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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 06: Managing a Successful Computing Project

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Phan Anh Ly Ly Student ID GCD191295

Class GCD0806 Assessor name Ngô Ngọc Tri

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature LyLy

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

IV Signature:
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1.1 About the Internet of Things (IoT): ....................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2 Application of IoT in term of healthcare: ............................................................................................ 5
1.1.3 Research motivation ................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 SCENARIO ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN: ............................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Project charter: ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Main aim of the project: .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Project Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN..................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Project scpoe: ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.6 Project Milestone List:....................................................................................................................................... 11
2.7 Project Cost Estimation .................................................................................................................................... 14
2.8 Project Risks.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.9 Project Resources ............................................................................................................................................... 15
2.10 Project Communication. ............................................................................................................................... 15
3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide timeframes and stages for
completion. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
3.1 Work Breakdown Structure. ........................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Gantt Chart............................................................................................................................................................. 17
4 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods
appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives. ........................................................................................... 18
4.1 Qualitative Research .......................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Quantitative Research. ...................................................................................................................................... 19


1.1.1 About the Internet of Things (IoT):

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects— “things”—that are
embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and
exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. These devices range from
ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools.

Figure 1: Internet of Things.

With more than 7 billion connected IoT devices today, experts are expecting this number to
grow to 10 billion by 2020 and 22 billion by 2025. Oracle has a network of device partners.

Today, the IoT has become a part of our lives, it affects our behavior, changes the way we
work, and affects the way we improve our health.

Some of the advantages of IoT:

 Connectivity anytime, anywhere on any device.

 Exchange of information over the Internet saves time and money
 Automatic tasks improve jobs with less labor.

There is a figure about top 10 of IoT more popular today

Figure 2: top IoT.

1.1.2 Application of IoT in term of healthcare:

With the aging population and increasing chronic diseases, IoT applications in the field of
Medicine help track, diagnose and treat all kinds of diseases that can happen, are and will happen.

IoT technology is increasingly being applied widely and even in the healthcare field and it is
increasingly being developed with many practical applications and success in treatment.

IoT helps scientists and doctors monitor the health of users or support treatment with the
best and simplest results for patients.

Iot helps us create a system that tracks, records notes, and synthesizes the best treatments
and creates a database that can be easily stored and shared in medicine.
Figure 3: IoT for Healthcare.

1.1.3 Research motivation

Along with the development of technology, scientists realize that its application in medicine
will help medicine to develop to a new level to meet the needs of current health care.

The development of IoT in medicine has helped doctors reduce the burden of data
classification (patient name, address, contact information, medical condition, medical history ...) it
reduces time time to wait and get work done quickly.

As a member of Research and Development department, you have been assigned a mini-project
to find out do digital technologies improve life or distract from it and to explore the efficacy of products
and features specifically designed to improve health and wellbeing.
You need to do primary research (both qualitative and quantitative research) and secondary
research to find out that impact and conduct a report for your research. Even it’s a mini-project, you
must apply project management (PM) techniques such as project charter with aims, objectives, cost etc.
As for time management, you need to produce WBS and Gantt chart with reasonable tasks and time. A
project logbook is required to provide evidence of the project development process and ongoing
reflection for every week. This logbook will be needed later for your reflection and evaluation in
Assignment 2. As part of QA (quality assurance) policy, in the report you also need to critically evaluate
the PM process and appropriate research methodologies applied.
Your report must have an introduction stating the project aims and objectives. This must be
followed by a copy of your project management plan. Your plan should show the milestones when you
will review with your tutor your ongoing progress so far. You will submit your logbook which shows how
you have carried out the project.

2.1 Project charter:

1. General Project Information

Project Name: Project to develop software to support medical examination and treatment.

Executive Sponsors: Katty Nguyen – CEO of Future medical instrument

Department Sponsor: Research and Development Future medical instrument

Impact of project: It will make it easier for you to take care of your own health or for a family member.

2. Project Team

Name Department Telephone E-mail

Project Phan Anh Ly Ly Research and 0334 996 xxx

Manager: Future medical

Team Members: Phan Trinh Trong Research and 0987 236 xxx
Future medical
Chau Nguyen Research and 0976 445 xxx
Bach Khoa Development
Future medical
Le Ngoc Tan Research and 0976 357 xxx
Toan Development
Future medical
Nguyen Van Research and 0976 889 xxx
Thang Development
Future medical
Hoang Xuan Loc Research and 0976 778 xxx
Future medical
3. Stakeholders

Le Anh Tuan - Head of Research and Development IT

Katty Nguyen – CEO of Future medical instrument
Bui Xuan Huan – Head Manager of Customer Representative Department
Ngo Ba Kha - Head manager of Marketing
Le Van Phu - Manager science and technology development
4. Project Scope Statement

Project Purpose / Business Justification Describe the business need this project addresses

Using software associated with reputable hospitals and doctors to assist in health care in the simplest and most accessible
way for everyone.

