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ECOLOGY – outline

1. What is Ecology?

 Ecology comes from the Greek words “oîkos” means house and “logia” means
study of life.
 It is the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one
another and to their physical surroundings.
 and it is the science that seeks to describe and explain the relationship between
living organism and their environment.
2. Why do we study Ecology?
 by studying ecology, the emphasis is put on how every organism needs other for
peaceful coexistence. Having no ideas on ecology will be responsible for
degradation of land and environment, which is the living place of other species
leading to their destruction.
 Studying ecology would help us to solve many ecological issues that are really
happening now globally. Illegal logging, forest fire, land degradation, habitat loss,
desertification, environmental pollution and a lot more that can be solved
effectively when we have clear understanding and enough knowledge on
ecological concepts.
3. How do we study Ecology?
 The study of environments generally begins with field observations. Field work
often starts with nonquantitative observations. A researcher may take a stroll
through the forest or snorkel a reef to look around. Once ecologists have an idea
of the system, they can determine what data they’re interested in collecting. It is
never possible to measure everything all of the time, so ecologists need to make
decisions about the frequency of measurements and types of measurements to
take. Some data collection can be automated, through the use of sensors or
research towers. Other data collection methods, like vegetation surveys or
animal trapping, must be done in person. The data from field work helps
ecologists figure out the right questions to ask.

4. What is Scientific Method?

 It is the only scientific way accepted to back up a theory or idea. This is the
method on which all research projects should be based. The scientific method is
used by researchers to support or disprove a theory.

5. What the steps in Scientific Method?

 Determining the ethical implication of the proposed study.
 Describing the research design & methods for data collection.
 Defining study population and sample.
 Planning the data analysis and discussion
 Collecting data from subjects.
 Analysing and interpreting data
 Communicating finding of the study.
or as simple as:
1. Observation/ Asking a Question
2. Form a Hypothesis
3. Design a Controlled Experiment
4. Record and Analyze Results
5. Draw Conclusion

7. When do we use Scientific Method?

 we can use it in our everyday life:
for example: you got in your car to drive up and turned the key but the car
wouldn’t start (observation)
problem: why won’t the engine start?
hypothesis: predict battery is dead/ if the battery is jumped-started, then the
engine will start.
procedure: jumpstart battery
result: engine now starts
conclusion: cars won’t work without a charged battery.

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