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Pengantar Manajemen Industri

Sritomo W.Soebroto
Laboratorium Ergonomi & Pengukuran Sistem Kerja
Jurusan Teknik Industri
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
4/26/2005 Pengantar Manajemen 1
Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Engineers or Managers?
(Teknolog atau Ekonom)

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Engineering, Mathematicians & Economists?

Engineers solve problems, but so do mathematicians.

Engineers analyze, but so do statisticians and economists.
Engineers design systems, do others ?
(Wayne C. Turner, Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2003)

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Sains, Rekayasa & Teknik Industri

Attributes Sains Rekayasa Teknik Industri

(General Engineering) (Industrial Engineering)

Obyek Sistem Alamiah Sistem Buatan Sistem Integral

(Natural) (Mikro/Makro)

Yang Dihasilkan Teori/Pengetahuan Produk/Proses Nilai Tambah

(Value Added)

Ukuran Kinerja Kebenaran Manfaat Produktivitas,

(Benefits for Mankind) Efektivitas dan Efisiensi

Ukuran Nilai Mutlak Relatif Kontekstual


Diawali/Diakhiri Keingin-Tahuan Kebutuhan/Persoalan Kebutuhan/Persoalan

Dengan : (Curiousity) (Needs & Problems) (Needs & Problems)

Ilmuwan Insinyur Insinyur, Manager &

(Scientist) (Engineer) Leader

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Engineering VS Management ?
Engineering Management

Engineering Management

• Problem terdefinisikan jelas • Problem tidak bisa didefinisikan

• Sub-sistem material jelas
• Penuh dengan faktor/variable • Sub-sistem manusia
serba pasti • Banyak berhadapan dengan
• Asumsi berlaku secara kontinyu faktor/variable
• Data bisa dikembangkan baik • Asumsi tidak berlaku kontinyu
• Keputusan diambil secara • Data base tidak lengkap
analitis • Keputusan lebih banyak diambil
berdasarkan intuisi

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Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Engineering ?
‰ The profession in which a knowledge of the
mathematical and natural sciences gained by study,
experience, and practice is applied with judgment
to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials
and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind.
(Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology – ABET, 1993)

‰ Includes the application of these mathematical and scientific

principles to the planning, design, construction, operation, and
maintenance of products, systems, and large fixed work that serve
humankind; as such it also includes the management of such
activities, research and development related to such output, and the
education of persons who will be responsible for these myriad
forms of activity.

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Skills and Qualities Needed for
Engineering Profession
• Good and math skills • Quantitative skills
• Strong time management skills • Technical competency
• Mechanical aptitude • Continuous drive for
• Good common sense
• Listening skills
• A strong desire for
organization and • Negotiation skills
efficiency • Ability to adapt to
• Excellent communi- many environments, wear
cation/ salesmanship many hat and interact
with a diverse group of
• Creative problem solving individuals
• Inquisitive mind • Leadership skills
• Continuous desire to learn • Ethics
• Passion for improvement, etc.

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Engineering Employment By Discipline

(1,483,014 Employed Engineers in USA, 1990)

Electrical 420,187
Mechanical 228,335 (15.40%)

Civil 190,958 (12.88%)

Industrial 132,843 (8.96%)

Aerospace 72,331 (4.88%)

Chemical 46,482 (3.13%)

Metallurgical/ 18.378 (1.24%)
Nuclear 17.999 (1.21%)
Petroleum 16.436 (1.11%)

Mining, Computer, 339.065 (22.86%)

and All Others
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Estimated Number Employed, 1990 (thousands)

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Engineering Employment by Type of Employer
(1.483.014 Employed Engineers in USA, 1990)

Manufacturing 739,314
Services 351,172 (23.68%)

Government 209,709 (14.14%)

Transportation &
Public Utilities
83,772 (5.65%)

Wholesale &
Retail Trade 34,168 (2.30%)

Mining 25,379 (1.71%)

Construction 23,593 (1.58%)

Finance, Insurance,
and Real estate 14,604 (0.97%)
Agriculture, 1,303 (0.08%)
Forestry, and Fishing

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Estimated Number Employed, 1990 (thousands)

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Big Issues ?
• The typical engineers spends at least part
of his or her career in some sort of management role.
• As many as 82% of all engineers in USA have some form
of engineering management responsibility (Engineering Manpower
Commission, 1991).
• 30 years of surveys revealed that more than 60% of persons who
earned engineering degrees became managers of some kind within
15 years or left the profession to pursue business opportunities of
other kinds (Carnegie Foundation Reports).
• 40% of industrial executives and 34% of all top corporate managers
in the USA have engineering background (Cleland and Kocaoglu,
• It is clear that the engineering graduate’s career is likely to involve
some degree of management responsibility.

