Last Curriculum11th Grade

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Thematic curriculum for the 11th grade

The purpose of this thematic curriculum is to provide support material for the teachers. The curriculum will be used for students 11th class. In this grade
students use English with increasing fluency and accuracy in classroom and social situations and to participate in society as informed citizens. Students will
develop the oral-presentation, reading, and writing skills required for success in all school subjects. They will extend listening and speaking skills through
participation in discussions, presentations and debates, write essays, narratives and reports , articles, and summaries in English .Students will further develop
their ability to respond critically. Students need to make the transition to college and university. The following suggested units are to be considered as an offer.
Teachers can add, modify or treat them in more detail as found appropriate.





al world


The world
The world
around us
and social

The world


of arts and
4. 3. 2. 1.
QuizLikes and dislikesLeisure activitiesChores


2. 1.
What helps us to improve our memoryHow do you process information

Use of

Quarter 1

3. 2. 1.
You can look beautifulWhat is she like?What does he look like?


2. 1.
BrailleDeaf education

2. 1.
ParalympicsStory of a person with disability


2. 1.
When I was a child I used to . . .I could do a lot at your age

Our abilities


3. 2. 1.
My holidayI’m going to study hardCelebrations
Quarter 2


3. 2. 1.
Learning experiencesI’ve just done it!Travel experiences

A year time planning


4. 3. 2. 1.
An unusual jobA fun job Studying abroadSchool life

and jobs

3. 2. 1.
Eco-friendly housingCraving for somethingLongevity
Quarter 3


3. 2. 1.
Breast feeding boosts child’s IQBoy wonderDo you speak Nerdic?


3. 2. 1.
Seeing your culture through new ….Morin khuurI wish . . .

Wishes and

3. 2. 1.
Quarter 4

WishesPlans and ambitionsIndigenous people



Entrance exam preparation

Overall expectations:
To develop students’ intellectual social, and emotional, growth, through basic skills that they qualified previous grades. The expectations for the 11 th grade
focus on the consolidation of students’ language knowledge skills , strategies and their ability to use them independently, and effectively to understand,
communicate information ideas and for continued learning in school and in a multicultural and multimedia world.

Specific expectations:

- clarify purpose for listening and use listening strategies appropriate to that purpose
- recognize features of stress, intonation and pause
- elaborate on what is heard by relating it to previous knowledge.
Listening - understanding the main idea, details and nuances of what is heard
- develop understanding of spoken authentic material and to respond in a way appropriate to the situation
- demonstrate ability to relate English structures to communicative purpose
- synthesize and evaluate what is heard

- ask and answer questions about topics that are interest to students
- vary language use to fit topics, purpose and listeners
- make presentation and give formal speeches on a variety of topics
Speaking - use appropriate structures, vocabulary and tone to convey meaning and maintain interest
- transmit information ,ideas, thoughts, etc appropriately in accordance with the situation and the purpose
- use appropriately a variety of pronunciation, stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns of spoken English
- speak so others can understand
- read with understanding and integrate it with prior knowledge
- understand hidden meaning of idioms ,sarcasm etc
- identify level of style and features
Reading - relate text information to previous experience and knowledge
- distinguish between main ideas and support details
- synthesize and assimilate new information what is read
- understand similarities and differences between two texts
Writing -write interviews, dialogues, discussions , formal and informal letters etc
- write complex sentences and fill out of simple and complex forms
- write directions, instructions for solving problems
- write a note and book reports
- write well- organized paragraphs and essays
- convey ideas in writing
- transfer knowledge from one situation to another
Thinking - make logical conclusions
skills - paraphrase oral and written text
- identify main points of view and support details

- use various materials in their study

Study skills - organize assignments and materials properly
- identify various functions of a dictionary, pronunciation, meaning etc

- to know about similarities or differences in communication and lifestyle of people around the world.
Social and - study and explain values, traditions etc.
cultural - distinguish between Mongolian cultural norms and other English speaking countries’ culture and understand their own cultures
knowledge and identities better
- learn and practice typical behavior related to standing in a line(queue), eating, shopping etc

Range of language

Phonetics Vocabulary Grammar

• Dighthongs … Lexical sets consist of approximately 1700 words  Present tenses
• Intonation and stress including phrasal verbs and idioms (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect continuous)
• Intonation in complex sentences  Past tenses
• Assimilation of sounds (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Past perfect continuous)
• Abbreviations  Future tense
(Future Simple, Future continuous, Future perfect)
 Passive voice
 The first conditional and the 2nd conditional
 Reported speech, indirect and reported questions
 Question words
Content area

Everyday life Personal and social life The world around us

・Greetings and school life ・Describing people (appearances and ・Mongolia (geography, places, the political system of Mongolia)
・Extra activities personality) ・Professions, unemployment ・Education system of Mongolia …
・Hobbies and interests ・Horoscope
・Clothes, food, habits … ・Parents, child’s rights
・Social problems …

The world of communications The international world The world of arts and creativity

・TV, Radio, Newspapers, Computers ・International organizations ・Music

・Letters (informal, formal) ・International organizations in Mongolia ・Literature
・Electronic mail ・Traveling abroad ・Drama
Telephone …・Make international calls … ・The countries and cities of the world ・Arts
・World languages … ・Wishes …
Assessment and evaluation:

Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about students' learning. The central purpose of assessment is to provide
information on student achievement and progress and set the direction for ongoing teaching and learning. Evaluation is an action of making judgments about
students learning.

Different types of evaluation are used at different points throughout the academic year.

• Diagnostic evaluation is usually used at the beginning of the course, unit or lesson to assess the students' interests, strengths and weaknesses relative to
the work about to be undertaken. Information gathered at this stage will assist the teacher in making decisions about modifications for individual students or
groups of students, about structuring appropriate learning groups and about designing effective learning experiences.

• Formative evaluation is an on-going process that keeps students and the teacher informed about student progress. By providing immediate feedback to
students, corrective action can be taken to ensure they achieve the desired learning outcome. Formative evaluation also helps teachers modify their planned
lessons if necessary to accommodate student learning. Normally the results of formative evaluation are not used to determine a student mark.

• Summative evaluation is most often used at the end of a unit of study to determine what has been learned and to report on progress. It is a judgment on
the student's global competence.
Unit 1 - “Regular activities”

Total hours: 8
Previous knowledge: Students have already learnt to talk about everyday activities, likes and dislikes using related grammar functions.
• Aim : At the end of this unit , students will have learnt to describe their daily routine, household chores and favorite activities, give reasons for their likes
and dislikes, and plan future activities.
.• Learning objectives
- listen to and identify vocabulary related to household chores
- listen to and pick out details related to leisure time activities
- listen to others talking about household chores and associate adverbs to the
frequency of habitual activities
- listen attentively to others and respond appropriately
- talk about leisure time activity fluently
- describe different types of household chores
- express preferences ,likes and dislikes
- discuss about ideal reality show
- ask and answer questions about entertainment
- tell the frequency of some habitual activities
- describe photos
- survey the most popular free time activity among teenagers and report the results
- describe entertainment places
- role play and report on partner’s likes and dislikes
- pronounce [ʃ], [v], [w],[z], [s], [iz] correctly
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- read and scan vocabulary related to leisure time activities from texts.

- skim main ideas about leisure time activities from texts.

- participate in individual, small group, and whole class reading of a text
- complete controlled written drills
- write a narrative description about possibility and frequency of leisure time activities
- write personal reports about chores .
- list down leisure time and household activities
- classify different types of entertainment and identify positive entertainment activities
- write comments for photos
- exchange personal information and preferences
Social and cultural competence:
- give advice on spending time effectively
- compare leisure time activities in different countries
Content Assessment/evaluation

Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task

Grammar: be able to: -talking about Check ability to : -match the verbs to
-present simple +adverbs  listening household chores nouns to describe
of frequency - use present simple chores
- listen to and identify
- talking about leisure tense -listen to the interview
words related to
- adverbs of frequency activities and talk about
household chores
with - use So/Nor do I for household chores
Chores 2 every+day,monthetc - talking about likes and agreement and - listen to the
- listen to and recognize
dislikes disagreement interview and work
vocabulary related to
-So/Nor do I with the chart
leisure activities
-talking about favourite -make Yes/No, Wh- - in pairs take turns
-all question forms TV show questions in present and answer questions
-listen to and identify
simple tense using adverbs of
adverbs of frequency
Vocabulary: -comparing holiday frequency
-household chores activities in different -listen for specific - write sentences about
 speaking
countries information related to each child in the
Leisure - vocabulary related to - ask and answer all the topic and interview
2 holiday activities forms of question - reading and successfully identify -make a list of chores
comparing information names of leisure time in your family
-words related to -talk about regular from different sources and household - choose the correct
expressing likes/dislikes household activities activities in audio and answer in the grammar
-writing an essay about oral input. explanations
Likes and - talk about leisure
2 -entertainment one’s own preference - read and answer
dislikes activities
vocabulary -correctly ask for and questions about
- varieties of music, -thinking of a general give information yourself
sports -express likes and knowledge quiz about personal leisure - interview your
dislikes using words time activities. partner and make
Quiz Pronunciation: very, quite, like, love, notes of his/her
hate or can’t stand -name household answers. Use them to
- [ʃ], [v], [w] chores report to class
-[z], [s], [iz] - write paragraphs
 reading -describe activities on about your partner
- read and identify main photos using notes
ideas of readings -in small groups think
-express likes/dislikes of free time and
- scan for specific using different kinds holiday activities ask
Sample assessment tasks
1. Listening and speaking
Listen to and answer the following questions:
- What do you do in your leisure time?
- Where do young people in this country usually spend their free time?
- Do people's leisure time activities change as they get older? How?
- Do you like programs or shows from other countries as well? If so, what kind?
- How does your family decide who does various chores around the house? Can you name some chores that need to be done every day?
- Which chores do you not like to do.
- Can you think of some dangerous chores that you can't do?
- What chores do you do that your parents didn't have to do when they were growing up?
2. Vocabulary
- How do you help at home? Solve the crossword
(broom ,help, water, wash, set, clean, make, sweep, mop, cook)

Across Down
2. Every morning I ____ the plants. 1. My brother sometimes _____ the
5. My father usually ____ the dishes. window.
7. My mother usually _____ the meal. 3. Tom always helps at home. He usually
8. Jack is a lazy boy. He never _____ at home. ______ his bed in the morning.
9. I always ___ the floor with a mop. 4. I usually sweep the floor with a ______.
5. My sister ______ the clothes.
6. I always _____ the floor at home.
10. I usually _____ the table before meals.

- Put the words and expressions in the correct column

love sports cook dinner sweep the floor
take out the garbage listen to music can’t stand dust
watch TV hate spend time do washing
quite like go shopping like very much go to the cinema
Chores Leisure activities Likes dislikes

