0.02 524.61

Monzo Bank Limited ( is a company registered in England No. 9446231. Registered Office: Broadwalk
House, 5 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AG. Monzo Bank Ltd is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Our Financial Services Register number is 730427.

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