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Role Differences Between Engineers and Managers
(P. Morrison, “Making Managers of Engineers”, Journal of Management Engineering, Vol.2, No. 4, 1986)

Position Engineer Manager

1. Focus - More concerned with things - More concerned with people.

2. Decision Making - Makes decision with much - Makes decision often with inadequate
information, under conditions of information, under conditions of
greater certainty. greater uncertainty.
3. Involvement - Works on tasks and problem - Directs the work of others to goals.
solving personally.
4. Process Outcome - Work based on facts with - Work based on fewer facts, less
quantifiable outcomes. measurable outcomes.
5. Effectiveness - Depends on personal technical - Depends on interpersonal skills in
expertise, attention to detail, communication, conflict management,
mathematical/technical problem getting ideas across, negotiating and
solving and designing. Coaching.
6. Dependency - Experiences role as autonomous. - Experiences role as interdependent.
7. Responsibility Individual accomplishment in one - Many objectives at once, requiring
project, task, or problem at a time. orchestrating a broad range of
variables and organizational entities.
8. Creativity - Creative with products, design, - Creative with people and organizations
and materials.
9. Bottom Line - Will it work? - Will it make/save money for organiza-

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7 Engineering Management Functions

(Robert E.Shannon, Engineering Management, 1980)
• Planning. Anticipating future events. Making preparations to meet those events.
Long-and-short-range goal setting. Scheduling, Budgeting and Technological
• Organizing. Establishing communication, authority, and responsibility patterns.
Assigning roles, facilities, and equipment. Organizational change. The “informal”
• Staffing. Deciding staff needs. Finding, hiring, and training people. Matching
organizational needs and employee expectations. Meeting employment regulations.
• Motivating. Providing incentives and a productive environment. Balancing “hands
off” supervision with a more direct approach. Allowing and encouraging professional
• Communicating. Writing, speaking, reading, and listening. Conveying goals,
purposes, information, instructions and inducements.
• Measuring. Monitoring and evaluating individual and group performances.
Comparing actual performance with goals and plans.
• Correcting. Implementing change, based on the measuring function.

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Report Certain Activities
Are Performed Frequently by Engineering Managers
(I. Barclay, 1986)
• People management
• Projects
• Interpersonal
• Innovation
• Profit/efficiency
• Information processing
• Money (budgets, etc) The Greatest Problems
• Production services 1. People management
• Computing 2. Projects
• Industrial relations 3. Industrial relations
• Production systems 4. Money (budgets, etc)
• Corporate 5. Innovation
• Management science 6. Profit/efficiency
• Commercial 7. Interpersonal
• Legal 8. Others

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Manajemen ?
Managing is doing
some thing through
other person for some

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Manajemen SDM : Definisi, Arti dan
Aplikasi dalam Aktivitas Produksi
• The conventional definition of
management is getting
work done through people;
but real management is
developing people through

• Managers are people who

do things right, and leaders
are people who do the right
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Teori Manajemen Klasik

• Robert Owen, Charles Babbage, Frederick W.
Taylor, Henry Fayol, dll.
• Pendekatan management ilmiah (scientific management) dan
teori organisasi klasik.
• Organisasi kerja diidentikkan sebagai kumpulan dari satuan-
satuan kegiatan yang ditata dalam satuan fungsi dan peran
yang terintegrasi secara operasional.
• Cenderung bersifat “mekanistik” dan mengikuti hukum-hukum
operasional (mesin) yang serba eksak, logis dan rasional.
• Konsep “division of labor”, spesialisasi kerja (assembly
work), pengukuran kerja, studi gerak (tata cara kerja) dan
penetapan standard-standard kerja (waktu, output, upah, dll).