3. Structure/Grammar

- Make sentences about yourself. Use frequency adverbs (always usually often sometimes seldom rarely never every day every month etc)
Example: wear sandals in the summer – I usually wear sandals in the summer
read poetry in my free time- I rarely read poetry in my free time
1. wear a uniform to class
2. go to bed at 10:30
3. read mystery stories before I go to sleep
4. do my English homework
5. listen to the music in the morning
6. speak to strangers at a bus stop
7. believe the things I read in newspapers
8. call a friend if I feel lonely
9. have chocolate ice-cream for dessert
10. wear a hat when the weather is cold
- Arrange the words to make sentences in simple present. Make negative sentences
Example: she / to collect / stickers - She collects stickers –She doesn’t collect stickers.
1. we / to play card games - 5. Andy and John / to like cola -
2. he / to read comics - 6. she / to be nice -
3. Chris / to sing in a band - 7. the children / to speak English -
4. we / to have a hamster - 8. to have/many/she/friends -
- Ask for the bold part of the sentence.
1.Julia likes pop-music. -What kind of music does Julia like?
2. Maria comes from Spain. -
3. They play in the garden. -
4. Rick rides his bike. -
5. I go to the cinema on Saturdays. -
6. We go to Mallorca because it is warm there.. -
7. Joe repairs his bike. -
8. Robin drives his car carefully. -
9. Peter runs with his dog every day. –
10. Eric goes to Italy for a holiday. –
- Do the quiz
1. 'I'm exhausted.' a) 'So do I.' b) 'So am I.' c)'Neither am I.' d) 'Nor do I '
2. 'I was late.' a) 'So did I.' b) 'So was I.' c) 'Neither was I.' d)'Neither did I.'
3. 'I didn't finish it.' a) 'So was I.' b) 'So did I.' c) 'Neither was I.' d)'Neither did I.'
4. I've lived here a long time. a) 'So had I.' b) 'So have I.' c) 'Neither have I.'
5. 'I'd like a coffee, please.' a) 'So do I.' b) 'So had I.' c) 'So would I.
6. 'I lost my passport.' a) 'So does she .' b) 'So am I.' c) 'Neither does she.'
7. ‘I wasn’t surprised ‘ a) So do others b) So were others c) Neither were others.
8. ‘Frank won't be on time for the me a) Neither will Jason. b) Neither won’t Jason. c) Neither is Jason.
4. Reading
-Read a survey how do people in the UK spend their free time and compare with the Mongolians. Write 5-6 sentences describing similarities and
differences . Which answers of British people do you think are surprising?
The British way of life
A new survey on the free time habits of the British is published this week – and it shows that we still love football ,shopping , going to pubs, watching TV,
gardening and, of course, fish and chips!
Here are some of the more surprising results from the survey.
 83%of British families have garden and 35% normally do some gardening every weekend.
 17% of British people go swimming every week and 16% play football, but 32%watch football on TV at least once a week.
 35% of adults go to the theatre at least once a year.
 British people watch TV for about four hours every day – and 47% of men have dinner and watch TV at the same time.
 The British are always happy when they are socializing. 46%of men and 23% of women go to a bar or pub every week.
 British people usually go on holiday once a year and 27% of these holidays are in Spain.
 30% of adults go to a McDonald’s restaurant every three months , but 46% go to a traditional fish and chip shop
 The British spend £726 million on tea and £900 million on coffee every year.
 And every British person eats 16 kg of chocolate and sweets every year – more than any other country in the world.
5. Writing
- Write about your favorite TV shows. Why do you like it and when it is on ?Do your friends like it, too?
- Write paragraphs on what you like or dislike to do in your free time
- Write about the chores you are responsible?

Reflection and enrichment for the unit

UNIT-2 "Use of technology "
1. Total hours: 9
Previous knowledge: At this level students have already learnt what is IT, how to download , get information from internet resource and of course advantage
and disadvantage of internet .
• Aim : At the end of this unit , students will have learnt Sequencers, Non progressive verbs; Present Continuous for changes, develop their vocabulary range
for using of technology, and express their ideas with a wide range of vocabularies and complex sentences using clauses and tenses which are related to the
Listening; - listen to and identify words related to use of technology
- understand the main and specific information from listening
- identify pictures which correspond to a listening passage
- listen to short interview/dialogues and answer questions and match them in appropriate tense or words using new vocabulary and
Speaking: - ask and tell about which is more important, remembering or memorizing everyday situations.
- talk about recent changes in your life. Give the reason.
- in pairs , discuss the given situation. Explain their own opinions and reasons
- express their own opinion how the internet is changing their way of life.
- express opinions on advantage or disadvantage of the Internet.
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- ask for advice and give suggestions
Reading: - scan a magazine article and discuss possible answers to a story
- read through the text to get an understanding of its general meaning
- skim paragraphs and find general and detailed information
- read the text and answer true/false comprehension questions.
- match words with their definition.
- brainstorm vocabulary and ideas which could appear in the text
- use contextual clues to re-order paragraphs
- check Ss’ understanding of guidelines covered in writing section
- deduce meaning of vocabulary items from context
- complete the sentences with appropriate words
- answer True or False
- compare the answers with your partner’s

Communication: exchange views on how important use of technology in their future career

Social and cultural competence:

- to know other country's children's knowledge about IT and Internet

- to use office programmes such as word, excel, photo shop
Content Assessment/evaluation

Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task
Grammar: Listening -using sequencers - usage of grammar Listening
How do we process - - understanding
2 Present simple, - listen for specific main idea of Listen and check
Sequencers, Non information describing mental information about IT -Listen to the
progressive verbs, activities interview and answer.
Listen to the interview and - understanding Are they talking about
What helps us to
improve our 2 Mental activities, match - knowing present present continuous is memory or
memory? Present continuous continuous for for changes information?
for changes, -practise the words what changes Listen again and
they heard -expressing their complete the sentences
Comparative degree describing how own opinions about below
How is the Internet of adjective, Giving Speaking the Internet use of technology -Listen to the
changing our way of 2
opinion, Too much/ influences our using with complete interview again and
too many -In groups discuss the way of life and correct match.
situation sentences Listen to Misheel and
Vocabulary: -making Janet and answer
Is technology good or
First, second, then, -In pairs , talk about recent comparative
2 after, that, finally, changes in their life degree - describing about Speaking
memory its capacity
I think/ I don’t -express their own opinion - understanding –using new -In pairs talk about
Review/Testing 1 think, adjectives, using vocabulary related to some good or bad vocabulary and how you do any
the subtopic. of technology grammatical project work
Words related to structures -In pairs, do the quiz.
computer, Reading using mobile How easy is it for you
technology phones and - asking for advice/ to remember?
-Read through the text to get connecting and giving suggestions -In pairs talk about
Pronunciation: an understanding of its getting recent changes in your
general meaning information from - pronouncing word life. Give reasons why
Intonation for their cell phone stress in adjectives you have these
expressing a -inter background and intonation in changes
sequence of actions, information from textual Wh-questions and
clues narratives correctly Writing
Consonants and -match the words with
consonant -identify links between their definitions
clusters[s], [ Sh], sentences/ paragraphs; -unjumble and write
[Sr],[es], [] sentences
Writing -Look at the pictures
and write sentences in
-brainstorm vocabulary and the correct order. Use
ideas sequencers
-Choose one of the
- skim text in order to topics and write 6-8
reassemble paragraphs sentences
-Complete the
Communicative language teaching (CLT)
Method and TPR, KWL, Instructional method
techniques brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling,
role-playing, pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management,
management time management, use classroom English
Organization of
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
Integration with other
Social study , health , computer science
Sample assessment tasks
1. Listening and speaking
Listen and answer the following questions:
- How often do you use the internet?
- What is the best thing about the Internet?
- What problems does the Internet create? What problems does it solve?
- How can the Internet help you learn English?
- How does the Internet help people from different countries to communicate with each other?
- Do you think that it is a good or bad habit for young people to play computer games?
- In your opinion what is the greatest technological invention? Why?
- Do you think technological advances are always good? Or can they sometimes be bad and harmful?
2. Vocabulary
- Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right
1. software a. the memory available for temporary use on a computer
2. modern b. an address where you can find information
3. scanner c. programs you use on your computer
4. website d. it makes it possible for one computer to communicate with another
5. virus e. unit of measurement for storing information
6. RAM f. a program that destroys data and damage computers
7. hardware g. a series of linked electronic addresses all around the world
8. hard disk h. the place in your computer where information is stored
9. megabyte i. a program for doing mathematical calculations
10. the web j. for example, a computer, a printer, a screen
3. Structure/Grammar
- These verbs aren’t normally used in progressive forms. Use some or all of them to complete the sentences. More than one answer
may be possible.
believe belong contain forget hate like love matter need
own prefer realise remember suppose understand want

1. This book ……… to me. 7. I……you don’t ……me.

2. I …….. you’re right 8. I… old she is.
3. ……. you ….. this music? 9. She……me and I……her.
4. His father …. a chain of hotels 10. Money doesn’t……to me.
5. She says she ……. to see …… Fred. 11. ‘Beer?’ I……water.
6. I……a drink of water. 12.I……his face, but not his name.
13. That bottle……petrol
- Say what is happening to some of the following. Use present continuous for changes.
Example: prices – Prices are going up
climate – The climate is getting warmer.

The world’s population, you(age), your English, days (length), pollution, cities, medical care,
teenagers, unemployment, roads

- Make two sentences for each item.

Example: a tiger large/ a leopard large/all the big cats?
Is tiger larger than a leopard? Is a tiger the largest of all the big cats?
1. this box strong/ that one? strong/ you’ve got?
2. Alice tall/anyone else/class tall/the class
3. state of Alaska big/other states US big/US
4. this car expensive/that one expensive/the world
5. Ann’s party good/ Pat’s party good/ I’ve ever been to
- Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below.

Many people worked to create television. In 1862, Abbe Giovanna Caselli invented a machine called the Pantelograph. Caselli was the
first person to send a picture over wires. By the1880s, Alexander Graham Bellinvented a machine that transmitted pictures and
sound over wires. His machine was called the Photophone. The World’s Fair was held in Paris, France, in the year 1900. The first
International Congress of Electricity was held at the World’s Fair. That was when the word television was first used – by a Russian
named Constantin Perskyi. That name stuck, and is now shortened to “TV.”At the beginning of TV history, there were several types
of TV technology. One system was a mechanical model based on a rotating disc. (Rotating discs are discs that spin like CDs.) The
other system was an electronic model. In 1906, Boris Rosing built the first working mechanical TV in Russia. In the 1920s, John
Logie Baird in England and Charles Francis Jenkins in the United States demonstrated improved mechanical systems. Philo Taylor
Farnsworth also showed an electronic system in San Francisco in 1927. His TV was the forerunner of today’s TV, which is an
electronic system based on his ideas. Now TV is everywhere. Before 1947, there were only a few thousand televisions in the U.S. By
the1990s, there were televisions in 98% of American homes.
1) Who first sent a picture over wires?
a. Boris Rosing b. John Logie Baird
c. Abbe Giovanna Caselli d. Alexander Graham Bell
2) The word television was first used in…
a. 1862. b. 1880. c. 1900. d. 1906.
3) The 1900 World’s Fair was in…
a. Moscow, Russia. b. London, England.
c. Paris, France. d. New York, United States.
4) Who invented the Photophone?
a. Abbe Giovanna Caselli b. Charles Francis Jenkins
c. Alexander Graham Bell d. Philo Taylor Farnsworth
5) How many TVs were in the US in 1945?
a. A few hundred b. A few thousand.
c. A few million. d. A few billion.
1) Invented means…
a. made for the first time. b. moved to a different country.
c. sent over wires. d. sent through television.
2) Another way to say transmitted is…
a. built. b. used. c. sent. d. held.
3) Rotating means…
a. going up and down. b. going back and forth.
c. spinning. d. None of the above
4) The best synonym for demonstrated is…
a. based. b. called. c. showed. d. worked.
5) A system is a combination of…
a. parts that make up a unified whole. b. parts that are used to make TVs.
c. broken pieces. d. pieces of a machine

5. Writing
-Write an essay on topic ”Does modern technology make life more convenient, or was life better when technology was
Reflection and enrichment for the unit
Unit 3 - "Appearances and personalities "
Total hours: 9
Previous knowledge: At this level students have already learnt how to describe peoples' moods, appearance, personality, ages and
stages in life.
• Aim : At the end of this unit , students will have learnt to produce oral , written language by describing people’s physical
appearance, and personality.
•Learning objectives
- listen to and identify words related to people’s appearance and personalities and feelings
- understand the main and specific information from listening
- identify pictures which correspond to a listening passage
- listen to short readings/dialogues and answer questions about them in appropriate tense using new vocabulary and
- listen to recordings and recognize people through physical and personality descriptions.
- ask and tell about people’s appearance
- ask about people’s personality
- describe people’s personality.
- express their own opinions about people’s feelings
- express opinions on what to choose good friends
- talk about somebody’s horoscope signs
- name hair and beauty accessories
- pronounce word stress in adjectives and intonation in Wh-questions and narratives correctly
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- ask for advice and give suggestions
- scan a magazine article and discuss possible answers to a story
- read and recognize vocabulary related to people’s appearance and personality
- skim paragraphs and find general and detailed information
- read horoscope and answer true/false comprehension questions.
- write descriptions of people
- label the hair accessories
- write sentences describing someone’s feelings.
- share with others feelings ,opinions about people’s appearance and personality.
Social and cultural competence:
- develop self-care ability
- know how to behave in society by knowing horoscope sign descriptions
- participate in oral exchanges actively with confidence

- ask for and give advice about hair care

- demonstrate interest in listening to personal information.

