GroupPipeParts Procedure

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Group Pipe Parts

This Command Automatically creates the WBS Items based on Query Label criteria and discrimination
filter. The command creates separate WBS items whenever the property defined in the label changes.
So, all the logic/basis to break the WBS items should be built in the label. We must claim all the Objects
to a WBS Project before running this command on the Objects (which are under discrimination filter).

For example, if a pipeline is modeled as shown in the following snapshot and if the user wants to have 3
WBS Items to be created out of this pipeline based on Isometric Sheet number property then:

Create a label query with Isometric Sheet number property so that the Pipeline will be associated with 3
WBS items.

Select the Pipeline and give the Piping part Attribute “Isometric Sheet Number” as 1, 2 and 3 for three
different portions of the pipeline to honor the query label for generating the WBS items. Below is the
respective snapshot.
Respective WBS items 1, 2 and 3 will be generated accordingly by the Group pipe parts command.

Below is the procedure with more details to use the Group Pipe Part Command:
1) To execute the Group Pipe Parts command, Go to Piping task and execute the Group Pipe Parts
Command in the Vertical Command Ribbon bar.
2) In the Process of Opening the Group Pipe parts dialog below error is displayed.

The above error is displayed as there is no rule based label found in the Catalog.

3) Click Ok on the above Error. Immediately, the Group Pipe Parts Dialog is displayed.

Observe that there is no Query Label defined for WBS Automated Creation Rule Name (here the Rule
name is WBS Iso – Fabrication) as below. We have to create the Query Label for WBS Iso-Fabrication.
4) To create a Query Label Name, Go to Catalog TaskPipingPiping SpecificationPlant RulesWBS
Creation Rule.

Note:Set WBS Automated Creation Rule Name to the WBS rule that you want to use. These rules are
defined in the Catalog task under Piping > Piping Specification > Plant Rules > WBS Creation Rule.
5) Create a Query Label with the same name as in the Catalog. Below is the snapshot for the Label name
to create label under Catalog TaskPipingPiping SpecificationPlant RulesWBS Creation Rule.

6) For example let’s create a Label for WBS Iso Drawing – Fabrication.

Go to Catalog taskToolsDefine Label

Define Label dialog box is displayed. Create a New Folder as WBS_Grp_Pipe. Select the folder
WBS_Grp_Pipe .

7) Create a New COM Label

8) Type the same name as in the Catalog task for Query Label Name- Refer Step 5
9) For the Automatic WBS Item creation, the Object type for the Query Label should be either Direct
Piping part property or any property that has relationship with Piping Part attributes.

In this example, Select the Piping Part as Object type and Select the Property “Isometric Sheet Number”
and click OK.
10) The WBS Iso Grouping Query – Fabrication label is created as shown below for the creation rule WBS
Iso Fabrication.
11) Go to Piping task and select the command Group Pipe Parts. Check the Query label. Also, the “error
Rule based Label not found” is curbed (as displayed in 2nd Step) as we have the respective Label created.

12) The Automatic Creation of WBS depends primarily on the Discrimination filter and Query Label. So
we need to have the filter ready for creating the WBS items. Separate WBS items are created whenever
the property defined in the label changes.

13) Create a WBS Project to claim the objects.

14) Set the WBS Combo to respective WBS Project to claim the Objects.

15) Create a Filter to select the Objects to claim.

Note: As the Query Label created based on the Property Isometric Sheet number, provide the necessary
Isometric Sheet number on the Piping Parts Properties Page.
Go to ToolsSelect Filter and select the respective filter.
16) Select the Group Pipe Parts command.
17) Select the Respective Discrimination filter and WBS Item’s parent as below.
18) Select Ok and check for the generated WBS Items.
WBS Items created using Control Points.

Place the control points using the Insert > Control Point command. Be sure to select the correct control
point subtype when placing the control points and that you place the control points on the piping
connection objects.

Below is the detailed Procedure for creating WBS Items using WBS Grouping Rule Type “Group by Query
and Control Point”.

19) Place a control Point using the Insert >Control Point. Before placing the control point, ensure that the
Control Point is being placed on the Piping Connection Object. So, set the locate filter to Connections and
identify the connections that we are going to place the control Point.

20) Go to Insert>Control Point.

21) Place the control Point at the Piping Connection. Set the Control Point Subtype to WBS Pipe Break –

22) Check whether the Control Point is placed at the Piping Connection.
23) Execute the Group Pipe Part Command to generate the WBS items with control point inserted.
24) Check for the WBS Items created in the Workspace.
25) Below is the snapshot for the newly created WBS Item.

Important Note: There are three types of WBS Grouping Rule Types

1) Group by Query and Control Point – This Rule honors both the Query Label and Control Point while
generating WBS Items.

2) Group by Query - This Rule honors only the Query Label irrespective of the Control Point insertion on
the Objects while generating WBS Items.

3) Group by Control Point – This Rule honors only the Control Point irrespective of the Query Label
defined while generating the WBS Items.

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