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Teori Organisasi Klasik
(The Classical Organization Theory)
• Division of labor
• Authority (right to command)
• Discipline
• Unity of Command
• Unity of Direction
• Sub-ordination of individual interest to the common
• Remuneration
• Centralization
• The hierarchy
• Order (the right man on the right place)
• Equity
• Stability of staff
• Initiative
• Esprit de Corps
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Teori Perilaku Manusia

• Aliran “behavioralism”. Dipelopori oleh Hugo
Munsterberg, Elton Mayo, dan Abraham Maslow.
• Fungsi dan peran manusia sebagai “faktor produksi
aktif”. Melihat manusia tidak dalam arti sebagai “man-
power” semata, melainkan sebagai “human
resources” atau “human” yang bisa dikembangkan
sehubungan dengan knowledge, skill, pengalaman,
motivasi, atttitude, perilaku, informasi, kompetensi dll
yang dimilikinya (human as intellectual assets).
• Human is a non-linear machine with continually
change its programming without telling us?

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Faktor-Faktor Produksi
Faktor-Faktor Produksi Pasif Manusia Sebagai Faktor
(material, mesin, dll) Produksi Aktif
• Problem terdefinisi/formulasi se- • Problem sulit didefinisikan/ formu-
cara jelas dan nyata (konkrit) lasi secara jelas-nyata (abstraktif)
• Obyek yang dihadapi berupa • Obyek yang dihadapi berupa
benda fisik-tangible (material sub- manusia dengan segala
system) perilakunya (human sub-system)
• Permasalahan serba eksak/pasti • Permasalahan serba tidak pasti,
(deterministik, complete certainty) sulit diduga dan berubah-ubah
• Asumsi yang diambil cenderung (probabilistik, uncertainty)
berlaku seterusnya (konstan) • Asumsi terputus-putus dan tidak
• Segala keputusan yang diambil menentu (tidak kontinyu)
berdasarkan data konkrit dengan • Keputusan cenderung diambil
perhitungan-perhitungan yang bisa berdasarkan sensitivitas, intuitif,
didekati secara analitis dengan timbang rasa dan memerlukan
kalkulasi kuantitatif. seni/ kiat-kiat menghadapi manusia
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Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Pioneer Teknik Industri, Manajemen

Industri, Engineering Management ?
‰ Adam Smith (1976) – menulis buku “the Wealth of Nation”,
meningkatkan produktivitas melalui spesialisasi pekerja dan
perancangan proses (pemilahan operasi).

‰ Charles Babbage (1832) – menulis buku “On the Economy

of Machinery and manufacturers” ; membuat prototipe
“different engine” (prototipe kalkulator mekanis); serta
“analytical engine” (prototipe komputer).

‰ Eli Whitney – konsep produksi “interchangeable” dan

konsep produksi massal (mass-production) melalui
pembuatan cetakan (die mould).

‰ Henry Towne (1886) – menulis paper “the Engineers as

Economist” dalam jurnal Transaction of ASME yang
menekankan perlunya engineer untuk memperhatikan aspek
ekonomis (costs/profits) dalam setiap proyek teknis maupun
keputusan yang diambil.
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Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Pioneer Teknik Industri, Manajemen
Industri, Engineering Management ?
• 1895 – menyajikan paper “A Piece of Rate System”
pada pertemuan ASME.
• 1903 – menyajikan “Shop Management” yang
menyangkut beberapa prinsip dan konsep mengenai
methods study, time study, standardization of tools,
planning department, classification systems for parts
and products, routing system, dll. Tanggapan
kurang positif.
• 1907 – menulis makalah panjang (200 halaman)
berjudul “Study of Metal Cutting” pada Transaction
of ASME (rumus Taylor yang terkait dengan biaya
produksi dan umur pahat : C = VTn).
• 1909 – menulis “The Principles of Scientific
Management” yang sangat kontroversial dan
fenomental : (1) menaikkan output produksi
sekaligus menurunkan biaya operator, namun juga
menaikkan gaji/upah mereka, (2) melatih operator
Frederick Winslow Taylor dan meminta mereka bekerja pada kemampuan
(1856 – 1915) maksimal untuk kenaikan upah (bonus/insentif) yang
melebihi standard.