- show respect for others when exchanging personal information

Content Assessment/evaluation

Subtopics Hours
Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task

Grammar: be able to: -talking about people’s Check ability to : - put the words in the
-look like, similar to, the  listening appearance and - use grammar correct circle
same as, as . . .as, taller - listen for specific personalities structures correctly - look at the photo
than information and describe them
- look+adj, - practise the dialogues - giving suggestions --listen for specific listen and complete
What does be+adjfeel+adj what they heard information related to gaps
2 - feel+opinionfeel+like+V-  speaking -describing feelings the topic -read paragraphs and
he look like?
ing -express own opinion describe people
using vocabulary related to - explaining people’s - understand main describe a famous
Vocabulary: feelings, people’s character comparing idea of information person and have
-adjectives describing appearance and personality positive and negative about people everyone guess who
appearance - compare positive and ones it is.
- adjectives describing negative quality of - recognize people - match columns
personality character - understanding some through physical and -read the sentence
- words related to feelings  reading problematic situations personality and describe people
What is she - read texts for specific in beauty with a view descriptions - match the adjectives
2 Pronunciation: purpose solving or preventing to their definitions
-word stress in -identify the main idea them. -express their own -chose correct answer
comparative and  writing opinions about to complete each
superlative forms of - organize ideas to - asking for advice and people’s feelings sentence
adjectives produce appearance and giving suggestions using with complete
You can look
2 personality information and correct sentences
Feelings 2 - intonation in narratives -complete the
- intonation and stress in - complete controlled - distinguishing - describe people’s sentences about you
complex sentences(all written drills between physical appearance and and your family
forms ) appearance descriptions personality with -talk about you and
-write descriptions of and personality traits correct vocabulary your family using the
Review/ 1 people and grammatical same as, different
Testing structures from, as ,look
- ask for advice/ give -read your horoscope
suggestions and answer the
- pronounce word - read horoscope
stress in adjectives signs and answer true
and intonation in Wh- false
questions and - label the pictures
narratives correctly - read and match
answers to the
- write descriptions of questions
people - give advice for the
given situation
- label different hair -look pictures and
accessories describe feelings
- listen to people
describing their
feelings and answer
the questions
-do discussion on the
related topic
-write about your
- match the verbs
with their definition
- read the text and c
Communicative language teaching (CLT)
Method and
TPR, KWL, Instructional method
brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-playing,
pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
of lesson
with other Social study , health , physical education

Sample assessment tasks

1. Listening and speaking

Answer the following questions:

- Who do you look like in your family? Describe that person
- What are some characteristics of your personality?
- What’s more important: personality or appearance?
- What personality traits do you like in your friends?
- Do you get angry when politicians make promises they can't keep?
- How do you feel when someone interrupts you when you are speaking?
- How do you feel when you see people hitting children or animals?
- What things do you use to style your hair?
2. Vocabulary

- Answer these questions with the opposite description.

Example A: I thought you said he was the short, chubby one.
B: No, no, no, not at all, he’s the tall, thin-faced one.
1. A: Was that his brother, the dark-skinned, wavy-haired one?
B: No, completely the opposite, his brother’s …

2. A: She’s always quite untidily-dressed, so I’ve heard.

B: What! Who told you that? Every time I see her, she’s ……
3. A: So, Boloroo is that rather plump, fair-haired woman, is she?
B: No, you’re looking at the wrong one. Boloroo is ……
4. A: So, tell us about the new boss; good looking?
B: No, I’m afraid not; rather ……
5. A: I don’t know why, but I expected the tour-guide to be middle-aged or elderly.
B: No, apparently she’s only ……

- Choose the correct answer

1. I am so ________ about starting university this year! I can't wait!
a)depressed b) enthusiastic c) smart
2. I was ________ with the architecture in Tokyo. It was amazing.
a) content b) excited c) impressed
3. After we saw that horror movie, I felt ________ all night.
a) frightened b )sympathetic c) convinced
8. I was so ________ watching that movie that I fell asleep twice.
a) excited b) bored c) impressed
1. When I saw this movie, I was ________ because I thought it would be much better.
a) disappointed b) nervous c) grateful
6 . Where were you? I was ________ that something bad happened.
a) worried b) pleased c) furious
- In each sentence below put the correct adjective from the box above it.
Impatient, sociable, ambitious, talkative, easy-going, adventurous, lazy, naughty, cheerful,
sensible, selfish, optimistic

1. He never gets upset or annoyed when things go wrong. He’s very . . . . . man
2. He loves to talk to people and tell them what he thinks and what he’s done. He’s . . . …
3. She wants to get an important job in a high position. She is ……
4. She loves meeting people and going to parties. She’s very ……. person.
5. She likes new things and new places, even if they are difficult or dangerous. She’s …..
6. He gets very annoyed if he has to wait for anything. He doesn’t like waiting. He’s very ……..
7. Little Rosie is always breaking things and doing what her mother tells her not to do. She’s a …….. girl.
8. He doesn’t like work. He prefers to do nothing. He is ……
9. He’s always happy and smiling. He is very ……….
10. She only thinks about herself. She doesn’t care about other people. She’s .....
11. He has a lot of common sense. He always knows the correct thing to do. He’s a …….. boy
12. He always has good hopes for the future. He thinks everything will be fine. He’s very ……….

3. Structure/Grammar

- Complete the sentences with your own words

Example: ….not as sharp as ….
A pencil point isn’t as sharp as needle
A kitchen knife isn’t as sharp as a razor blade
My mind isn’t as sharp in the afternoon as it is in the morning etc
1. ……… just as important as …….
2. ……… not as comfortable as …….
3. ……… not as interesting as …….
4. ……… almost as good as …….
5. ……… not as friendly as …….
6. ……… as soft as …….
7. ……… not as difficult as …….
8. ……… as heavy as …….

- Complete each sentence by choosing the correct comparative form:

1) How do you like the spaghetti I made for you? Is it similar/the same to yours
2) It's not as hot as/ as hot than it was yesterday.
3) He wasn't as tall like/ as tall asI thought he would be.
4) Is the Internet the same as/ as same as world wide web?
5) The tickets were twice as expensive as/ as expensive like before.
6) The apple is different from/ as like the orange.
7) The climate in Russia as colder as/ similar to the climate in Mongolia.
8) My father is taller than/ the tallest person in my family.
9) My aunt looks like/ is my mother.
10) My coat is different/the same from yours, your jacket is exactly the same as/like mine.

1. Reading
- Read the text and answer Yes/No questions

A hair cut
It was time for a haircut. Lenny didn't even have to look in the mirror. Even though he was going bald, he knew that he needed to cut
his hair every two weeks. He had a "tongue" of hair on the top of his head. His hair was thinning at the crown. He still had plenty of
hair on the sides and back. It was what they call "salt and pepper," a mixture of gray hair and dark brown hair. It was only a few years,
he figured, until the salt and pepper became just salt. He never let his hair grow for more than two weeks. The longer it got, the worse
it looked, he thought. He spread a newspaper over the bathroom sink so that no hair went down the drain. He plugged in the clippers
and started cutting his hair. He started at the back of his head, went to the sides, and finished on the top. Every minute or so, he had to
clean the hair out of the blades with an old toothbrush. Finished, he picked up a hand mirror to check out the back of his head.
Everything looked okay. He carried the newspaper back out to the kitchen and shook the hair clippings into the trash can. Then he
took a shower
1. Was it time for a haircut?
2. Did he have to look in the mirror?
3. Was he going bald?
4. Did he need to cut his hair every week?
5. Was a "tongue" of hair on the back of his head?
6. Was his hair thinning at the crown?
7. Did he still have plenty of hair on the sides and back?
8. Did he ever let his hair grow for more than two weeks?
9. Did his hair look worse the longer it got?
10. Did he spread a magazine over the bathroom sink?

2. Writing

Write paragraphs to describe each of these people and let someone else guess who you are describing?

1. yourself
2. your best friend
3. a neighbour
4. your ideal of a handsome man / a beautiful woman
5. describe somebody very famous

Reflection and enrichment for the unit

UNIT-4 "Disability awareness "
Total hours: 8
Previous knowledge: At this level students have already learnt disabled people and how they gained their ability again in the 10th
• Aim: At the end of this unit , students will develop their vocabulary range about disability awareness, and will have talked about
deafness and blindness, and express their ideas with a wide range of vocabulary which are related to the subtopics using past
continuous and past simple
-listen and identify words related to disability awareness
-listen for specific information-selection of true/false.
- listen make notes word formation from given stern
-understand the main and specific information from listening tasks
-listen to dialogues and answer questions about them in appropriate tense using new vocabulary and grammar/functions.
- In pairs ask, answer and tell about disability awareness
- Exchange information about the questions given
- In pairs ask and answer.
- Express their own opinions about deaf education
- Pronounce word stress in adjectives and intonation in Wh-questions and narratives correctly
- Speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
Reading: -scan a magazine article and discuss possible answers to a story
- distinguish among commonly confused words
- identify equivalences between words and phrasal verbs
-read and recognize vocabulary related to subtopics
-skim texts for specific information; make notes under headings in order to prepare a talk or free discussion
Writing: - brainstorm vocabulary and ideas
-independent practice of elements introduced in writing
- match the words and expressions to their definitions or pictures
- use notes to describe disabled people
- enhance descriptions using the senses
- compare and contrast model texts, in order to analyze key features
- share with others what they learn about disability awareness, and experience and encounter in everyday life.
Social and cultural competence:
- try to help disabled people
- know how to treat and guide with disabled people in society by knowing.
Content Assessment/evaluation

Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task
Grammar: Past simple be able to: listening -knowing past Check the ability- Listening
( definite; - listen for specific simple ( definite) -regular and -listen and check
Deaf education 2 regular/irregular ) information -describing sign irregular -Listen to each other
,Past simple (question language carefully and try to catch
forms), Past continuous -Before listening, read all -whether make the words
vs. past simple the questions statements -Having a mistake Speaking
Braille 2 ( narrative) carefully discussion -in pairs, take turns to say
Past simple and – -Answer as many questions -knowledge of Past, each fact using the past
preposition of time as you can. Don’t panic if -understanding Past continuous forms of the verbs
Vocabulary: Words you haven’t answered them words and -talk and discuss about
related to sign all. There will be a second expressions - use preposition of the difficulties that blind
Story of a person language, More words listening time people may have
with disability related to describing - practise the dialogues -making sure they -prepare to talk about an
disabilities, injury what they heard understand the -compare their accident you heard, saw,
related vocabulary, Speaking words and answers in small read or remember
Time expressions -Express opinions using expressions groups -in pairs , tell each other
Pronunciation: given visual prompts about the accident
Paralympics 2 [ id], [ t], [d] -express their own opinion -comparing sign -use of vocabulary -in pairs , take turns to
Weak form of did using vocabulary related to language of say facts about the 2008
Word stress in long disability awareness between -describe story of Beijing , 2012 London
Review/Testing 1 words Reading Mongolian and disabled people Reading
Intonation of -Read the summary other countries -before reading , make
statements sentence carefully -time expressions sure they understand the
Skim the text for its basic following words and
meaning -the answers as a expressions
-Don’t worry about class or in pairs, in -read the text and choose
understanding every word groups the best title
Before making final -read and decide true or
choices be certain that each false
summary sentence fits Writing
Writing -Match the verbs with
-Brainstorm vocabulary and their definitions
ideas -Complete the sentences
-analyse use of tenses and with the past form
style descriptions of past -Write the facts in full
actions( definite) sentences

Communicative language teaching (CLT)

Method and
TPR, KWL, Instructional method
brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-
playing, pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Organization of
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
Integration with
Social study-to get required information from available recourse , health-to know how to protect their hearing and sight ,
other subjects
Sample assessment tasks

1. Listening and speaking

Listen to and answer the following questions:
- Did you know someone with a disability?
- What was it like to work/talk/play with them?
- If you see or meet a disabled person, what actions should you take?
2. Vocabulary

- Match phrases

1. person disabled
2. use sighted
3. get impair
4. partially illness
5. sign a wheelchair
6. developmentally intensive care
7. chronic with a disability
8. visually language

- Choose the correct word

1. The floor is wet, you might _____. slip/fall/trip
2. I got _____ by a mosquito last night. Bite /eaten/bitten
3. She has a _____ arm. broken/broke/snapped
4. I hit my arm hard against the table and now I’ve got a big ____. break /bruise/cut
5 . He _____ the stairs, but he’s okay. Don’t worry. fell off/fell out/fell down
6 . While cycling he rode over a rock and ____ his bike fell off/fell down/fell out of
7. He wasn’t careful and ____ his hand on the stove. cut /bruised/burned
8. He was outside when a bee ____ him on his leg bit/burned/stung
3. Structure/Grammar
-Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past progressive).
Example: 1. When I (do) …… the washing-up, I (break)……… a plate.
When I was doing the washing up, I broke a plate.