Objectives (in business terms)

• The software is subject to legal requirements and ensures that it does not violate
business and medical laws.
• Affiliated hospitals and physicians must be clearly contracted and regulated and
responsible for their own diagnosis and treatment.
 The software is always updated and supported by users


• The software must be designed to be simple, easy to use and compatible with the widest
range of devices.
• Supports multiple languages and interpreters.
• The software runs smoothly and does not require high device configuration.
• Patient information must be kept confidential and encrypted.
• Medical expenses must be declared transparently on the software and have a medical


• This project will focus on supporting the simplest possible medical examination and
treatment, helping to save money and time for patients.
• This software is subject to the law and is responsible for the law

Project Milestones :
• Inception phase (Project concept planning, stakeholder identification, team member
• Start: August 28th, 2020 – Accomplish 1st Oct 2020 (Status: Done).
• Planning phase (Financial Management Plan, Stakeholder Management Plan, Monitoring
and Control Plan, Risk Management Plan, Resource Use Plan (people, equipment) , tools),
Quality Assurance Plan, Test and Release Plan, Project Termination Plan):
• Start: Otc 4th 2020 – Accomplish Dec 3th 2020 (Status: Done).
• Construction phase:
• Start: Dec 5th 2020 – Accomplish April 11th 2021 (Status: Doing).
• Delivery & maintenance phase:
• Start: April 12th 2021 – End May 12th 2021 (Status:Pending).

Major Known Risks (including significant Assumptions) Identify obstacles that may cause the project to fail.

Risk Risk Rating (Hi, Med, Lo)

Delay project schedule Medium
Product quality risks High
The risk exceeds the cost of the project Medium
Lack of cooperation among stakeholders High
Human resources risks Low
Risk of registering with hospitals and doctors High
Risks are not agreed by the law High

Constraints List any conditions that may limit the project team’s options with respect to resources, personnel, or schedule (e.g., predetermined
budget or project end date, limit on number of staff that may be assigned to the project).

• Declare fully information the budget items paid during the project's operation.
• The employees are arranged to work according to their expertise.
• Stakeholders create favorable conditions to speed up the project.

External Dependencies

• Customer.
• Investors
• Members of the project

5. Communication Strategy

Communication Management Plan:

• Leaders of each group in the project will have to synthesize their reports periodically
during the week, the above reports will be released at each meeting at the beginning of
the week and midweek.
• Leader always check e-mail to avoid missing important reports from employees and
• There will be a meeting at the end of each month to review the project progress.

6. Sign-off

Name Signature Date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Executive Sponsor Katty Nguyen Katty

Department Sponsor Phan Anh Ly Ly LyLy

Project Manager

7. Notes

2.2 Main aim of the project:

With the development of technology, we realize that the current medical examination and
treatment still has many urgent problems and problems that have not been resolved, so we will
bring technologies to help improve the above problems into medical examination. Treatment in
public hospitals across the country.

The problems we identified in the hospitals and the wishes of each patient:

 Register to book medical examination and treatment at public hospitals.

 Buy prescription drugs prescribed by your doctor.
 Online health consultation.
 Encyclopedia of drug information.
 Medicine reminder notification on smartphone.

Through the above problems we will create a software on the phone to link with the hospitals
and doctors to solve the above mentioned problems.
It will help users feel better when they get medical examination and treatment and save time
and money.

2.3 Project Objective

The goal of this project is to give people more tools to aid in medical examination and treatment.

The problems we identified in the hospitals and the wishes of each patient:

• Register to book medical examination and treatment in hospitals.

• Buy prescription drugs prescribed by a doctor.

• Online health consultation.

• Encyclopedia of drug information.

• Medicine reminder notification on smartphone.


2.5 Project scpoe:

The scope of Smart app project is specifically, clearly and completely created. It includes
clear steps to make the project as successful as possible: plan, execute, design, test, find and resolve
bugs and then improve.

Not only that, the application develops an AI system that can remember data and create
reminders for each software user.

• The investor and related parties must always work together for the development of the
project. The project will be completed when the software and processes related to the
project are completed
• The application is optimized for performance and performance and has a stable server with
• Based on the customer evaluation, the project scope can be further modified or internally
trimmed to suit the most essential requirements of the customer.