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Principle of
Scientific Management
1) Develop a science for 1) Kembangkan setiap pekerjaan secara
each element of man’s work, ilmiah, bukan dengan cara sekedar
which replaces the old rule of coba-coba.
thumb method 2) Lakukan seleksi, pelatihan dan pem
2) Select scientifically and then train, binaan karyawan secara ilmiah, bukan
teach and develop the workman, secara individual tanpa sistematika.
whereas previously he chose his 3) Bina kerjasama dan hubungan baik
own methods and trained himself dengan prinsip-prinsip ilmiah, sehingga
as best as he could. semua pekerjaan dikerjakan sesuai
3) Cooperate heartily with the men so dengan prinsip ilmiah yang dikem
as to ensure that all of the work bangkan.
being done is in accordance with 4) Lakukan pembagian kerja dengan kadar
the principles of the science which bobot dan tanggung-jawab
has been develop. yang seimbang, baik pada
4) There is almost an equal division of manajemen maupun pada
the work and responsibility between karyawan/pekerja.
management and workmen. The
management takes over all works
for which they are better fitted than
the workman.

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Pioneer Teknik Industri, Manajemen
Industri, Engineering Management ?
‰ Frank Gilbreth (1868 -1924)
™ Sambil bekerja sekaligus mengevaluasi dan
memperbaiki sistem kerjanya sendiri.
™ Meningkatkan produktivitas hampir tiga kali
lipat hanya dengan cara mengurangi
gerakannya dengan mengatur lokasi/
penempatan bahan baku.
™ Menganalisa kerja dan menyusun klasifikasi
gerakan kerja mikro (micro-motion study)
Frank & Lillian Gilbreth dengan mengintroduksi elemen-elemen
gerakan Therbligs.
‰ Lillian Gilbreth (1878-1972)
™ Istri dari Frank Gilbreth, seorang doktor
™ Mengkoreksi pendekatan yang
menempatkan manusia sebagai bagian dari
“mesin kerja” dengan lebih menekankan
pada aspek perilaku (behavior) manusia.

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Chronological Development of Production Technology

(Hardware) and Production Methodology (Software)

Present Development curve

for technology
Degree of Development

Information (hardware)
Space Technology Technology

Electronic Development curve

Computer for methodology
and Line Balancing
interchangeability Operation
Steam Charles Babbage Research
Adam Smith TQC/QCC
Elton Mayo
Frank & Lillian Gilbreth
F. W Taylor

1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 Time

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Engineering Development
Military Engineering
Mathematics &
Physics Civilian Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Chemical
Engineering Engineering
Industrial Engineering

Computer Philosophy
Science Management
Science (OR) Statistics
Sciences Industrial &
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Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Phase-Phase Perkembangan
Aktivitas Produksi di Industri
Phase-Phase Macam & Area Lokasi Sifat Perubahan
Perkembangan Volume Produk Pemasaran Terjadi
Customized, Tersendat,
Job Order Lokal Revolusi
kecil, terbatas Trial & Error Industri

Mass Standard, seri, Lambat, Revolusi

Regional Scientific Method Industri - 1930
Production batch, massal

Mass Diversifikasi,
Nasional Cepat 1930 - 1950
Marketing banyak model

Mass Sangat terdiver Global/

Customization sifikasi & masal Turbulent 1950 - Skg

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• Engineering role : (1) Design

(production system, service system,
methods/work, facilities, product, etc);
(2) Operation (productivity, quality,
reliability, maintenance, etc).
• Business Role (Development) : system, culture,
organization, entrepreneurial, R & D, etc.
• Financial Role : financial structuring.
• Strategic Role : product development/diversi
fication, marketing strategy, alliance/
partnership/collaboration, human development,
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Ruang Lingkup
Profesi Teknik Industri
• Human Activity System Design
Berkaitan dengan area kerja fisik dimana
kegiatan produksi (interaksi sistem manusia-mesin)
dilaksanakan. Perancangan fasilitas produksi
(layout), manufacturing processes, methods
engineering, ergonomics, etc.
• Management Control System Design
Berkaitan dengan prosedur perencanaan, pengu
kuran dan pengendalian produksi, cost analysis &
control, management information system, etc.
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Kronologis Perkembangan
Disiplin Teknik Industri
Phase Problematik, Kasus, Konsep, atau Skala
Perkembangan Pengembangan Teori Pandang

