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A reasonable suspicion of cheating is that you have sufficient proofs and have
gathered all the relevant evidences. Witness is important. It isn't sufficient that
only one person saw student cheating so you have to assess the credibility of
witness or of conflicting accounts. The student score in exam is not sufficient to
show that he she cheated however to find his her behaviour that he she was
attempted to cheat is sufficient evidence. Possibly he/ she needs to have a
passing mark so he she is enticed to cheat thus, the witnesses should give their
assertions on how they saw the student cheating in test.

2. A reasonable detention for cheating is that a student should face a

consequences because it is important for them to learn from their mistakes. Have
them redo the assignment that they cheated on for them to believe that they're
going to get the grade that they want, the teacher should probably make them
redo it in a controlled environment. A student must write three things: first, what
they did wrong, second, why they did it and lastly, what they are going to do
differently so that they will not repeat it. Call the parents of the students who were
caught cheating and explain the misbehaviour and what changes you would like
to see with their behaviour. Have documentation of their behaviour so that you
can provide the parent/guardian with accurate details. Also, be polite and always
approach parents from the point of view that you are working together with them.
Both of you have the same goals: to get their child to succeed in class.
Suspension would also help, gave the student a take-home exams with the
requirement that they be worked alone.

3. Everyone is somewhat biased. We all have biases that affect all aspects of our
lives and the lives of others with whom we interact. We have to be more cautious
and mindful on our biases. It may hurt or disrespect other people we can
overcome our biases by first becoming aware of them. Get along with others
different to us and we must be open to identifying our individual biases and
becoming aware of how they impact our interactions and decisions. Without
being aware of our biases, we all have biases that affect how we view the world.
Such biases can potentially cause us to make decisions that are neither wise nor
fair. Our biases did not make us a terrible person, it just implies that we are
human beings, influenced by our life experiences and everyone around us.
Everyone has unconscious biases about certain social groups, but there are
ways to limit them. Being biased doesn’t make you a bad person, it’s just that we
lack a neutral viewpoint on a particular topic. In addition to the fact that we are
influenced by our environment and stereotypes that already exist in the society
into which we were born, it is generally impossible to separate yourself from the
influence of society. Although we must be willing to identify and interrupt our own
biases, we must also recognize and be willing to interrupt bias in others. We
must also, surround ourselves with a diverse mix of cultural and social situations
and individuals.

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