1. He (drink) ……. some juice and then he (eat) ……. a few chips.

2.. I (have)……..dinner when I suddenly (hear) ……. a loud bang.

3. When my father (work) …….. in the garden, an old friend (pass) ……. by to see him.

4. What (do) …..when I (call) …….. you last night?

5. When it (start) ……. to rain, our dog (want) ……. to come inside.

6. When Jane (do) ……… a language course in Ireland, she (visit) Blarney Castle.

7. I (not / understand)……. what they (talk) ……. about

8. While Tom(play)……. the piano, his mother (do ) ….. the washing-up. (i)

- Make questions using When How Who What Why

Example: I saw someone. – Who did you see?

1. They wanted to see Fiona. ……………………………?

2. I got up at 7 o'clock. …………………………….?

3. She paid $10. ……………………………?

4. He didn't like the movie. ……………………………?

5. We had dinner. ……………………………?

6. The meeting finished late. ……………………………?

7. I ate an apple pie? ……………………………?

8. I played tennis last week. ……………………………?

9. They wrote to Ellen. ……………………………?

10. I didn't eat the chicken. ……………………………?

- Write prepositions - in, on, at.

1. ___ 1978 5. ____ 10 July 9. ____ Christmas

2. ___ October 6. ____ the afternoon 10. ___ the weekend

3. ____ 5 o'clock 7. ____ Tuesday afternoon

4. ____ Monday 8. _____ summer

3. Reading
- Read the passage and describe his strengths and abilities. He was disabled but nothing could stop him from his goal.
Ludwig van Beethoven
Beethoven is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers in history. He gave his first public performance as a pianist when he was
only 8 years old. He studied in Vienna under the guidance of Mozart. By his mid-twenties he had earned a name for himself as a great
pianist known for unpredictable and brilliant improvisations. In the year 1796 Beethoven began losing his hearing. In spite of his illness
he immersed himself in his work and created some of the greatest works of music. Beethoven’s finest works are also the finest works of
their kind in music history: the 9th Symphony, the 5th Piano Concerto, the Violin Concerto, the Late Quartets, and his Missa Solemnis.
And he achieved all this despite being completely deaf for the last 25 years or so of his life.
4. Writing
Write paragraphs answering the questions below
- How are disabled people treated in your country?
- What can you do to help people with disability?

Reflection and enrichment for the unit

Unit- 5 “Our abilities and circumstances ”
Total hours: 8
Previous knowledge: Students have already learnt to talk about past events and express themselves orally or by writing in all forms of past
• Aim : At the end of this unit , students will have learnt to talk about their past abilities and habits using a wide range of vocabularies and
complex sentences .
•Learning objectives
- listen to and identify words related to different past activities and sports
- understand the main and specific information from listening
- take brief notes on short listening task
- listen to short readings/dialogues and answer questions about them in appropriate tense using new vocabulary and grammar/functions.
- ask and answer about people’s past ability
- talk about your past ability
- describe past habits or states, contrasted with the present
- name more sciences and determine their studies
- participate in discussion on what makes a good person and make a brief presentation to the class
- describe personal experiences using past simple for narrative
- describe people’s personality using more adjectives
- pronounce the word “used to ”, “could ”correctly
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- describe pictures using vocabulary related to the topic
- read and respond to text
- read and recognize vocabulary related to subtopics
- skim paragraphs and find general and detailed information
- read a story and summarize it
- read and compare information from different sources
- write paragraphs about someone’s past habits
- complete controlled written drills
- write someone’s biography using the information
- compose a story based on given past forms
- share with others what they experienced in the past
Social and cultural competence:
- participate in oral exchanges actively with confidence
- demonstrate interest in listening to personal information.
- show respect for others when exchanging personal information.
- cooperate actively in team work
- promote a positive attitude toward the practice of sports and fitness activities
Content Assessment/evaluation

Subtopics Hours
Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task

grammar: be able to: -talking about people’s check ability to : -look at the people's
-could (past abilities)  listening past abilities childhood pictures and
question forms - listen to and identify - use past simple say what they could do
short answers words related to different -comparing abilities tense(all forms) -read paragraphs and
- used to (all forms) activities in the past describe people
I could do a - past simple (all forms) -talking about past - use prepositions of - listen tick correct
lot at your 2 - prepositions of time - listen to and identify habits time answer
age words related to sports - in pairs ask and
Vocabulary: activity and exercising -talking about your -listen for specific answer questions
-sports activities childhood information related to using information
- believe, think, worry, the topic from the chart
sayetc - speaking - talking about sport - complete the chart
- personality adjectives - ask and answer about and exercising - describe past events - ask partners about
- names of sciences people’s past ability and with the correct use of things he/she could or
habits - explaining people’s the couldn't do
When I was Pronunciation: character comparing past tense. - complete the
a child I used 2 -pronunciation of could -express own opinion positive and negative sentences with the
to . . . [kud] after reading ones -describe different incorrect form of the
- assimilation of [d] and sports verb
[t] in used to [ju:ztə] - compare positive and - write paragraphs -match the sentences
- pronunciation of use to negative quality of describing past actions - talk about past - write changes in the
The Monkey
2 in didn’t use to character using abilities and habits city/country
- pronunciation of personality adjectives -telling a story - read the text and
prepositions of time - understand main match sentences
Biographies 1

- paraphrase events in a -reporting on a famous idea of a story - read sentences and

story. person’s life make questions
1  reading - answer basic -make a list of 4 things
- read texts for specific information questions you used to
purpose and share about the contents of think/believe, when
personal knowledge of a the text. you were 5-10 years
topic old
- order and sequence -match the synonyms
- read story and sequence paragraphs in a text - write sentences using
events in a logical order. the verbs
- provide synonyms, -put the adjectives in
 Writing antonyms, and simple the correct column
definitions of - discuss in groups
- organize ideas to words in a text what abilities should
produce someone’s past one have to be good
abilities and habits - Express own friend
Communicative language teaching (CLT)
Method and
TPR, KWL, Instructional method
brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-playing,
pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
of lesson
with other Social study , History

Sample assessment tasks

1. Listening and speaking
Listen to and answer these questions
- What was something that you were really good at when you were a kid but aren’t good at now?
- What was something that you couldn’t do at all when you were 5 but you can do really well now?
- When you were in the kindergarten did you use to eat a lot of sweets, go to the countryside, sleep long hours ?
- What was something you wished you could do when you were a small child?
- What is something you wished you had learned when you were a little girl/boy?
- Ask your partner or group about what they could or couldn’t do in the past.

2. Vocabulary
- Match the synonyms
1. to notice a)to fall down order b)to understand
3. to be ripe c) to desire, want
4. to realise d) spectator
5. to crave e)to see, note
6. to collapse f) to be ready , grown
7. to witness g)to walk leisurely
8. to stroll h) to command tell

3. Structure
- Choose the correct preposition
1. She'll be away ...... next week a) since b) at c) until
2. I hate it when people telephone ......... I'm having dinner a) during b) while c) for
3. The term is from September ...... December a) at b) for c) to
4. He hasn't worked ....... he lost his job a)since b) for c) by
5. The car won't be ready ..... Friday a)until b) in c)
6. Did I miss anything ........ I was on the phone? a) during b) while c) for
7. Nobody spoke ...... the film a) during b)since c)
8. We made lots of friends .......... we were in Mexico a) during b) while c)
9. I worked there ...... July till September a) in b) to c) from
- Complete the sentences with “could”, “couldn’t” and your own words
Example: A year ago I …….., but now I can- A year ago I couldn’t speak English, but now I can.
1. When I was a baby, I ………., but now I can.
2. When I was a little I ……… , but now I can’t
3. When I was 13 , I ……….., but I couldn’t do the same thing when I was 3.
4. Five years ago, I ………… , but now I can’t.
5. Last year/month/week, I ………. , but now I can.

- Make these sentences negative

1. I used to smoke 2 packs a day, but now I don’t smoke at all
2. I used to play football on Saturdays when I was at school.
3. Before I started cycling, I used to go to work by bus.
4. Allison used to be my best friend.
5. She used to eat horse meat.

4. Reading
- Read the and answer the questions
At exactly midday, when all the workers were in the lunchroom having lunch, the president of the company stepped on to the
platform. Next to him was a worker in a bright , clean suit.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m proud to speak to you today about American industry and how it rewards those who work hard. This true
American success is an inspiration to all of us. The man next to me started work here only a year ago at the basic wage. He worked so
hard that his wages increased every week by $100. He stared as an ordinary worker. After only one month he was a group leader and
we doubled his salary. A month later, he became foreman and we increased his salary again. Half way through the year he became
manager of a small division so we tripled his salary. And today, it is my great pleasure to announce his appointment as Senior vice
President of the company with a salary $1,000,000 a year ” the president of the company turned to the worker and shook his hand.
“Congratulations, young man ” he said
“Gee, thanks, dad ” replied the worker.
1. When did the president address the workers?
a) before lunch b)after lunch c) at 12 o’clock
2. When did the young man start work in the company?
a) 12 months earlier b) several years ago c) half a year ago
3. When did they increase his salary by 100% ?
a) after a week b) after a month c) after a year
4. When did he first become a manager?
a) after about six months b) after a month c) when he became vice president
5. who was the worker’s father?
a) the young man b) the senior vice president c) the president
6. What were the workers doing at 12 o’clock?
a) they were sleeping b) they were working at their desks
c) they were having lunch

5. Writing
- Write a short biography of yourself
- Write 3 things you could do when you were 6
- Write 3 things you can do now that you couldn’t do when you were 6
- Write 3 things you couldn’t do when you were 6 and you still can’t do
- Write description of your past habits

Reflection and enrichment for the unit

Unit 6 - “Plans ”
Total hours: 8
Previous knowledge: Students have already learnt to talk about their future plans using all forms of future tenses.
•Aim : At the end of this unit , students will have learnt to use present continuous tense for future celebrations, present simple- for
future timetables and talk about future events using a wide range of vocabularies and complex sentences.
•Learning objectives
- listen to and identify words related to celebration, holiday and transportation
- listen to and recognize some phrasal verbs
- understand the main and specific information from listening
- listen to others’ plans and respond
- listen to dialogues and answer questions about them in appropriate tense using new vocabulary and grammar/functions.
- ask and answer about family celebrations and special days
- talk about future holiday activities
- talk about kinds of transport
- describe ways of congratulating
- name kinds of transport
- describe future plan using future tenses for narrative
- make promise
- pronounce word stress on congratulation expressions correctly
- role play
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- describe pictures using vocabulary related to the topic
- read plans and respond to text
- read and recognize vocabulary related to subtopics
- skim paragraphs and find general and detailed information
- read someone’s diary and summarize it
- read and compare information from different sources
- write about future plans
- complete controlled written drills
- label the means of transport
- create a timetable
- write a promise letter
- share with others about plans, celebrations and holiday dreams.
Social and cultural competence:
- make plan for the future
- congratulate someone in appropriate way
- participate in oral exchanges actively with confidence
- demonstrate interest in listening to personal information.
- show respect for others when exchanging personal information.
Content Assessment/evaluation

Subtopics Hours
Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task

- in pairs discuss about

Grammar: be able to: -planning a celebration Check ability to : summer holiday
-present continuous for  listening - match phrases to the
future - making up timetable - use present pictures
- listen to and identify
continuous for future - read plans of
words related to
- going to for intention -talking about future different people and
celebration, holiday and
events - use going to for answer what do they
Celebrations 2 transportation
- present simple for intention in common
future-timetables -talking about kinds of - write sentences using
- listen to and identify
transport - use present simple prompts
words related to future
-will for promise for future-timetables -plan a dream holiday
plans and promises
- making a promise abroad and introduce
Vocabulary: - use will for promise it to the class
 speaking
-celebrations -writing composition - write about your
- ask and answer about about studying abroad -listen for specific dream holiday
- expressions related to timetables information related to -match the pictures to
I’m going to congratulations - congratulating the topic the activities in the
2 -talk about family someone box
study hard .
- vocabulary related to celebrations and future - use expressions - in pairs discuss
transportation dream holidays related to questions related to
congratulations free time activities

My holiday 2
- verb expressions -role play dialogue by - read Dan's diary and
giving situation -describe future plans answer the questions
I promise 2 Pronunciation: - read plans and write
- compare present - describe future sentences using going
- word stress on situation and future plan timetables to
Review/ 1 congratulation - ask your partner's
Testing expressions - understand main plan for Saturday
 reading idea of a text - write your plan using
- - ing to going to
- read and identify main
- answer basic - match the verbs to
idea of readings
- intonation in Wh- information questions their opposites
questions about the contents of - label the means of
- scan for specific
the text. transport and complete
language related to
- intonation of promise the chart
transportation and
‘ll [l] - order and sequence - ask and answer to fill
holiday activities
paragraphs in a text in the chart.
- choose a place to go
 Writing - provide opposites of by train or plane on
-write diary, letter, note verb expressions holiday. make up
about future events using timetable.
all phases of writing - describe more - complete the
process activities in the future sentences using the
tense verb phrases
- complete timetables. - listen to the
-describe pictures conversation and
- complete controlled answer the questions
written drills - pronounce word - complete the
stress on dialogue using will or
congratulation won't
expressions correctly - in pairs role play
- write a promise letter
- recognize vocabulary to your parents
related to transport
- name kinds of
Communicative language teaching (CLT)
Method and TPR, KWL, Instructional method
techniques brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-playing,
pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
of lesson
with other Social study, Science

Sample assessment tasks

1. Listening and speaking
- Listen to and answer the following questions
-Why is it helpful to learn a Second language ?
- What is your biggest goal in life?
- What kind of success do you want in the future in your life?
- What can you do now to be successful in the future?
2. Vocabulary
- Guess the words related to transportation
1. It travels under the sea and a yellow one was made famous in a Beatles' song and it's called a
2. This animal is often called the ship of the dessert and has either one or two humps and is called a
3. The person who flies an airplane or helicopter is called a p……
4. To get where you are going is to a………
5.To leave or set off is to d………
6. To go by car is to d…………
7. To leave the ground in an airplane is to t………
8. To come back to the ground in an airplane is to l……..
9. To go somewhere by boat is to s……….
10. To go by plane or helicopter is to f……….