Revolusi Industri Mekanisasi Proses-2 Produksi, Interchange-ability

(1750-1900-an) Parts, Standardisasi Produk (awal Mass Production)
Scientific Time & Motion Studies, Organization (Functional)
Management Design, Production Planning & Scheduling, Inventory MIKRO
(1890 - 1930-an) Model (EOQ), Statistical QC, Line Balancing, etc.
Tool Design, Engineering Economy, Human Engineering
Industrial Engineering
(Ergonomics), Facilities Location & Layout, Queuing
Theory, Analyzing Productivity, Management Controls, etc
Operations Digital Computer, Mathematical Programming, Reliability
Research Analysis, Decision/Optimization Theory, System MIKRO
(1945-1970-an) Engineering, Automation, Mgmt Information System, etc.
Industrial & Control Theory, Large-Scale System, Total System MAKRO
System Engineering Design, Social System, Cybernetics, Behavioral Theory

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The Role of the Industrial Engineers

in Integrating New Technologies
(1960 - 1980)
Manajemen Persediaan Desain SIM
Perbaikan Metode Perbaikan Metoda & Persediaan
dan Penyederhanaan Kerja Rekayasa
Penyederhanaan Proyek Analisa Finansial
Kerja Proyek Rancangan Fasilitas Perenc.Sistem Non-Mfg

Tata Letak Pabrik Tata Letak Pabrik Standard-2

50% Rekayasa
(Layout) Std TK Tak Langsung Tenaga Kerja
Tak Langsung
Tenaga Kerja Standard-2
Standard-2 Std TK Tak Langsung
Langsung Tenaga Kerja
(Waktu, Output, Langsung Tenaga Kerja Standard-2
Upah, dll) Langsung TK Langsung
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
Sumber : Pritsker, AB. Defining the Role of the Industrial Engineer in Integrating New
Technologies. Journal of Industrial Engineering, December 1985.
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The Role of the Industrial Engineers
in Integrating New Technologies
(1980 - 2000)
Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Strategic Strategic
Planning Planning
Management Management
Control Control
Control Management
50% Control

Control Operational
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Sumber : Pritsker, AB. Defining the Role of the Industrial Engineer in Integrating New
Technologies. Journal of Industrial Engineering, December 1985.
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Kompetensi Teknik Industri Menyongsong Masa Depan

Sumber: Sinks, DS. Can IE’s Become Master of Change? Journal Industrial Engineering, December 1985

Teknik Industri Teknik Industri

Aliran Tradisional Aliran Modern
- Work Measurement + (plus) Performance & Productivity Measurement
- Methods Engineering + (plus) Operation Analysis, I/O Analysis, etc
- Human Factors Engineering + (plus) Socio -Technical System Design
- Operation Research + (plus) Mgmt Support System Design, Development and
- Engineering Economy + (plus) Capital Productivity Management
- Manufacturing Processes, + (plus) Manufacturing Systems Mgmt, Productivity
Inventory Control, Facilities Management
Planing, Production Control
- Quality Control, Reliability + (plus) Quality Management (Total)
and Statistics
- Productivity Improvement + (plus) Strategic Planning/Mgmt, etc
- Computers Programming, + (plus) Corporate Finance, Cost Analysis, Organization
Industrial Organization/Mgmt Development/Behavior, Industrial Psychology

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Kronologi Pengembangan Profesi Teknik Industri
Macro & Micro View
Micro View
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Operation Research
Scientific Management Industrial Engineering
Labor Union Management
Tool Design Reliability System
Engineering Design
Management CAM
Statistical MRP
Efficiency Experts Line Balancing Decision Artificial Intelligence
& Queueing Productivity Theory
Mass Production Japanese Computer
Engineering Simulation
Wage Incentive Plan Production System Network
Standardization Group Flexible
Line & Staff Human Relations Analysis
Organization Technology Automation
Interchangeable Division and Ergonomics/
Parts Inventory Material
Specialization of Human System Flexible Mfg System
Motion Study Model EOQ Handling Factors
Labor Engineering
Statistical Computer
Accounting Piecework Schedule Quality Network Optimization Office
Time Study Plant Layout Integrated
Incentives Charts Control Planning Theory Automation Manufacturing

1494 1750 1890 1900 1915 1929 1941 1958 1980 1990 2000
Industrial Revolution WW I Depression WW II Space age High Tech. Globalization

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What Do IEs Do ?
• As a management engineer in a hospital, you may help
doctors and nurses make the best use of their time in
treating patients. You may also design procedures for
optimum use of medical facilities to help bring the cost
of healthcare down.
• As an ergonomist in a television manufacturing plant, you may
change the tools workers use to assemble televisions to reduce
the risk of repetitive stress injuries.
• As an operations analysts for an airline, you may design a bar
coding system for identifying and transporting passengers’
luggage to ensure that it does not get lost.
• As a quality engineer for a public gas and electric company,
you may improve customer satisfaction by designing a process
to schedule service calls around the availability of the customer.
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Ruang Lingkup Aktivitas Profesi Teknik Industri
(What Do IEs Do?)

