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Ford Motor Company

Dealer Sales and Service

Services Marketing

Section A | Group 3
Ayeshni Dasgupta
Guneet Kaur
Raj Patel
Suraj Kumar Biswas
Yajurv Algoter
Case Context
Changing Landscape: Implications:
Product Parity Change in customer Preference
Automotive products becoming more Product quality is less of purchase motivation
complex and technology intensive due discriminator and differences in distribution and
to maturity in the sector service have become more of a factor in purchasing

Dealership Structure New trend in dealer environment

The number of dealership has declined & Emergence of mega dealers- individuals who
average size of dealerships have increased hold numerous franchises of the same or
competing makes

Technological Advancement Shift traffic of DIY to new car dealers

With this automobiles have become more Do-it-yourselfers’ and service stations’ share
technically sophisticated with more computer declined and new car dealers increased their
chip components share in the car service market

Introduction of QCP Program More focus on customer satisfaction

In order to test levels of customer satisfaction QCP was intended not as a punitive measure but
and show dealers where to improve-hero or a was incorporated so that dealers pay attention to
bum relative to other dealers customer complaints & focus on customer
satisfaction. However, dealers find it too casual and
closer to a public relation exercise
Service Marketing Mix issues
● Impersonal and uncaring personnel
● Incompetent repairmen
People ● Unresponsive to customer needs- do not tailor offerings and employ high pressure
sales tactics
● Lack of skilled professionals to handle the increasing pressure

● Process of negotiating prices- Horse Trading

Process ● Commission based pay structure- promotes selfish behaviour
● Not able to offer a good value for price as compared to alternatives

● Building layout not structured to handle high traffic flow and optimize the waiting time
and reduce the inconvenience
Physical ● Dealer service operational timings do not match the customer requirements
Evidence ● Lack of enough service stalls at the dealership to cater to increased demand for
services (higher UIO)
Feasibility Analysis
Current Scenario Proposed Scenario
Dealership Dealership Services Incl. Body

Sales & Services New Used Total Parts Service Total + Body

Sales 6,136 4,315 1,008 5,323 519 193 712 814

COGS 5,313 3,886 884 4,770 367 108 475 544

Gross Income 823 429 124 553 152 85 237 270

Selling Expenses 437 246 51 297 69 46 115 140

Fixed Expenses 245 81 50 131 35 50 85 114

Salaries 12 4 2 6 2 2 4 6

Operating Income 129 98 21 119 46 -13 33 10

Return on Sales 2.10 % 2.24 % 4.63 % 1.23 %

[ Operating Income / Sales ]
Service Gaps
Service Gaps
Gap 1: Understanding Customer Needs & Expectations
-Sales: Customers wanted to buy cars at fixed prices; disliked bargaining, pressure to buy add-ons, against underhand tactics. Women felt
discriminated against. Dealers focussed on new car models, Ford document focus on aggressive selling.
-Services: Customers thought dealer services were expensive (flat rate for different types or repairs). Operational hours of dealerships not
conducive to schedules. Customers looked for alternatives.

Gap 2: Understanding Does Not Translate to Service Design

-Dealers knew servicing was important to customers, but viewed it as a necessary evil. Focus on sales, more glamorous.
-Customers want quality in servicing. Service design did not include direct access to mechanic to explain problem. Further, followed
fixed fee per repair, prioritizing quantity over quality.
-Customers from other dealerships required servicing, but turned away.

Gap 3: Service Design Does Not Translate to Service Delivery

-Ford designed 12 Commandments of Customer Service (6 Dos and 6 Donts), however not seen in action.
-Services designed with primary focus on customers, but customers treated “like a number.” Service was impersonal, uncaring and
provided no personalized attention.
-Overburdened staff increased customer wait times, minor repairs took too long - prompt service delivery a problem.

Gap 4: External Communication Mismatch

-Warranty and post-purchase servicing promises in advertisements and warranty documents not honoured with adequate expertise.