- Choose the verb from the list that best fits in the sentence below. All the sentences in this quiz are about intentions. The
future tense with going to used.
(bring fix go have play stop use ask )
1. I'm going to for lunch today.
2. I'm going to new electronic dictionary to school tomorrow.
3. He thinks he's getting too fat. He's going to .....eating so much chocolate.
4. We're going to after school. Would you like to join us?
5. Sorry, I can't come. My bike has a puncture and I'm going to
6. I'm going to .....the library after lunch to finish my science project.
7. I need to get fit. I'm not going to .....the lift any more.
8. I've told you many times that you must come to class on time, and I'm not going to again.
-Choose the verb from the list that best fits in the sentence below. All the sentences in this quiz are about future
arrangements. They should be in the present continuous.
(bring come get go have meet play stay )
1. I ..... ..... my friend at the gate after school today.
2. John ..... ..... a party next week. Are you going to go?
3.Sorry, I can't help you today. I ..... ..... tennis with Yuki.
4. Mike and Julia ..... ..... married next month.
5. I ..... ..... to the doctors this afternoon. I haven't felt well for a long time.
6. My grandparents ..... ..... to visit next week.
7. She ..... ..... at home this weekend. She wants to help her mother paint her room.
8. I have to stay at home all day tomorrow. They ..... ..... our new sofa, but I'm not sure at what time.
- Choose the verb from the list that best fits in the sentence below. All the sentences in this quiz are about scheduled events.
They should be in the present simple.
(arrive    close   finish   get    give    have       open    start)
1. My father's plane 7.25 tomorrow morning. I'm going to the airport to pick him up
2. The first performance of the school play Wednesday.
3. Hurry up! The shop 20 minutes and I haven't yet bought everything I need.
4. My parents appointment with the headmaster next Monday.
5.The President ..... his televised speech to the people at 19.00 tomorrow, New Year's Day.
6.The train .....not Berlin until late at night. I hope I will be able to find a hotel.
7. There's no point leaving yet. The shop .....not .....until 10 o'clock.
8. What time .....this film ..... ? I'm getting tired and I want to go to bed.
- Complete the dialogue. Use will
1. A: (you, help) ________________________me tomorrow?
B:Yes, __________________ .
2.. A: (Paul, lend ) ________________________us some money ?
B: No, __________________ .
3. . A: (Jane, graduate) ________________________this spring?
B:Yes, __________________ .
4. . A: (her parents , be ) ________________________at the ceremony ?
B:Yes, __________________ .
4. Reading
- Read the text and answer questions
Anna is a senior in college. She is in search of a job. She lives in New York City.
Life there can be very difficult. It is expensive. Her parents are going to stop giving her
money after college. This morning, she read in the paper about a job downtown. The job
sounded interesting and offered good pay. She decided to get information about applying
to the job.
I want to apply for this job I read about in the paper. What do I need to do?”
asked Anna. “You will need to fill out the application. Then, you will need to prepare a
resume,” said Anna’s college counselor. “Do I need a cover letter?” asked Anna. “Yes,
you should include that in your application as well,” replied the counselor.
Anna filled out the application. Then she typed a resume. Her roommate was kind
enough to edit it for her. She then typed her cover letter. When it was finished, she mailed
her application. In a week she received a phone call.
“Anna, this is Mr. Smith. I am calling in reference to your application. We would
like to invite you for an interview,” said Mr. Smith. “Oh that is great. I can come any
time this week,” replied Anna. “How about tomorrow morning at ten?” asked Mr. Smith.
“That is perfect. See you then,” said Anna.
The next day Anna had her interview. It was successful. Mr. Smith called her the
next day and offered her a job.
1. Why is living in New York City difficult for Anna?
2. What does Ann Nora need in order to apply for the job?
3. How does Anna find out about the available job?
5. Writing
- Write a promise letter to your friend. Think about misunderstanding or arguments.
Reflection and enrichment for the unit
UNIT-7 "Life experiences "
Total hours: 9
Previous knowledge: At this level students have already learnt how to describe their experience in the previous grade.
• Aim : At the end of this unit, students will develop their vocabulary range for traveling , and will have learnt to express their ideas
with present perfect +superlatives; past simple which are related to the subtopics
- before listening, read all the questions/statements carefully
- listen to and identify words related to life, travelling, learning experiences.
- listen and answer as many questions as you can
- understand the main and specific information from listening
- when listening first time, try to understand the general meaning
- listen to short readings/dialogues and answer questions about them in appropriate tense using new vocabulary and
- write your final answers only after listening to the recording twice.
Speaking: - when your partner speaks, remember not to interrupt him/her.
- focus attention on questions asked
- discuss the questions about life experience with your partner
- listen to your partner’s answers and respond accordingly.
- describe people’s travel, life , and learning experience.
- express their own opinions about people’s feelings
- pronounce word stress in adjectives and intonation in Wh-questions and narratives correctly
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- ask for advice and give suggestions
Reading: - read through the text to get an understanding of its general meaning
- read the text second time ; try to find answer, looking at all choices and the words surrounding each gap
- infer background information from textual clues
- identify direct reference within the text
- scan a magazine article and discuss possible answers to a story
- read and recognize vocabulary related to subtopics
- skim paragraphs and find general and detailed information
Writing: - use note to describe places,
-write about each other’s travel experiences
- write the similar letter of Kevin’s
-check SS understanding of guidelines covered in writing exercises.
- share with others what they learn about disabled awareness, and to learn how to communicate
Social and cultural competence:
- to know how to travel safely and learn other countries’ custom and their tradition.
Content Assessment/evaluation

Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task
Grammar: Listening -talking about - check ability to Listening
Present perfect + - listen for specific travel experience -adjective degrees -listen check and
Travel experience 2 superlatives information and using present repeat
Present perfect perfect with -change adjectives -listen and repeat the
with just, already, - practise the dialogues what superlative into superlatives chant line by
yet, they heard line( expressions)
I’ve just done it 2 Present perfect - giving -understand main -listen again and
( all forms) -listen and check or repeat suggestions idea of a story answer true or false
Present perfect vs. Speaking -describing long Speaking
past simple term memory or -comparative and -name the places and
Vocabulary: - name the places and animals short term superlative degree animals in the photos
Places of interest, -Focus attention on questions memory -in pairs, take turns to
Learning experience 2
Adjectives asked -all forms of Present ask and answer these
describing nature, - knowing your Perfect questions
Different -Listen to your partner’s reply eyes from -ask your partner
activities, Study and respond accordingly. computer - talk about travel about his experience
skills, New experience -guess the meaning of
What is in the news? 2 vocabulary -When your partner speaks, Giving your them and check with
Pronunciation: remember not to interrupt opinion and -range of vocabulary your partner
Contracted forms him/her. reasons Interview your
Review/Testing 1 of have/haven’t Reading -spell correct or not classmates
with just, already, - understanding Reading
yet, - read a letter and make a list some problematic Pair’s work -read the letter and
Pronunciation of of things infer background situations in answer what Kevin is
verb expressions information from textual clues beauty with a view writing about
describing learning solving or -pronunciation of -read again and make
skills -identify direct reference preventing them. contracted forms of a list of things in order
Intonation of within the text have/ haven’t Kevin has done
reports -Read the beginning of
Writing -pronunciation of each newspaper
- write appropriate form of verb expressions articles and answer
writing for particular tasks Writing
-Match animals with
- organize ideas to produce the adjectives in the
appearance and personality box
information -copy the adjectives
and change them into
-write about each
other’s travel

Communicative language teaching (CLT)

Method and
TPR, KWL, Instructional method
brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-
playing, pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Organization of
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
Integration with other
Social study, Art,
Sample assessment tasks
1. Listening and speaking task; Listen to your partner and answer his/her questions.
1. Have you been to any places in China?
2. Where have you been to ?
3. Can you tell me more about this place?
4. Where else have you been to?
5. What is it like?
2. Vocabulary task. Underline the correct word
1. We chatted/ discussed pleasantly about our trip yesterday.
2. She left him a notice/ note on the table asking him to water the plants when she is on holiday.
3. The Smyths had a very happy wedding/ marriage that lasted until Mr Smyth death at the age of 80.
4. We have spent/ passed a lovely week in Rome recently.
5. Bold has written an essay/ writing.
3. Structures. Choose a, b or c
1.A: What time ……. you leave school yesterday?
B: At four o’clock.
A have B does C did
2.I love reading…… Guardian newspaper every Sunday morning.
A the Ba C an
3. At half past six last night we …… dinner.
A are having B were having C have
4. The food was….. spicy I couldn’t eat it.
A so B such C such
5. A: Where’s Bill?
B: He’s ….. to the basketball game
A been going B been C gone

4. Grammar task . Copy and write the sentences with just, already and yet.
1.. A; Would you like to have lunch with us?
B; Thanks, but I’ve already eaten ( already)
2 A. Would you like to play rugby?
B. I’d love to, but …( already)
3. A; Do you want to see a film
B; Thanks for the offer, but ….(just)
4. A; Let’s go to the cinema
B; It sounds great, but …( yet)
5.A; Do you want to see new museum?
B; Thanks, but …(just)
6.A; Look at this advertisement. It invites people to a new exhibition. Let’s go
B; Yes,… ( just)
7.A:Have you gone shopping yet?
B: Yes, I have, but …( yet)
8. Have you done your homework?
B: No, I ….(yet)
5. Reading task. Read the following paragraph and put a circle round the letter of the correct word or words to use in each
First class or Business Class passengers will allowed up to thirty kilogrammes of baggage. 1…….other passengers will be
allowed up to twenty kilogrammes. In addition, 2.-----passengers will be allowed to carry 3.-----piece of hand baggage which is not
more that 115 cms in total dimension. 4.-----articles which will be carried free of charge are; a lady’s handbag, a blanket, books, for
reading during the flight, baby food, a baby’s carrying basket, an umbrella, and a camera. Passengers who travel by First Class will
also be allowed to take with them 5.------ bag for clothes.
1. A. each B. every C. all D. one
2. A. single B. all C. other D. each
3. A. one B. every C. each D. other
4. A. other B. all C. another D. few
5. A. other B. each other C. another D. the other
6.Writing; Write paragraphs about your or your friend’s travel experiences. Follow this plan:
 a short introduction
 your main idea
 your supporting ideas
 short conclusion
Reflection and enrichment for the unit
Unit 8 - “Education and jobs ”