Doing more, Business Efficiency and

less and less Profitability Productivity Improvement

Think technically, Process Design, Quality Engineering, Production

global view and Analysis & Improvement Management & Simulation
Improvement and
flexible concept

Ergonomic Analysis Management

Work Method System
& Improvement Approach
and Measurement System

Cost Analysis & Production Planning Decision
Product Design Reduction Program and Inventory Control Analysis
and Development
Organization Development
Facilities Planning,
Value Analysis/ &
Design & Layout Industrial Management
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Karakteristik Keilmuan TI/MI

• TI/MI memberikan peluang untuk bekerja dalam berbagai jenis
bidang kerja (bisnis/ industri).
• Aspek yang paling menonjol dari disiplin TI/MI adalah “flexibility”
dalam aplikasi ilmu TI/MI (all share the common goal of saving companies
money and increasing efficiencies).
• Dalam kondisi dimana banyak manajer perusahaan menghadapi masalah peningkatan
daya saing, maka mereka harus mampu memperbaiki kualitas/produktivitas, menekan
biaya, dan mempercepat waktu penyerahan barang. Disini diperlukan lulusan TI/MI,
karena disiplin TI/MI memang mengajarkan kompetensi dan/atau kemampuan
(spesialis) untuk permasalahan ini (eliminate waste of time, money, materials, energy,
and other commodities).
• Disiplin TI/MI diharapkan mampu “menyelamatkan” uang perusahaan, itu sebabnya
banyak perusahaan yang kemudian merekrut lulusan TI/MI dan mempromosikan
dalam posisi manajemen karena orang-orang TI/MI dianggap bisa memahami proses
tetapi juga sekaligus melihat proses produksi tidak hanya sebagai proses aliran material
(material flow) namun juga sekaligus sebagai proses aliran uang (cash flow).
• Industrial engineers figure out how to do things better; they engineer processes and
systems that improve quality and productivity.
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“Successful industrial engineers must possess
the ability to communicate effectively, for without it
you cannot sell your ideas. You must be able
to manage projects and multiple tasks,
for without those skills you will be able less efficient and
of less use to your employer.
You must be able to observe others and understand
why they are doing what they do, for without that
change is an uphill battle”
(Advice from an IIE Member)
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Performance Industri Masa Depan

• Manufacturing : focus on processes, continuous
improvement, mass-customization.
• Reach the market faster, at lower costs, at higher
quality, high customer satisfaction and loyalty.
• Quality - reliability - maintainability - sustainability
• Manufacturing ethics : emphasis on
people and environment (human
capital/assets, human-ware, brain-
ware, etc).

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Old Style New Style
• Dominated by Technology • Emphasis on People
• Hierarchical Structures • Network Structures
• Authoritarian Management • Employee Participation
in Decision Making
• Specialization and Rigidly Define • Flexible Workforce
Roles • Job Enrichment
• Repetitive Tasks • Workforce Involvement in
Job Design
• Jobs Designed Wholly by
• Continual Upgrading of
Experts skills
• De -skilling • Greater Autonomy
• Close Supervision • Substantial Workforce
• Minimal Workforce Cooperation

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Proyeksi Perkembangan Dunia Abad 21

‰ Pengaruh Teknologi Informasi
™ Perubahan pola kerja, gaya kerja dan bentuk transaksi
¾ Kerja individual, outsourcing/networking, modal maya
(virtual capital)
¾ Internet driven: e-commerce/business, e-mail, distance
learning & services
™ Perubahan gaya kepemimpinan dan manajemen
¾ Visioner, kreatif, transformatif dan komunikatif
¾ Empowering, intergratif-networking-sinergis, high-touch &
high-tech, antisipatif, adaptif, dan kompeten
™ Pergeseran pengendali kekuasaan ekonomi dan politik
¾ Bergeser dari pimpinan negara ke pimpinan pengendali informasi
¾ Hard-Skill ke Soft-Skill

‰ Tantangan & Peluang

™ Kompetisi bebas dan terbuka
™ Kemampuan pemenuhan persyaratan mengenai mutu,
waktu, biaya akan ditentukan oleh pemakai (users) dan
mengharuskan untuk peningkatan fleksibilitas/responsiveness
serta inovasi produk (customer satisfaction)
™ Pasar luas (global).

