Sri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, in Samadhi Yoga

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fulfilling means to realization… especially when in the course of modern life one routinely

spends time behind the wheel of an automobile rather than on a hilltop surrounded by goats…
And when, in the end you want to dissolves the techniques, the states, the experiences, and
merge with the Supreme, it’s not wise to hold on to anything, no matter how pleasant,
intense, or sublime the illusion...

Next issue: Some of our various masters, gurus, Lamas, and their great gifts…

Tao Semko

P.S. this week’s tantric gem… from Swami Sivananda, in 1944…

“Ordinary run of mankind think that the man who is established in Samadhi should not have
consciousness of his surroundings and should be absolutely insensible even if a knife is thrust
in his body. Such Samadhi does certainly exist.

It is Jada Samadhi induced by Hatha Yogic Kriyas sauch as Kechari Mudra, Kumbhaka
Pranayama or retention of breath, etc. The Prana is taken up and fixed up in some Chakra.
The man is practically dead for the time being. This is something like long deep sleep.

This Samadhi is of no value. The Samskaras and Vasana are not burnt up in toto. There is no
perfect awareness during this Samadhi. The man returns from his Samadhi as the same old
man with the same bundle of old Samskaras and Vasana. He has no superintuitional

This is a kind of acrobatic feat or gymnastics. Such Samadhi cannot give Mukti or liberation.
Worldly people are deceived by such feats.

The true Samadhi is something entirely different. It gives supersensual knowledge. All
doubts, delusion, the three knots (Avidya, Kama, Karma) are destroyed by the fire of
wisdom. This state of Samadhi is maintained even during work. This state is described in
detail in the Second Chapter of the Bhagavad Ghita.”

-- Sri Swami Sivananda Maharaj, in Samadhi Yoga, 1944, 1961, 1983, 2003, Divine Life

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