Total hours: 8
Previous knowledge: Students have already learnt to describe people’s occupations , identify different jobs and name school subjects
and school activities.
• Aim: At the end of this unit students will have learnt to produce oral , written language related to job , occupations ,schooling and
education using present perfect continuous and present perfect with for , since in the context of school activities in order to
communicate with peers and others.
• Learning objectives -
- listen to and identify vocabulary related to job , personnel , courses and places in the school
- listen to and pick out key information on the characteristics of school subjects, courses and study programs
- listen attentively to others and respond appropriately
- talk about fun and unusual jobs
- talk about school life using timeline
- make speculations of what must have happened or what happened to people
- name and classify school subjects
- ask and answer questions about study programs using related vocabulary and grammatical structures
- talk about studying abroad
- talk about ways to study
- express about favourite jobs
- pronounce intonation in complex sentences correctly
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- read an article and identify main ideas related to fun and unusual jobs
- skim paragraphs and find general and detailed information
- participate in individual, small group, and whole class reading of texts
- read articles on education issues in different sources
- read and compare information from different sources
- create a timeline of school life and write about it using “since” , ”for ”
- complete controlled written drills
- write about the students studying abroad
- list and group school subjects
- share with others about plans, favourite jobs and study program .
Social and cultural competence:
- analyze learning style and goals to be successful
- compare and contrast activities related to schooling and education across cultures.
- evaluate and improve study skills
- cooperate actively in team work
- participate in oral exchanges actively with confidence
Content Assessment/evaluation

Subtopics Hours
Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task

- match the school

Grammar: be able to: -talking about unusual Check ability to : subjects with the
-present perfect  listening jobs symbols and pictures
continuous with ” for” - use present perfect - read the expressions
- listen to and identify
”since” - talking about school continuous and translate them into
words related to
life Mongolian
education and jobs
- use present perfect - choose the correct
School life 2 - present perfect simple - talking about studying with ” for” ”since” word or expression for
- listen to others talking
vs. present perfect abroad each sentence
about their school life
continuous - ask questions in -listen to the telephone
and future plans learning
-comparing school perfect tenses conversation and
-how long vs. how many activities in different answer what Michelle
 speaking countries - speculate about the is planning to do
Must/could+have - ask and answer past - look at the sentences
happened questions in perfect - making speculations and complete the
tenses -listen for specific grammar rules
Studying -revision of present - reading articles on information related to - choose since, for to
2 perfect (all uses) -talk about some unusual education issues in the topic complete each
jobs different sources sentence
Vocabulary: -describe unusual jobs - draw a timeline of
-school subjects -discuss interests and - reading and your school life and
preferences comparing information - identify expressions talk about it using
A fun job 2 - study programs and from different sources to do with exams in present perfect
related vocabulary - describe pictures school continuous
-write an essay about
-nouns and verbs  reading - skim main ideas your school life
-writing paragraphs from articles -group the words and
An unusual - read and identify main
2 Pronunciation: about favourite job expressions
job idea of readings
- word stress in school - answer basic - listen to the
subjects - naming and grouping information questions conversation and
- scan for specific
Review/ 1 school subjects about the contents of complete the sentences
language related to study
Testing - intonation in complex the text. - write questions to the
program and school
sentences sentences. Use how
- order and sequence long , how many
paragraphs in a text - ask and answer
 Writing questions about
-write paragraphs making - provide antonyms foreign students using
speculations and synonyms of information on the
school and job related chart
- write descriptions of words - read an article and
unusual job give a title
-describe pictures -read an article and
- write sentences in choose correct answer
present perfect - produce a correct -write sentences
continuous and present intonation in complex making speculations
perfect tenses sentences about each situation
- complete the
- Write summaries of - recognize vocabulary conversation using
materials read. related to school modals and verbs
activities -read words and
answer which are
- classify school nouns which are verbs
subjects - read magazine article
and answer and
answer why this is an
unusual job
-read an article and
decide true or false
and then correct false
In pairs, complete the
conversations and

Method and TPR, KWL, Instructional method

techniques brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-playing,
pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
of lesson
with other Social study , health , drawing

Sample assessment task

1. Listening and speaking task. Listen to the telephone conversation and answer the question Tapescript ( recording 32)
1. What subject is Misheel required to take?
2. What subjects has she been taking since the 1st grade?
3. How long has she been learning English?
4. What elective subjects has she chosen? Why?
5. What subject didn’t she mention?
2. Vocabulary task. Fill in the correct word.
1. I could get a job as a secondary school…. now, but I want to continue studying to become a university…..(teacher/
2. History is my favorite ……., but today’s …… wasn’t very interesting. ( lesson/Subject)
3. My primary school only has 300….. but there are over 5,000… at my brother’s university. ( pupils/students)
4. Frank got good….. in all of his school exams, so he was able to go to university to do a …. ( grades/degree)
5. There will be no lectures during the last………. of my history…….as we are expected to study for exams then. (course/
3.Unjumble the words to write the questions.
a. we/use/Now/computer/English/study/to/can/a
b. two/can/instruments/I/play/musical
c. years/she/ago/play/khuur/two/couldn’t/the/morin
d. school/When/she/did/finish?
e. To/did/school/travel/she/How

4. Grammar task. Copy and write a question for each sentence. Use How many or How long
1. He has taken four law courses so far. - ……?
2. She has been painting her house since she came. -………?
3. They have studied 3 foreign languages. -……?
4. Students have been doing a project since September.-……..?
5. My brother has been writing letters for 2 hours.-….?
6. Our parents have been travelling abroad for a month.-……?
7. Ganchimeg has been learning French since 2011.-…….?
8. He has taken 8 courses so far.…….?
5. Reading task. Read the text and questions below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, circle the
correct letter A, B,C, or D.
A book I recommend
I found Escape from Time by Andy Treen very exciting and I really (0)……. Reading it. It’s a story ( 1) ….. a boy called Troy
who goes on a journey to (2)….. for his friend Zyra. It wasn’t what I had expected, although I am interested (3)…science fiction. I
thought this story would be like films I had seen, but I (4) //// after a few pages that it was (5)… interesting than a film. Troy goes to
many places and times. He (6)… his knowledge with different (7)…. Of people and learns new skills from them. Then he moves on.
The last part of the book (8) …. The meeting between Troy and Zyra when they are both caught by some space criminals from the
future. But that’s enough information from me (9)…. . I don’t want to spoil it for you. It’s really quite (10)…. , too with some
excellent jokes about time travel in it.
1. A. from B. about C. on D. with
2. A. ask B. follow C. look D. find
3. A. by B. with C. of D. in
4. A. explained B. realized C. of D. believed
5. A. even B. more C. much D. too
6. A. divides B. Joins C. shares D. adds
7. A. kind B. variety C. range D. qualities
8. A. shows B. discovers C. describes D. says
9. A when B. because C. if D. unless
10. A. funny B. sad C. shocking D. frightening
6. Writing:
Choose one unusual job and write about it . Follow this plan:
 a short introduction
 your main idea
 your supporting ideas
 short conclusion

Reflection and enrichment for the unit

Unit 9 - “ Well-being ”
Total hours: 8
Previous knowledge: Students have learnt to describe about good eating habits and secrets of healthy life using simple sentences and
grammatical structures.
• Aim : At the end of this unit students will have learnt to produce oral ,written language related to healthy eating habits, longevity
and sleeping problems using passive voice in the context of healthy life in order to communicate with peers and others.
• Learning objectives - At the end of this unit students will be able to :
- listen to and identify vocabulary related to longevity and staying healthy
- listen to and answer factual and comprehension questions.
- listen and Identify vocabulary related to healthy food, eating habits,
longevity in different sources.
- listen attentively to others and respond appropriately
- describe eating habits
- talk about eco-friendly housing, eco-system and human impact on the environment
- discuss about Mongolian ger as an eco-friendly dwelling
- explain how to stay healthy
- talk about longevity
- discuss cause and effect of sleep/sleepiness and express opinions to solution
- ask for and give advice on healthy habits
- talk about healthy and unhealthy food
- discuss and compare Mongolian eating habits in the past and now
- explain causes of poor health conditions
- pronounce intonation in complex sentences correctly
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- read an article and identify new vocabulary related to maintaining good health
- skim paragraphs and find general and detailed information
- participate in individual, small group, and whole class reading of texts
- read advice about healthy habits in different sources
- read and compare information from different sources
- write short paragraphs about eating habits
- write sentences in passive voice
- complete controlled written drills
- write a report on how long and how well you sleep
- classify foods by categories.
- share with others opinion about healthy life
Social and cultural competence:
- build healthy habits to achieve personal wellbeing.
- give advice for health problems
- observe and comment on an individual’s unhealthy lifestyle
- participate in oral exchanges actively with confidence
Content Assessment/evaluation

Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task

Grammar: be able to: Check ability to : -listen and check then
-passive structures with  listening -talking about longevity repeat.
report verbs -listen for specific -listen again. Answer
- listen to and identify
- talking about eating information related to True or False
words related to
habits the topic -listen to the
longevity, eating habits
- passive: to be conversation. Who has
Longevity 2 and housing
was/were+past participle - giving advice on - use passive voice a sleep disorder?
sleepiness with report verbs Speaking
 speaking
-future passive forms -report result of your
To have something done - ask and answer -comparing healthy and - describe future survey
questions in passive unhealthy habits events with the correct -In pairs, add to the
-allowed/not allowed voice use of the use future list
- suggesting solutions passive form discuss about
Vocabulary: -talk about sleepiness to health issues Mongolian’s eating
-words related to problems -use pre-reading habit in the past
Craving for longevity - talking about eco- strategies (predicting, -Look at the picture
something? 2 -exchange ideas about friendly housing using and describe one of
-report verbs: believe, longevity and good contextual clues) these house
think, observe, say, eating habits - reading advice about before reading paper -Discuss in groups. Is
report healthy habits in and Mongolia ger an eco-
-discuss interests and different sources online articles on friendly dwelling?
2 - food vocabulary preferences about healthy healthy habits. -Answer the question
diet - reading and -In pairs, say if these
-words related to nature , comparing information -successfully statements are true or
housing - describe pictures from different sources recognize vocabulary false.
related to food, Reading
1 -health related  reading housing in different -Read again and
sleep ,sleep expressions -classifying health written texts. choose the best answer
- read and identify main
advice for each sentence
idea of readings
Review/ 1 Pronunciation: -effectively skim a text -Read a newspaper
Testing - pronunciation of report -writing an essay on on healthy habits. section
- scan for specific
verbs the topic “Healthy life” -Read the text. Put the
-classify foods in the verbs in the future
- weak forms of -conduct class survey different categories passive form
-read and identify
was/were and report the results with correct spelling. Writing
sequence of readings
-Find the words from
-contracted forms of will -write a 6 to 8-line the box for the
 Writing
and have paragraph about following definitions
- write sentences in healthy eating habits -Study the sentences
-intonation in reported passive tenses with correct syntax.. and choose a or b.
speech sentence -Rewrite the following
- Write summaries of - answer basic sentences in the
materials read. information questions impersonal passive
about the contents of form.
-write advice on healthy the text. -In pairs add to the list
habits -Match the words to
- order and sequence their meaning
paragraphs in a text -Change the sentences
into the correct
- provide definitions to passive form, where
health related words possible
-make a list of houses
-describe pictures you know
-Copy the chart. Put
- accurately produce the following words in
intonation in reported the correct column.
speech sentence

Communicative language teaching (CLT)

Method and
TPR, KWL, Instructional method
brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-playing,
pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
of lesson
with other Social study , health