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• Telecommunication
• Change
• Transportation
• Complexity
• Travel
• Competitiveness
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Pola Pikir Menghadapi Tantangan Global?

Persaingan Global

Daya Saing Perusahaan

Operation Management
(as Competitional Weapon)

Professional People


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Dampak Globalisasi dan
Krisis Ekonomi di Indonesia
• Globalisasi membawa dampak semakin ketatnya
persaingan antar negara didalam upaya mereka untuk mendorong
lebih cepat pertumbuhan ekonomi (industrialisasi) yang berorientasi
“outward looking”.
• Semakin terkaitnya Indonesia dalam percaturan internasional yang
mengakibatkan hentakan dan benturan dalam skala global, regional
dan konflik internal didalam negeri sendiri (reformasi, konflik vertikal-
horizontal, kesulitan ekonomi, dll).
• Dampak global yang menimbulkan kesulitan ekonomi di Indonesia
merupakan krisis multi-dimensional yang disebabkan oleh banyak
faktor (variabel) baik eksternal maupun internal, mata uang (hutang
LN), ketidak-stabilan politik, dan lain-lain.

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Land Capital

….. industri adalah lokasi (tempat) dimana aktivitas produksi

akan diselenggarakan …..
Aktivitas produksi …. sekumpulan aktivitas yang diperlukan
untuk merubah satu kumpulan masukan (inputs) menjadi produk
luaran akhir (finished goods output) yang memiliki nilai tambah
4/26/2005 Pengantar Manajemen 45
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Maybach 62
Mercedes Benz

U$ 900.000 Pengantar Manajemen 46
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Berapa Nilai Produk Sekarang Ini ?
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“Diagram Sistem Industri”
* Quality
Proses Manajemen * Costs
* Time

Finished Goods
. Material
. Human Proses
. Machines/
Equipment Produksi Services
. Information
. Energy

Defects, etc
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Aktivitas Produksi
Ditinjau dari Proses
Aliran Uang

Income Modal Kerja Long Term

(Before Tax) (Working Capital) Capital Assets

Dividends Bhn Baku Tenaga Energi Informasi, Capital

Tax Kerja dll (Depresiasi)

Proses Produksi/Operasional
(Proses Konversi Uang Menjadi Produk yang Memiliki Nilai Tambah)

Finished Goods Product

Proses Distribusi & Pemasaran/Penjualan

(Proses Konversi Produk Menjadi Uang)

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Produktivitas, Unit Costs & Daya Saing

P2 U ni UC1

C os
P1 UC2 t/un

t1 t2 t1 t2
1998 2003 1998 2003

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Physical and Economic Criteria for

Evaluating Production System
Performance Criteria
Labor Physical
Measurable Intangible

Energy - Labor efficiency - Labor cost Poor selection of :

- Material utilization
Other (scrap, waste, etc) - Materials cost . Suppliers
- Energy utilization
- Other - Energy Cost . Parts and/or materials

- Improved by trained workers

- Equipment utilization Production overhead
. Rents - Unused capacity
Production - Output rate . Salaries
Process . Insurance - Machine breakdowns
- Inventory levels . Utilities
. Etc - Shortages

Loss of goodwill from

Products - Quantity
dissatisfied customers
- Timing
Services . Poor quality
- Quality
. Late deliveries
- Location
Outputs . Poor services

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Perkembangan Atribut Kompetisi

Cost Quality Delivery Innovation

1800 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

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Areas of Opportunity for Productivity Improvement

- Education & Training
- Developments of Work Methods
- Attitude & Motivation
- Performance Related Pay Productivity
- Working Environment
Improved Competitive

- Inventory Control
Position and Profits

- Cash Management
- Investment Analysis Productivity
- Economic Planning & Control
- Production Planning & Control
- Plant Layout & Material Handling
- Cost & Quality Control
- Manufacturing Methods Analysis Productivity
- Maintenance Scheduling
- Company Strategy
- Organizational Development
- Management Development
- Administration Rationalization Productivity
- Manpower Analysis
- General Market Analysis
- Market Segmentation Sales Market
- Manufacturing & Price Strategy
- Distribution Analysis
- Organization of Marketing Function

- Product Planning & Development Product

- Product Profitability
- Value Engineering & Analysis

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Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Megatrend 2000
(Paradigm Shift)

• Masyarakat industri informasi

• Perekonomian lokal/nasional global
• Kebijakan sentralisasi desentralisasi
• Hirarki jaringan kerja (network)
• Era kejayaan individu (penguasaan teknologi/
informasi memungkinkan individu memiliki
“bargaining power” yang lebih besar).
Peningkatan kualitas SDM mutlak !