Gap 5: Difference between Expected Service and Perceived Service

-20/25 metrics in JD Power Customer Satisfaction Index below industry average, poor performance for 4 straight years.
Problems in Servicing
1. Low service Quality 1. Lack of resources to meet customer needs
Dealerships as many sales as possible thus could not provide quality Even with huge inventories, dealerships still could not keep
services to maximum people as there was always a waiting every part to meet all of the customers needs

2. No personal touch 2. Impatience among customers

Customers had no communication with the Customers do not understand the time that
mechanic thus could not explain the problem goes in fixing their cars
clearly, leading to repeat servicing Customer’s Dealer’s
End End
3. Incompetent and uncaring 3. Outdated layouts
Often times the vehicle had to be taken back for The dealerships were not designed as other
the same problem. Dealers only concerned with modern ones to optimize time and costs
claiming fixed amount for repair during warranty

4. Not value for price 4. Compensation

People came only to claim warranty, cheaper options were available Most dealers are unable/unwilling to change their compensation
and the dealerships charged same rate for simple and complex structures

1. Dearth of skilled technicians Two major issues 2. Rise in UIOs

Leads to increase in cost of labour, and pile up of vehicles increased sales and no complementary rise in service
in the services department. in servicing stalls, has lead to more Units in Operation (UIO)
Recommendations (Services)
● Compensation for ● For each compensation ● Helping dealers buy
● Better communication with ● Linkage of the system
adopting Johnsons paid to the dealer during expensive diagnostic
customers, through for providing ‘hot’
model, in the form of warranty period repairs, equipment through
personalization. merchandise to
additional skills and a feedback signed by Ford financing and
specific dealers, not
● Helping them by giving a observing if that
knowledge for customer stating that just on the basis of
suitable waiting indeed leads to a
technicians by Ford the required repair was their sales
environment and decrease in service
representatives. carried out to his/her performance, but also
refreshment while getting line crowding.
satisfaction to be to the overall
their car serviced. ● Diminishing the pay gap
submitted. ● Further, provision of feedback received by
between sales and
● Dividing the timing of ● In case a score is low, a flexibility and a dealership (QCP
technicians will also
service centers in two mandatory remark to be quicker delivery of program).
solve the dearth of
shifts, one from evening till provided and if score is parts as required to
late night so customers consistently low, further avoid unnecessary
have the ease of dropping ● Many view it as only a investigation to be inventory.
their vehicles off on their learning opportunity, carried out
own time. but if paid well, they
Warranty repair
would stay. Helping dealers compensation
● Having the mechanic
assigned to their car ask provide better
them about their Feedback for
requirements. Compensation of services to ensure
Technicians satisfaction
relationship with revised
Recommendations (Distribution)

Collaboration model--For Facility Development ● Reduce wait time

● Maximum interaction with the
01 Helping the dealers/service providers to design and build their Outlet conducive to
the customer Requirement and delivery of the service
● Minimising the level of Interactions

Forecasting and Information Sharing ● Stop piling up the requests

● cope with fluctuations in demand
02 Predicting the demand and sharing the with data with the dealers would
● Mitigate Resource constraints
help them cope with seasonal or timely service requests
● Time analysis

Inventory Management ● Ensure Timely delivery of Spare parts

● Reduce the Inventory cost
03 Ensure all time availability of Spare parts
● Reduce Downtime and quick fix

Stimulating Service Effectiveness

Motivate Focusing on Return on Sales by
04 ● Mitigating Providers Myopia
1. Incentivising
● Prompting focus on Quality as well
2. Financial Projection
3. Focusing on Quality and Quantity
Recommendations (Distribution)

Customer Service and Support ● Faster Response Time

● Optimum & Reasonable Billing
05 1. Finer Customer Segmentation 2. Tailor made Solutions
● Prioritising Issues
3. Customer Feedback 4. Proactiveness--Pricing--Prioritising
● Determining the magnitude of Repair

Servicemen Management ● Faster response time

● Better allocation of resources
06 1. Quality Based Performance Standards 2. Training acc. to reqt.
● Better Resource pool
3. Optimum number & type (Specialists & Generalists)
4. Distinctive remittances for varied skill sets ● Motivation to focus on Quality

Sale Staff Management- Training ● Proper Time Management

1. Prioritising & responsiveness to Customers Requirement ● Increase the level of satisfaction among
07 2. Quoting Price 3. Treating all customers with the customers
dignity irrespective of gender, Financial status ● Justified Billing

Monetary Incentives
● Motivating the service providers to
1. Financial benefits for exceptional
08 focus on Service and not only on sales
performance delivered by Dealers & service
● Prompt building long term relationship
between brand and end customer
2. Dealership programmes
Recommendations (Distribution)

Expand Support Network ● Better Outreach to customers

09 ● Expand the Service nodes via franchising for General Issues ● Enhanced visibility
● Penetration into new geographic locations ● Reduce workload on selected nodes

Online booking for planned services ● Low waiting time

● Better allocation of resources
10 ● A Robust online Request management & timely tracking of services
● Dynamic change of request
● Help Customers locating the best in class provider for the particular
services with minimum wait time ● Better Time Management
Thank You

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