Sample assessment tasks

1. Listening and speaking task. Listen and answer True or False. ( Tapescript 38 )
1. Ms Jennifer Santos is a demographer.
2. Gerontologists have found hot spots of longevity.
3.Ms. Jennifer Santos researches long livers.
4. Centenarians from different countries have different diets.
5. They eat a lot of fish and vegetables.
2. Vocabulary task. Now match the words to their meaning.
1. desperately a. need something very much
2. fattening b. relating to food that helps you stay healthier.
3.nutritional c. making fat
4. craving d. very bad, severe
5.chronic e. strong desire or longing
3. Unjumble the words to write the questions.
a. meet/where/girl/did/ blind/ the/ you?
b. learn/she/to/did/How/read?
c. well/do/course/she/How/did/her/in/English?
d. Go/to/did/where/she/school/
e. Well/at/How/school/did/do/you/primary
4. Grammar task. Rewrite the following in the passive as in the example.
Example: They believe she was telling the truth. It is believed that she was telling the truth.
1. They We know that people aged 100 and more are called centenarians.
2. They believe she inherited lots of money.
3. They say he is arriving soon.
4. They claimed he had been there at the time of the murder.
5. They think she is ugly.
6. Chinese live longer because they practice Tai Chi
7. They report that diet is an essential factor to health and longevity.
8. They expect he will win the race.
6. Reading task
The worst tourism
The 1 successful tourist on record is Mr. Scotty from San Francisco. In 1977 he flew from America to his native Italy to visit
relatives. EN ROUTE the plan made a one hour fuel stop at Kennedy Airport. Thinking that he had arrived, Mr Scotty got 2 and
spent two days in New York believing he was in Rome. When his nephews were not there to meet him, Mr. Scotty assumed they had
been delayed in the heavy Roman 3 mentioned in their letters. While tracking down their address, he noticed that modernization had
brushed aside most of the city’s landmarks. He also noticed that many people spoke English with American 4. After twelve hours
traveling round on a bus ,driver handed him to a policeman who spoke only English. Mr. Scotty expressed surprise at the Rome
police force employing someone who didn’t speak his 5 language. Scotty’s brilliance is seen in the fact that even when told he was in
New York, he refused to believe it.
1. a. best b. least c. most d. youngest
2. a. out b. in c. under d. into
3. a. hardships b. darkness c. traffic d. holidays
4. a. mistake b. voice c. trouble d. accent
5. a. Roman b. own c. English d. difficult
6. Writing.
Write about why people live longer than others. Follow this plan:
• a short introduction
• your main idea
• your supporting ideas
• short conclusion

Reflection and enrichment for the unit

Unit 10 - “ Findings ”
Total hours: 8
Previous knowledge: Students are able to talk about internet , modern technology, electronic devices and inventions. They also have already
learned transform sentences and short texts into direct speech.
• Aim :At the end of this unit students will have learnt to produce oral ,written language related the latest findings of scientists and inventions .
• Learning objectives
- listen and identify vocabulary related to inventions, household items and health
- listen and answer factual and comprehension questions.
- listen and convey information and ideas correctly
- listen attentively to others and respond appropriately
- talk about a technology language called Nerdic
- talk about the ancient Mayan calendar and identify differences between Mongolian and Mayan lunar calendars
- discuss about the benefits of breast feeding which is becoming very important nowadays
- discuss about the Mongolian inventions
- retell the texts expressing imagination and creativity
- talk about famous inventions in human history and predict future inventions
- express opinion on modern technology, internet
- ask for and give advice on breastfeeding
- interview classmates on topic gadgets and report it using reported statements
- pronounce intonation in reported statements and commands correctly
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- read an article and identify new vocabulary related to new technology
- skim paragraphs and find general and detailed information
- participate in individual, small group, and whole class reading of texts
- read and compare information from different sources
- write a report about findings
- rewrite the sentences in the reported or direct speech
- complete controlled written drills
- classify and identify the words to talk about time and calendar
- students share with each other their feelings and thoughts on gadgets, new technology and other findings
Social and cultural competence:
- give advice on the importance of breastfeeding
- distinguish Mongolian and other countries’ lunar calendar
- participate in oral exchanges actively with confidence
Content Assessment/evaluation

Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task

Grammar: be able to: -talking about modern Check ability to : -Listen and check ,
-reported statements  listening technology and gadgets -listen for specific then repeat
information related to -Listen to an
- listen to and identify
- talking about the the topic interview. What is it
words related to
- reported questions benefits of about?
Do you longevity, eating habits
(all forms) breastfeeding - report speeches -Listen again. Answer
speak 2 and housing
True, False or non
Nerdic? -passive structure with - giving advice - ask reported mentioned
 speaking
report verbs questions Speaking
It’s believed/thought/ - ask and answer -talking about ancient -Discuss in pairs.
observed/said/reported questions in passive calendar -use passive structure What language do you
voice with report verbs know ?
Vocabulary: - naming household -Have you heard
-technology related -talk about sleepiness items -use pre-reading Nerdic language?
vocabulary problems strategies (predicting, -Report to the class
Boy wonder - talking about using about your findings
2 -language related to -exchange ideas about inventions contextual clues) -.In groups , talk about
inventions and household longevity and good before reading paper the Mongoilan
items eating habits -reporting someone’s and inventions you know
speech online articles on -Answer the question.
- more health related -discuss interests and scientific findings In groups discuss.
2 words preferences about healthy -interviewing people What are the benefits
boost child’s
diet and reporting it - sequence inventions of breastfeeding for
-calendar and other by the date it was the society/employers
words to talk about time - retell the text -writing information invented -Share your answers
paraphrasing sentences paragraphs about with other groups.
The Mayan Pronunciation: findings -rewrite the sentences
calendar - intonation in reported  reading transforming from Reading
speech - read and identify main -writing an e-mail direct into indirect -Read the article and
Review/ 1 idea of readings properly speech choose. Nerdic is a
Testing - intonation in reported language of a) art
commands - scan for specific -successfully b)technology
information recognize vocabulary -Read and decide.
-had+ V-ed related to information , Which is the best
-read and identify technology, inventions answer according to
sequence of readings and health the text?
-Read and choose the
 Writing -name household answer. The Mayans
items had a) two calendars
- write sentences in b) three calendar
passive tenses -write paragraph s -Read again and
about Nerdic language answer the following
- Write summaries of and the questions
materials read. Mayan calendar Writing
-Match the words to
-write advice on healthy - answer basic their definitions
habits information questions -Study the sentences.
about the contents of Then choose a or b in
-draw and label different the text. the explanations below
kinds of food -Rewrite the sentences
- order and sequence in the reported or
paragraphs in a text direct speech
-Write 5-6 sentences
- provide definitions to reporting what the
health related words other students said
-Match the definitions
-describe pictures to the words
-Change the sentences
- produce a correct in exercise 3b into
intonation in reported reported statements or
speech, reported questions.
Communicative language teaching (CLT)
Method and
TPR, KWL, Instructional method
brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-playing,
pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
of lesson
with other Social study , History
Sample assessment tasks
1. Listening and speaking task. Listen and answer True or False. Tapescript (45)
1. Sam is 10 years old
2. He is from England.
3. He discovered a broom when he was 5 years old.
4. Archie is a cartoon inventor.
5. His father is Wallace.
2. Vocabulary task. Match the words to their definitions.
1. Something e.g an object that is belonging to someone toothbrush
2. Relating to someone’s ability to think and understand things gadget
3. A small mechanical device or tool intellectual
4. To increase or improve something dialect
5. A language that people speak in a particular part of country boost
3.Choose the correct word and write complete sentences.
a. In the recent years some companies have built zebra crossing/ramps to make it easier for people with disabilities to enter the buildings
b. he injured his leg when he was cycling. He’s at home now with his right leg in full plaster/wheel chair.
c. She is still suffering from the trauma/rehabilitation of the car accident.
d. A lot of people come to this center to talk about their personal problems and get intensive care/counselling.

4. Grammar task. Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech.

1. “If I were you, I’d apologise,’’ he said .
2. “It’s time we left” he said.
3. “The moon is flat” he said.
4. “Water boils at 100 C.” he said
5. “He is rather boring,” she says.
6. ‘Open the door at once!’. The policeman said to him.
7. “Don’t throw litter out of the window!” Mum said to me.
8. “How did the Prince wake Sleeping Beauty up?” Karen asked Grandma
5. Reading task. Read the text and choose the best answer (A-D) for each of the questions below.
Most people have heard of the Nobel Prize but do you know where the name comes from ? The prize is named after Alfred Nobel, a
Swedish chemist who invented dynamite. Nobel was born in 1833 in Stockholm and studied in St Peterburg, Russia and in the USA.
When he returned home he worked in his father’s factory developing weapons and explosives. In 1864 Alfred’s younger brother and
four other people were killed in an explosion in the factory. After this Alfred dedicated his life to developing safer explosives. Three
years later he made dynamite which was much more stable than any other explosive at that time. Nobel also invented several other
types of explosives and he became very rich, owning factories all over the world. Nobel was worried about some of the uses of his
inventions and he spent a lot of time and money trying to promote world peace. He was also very interested in science and literature
and when he died in 1896 he wanted his money to used to set up the Nobel Prize. Each year this great honour is awarded to someone
who has made a major contribution to World Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Economics and Literature.
1. Alfred Nobel;
A. lived all his life in Russia and the USA
B. had family in St Peterburg
C. travelled abroad to study
D. was A Russian scientist
2. Nobel
A worked in the family business after he finished his studies
B was responsible for his brother’s death
C decided to return to Sweden after an explosion in the factory
D didn’t like his job very much
3. Nobel
A. invented the most dangerous explosives of his time.
B. Didn’t earn much money from his inventions
C. Was only interested in becoming rich
D. Was only anxious about how his work could be used by some people.
4.The Nobel Prize
A. is only given to people who contribute to world peace.
B. is not only awarded to scientists
C. made Alfred Nobel wealthy
D. was not Alfred Nobel’s idea.
6. Writing: Write paragraphs about the benefits of breastfeeding?

Reflection and enrichment for the unit

Unit 11 - “Wishes and dreams”
Total hours: 8
Previous knowledge: Students have learnt to talk about their dreams and make regrets or wishes using conditional sentences
• Aim : At the end of this unit students will have learnt how to tell about present or past wishes, regrets and express opinion about unreal past
• Learning objectives
- listen to and identify vocabulary related to Mongolian culture, Morin khuur and crime
- listen to a song “I wish I were an angel ” and find the main idea in the lyrics
- listen attentively to others and respond appropriately
- talk about wishes and regrets
- talk about Morin khuur music
- debate on horseracing in winter
- ask and answer questions about someone’s wishes and dreams
- express agreement or disagreement
- describe pictures sequencing events
- pronounce intonation in conditional sentences correctly
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.

- read a legend and retell it paraphrasing the events of the story
- skim paragraphs and find general and detailed information
- participate in individual, small group, and whole class reading of a story
- scan an internet article and recognize vocabulary related to crime
- complete controlled written drills
- write a narrative description generalizing information about t Morin khuur
- write an opinion essay about young child jockeys competing in winter
- make a list of wishes
- exchange information about mistakes, regrets, dreams and wishes
Social and cultural competence:
- make goals for the future
- solve problem
- compare Morin khuur with musical instruments of other countries
- cooperate actively in team work
- participate in oral exchanges actively with confidence
Content Assessment/evaluation

Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task

Grammar: be able to: -talking about wishes Check ability to : Listening

-past simple, past perfect  listening and dreams -Listen to the song and
I wish . . . - use past simple, past fill in the blanks with
- listen to and identify
- talking about perfect with these words
words related to
- 1st conditional (present Mongolian culture I wish …. -Listen to the words
Mongolian horseracing
and future forms) and put a tick in the
I wish . . . 2 Morin khuur .
- talking about unreal - use 1st conditional correct box.
-2nd conditional past events -Listen to the Morin
- listen to and recognize
Past simple -use 2nd conditional Khuur music.
vocabulary related to
-talking about Morin
-3rd conditionals khuur music -use 3rdconditional Speaking
Past simple, past perfect -Work in small groups
 speaking -comparing Morin -listen for specific and discuss the
Vocabulary: - ask and answer khuur and musical information related to following questions
-present and past wishes questions using instruments of other the topic -Work in pairs and
conditionals countries answer the questions
Morinkhuur 2 - parts of the Morin - making speculations -describe unreal past -In small groups,
khuur -talk about wishes and actions discuss the morin
dreams - reading and khuur music. Then
-words related to comparing information -express present and report to the class
Seeing your
Mongolian culture -express agreement and from different sources past regrets -In groups, discuss the
2 disagreement following. Use the
through new
-crime vocabulary - skim main ideas expressions in the box.
from text Reading
Pronunciation:  reading -writing paragraphs -Read the text and
about Mongolian - answer basic guess the name of the
- read and identify main
Crime 2 - intonation in culture information questions legend
idea of readings
conditional sentences about the contents of -Read again and
-singing an English the text. answer the questions.
- scan for specific
Review/ 1 song -Read and listen to the
language related to
Testing - order and sequence newspaper interview.
paragraphs in a text Is the picture related to
the interview?
 Writing -order and sequence Read about how
-write paragraphs related events when Baigal describes
to subtopics describing pictures today’s situation and
complete the sentences
- write description about - produce a correct about her dream
Morin khuur intonation in Writing
conditional sentences -Look at the sentences.
- write sentences in Choose a or b to
conditional sentences use pre-reading complete the
strategies (predicting, explanations
- Write summaries of using -Fill in the missing
materials read. contextual clues) instrument parts
before reading paper -Fill in the blanks with
and one of the words
online articles on above.
scientific findings Study the sentences
and answer the
pre-writing (gathering questions a and b.
ideas, planning the -Copy and write
text, research, sentence chains using
organizing the text), If clause with a future
- recognize vocabulary
related to subtopics

Communicative language teaching (CLT)

Method and
TPR, KWL, Instructional method
brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-playing,
pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
of lesson
with other Social study , Literature
Sample assessment tasks
1. Listening and speaking task. Listen to the song ( I wish I were an Angel) and discuss the following:
1. Did you dream last night?
2. Can you remember what you dreamt about?
3. When you dream do you see the colour later?
4. Do you believe dreams come true? If so, why?
5. Describe you dreamt that you became different from now.
6. Describe your memorable dream?