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Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Business Paradigm

Transform from : Into :

* Material Domination of * Problem Solving Service

* Innovative Product
* Cheap Labor (Smart People)
* Base on knowledge :
* Availability of Raw - Science
- Technology
- Information
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Faktor Keunggulan Bangsa
(Survey World Bank, 150 negara)

• Innovation and Creativity 45%

• Networking 25%
• Technology 20%
• Natural Resources 10%
Catatan :
*) Inovasi, kreatifitas, networking dan pengembangan
teknologi di Indonesia dirasakan lemah/kurang.
*) Inovasi, kreativitas, networking dan pengembangan
teknologi sangat diperlukan dalam proses desain,
manufakturing dan marketing produk-produk industri.

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Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Pergeseran Paradigma Bisnis

Era Industri Era Informasi
• Perubahan cepat
• Perubahan lamban
• Global
• Lokal
• Soft technology
• Hard technology
• Intangible asset
• Tangible asset
(information, knowledge)
• Arm-length transaction
• Closed Supplier-Customer
• Functional
• Cross function
• Product life-cycle lama
• Product life-cycle pendek
• Kekuatan otot
• Kekuatan Otak
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Abad-Abad Perubahan
(Kresnayana Yahya, 2000)

Agricultural Age Industrial Age Information Age

food & knowledge

Wealth Definition food things

People work as slaves/serfs employees partners

People work in hierarchies bureaucracies team-nets/networks

organization organization organization

Production system one-piece mass-production mass-customization

customization mfg system mfg-system

Scarcity of resources Abundance of information

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Paradigma Perubahan
(Aspek Kultural)

• Nilai Lokal/Tradisional • Multikultural (Global)

• Doktrin “In-Loco Parentis” • Demokrasi
• Reaktif & Defensive • Inovatif & Proaktif
• Orientasi Masa Lalu • Tantangan Masa
• Maksimasi Proses Depan
• Pengendalian Ketat • Maksimasi Output
• Kaku & Tidak Fleksibel • Empowering,
Dinamis & Fleksibel
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Paradigma Perubahan
(Aspek Struktural)

• Hirarki-Birokrasi • Network (Team-Net)

• Sentralisasi • Desentralisasi
• Interaksi Vertikal • Interaksi Lateral (Sharing)
• Rigid, Dependence • Flexible, Independence
• Formal Channels • Voluntary Relations
• Command • Consultation/Participative
• Appointed Leaders • Natural Leaders
• Formal Jobs • Loosely Defined Jobs
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Proses Perubahan Struktur Organisasi


Bureaucracy Bureaucracy

Hierarchy Hierarchy Hierarchy

Small Groups Small Groups Small Groups Small Groups

“Nomadic Age” “Agricultural Age” “Industrial Age” “Information Age”

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Organisasi Masa Depan ?

• Level management semakin

sedikit, hirarki semakin pendek
• Adhocracy & porous departments
• Pelepasan sistem dari ikatan strukturnya
(organisasi lebih fleksibel, otonom ?)
• Sharing resources (collaboration,
partnership, dsb)

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Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Strategic Options for

Manufacturing & Service Industries
Related purchase Unrelated purchase
Buying other firm to
Creating a portfolio,
gain market share and to buy
supposedly to spread risk
the competition
of distributors
by backward integration
and/or retailers

Supplier base

Partnership Partnership
Joint ventures Joint ventures Licensing agreements
Directly related to Unrelated to core
relationships activity, but adds value Distribution agreements
firm’s core activity
for the firm

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Industri/Sritomo W.Soebroto

Industrial engineer is synonymous with systems
integrator ( a big picture thinker, in other
words). It’s an employee who takes what exists today
and conceptualizes what exist in the future.
IEs spend most of their time out in the real operating
environment, coming up with scientific
approaches to problems rather than
seat-of-the pants, temporary solutions

(The Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2001)

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