2.6 Project Milestone List:

Below is a summary of the project's implementation milestones as well as the progress status
of the ongoing phases in the project.
Phase Describe Start End Duration Status
Project Planning Make ideas August September 14 days Done
and plan for 28th, 2020 10th, 2020
the project.
Recruitment of Desiring to September September 7 days Done
members and find members 11th, 2020 17th, 2020
investors and dedicated
investors in
the project
Briefly introduce Explain to the September September 7 days Done
the project to members to 18th, 2020 24th, 2020
team members better
the project
and be
for their work
Organize For investors September 1st Oct 7 days Done
meetings and members 25th, 2020 2020
between to understand
members and each other
investors better
Create specific From there Oct 4th Oct 8th 5 days Done
schedules and based on the 2020 2020
tasks ability of the
members to
divide the
Set specific Calculate and Oct 9th, Oct 15th, 7 days Done
financial give budget 2020 2020
to investors
Establish For investors Oct 16th, Oct 22th, 7 days Done
communication and members 2020 2020
process to exchange
to capture the
progress of
the project
Project Objective Give exact Oct 23th, Oct 29th, 7 days Done
and Aim goals for the 2020 2020
Project Scope Ensure the Oct 30th, Nov 5th 7 days Done
management project will 2020 2020
properly and
implement all
the desired
items agreed
upon by the
Research AI Search Nov 6th, Nov 12th, 7 days Done
technology information 2020 2020
and research
features of AI
to develop
Research & applications
Analyzing in the system
Collect drug Search Nov13th, Dec 3th 21 days Done
information information 2020 2020
of Drugs and
what are they
use for
Create Algorithms Built Dec 5th, Jan 5th, 31days Done
lgorithms for 2020 2020
the system
Using cloud Storage data Jan 6th, Jan 19th, 14 days Done
technology 2020 2020
Product Includes Jan 20th, Mar 21th, 60 days Done
information functions, 2020 2020
Design app Construction Mar 22th, April 11th, 20 days Done
interface(Using the interface 2020 2021
Flutter) of the system
Finding risk After testing April 12th, April 16th, 5 days Done
2021 2021
Giving solution April 17th, April 19th, 3 days Done
Delivery &
2021 2021
Solving risk April 20th, April 22th, 3 days Done
2021 2021
Testing April 22th, April 24th, 3 days Done
2021 2021
Final part Delivery April 25th, April 27th, 3 days Done
2021 2021
Maintenance April 28th, May 12th, 14 days Done
2021 2021
2.7 Project Cost Estimation
A project wants to be implemented, in addition to the initial concept and meticulous
planning, it needs costs, cost management is also very important, it helps the investor to visualize
the project's scale. Its important point is that dividing the input cost from a given term with a well-
thought-out term will make it economical and use it for a larger purpose.

Below is a summary of the costs for this project.

Phase Unit Cost/month Total
Staff Leader and 8 6000$ 48000$
IT Manager
Staff Research and 4 2500$ 10000$
Staff Maketing manager 2 2000$ 4000$
Staff Manager evaluate 1 1500$ 1500$
and test
Staff Analyst 1 1000$ 1000$
Total cost 64500$

2.8 Project Risks.

In the project management process, the occurrence of unintended incidents is inevitable. The
causes of risks are many, possibly due to lack of prior understanding of the new research field or
other objective reasons, so problems need to be foreseen during the operation can happen to
minimize the damage caused by the risk

Risk Risk Rating (Hi, Med, Lo)

Delay project schedule Medium
Product quality risks High
The risk exceeds the cost of the project Medium
Lack of cooperation among stakeholders High
Human resources risks Low
Risk of registering with hospitals and doctors High
Risks are not agreed by the law High
2.9 Project Resources
Project Team

Name Department Telephone E-mail

Project Phan Anh Ly Ly Research and 0334 996 xxx

Manager: Future medical

Team Members: Phan Trinh Trong Research and 0987 236 xxx
Future medical
Chau Nguyen Research and 0976 445 xxx
Bach Khoa Development
Future medical
Le Ngoc Tan Research and 0976 357 xxx
Toan Development
Future medical
Nguyen Van Research and 0976 889 xxx Thangnguyen0304@gmail.c
Thang Development om
Future medical
Hoang Xuan Loc Research and 0976 778 xxx
Future medical

2.10 Project Communication.

A successful project requires a lot of work from many people and stakeholders, to get the
cooperation and work effectively, it requires good communication between the parties, good
communication. is the exchange of information and expressing ideas, thinking with each other. In a
project, it is indispensable to communicate with each other to help support and assist the work to
make the project progress smoothly.