2. Vocabulary task. Match the words to their definitions.

1. angel a person in a law court who states what they know about legal case or a person
2. culture a person that is annoying causes a lot of problem,
3. quilt good spiritual creature in stories or some region
4. trial the way of life esp. general custom and beliefs of a particular group
5. witness feeling of anxiety or unhappiness
3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
1.These computers were Japan. a. made of b. made in c. make from
2 . When the policeman came in, the gunman shot. a. himself b. herself c. itself.
3. I my granny in the afternoon a. am seeing b. will see c. am going to see
4 . My shirt in Thailand. a. was made b. are made c. had been made
5. Paris is London. a. more expensive b. most expensive c. as expensive as
6 .English is than Japanese. a. easier b. more easy c . as easy as
7.There wasn’t milk left in the refrigerator. a. much b. many c. some d
8…...are only seven stations on this metro-line. a. These b. It c. There
9.Mother said ‘’Dinner is ………. a. clear b. ready c. sharp
4. Grammar task. Fill in the correct form to identify the type of conditional.
1. If we lived in a well-built house, we ….( not/be in danger.
2. The car….( not/roll) back as long as you put the brake on.
3. You might cut yourself if you ……( play) with knives.
4. I would always wear a helmet If I …..( be ) you.
5. .If you’d locked the medicine up, he …. ( not/drink) it.
6. If he ….(listen ) to the weather forecast, he wouldn’t have sailed in such stormy weather.
7. What…../ (you/do if there was an emergency landing ?
8 If you hear the alarm,….. (head for) the exit.
9 Supposing you …( get ) stuck in the lift, what will you do?
10 If he had been driving more carefully, he …. ( avoid) the accident.
5. Reading task. Read the text and select the phrase that the best complete.
Power of mind
A frightened woman suddenly sat up in th bed . “Wake up: she shouted to her husband.: “ I just had a terrifying dream. In two hours a
violent storm will loosen the hanging lamp in the baby’s bedroom, and the lamp will fall on the baby’s crib”.
“The weather is clear,” her husband said. You had a bad dream. Lets go back to sleep.” “The woman couldn’t ignore her dream. She
hurried to her baby’s room and brought the sleeping child back to bed with her. Two hours later, a storm did happen. As the woman’s dream had
predicted, the lamp fell on the baby’s bed. Is there a way to explain this woman’s look into the future? What is real not only what our five senses
tell us, the experts say. Many people can and do communicate by means other than the five senses.
Scientists know of a waitress who handed a customer his lunch before she heard his voice. The waitress experienced a type of ESP that
scientists call telepath, or picking up someone else’s unspoken thoughts. So far, no one knows exactly what ESP is or exactly how it works. But
on one thing many expert agree: everyone has a little bit of it.
1. What is ESP?
a. Strange dreams that tell us about ourselves.
b. Knowing something without using the five senses.
c. Studying something no one else knows
d. The art of making things happen by magic
2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
a. A storm awakens a woman and her husband
b. There’s a lamp in the baby’s room.
c. A woman dreams that her baby will be hurt.
d. The woman’s husband is asleep.
3. What prompted the woman to take the baby out of the crib?
a. her dream b. her husband’s dream
b. a storm d. her baby’s cry
4. An example of telepathy is ….
a. predicting an accident
b. knowing that someone is going to call you
c. remembering an event that happened long ago
5. Scientists think that
a. unspoken thought is telepathy
b. everyone has some ESP
c. a waitress experience ESP
d. expert has a bit of ESP
6. Writing: Write about how can you make your dream come true? Follow this plan:
 a short introduction
 your main idea
 your supporting ideas
 short conclusion

Reflection and enrichment for the unit

UNIT-12 "Future "
Total hours: 9
Previous knowledge: At this level students have already learnt how to make decision, plan their further future life.
• Aim : At the end of this unit, students will develop their vocabulary range for traveling , and will have learnt to express their ideas with
present perfect +superlatives; past simple which are related to the subtopics
Listening- Listen for specific purpose
Speaking: - when your partner speaks, remember not to interrupt him/her.
- focus attention on questions asked
- discuss the questions about life experience with your partner
- listen to your partner’s answers and respond accordingly.
- describe people’s travel, life , and learning experience.
- express their own opinions about people’s feelings
- pronounce word stress in adjectives and intonation in Wh-questions and narratives correctly
- speak politely, clearly and fluently in dialogues with others.
- ask for advice and give suggestions
Reading: - skim short texts for specific information
- underline key words in the question
- carefully read the questions, making sure that you know the exact information you must search for.
- read the paragraph/sentence before and after each gap and try to match the topic with that of the missing part.
- make sure that the extra paragraph doesn’t fit into any of the gaps
Writing: - brainstorm vocabulary and ideas
- analyze paragraph focus
- use contextual clues to re-order paragraph
- share with others what they learn about disabled awareness, and to learn how to communicate
Social and cultural competence:
- to know how to travel safely and learn other places’ custom and its’ tradition
Content Assessment/evaluation

Knowledge Skills Application Criteria Task
Grammar: Relative Listening; -talking about Check ability to -Listening
clauses with who, -Listen in order to indigenous people -Listen to their partner
Indigenous people 2 whose, which/that, choose the correct -usage of relative carefully.
where answer -naming countries of cause Speaking
Giving information/ - Speaking; Asia, Africa, Europe -Name the countries where
statistics -Express viewpoints -use infinitive English is the first
Plans and ambitions 2 Verb+infinitive, on given visual Practicing use of form or ing form language
verb+V-ing, prompts. infinitive -Think of your city or
Talking about plans -Deduce the meaning -express opinion aimag and talk about the
More verbs of words from context -identifying relative using their plans place and people, using the
Revision of going to vs. -identify equivalences clauses and ambitions relative pronouns
will between words and -In groups, ask and answer.
Wishes 2
Talking about plans phrasal verbs -brainstorming -identify different What do you want to do in
and dreams after school vocabulary and ideas style of writing life
Vocabulary: Reading;
Aboriginal, islanders, Carefully read the list -describe their Reading
affect, make up, of paragraphs. wishes -Read the text and answer.
Plans and dreams 2 estimated, removal, -Read the -predicting answers Is the information new to
impact, emus, emus, paragraphs/sentences -work with you?.
selfish before and after each vocabulary related -Read again, find and write
Review/Testing 1 Pronunciation: gap and try match the -making their future to plans and the sentences with relative
Sentence stress in topic plans dreams clauses
relative clauses -Look for connections -Read again an divide the
I'd like to... between paragraphs -Reaching their -pronounce I’d like text into 10 paragraphs
I like v+ing such as linking words, -ambitions to … _raed the text and choose
Intonation in narratives phrases/ pronouns, I like v+ing a,b or c
I'm going to study grammar connections -pronouncing sentence -Read extracts from the
I'll study such as verb tenses stress in relative - essays
Writing clauses -Read again and say True
- compare positive or False
and negative quality of -deducing the meaning Writing
character of words from context - -Write a paragraph about
- read texts for specific your place and people there
purpose -predicting answers; -write the sentences you
-identify the main idea listen for specific discussed in activity 4a
- write appropriate -Work on a project about
form of writing for -using adjectives and your plans and ambitions
Communicative language teaching (CLT)
Method and
TPR, KWL, Instructional method
brainstorming, discussion, worksheets and surveys , cloze procedures, cooperative learning, games, party mingling, role-
playing, pictures and visuals, information gap, jigsaw reading etc

Classroom Student motivation; encouragement, techniques, visual aids, friendly atmosphere, warm up, error correcting management, time
management management, use classroom English
Organization of
Pair work, small group, walls and corners, double lines, individual work, whole class work
Integration with
Social study ,Literature
other subjects
Sample assessment tasks
1. Listening and speaking task. Listen to your partner carefully and answer his/ her questions.
1. Do you know any indigenous people?
2. What kind of people might be indigenous people?
3. Do you want to continue your study when you finish high school?
4. Do you plan the things you do? How? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly?
5. Do you know what you do in advance?
6. How did the invention of television change people's life? Do you think it is a useful invention?
7. What is the role of television in your life?
8. Can you name some inventions are you looking forward to? (human cloning, time traveling, eternal-life-pill, AIDS\cancer vaccine,
9. What would you invent if you are a scientist?

2. Vocabulary task. Match the words to their definitions.

1. Colonial gradable relating to or belonging to the armed force.
2. An ancestor strong desire for success or achievement
3. Ambition a person who is related to one existing at a later point time.
4. Military country who lives in a colony
5. Indigenous naturally existing in a place or country
3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
1.. I’m afraid I really couldn’t eat any more. I’m ``a. full up ````b. fed up ````c. famished
2. It’s a …..of time talking to James. He never listens . a. lot b. loss c. waste
3. Don’t tell Allan about John and Mary. You know he can’t .a secret .a. keep b. save c. stop
4. May I borrow your pen Tom? I seem to have mine at home .a. missed b. forgotten c. lost
5. Although someone had seen him take the watch, he still .a. denied b. use c. take
6. I …..a very good program on TV last night .a. have seen b. saw c. was seeing
7. He was standing right next to you. You him. a. must have seen b. could have seen
8 you decide to go to the countryside, let me know. A. Whenever b. Whoever. c. whatever
4. Grammar task. Write the sentences and put in the relative pronouns who, where, which, that those where
1. The cat…… is sitting at the window belongs to my aunt.
2. Ann……… car was stolen, is very upset.
3. The man…… is standing next to John is my cousin.
4. 1966…. was the year I got divorce.
5. The Smiths usually stay in a hotel ….. is owned by a man…. son they know.
6. I’ll give you the book…. You must read.
7. The region of Mongolia… we like to hike is Khangai … is to the west of Ulaanbatar.
8. The neighbor … car you can see in the garage travels a lot.
5. Reading. Read the text and do the following tasks.
Marriage in the United States
Many single people in the United States have trouble finding a marriage partner. In the past, sometimes friends would help by becoming
matchmakers. They would introduce a man and a woman and sometimes the man would fall in love and get married. But today, many people
pay companies called dating services to help them find partners. And even if the dating service doesn’t always find them someone to marry, it at
least find them someone to date. Getting marriage had changed in some ways. In the past, the man proposed to the woman. But now sometimes
woman ask the man to marry her. After the couple decides to marry, the man gives the woman a ring. She wears it on her left hand to show that
they are engaged. When they run away and get married privately8 there are often disappointed because they wanted their children to have a big
A .Comprehension check; Select the best answer to the question.
1.Who helped people to get married in the past? A. Friends b. matchmakers c. parents
2.What does the dating service do? A. It divorces people b. It introduces peoplec. It runs business
3.What is the change in the marriage, nowadays? A. Women ask the men to marry b. man ask the woman to marry c. man
and woman wear a ring.
4.What is the evidence of being engaged? A. hand b. a ring c. a wedding
5.Why do some parents get disappointed?
a. Because their children don’t get married b. because their children are single
b. Because they want their children to celebrate the wedding.
6. Writing: Write about your plan for the future. Follow this plan:
 a short introduction
 your main idea
 your supporting ideas
 short conclusion

Reflection and enrichment for the unit

- Монгол улсын боловсролын стандарт
- English-7 student’s book 2008
- ЕБС-ийн гадаад хэлний сургөлтын загварууд НБГ 2006 он
- ЕБС-ийн 12 жилийн сургуулийн 7,9-р ангийн шилжилтийн төлөвлөгөө, хөтөлбөр , зөвлөмж БСШУЯ 2009
- Teach English Adrian Doff 1993
- Grammar practice activities : a practical guide for teachers Cambridge university 1995
- Learning English is fun- 10 grade Education international and Canadian teacher’s federation 2007

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