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MAN 603 – Technology, Operations & Innovation

TOI: Eureka Fair Proposal




Muhammad Jhanzaib Khursheed - 26943

Muhammad Ammar Ashraf – 25472
Muhammad Ammad Shahid – 25378
Muhammad Shavais Siddiqui – 25370
Muhammad HAseeb Alam – 17073

It has been seen when patients rush to the specialist doctors for specific disease, they do not have
medication history which leaves behind many uncertainties and confusions for the new consultant,
which also led them to recommend further diagnostic tests and wastes a lot of precious time.

This becomes more critical when patients come to the hospital in emergency conditions, at time where
every second matters doctors use to find basic information that could help them during assessment, and
these are very basic information related to allergies, previous history of medications, adverse effect etc.

To cater the problem we are designing an application that could extract data by using OCR (optical
character recognition) and maintain patient record.

The Target Customer:

Initially the target customers are mainly doctors who are running their own clinics in towns and patients,
since family doctors are those who do not have enough resources, they do not have facility to maintain
patient history.

Similarly, patients are also the target market as they need to maintain health record so they can provide
accurate and easily accessible data to doctors upon asking. These demographics are often not well
aware of the importance of keeping records of their medical history and can communicate a wrong
history, or even name a wrong disease, when communicating their health history to a doctor verbally.

The Key JTBD:

The key job to be done here is basically providing doctors and patients the faster and easier way of
getting access to the patient history without hustle to understand genetically inherited problems, illness
history, and allergies etc. so a doctor can prescribe medication according to it.
MAN 603 – Technology, Operations & Innovation
TOI: Eureka Fair Proposal
The idea is to maintain patient health record by utilizing our system that could read pre-printed
prescription and fetch data to save automatically in the unique ID of patient. The solution would be
simple to operate, secure to store sensitive information, and accessible to anyone with the patient’s ID
card number and password.

Consumption barrier:

Consumption barriers will be unavailability of internet coverage which will unable to connect consumer
to the cloud system which will give them access to the record.

Un-awareness regarding the importance of the health history, in Pakistan it is the most ignored area
that we have potential to safe precious lives.

Public hesitation and lack of trust in sharing their private data and personal health history on an online

Lack of education and technical knowledge among the patients

No past reports and records present to be uploaded on the portal

Basic Business Model

As a centralized system we would be able to provide multiple reports to doctors and hospital of the
trends of which type of disease is common based on certain demographics. The centralized data would
also help us to market the pharmaceuticals to sell the trends as well as we can provide special discount
to our patients while buying medicines using our system which would increase our patients to use our
system and make it part of the eco system.

Impact Potential

While checking on our thought and answers for the issue, we have closed the accompanying subtleties
to determine the trouble spots of our clients.

A computerized based programming will be created which will be utilized to store and keep up the
information of patient which will be open by specialists and our group and patients can experience see
mode or they transfer records in type of PDF or JPEG for their solution to transfer their information.

At the point when patient will visit to Doctors, Doctors will utilize their unique id number to get to the
information of the patient so specialist can visit experience their information and record the refreshed
medicine to this product or at his end at paper which will be gathered by our group to transfer it
MAN 603 – Technology, Operations & Innovation
TOI: Eureka Fair Proposal
An information will be kept up this path for each patient and patient can utilize online remedy
framework to arrange their medication for home conveyance or in can give admittance to any office if
there should be an occurrence of any crisis.

We will carry the paper remedy to online programming for record keeping of any people and utilizing it
for better approach to facilitate the trouble spots of patients.

Testing Plan

The plan of testing is to test the prototype, it’s interface and its backend. Check the redundancies in our
databases. OCR testing would be essential which would help how our image is going to convert to
numerical data, how we are able to extract the data and which type of characters it’s getting to convert
easily and which of the characters it face difficulties in.

We’ll release our Beta version and test it with certain doctors and check the results of our application.

We will select limited doctors and a territory where we will install this application and will also provide
some guidance for the limited checkups to make user friendly and understandable for first time. Once it
will conduct few numbers of patience then we will do the surveys and feedbacks from our users how we
can improve the system. Check the constraints that we’ll face while deploying in the live environment.
How the doctors are maintaining the records and how it’s helping them analyze the data.

Major points to consider is that how often Doctor is using it.

How many patients is using this to communicate their records.

Outcome of the prescriptions for the result enter.

MAN 603 – Technology, Operations & Innovation
TOI: Eureka Fair Proposal
Critical Uncertainties

Since we would be providing our application as SaaS and the aim is now to shape a sort of matrix, with
the axis’s being your two essential uncertainties. You can now draw four potential outcomes for the
future based on what direction each of the uncertainty will take. Using our SaaS example above of
technology and economics, we can then place each factor in a negative or positive direction on the
matrix. For instance, as shown in an illustration above, four different scenarios can occur depending on
the positive or negative outcomes of each uncertainty.

Visual Depiction

Patient would login in his account where he would have the following segments to follow through.
MAN 603 – Technology, Operations & Innovation
TOI: Eureka Fair Proposal
 Doctors
Would be able to see the doctor’s history the patient has visited with their timelines and

 Diagnosis
Records of the diagnosis provided by the doctor is maintained with timeline.

 Medication
The medication provided in accordance with the diagnosis is listed that was recommended by
the doctors.

 Lab test
History of patient’s lab test are maintained.

 Measurements

Measurements would include blood pressure results, pulse, sugar level, weight and height.

MAN 603 – Technology, Operations & Innovation
TOI: Eureka Fair Proposal


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