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This story was written by Harper Lee and the name of it is “To Kill a Mockinbird”. TKMb is her 1 st novel.

This book is very powerful and it touches a weak and problem sides of America in 1935. The main
characters of this story are clever and smart lawyer Atticus Finch,his two children Jem and Jean and a
Negro man Tom Robinson.

This part begins with description of court room and what’s going on there. All of such situation
concentrated on the speech of Atticus (discussion of evidences and disproving of it)and Jem and Jean’s

Atticus was a half-way through his speech to the jury. He pulled some papers to the briefcase and
started to discuss. He gone over the evidence and talked with the kind of detachment. Atticus walked
around the room, then he paused and did he something he didn’t ordinary do: at first, he inhitched his
watch, after that he unbuttoned vest and loosened tie. His children Jem and Jean saw him in such

He applied to the jury with his arguments, that this case was not difficult one, it was so simply as black
and white. Atticus said in different way, his voice lost aridity.

The state has not produced one iota of medical evidence that Tom Robinson is charged with this crime.
Only two witnesses whose evidence are not so serious . By his words, the defendant was not guilty, but
somebody in that room was.

His next monologue was especially about Mrs Ewell; about such consequences. She broke the social
rigid and time-honored code, yes, she was the victim of cruel poverty, but Atticus couldn’t pity her- she
was white. She had all of the rights and knew about offense, but she did it. She tempted the Negro, she
kissed him. But after her trick she had an evidence and this evidence was human being Tom Robinson.
But she must destroy this evidence. Then, obviously known that her father saw it, and what did he do?
Everybody didn’t know, but judge had an evidence that this young lady was savagely beaten by smb,
who worked with his left. But T.R. possessed only with his right.

But unfortunately jury, judge and all of the people supposed that Negroes were liers, Negroes were
immoral beings and other terrible things; but they had opposite points – not only Negroes can lie or not
only for them they can’t trust.. The colour of the skin can’t identify the behavior and mental relations.

And last thing, before Atticus quieted, that Tom Jefferson once said that all people were equal. A lot of
example existed for it, but it was a place for opposition. We know that all men are not equal, some
people are smarter, some have more opportunities, and some make better cakes and dinners than
thers. We are different with different gifts.

There was only one place where we are absolutely equal- it is a court. It can be supreme court or Land
Court, it is unimportant. And than he finished his speech, thanked jury, his voice was dropped and in the
end Jem couldn’t hear last words..

Then everything had a dreamlike quality: jury returned in the court room. Voice of the Judge Taylor
fulled the room and his words guilty guilty… were everywhere.

Atticus pushed his papers from the table, put his hand on Tom’s shoulder,whispered something and
went to their children.

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