Below are some ways to communicate in projects.

• Internal communication: the development department in the project will have meetings
each week to review the work has been done to review the progress of the department
and make plans for future work.
• Information management: At the end of the month will be based on the review reports of
each week to analyze progress and bring information to stakeholders to follow up the
• Project marketing: the manager will be responsible for introducing users to the most
detailed information about the project's products and outlining the benefits of the
product and supporting the customer.

3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to provide

timeframes and stages for completion.

3.1 Work Breakdown Structure.

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is developed to establish a common understanding of
project scope. It is a hierarchical description of the work that must be done to complete the
deliverables of a project. Each descending level in the WBS represents an increasingly detailed
description of the project deliverables.

The benefit of using WBS include:

• it defines and organizes the work required

• it facilitates the quick development of a schedule by allocating effort estimates to specific
sections of the WBS
• it can be used to identify potential scope risks if it has a branch that is not well defined
• it provides a visual of entire scope
• it can be used to identify communication points
• it provides a visual of impacts when deliverables are falling behind
• it can be used to show and assign accountabilities and responsibilities
• it can show control points and milestones
• it provides a way to estimates project costs
• it ensures no important deliverables are forgotten
• it can assist with resource allocation
• it provides a proven and repeatable approach to planning projects
• it provides a tool for team brainstorming and collaboration
• it provides an opportunity to engage the team and make them feel invested in the
3.2 Gantt Chart.
A Gantt chart is a project management tool assisting in the planning and scheduling of
projects of all sizes, although they are particularly useful for simplifying complex projects. Project
management timelines and tasks are converted into a horizontal bar chart, showing start and end
dates, as well as dependencies, scheduling and deadlines, including how much of the task is
completed per stage and who is the task owner. This is useful to keep tasks on track when there is a
large team and multiple stakeholders when the scope changes.

 Project Schedule:
 Inception Phase and Planning:

Inception phase and Planning phase

23-Jul 12-Aug 1-Sep 21-Sep 11-Oct 31-Oct 20-Nov

Project Planning
Recruitment of members and investors
Briefly introduce the project to team members
Organize meetings between members and investors
Create specific schedules and tasks
Set specific financial
Establish communication process
Project Objective and Aim
Project Scope management
7-Aug 26-Sep 15-Nov 4-Jan 23-Feb 14-Apr

Research AI technology

Collect drug information

Create Algorithms

Using cloud technology

Product information

Design app interface(Using Flutter)

25-Mar 30-Mar 4-Apr 9-Apr 14-Apr 19-Apr 24-Apr 29-Apr 4-May 9-May 14-May 19-May

Finding risk

Giving solution

Solving risk




4 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and quantitative

research methods appropriate for meeting project aims and objectives.
After completing the application and releasing it to the market, the AI integrated in the
software takes time to learn and we will create a customer survey about the above application to be
able to update. bug fixes or additional features in the Healthy Living software
4.1 Qualitative Research
Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or
audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth insights
into a problem or generate new ideas for research.

• User: We will provide the steps used in the software and ask questions before the
user's questions.
• Company: Through the process of using, we want to receive feedback from users
about their feelings after using the software. So, we will take user opinion surveys
and user reviews of the app.

In the process of collecting user information over time using the Life healty software
application, we choose to interview directly with users who make appointments and go to the
hospital according to the appointment so we can have The most practical answer to our software.

Some questions for users:

• Do you have any difficulty using it?

• Is the virtual assistant in the software helpful to you?
• You see what limitations this software has that need to be improved?

Some questions for pointers:

• Have you ever used or learned about similar apps?

• Do you want to add new features to the software?
• Do you think Life Healthy is useful to you?

4.2 Quantitative Research.

Quantitative research is defined as a systematic investigation of phenomena by collecting
quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical or computational techniques.
Quantitative research collects information from current and potential customers using the method
of sampling and submitting online surveys, online polls, questionnaires, etc., results can be modeled.
described as a number. After carefully researching these numbers to predict the future of the
product or service and make the changes accordingly.

We use the user sue survey creation section on Google to make surveys as fast as possible.
Through the above survey, we received many positive comments for the software, 95 percent
of people rated that the software was very good to use, the remaining few reflected on the
application can not be used on their equipment. Through the above comments, we will increasingly
improve the quality of our products and we will create more surveys to improve product quality.

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